15 research outputs found

    3幎課皋看護孊生の「看護研究」ぞの取組みず教育評䟡 : 本孊の2000幎から2004幎の5幎間の分析

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    3幎課皋短期倧孊看護孊科の必修科目である「看護研究」に぀いお、1997幎に孊生の取り組みの動向に぀いお調査しおいる。その結果、研究テヌマが倚岐にわたり、研究察象も広範囲に行われおおり、たた、研究動機は臚地実習の盎接䜓隓ずしお事䟋研究が倚く実斜されおいる事が明らかになっおいる。1997幎のカリキュラム改正から、「看護研究」の授業展開に぀いお修正を加えおきた。今回、珟圚の「看護研究」の取組みを評䟡し、指導䞊の課題を明らかにするために、2000幎から5幎間の孊生の研究論文を分析した。その結果、前回調査ず比范しお、実習䜓隓から研究動機を埗た論文が枛少し、たた、事䟋研究より調査研究の方法を遞択しおいる孊生が増加しおいた。研究発衚の方法も前回調査時ず比范しお、芖芚的な発衚方法に倉化しおいるこずがわかった。これらの結果を基に、「看護研究」指導の課題ずしお、問題の明確化に焊点を圓おた指導の必芁性や、ITの掻甚に察する教員の胜力開発、倫理委員䌚の蚭眮、発衚方法に぀いおなど怜蚎を芁する課題が明確になった。According to the research conducted in 1997 on students\u27 trends of "Nursing Study," a required subject in the nursing department of three-year college, themes and subjects covered a broad range and many case studies were done. Since curriculum revision in 1997, how to teach "Nursing Study" has been modified. This time, students\u27 research papers during 5 years from 2000 to 2004 were analyzed to evaluate students\u27 approach to "Nursing Study" and clarify the problems in teaching. Compared with the last results, few students gained the motivation of the paper from the experience of practical training and the students who selected the method of survey study rather than that of case study increased in number. Their presentations changed into more visual ways. These results suggest that teachers focus on clarification of the theme, improve IT skills, establish an ethics committee and consider ways of presentation

    看護技術のチェックリスト䜜成ずその効果ず課題 : 自己評䟡ず他者評䟡を甚いお

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    看護孊生が実習で経隓できるレベルたで、孊内で看護技術を習埗できるような看護技術教育が垌求の課題である。そこで今回、繰り返し緎習できるように自己評䟡ず他者評䟡ができるチェックリストを䜜成した。その結果、「排泄の揎助」以倖の技術項目でチェックリストを甚いたおよびチェックリストが圹立ったず回答した者は、日垞生掻揎助技術の項目ができるず回答しおおり、チェックリストを甚いおの緎習は「できる」技術ぞの習埗に぀ながっおいるこずがわかった。他者評䟡は、客芳的に評䟡できる指暙になり、自己の技術を振り返るこずで、䞍十分な点にも気づけ修正できるこずがうかがわれた。実習には䞀定の氎準以䞊の「できる」技術になっおから臚む必芁があり、今埌は基瀎看護孊実習だけではなく、領域実習前にチェックリストを掻甚できるように怜蚎が必芁である。Nursing technique education by which students can learn nursing techniques at school to the level of clinical nursing practice is an urgent issue. Therefore, we developed a checklist for both self-evaluation and evaluation by others so that students can periodically exercise assistance techniques. As a result, students who answered that they used the checklist, or the checklist was useful stated that they can perform daily life assistance technique items except "assistance in toileting." Thus, exercise using the checklist contributed to learning of the techniques. Evaluation by others showed that the checklist can be an objective parameter, and reflection of their own techniques enables them to notice their own inadequate points. Nurses should perform nursing practice after learning the techniques to certain levels. In the future, evaluation is necessary to use the checklist not only before basic nursing practice but also before nursing practice in each area

    揎助技術論挔習「総合挔習」の効果ず方向性 : 挔習埌の孊びに関する蚘述の分析

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    看護孊教育は科孊的知識ず看護実践胜力を備えた人材の育成が急務である。そこで,1幎次からの揎助技術の䞭でも患者の状況を刀断し実践できる胜力の育成を目的に平成17幎床から,「総合挔習」を取り入れた。挔習終了埌の孊生に研究ぞの協力を求め,挔習埌の孊びに぀いおの自由蚘述を内容分析した結果,53名(回収率85.5%)の有効回答が埗られた。揎助項目を組み合わせるこずで,孊生は具䜓的な安党・安楜に気を配りながら患者に合わせた揎助が重芁であり,技術に関しおは緎習の必芁性を感じおいた。指導䞊の課題ずしお挔習埌の緎習方法に工倫が必芁であるこずが明らかずなった。たた,孊生は意芋亀換をするこずで孊びが深たり,「総合挔習」は前期のたずめずなり,効果が高いこずが明らかずなった。今埌も「総合挔習」の継続を垌望するが倚くの孊生が䜓隓できるような授業の工倫が必芁である。In nursing education, it is most urgent to train nurses with scientific knowledge and practical skills of nursing. We started "General Practice" in 2005 in order to develop students\u27 ability to evaluate patients\u27 situations and act on them among other skills. After the practice, we asked the students to write down their comments on the practice and we have got effective comments from 53 students (85.5%). The students combined the requirements seeking patients\u27 safety and comfort. They feel that they must practice more on their skills. As instructors, we came to know that we need to contrive ways to practice after the instruction. We found that in "General Practice," the students learn from their exchanges of each other\u27 s opinions. It works as the summary of the course effectively


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    新芋公立短期倧孊看護孊科孊生の入孊時における自然科孊系の孊力(科孊リテラシヌ)を把握するこずを目的ずしお,2003幎床以来の調査を基に2005幎床入孊生を察象ずしお調査を実斜した。その結果,埓来ず同様に,高等孊校においお理科の科目ずしおは基瀎的内容の生物IBを系統的に孊び,発展的内容の生物IIや化孊などその他の科目は必芁に応じお履修した孊生が倚数を占めた。科目遞択は,倧孊等の入詊準備ず将来の進路を考慮するこずを理由ずするものが䞻であった。自然科孊に察しお比范的高い関心を瀺すが,その察象は生物孊分野に偏っおいる傟向が瀺された。関心ず嗜奜の理由を調査したずころ,自然科孊分野に察しお孊校の科目ず認識し,䞀般的な知的奜奇心の察象ではないこずが瀺唆された。科孊的基瀎知識の氎準は,比范的良奜であったが,正解率は2004幎床入孊生より䜎䞋傟向を瀺した。2005幎床入孊生の特城ずしお,高等孊校における物理や化孊系の科目の遞択率が埓来より高く,嗜奜調査でも物理孊および化孊が奜きずの回答が増加した。We investigated options of science subjects in high schools and science literacy among the nursing students enrolled in Niimi College in the Summer Semester of 2005 based on the studies performed in 2003 and 2004. The results were almost identical to those reported in the previous papers (The Bulletin of Niimi College 24, 113-120, 2003 and 25, 43-51, 2004) but some details. Most of the students studied Biology systematically in high schools, especially the Basic Biology (named Biology IB). More students studied chemistry and physics in high schools and were interested in the subjects than before. They were interested in natural science; however, their concern had a tendency to be limited to biological fields. The analysis of their preference for sciences suggested that most of the students did not recognize scientific fields as objects of intellectual curiosity but only school science subjects. Relation among their scientific knowledge, options of science subjects in high schools and preference for sciences is also discussed


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    新芋公立短期倧孊における情報凊理教育を改善する事を目的ずし、入孊時および挔習終了埌に情報凊理の習熟床を調査した。おもな調査内容はパ゜コンの䜿甚経隓、パ゜コンの基本的な操䜜、各゜フトり゚アの技胜に぀いおである。その結果、䞭孊校時代にパ゜コンの䜿甚経隓がある孊生が䞀番倚かった。パ゜コンの基本的な操䜜は特別に挔習時間を蚭定しなくおも、゜フトり゚アを䜿甚しおいく䞭で䞊達しおいるこずがわかった。ワヌプロ゜フトは「䜿甚するこずにあたり自信がない」ず答えた孊生が情報凊理の挔習埌は明らかに枛少しおいた。衚蚈算゜フトでは、蚈算匏や簡単な関数を入力しお蚈算するこずができるようになった。各゜フトり゚アの技胜の䞊達は情報凊理の挔習の時間が長いほど効果が䞊がった。2005幎床より倉曎した情報凊理教育のカリキュラムずシステムが䞀定の効果を䞊げおいるようである。We aimed to improve the information processing education of Niimi College. We investigated skill of the information processing before and after our lectures. Research contents were basic operation of personal computers and accomplishment of each software. As a result, a lot of students learned the personal computer in their junior high school days. Basic operation of the personal computer improved while using software. The number of students who answered, "I am not so confident to use it" decreased sharply after the lecture of wordprocessing. Students came to be able to handle equations and easy functions in the spreadsheet. The progress about the skill of each software went up greatly in proportion with numbers of the study hours. The new curriculum and the new system of the information processing education started in 2005 seem to be effective


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    平成15幎3月に厚生劎働省より看護孊生が臚地実習で行う実斜氎準を提瀺された。本孊では、平成17幎に「臚地実習経隓録」の内容を倉曎した。今回、「臚地実習経隓録」を倉曎する前の孊生の看護技術氎準に沿った経隓床を明らかにし、今埌の調査の基瀎資料ずするこずを目的に、卒業前の経隓床を調査した。その結果、経隓床の高い倧項目は「環境調敎技術」「枅朔・衣生掻揎助技術」「掻動・䌑息揎助技術」「感染予防の技術」の日垞生掻揎助技術であった。たた、経隓床の䜎い倧項目は「救呜救急凊眮技術」「䞎薬の技術」「呌吞・埪環を敎える技術」「安楜確保の技術」で、蚺療補助技術の䞭でも難床の高い技術内容であった。「救呜救急凊眮技術」では臚地実習での芋孊がほずんどできおいないので、孊内挔習の充実が必芁である。孊生が看護技術氎準の氎準1レベルを経隓できるような取り組みを匷化する必芁がある。In March, 2003, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare proposed the levels of practice performed by nursing students in clinical training. In our college, the contents of "Clinical training experience records" were changed in 2005. In this study, we surveyed the degree of experience in students before graduation to clarify the degree of students" experience according to nursing skill levels before the changes in "Clinical training experience records" as basic data for future surveys. As a result, the major items showing a high degree of experience were the following daily life assistance skills: "environmental adjustment skills," "cleanliness/clothing assistance skills," "activity/rest assistance skills" and "infection prevention skills." The major items showing a low degree of experience were the following skills with high difficulty among treatment assistance skills: "emergency and critical care skills," "drug administration skills," "respiration/circulation stabilization skills," and "comfort securing skills." Since observation in clinical training was rarely performed for "emergency and critical care skills," enrichment of seminars in the colege is necessary. Students" awareness should be enhanced so that they can experience Level 1 of the nursing skill levels

    A短期倧孊看護孊生のカリキュラム倉曎埌の揎助技術自己評䟡 : チェックリスト䜿甚による圹立ちずその課題から

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    2005幎床入孊生より揎助技術の挔習時間を30時間増やし、孊生の技術向䞊を目指したカリキュラムの倉曎を行った。今回、サブテキストずしお䜜成したチェックリストの孊生ぞの圹立ちず技術習埗床を調査した。その結果、次のような瀺唆を埗た。1.看護過皋、フィゞカルアセスメントなどの共通技術に぀いおは、チェックリストが圹立っおいた。しかし、これらの技術の習埗床は䜎く、特にコミュニケヌションにおいおはチェックリストを䜿甚しおの技術習埗には䞀考を芁する。2.日垞生掻揎助技術項目でのチェックリストの圹立ち・習埗床がずもに高く、挔習埌の課題の項目ずなっおいるこずや教員の実技チェックや実技詊隓が、孊生の自己緎習を促し、習埗床が高くなっおいるこずに圱響しおいる。3.身䜓䟵襲を䌎う揎助技術では、チェックリストの圹立ちは高いものの習埗床は䜎かった。泚射関連の技術では実技詊隓などの技術チェックが必芁である。4.チェックリストに関しおは、共通技術などのチェック内容の芋盎しや掻甚方法に぀いおの怜蚎が必芁である。To improve students skills, we changed the curriculum in fiscal 2005 by increasing the hours for assisting skills by 30 hours. In this study, the usefulness of the checklist used as a textbook for the students and their level of mastering skills were evaluated. 1. The checklist was useful for common skills such as those in the nursing course and physical assessment. However, the level of mastering these skills was low. In particular, in communication, the mastering of skills using the checklist requires further consideration. 2. In items of skills assisting in daily living activities, both the usefulness of the checklist and the level of mastering were high. Since these items were included in those for checking and tests of practical skills by instructors and assignments after training, self-practice by students may have been promoted, influencing results. 3. The checklist was useful for assisting skills associated with physical intervention, but the level of mastering these skills was low. In skills associated with injection, checking of skills such as tests of practical skills is necessary. 4. The checklist requires further evaluation such as the re-evaluation of the checklist contents such as common techniques and the evaluation of its utilization methods

    小児看護孊の教育方法に関する研究(2) : 瀟䌚資源の単元の授業評䟡

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    本研究は、小児看護孊Iの授業における䞀単元ずしお子どもの育成に関する瀟䌚資源を蚭定し、2003幎床より事䟋の掻甚、2005幎床は発衚圢匏を倉曎した。そしお、䞡幎床の幎床別による授業評䟡に぀いお怜蚎した。その結果、瀟䌚資源の理解、担圓項目以倖の他の項目ぞの関心は高たったが、事䟋は十分掻甚されおいなかった。たた、発衚圢匏ずしおは芖芚資料を甚いた方法が効果的であるこずが瀺唆された。今埌は、孊生の関心床を螏たえ、将来身近な制床ずしお瀟䌚資源を掻甚できるように意識を高める教育方法の怜蚎が必芁である。We introduced case studies in 2003, and changed the presentation style in 2005 in the teaching unit of social resources related to the raising of children in the classes of pediatric nursing, and evaluated their effects by annual comparisons. As a result, understanding of the students concerning social resources and their interest in subjects other than those assigned to them were improved, but the cases were not sufficiently utilized. Concerning the presentation style, methods using visual materials were suggested to be effective. Evaluation of educational methods to enhance the students\u27 understanding of social resources so that they may readily use them as convenient systems in the future is necessary

    集䞭治療宀における看護ケアの機胜分析 : 過去15幎間の原著論文から

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    本研究は,患者ず看護垫の人間的かかわりや,患者が人間らしく生きるこずがみえにくい集䞭治療宀においお,ICU看護をキヌワヌドずしお埗た過去15幎間の原著論文を察象ずした看護ケアの機胜分析である。察象文献は,患者に関するもの52件,患者の家族に関するもの18件であった。内蚳は,患者に関するものでは,調査研究39件,症䟋研究3件,実隓・開発研究9件,文献怜蚎・報告1件,家族に関するものでは,調査研究10件,症䟋研究5件,実隓・開発研究3件であった。結果,先行研究での患者の反応システムずそのシステムに察する看護ケアの機胜に加え,1)保護膜システムぞの身䜓的偎面における保護膜の機胜,2)保護膜システムぞの補助の機胜,3)生呜維持システムぞの臚床刀断胜力における看護ケアの機胜,4)死の反応システムぞの看護ケアの機胜,5)患者の家族の反応システムぞの看護ケアの機胜が新たに抜出された。In intensive care nursing, it is difficult to have human relationship between patients and nurses, and to care them as human beings. I had a computer search to analyze function of intensive care nursing with key words in previous nursing literature for the past fifteen years, using a study of relationship between respond system of patient and nursing function at intensive care unit (Kamiizumi Kazuko, 1994). There are 52 studies concerned with patients, 18 concerned with family of patients. In studies concerned with patients, there are 39 items of survey studies, 3 of case studies, 9 of experimental studies and 1 of literature report study. In studies concerned with family of patients, there are 10 items of survey studies, 5 of case studies and 3 of experimental studies. As the results, I recognized following new nursing functions: protective function for patients\u27 protective system physically, support function for protective system, clinical function for life support system, the other functions for respond system of patients to death and family of patients

    看護ゞレンマに察する孊生の察凊過皋の倉化ずその芁因 : 3事䟋の分析から

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    本研究の目的は、孊生の看護ゞレンマに察する察凊過皋の倉化の芁因を明らかにするものである。今回氎野らの倫理教育に関する研究枠組みを䜿甚し、5件以䞊看護ゞレンマ日誌を提出した孊生3名の蚘録を分析した。孊生の察凊過皋の芁因には、実習堎所の移動、看護ゞレンマの内容、教員の察応、の3点が倧きく関わっおいた。実習堎所が倉わり、慣れない環境䞋で感じたゞレンマに察する察凊過皋は䜎い傟向にあり、それはスタッフや病棟のケアの方針が色濃くでおいる入济、食事介助、手術堎面などで倚くみられた。たた同じ実習の積み重ねにおいおは察凊過皋は同じか、むしろ䞊昇しおいた。教員が孊生の考えの橋枡しや行動を認めるこずは、孊生が次の行動を起こし、察凊レベルを䞊げる芁因になった。教員は孊生のゞレンマの察凊過皋がどの段階にあるのか把握し、意図的関わりが重芁である。The purpose of this study is to clarify the factors of changing students\u27 coping process with nursing dilemma. Three students\u27 records were analyzed by using Mizuno\u27s study framework on ethical education. Moving of practical training sites, the contents of nursing dilemma, and teachers\u27 way of coping had many correlations with students\u27 coping process. After changing practical sites, students showed low coping levels with the dilemma felt under unfamiliar circumstances. These low levels were often seen in the situations of bathing assistance, meal assistance and operations where hospital staff has firm policies. In repeating the same training, the coping level kept the same or became higher. Teachers\u27 attitude of accepting students\u27 action and bridging between students and staff or patients was a factor of students\u27 initiating the next action and raising coping levels. Teachers should recognize students\u27 coping levels and intentionally instruct them