2 research outputs found
Guidelines for School Health Programs to Prevent Tobacco Use and Addiction
- Author
- Best
- Botvin
- Botvin
- Botvin
- Botvin
- Botvin
- Botvin
- Brink
- Cigarette smoking-attributable mortality and years of potential life lost
- Clarke
- Connell
- Errecart
- Flay
- Flay
- Flay
- Flay
- Gallup
- Glantz
- Glynn
- Gold
- Grimes
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Hatziandreu
- Healthy People 2000
- Kann
- Kolbe
- Leventhal
- Marcus
- McGinnis
- Murray
- National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
- National Institute on Drug Abuse
- National Institutes of Health
- Office of Substance Abuse Prevention
- Office of Technology Assessment
- Office of the Inspector General
- Pentz
- Perry
- Perry
- Perry
- Perry
- Pierce
- Pierre
- Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People
- Recent trends in adolescent smoking smoking-uptake correlates, and expectations about the future
- Reducing the Health Consequences of Smoking
- Respiratory Health Effects of Passive Smoking
- School Programs to Prevent Smoking
- Smoking and Health
- Steenland
- Swisher
- Taioli
- The Health Benefits of Smoking Cessation
- The Health Consequences of Involuntary Smoking
- The Health Consequences of Smoking
- The Health Consequences of Smoking
- The Health Consequences of Smoking
- The Health Consequences of Smoking
- The Health Consequences of Smoking for Women
- The National Commission on the Role of the School and the Community in Improving Adolescent Health
- Tobler
- Tortu
- Walter
- Walter
- Weissman
- Yamaguchi
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The key to prevention of lung cancer: Stop smoking
- Author
- American Cancer Society
- Bailar
- Bandura
- Benfari
- Berlin
- Best
- Byers
- Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination
- Cancer and chronic lung disease in the workplace
- Clavel
- Committee on Diet Nutrition and Cancer
- Cummings
- Dalton
- Davis
- Doll
- Early Lung Cancer Cooperative Study
- Garfinkel
- Higenbottam
- Hinds
- Hughes
- Hunt
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Johnson
- Johnston-Early
- Meyer
- Miller
- Nancy L. Risser
- National Center for Health Statistics
- Ockene
- Ooi
- Orleans
- Oster
- Pechacek
- Pechacek
- Pederson
- Pederson
- Risser
- Russell
- Russell
- Salomon
- Schachter
- Schwartz
- Selikoff
- Seltzer
- Smoking and health
- Strecher
- Subcommittee of the Research Committee of the British Thoracic Society
- The health consequences of smoking
- The health consequences of smoking
- The Health Consequences of Smoking for Women
- The Occupational and Environmental Health Committee of the American Lung Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties
- Tunstall
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study