13 research outputs found

    Comprehensive treatise of Hevansia and three new genera Jenniferia, Parahevansia and Polystromomyces on spiders in Cordycipitaceae from Thailand

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    Collections of pathogenic fungi found on spiders from Thailand were selected for a detailed taxonomic study. Morphological comparison and phylogenetic analyses of the combined ITS, LSU, tef1, rpb1 and rpb2 sequence data indicated that these specimens formed new independent lineages within the Cordycipitaceae, containing two new genera occurring on spiders, i.e. Jenniferia gen. nov. and Polystromomyces gen. nov. Two new species in Jenniferia, J. griseocinerea sp. nov. and J. thomisidarum sp. nov., are described. Two strains, NHJ 03510 and BCC 2191, initially named as Akanthomyces cinereus (Hevansia cinerea), were shown to be part of Jenniferia. By including sequences of putative Hevansia species from GenBank, we also revealed Parahevansia as a new genus with the ex-type strain NHJ 666.01 of Pa. koratensis, accommodating specimens previously named as Akanthomyces koratensis (Hevansia koratensis). One species of Polystromomyces, Po. araneae sp. nov., is described. We established an asexual-sexual morph connection for Hevansia novoguineensis (Cordycipitaceae) with ex-type CBS 610.80 and proposed a new species, H. minuta sp. nov. Based on characteristics of the sexual morph, Hevansia and Polystromomyces share phenotypic traits by producing stipitate ascoma with fertile terminal heads; however, they differ in the shape and colour of the stipes. Meanwhile, Jenniferia produces non-stipitate ascoma with aggregated superficial perithecia forming a cushion. A new morphology of ascospores in Jenniferia is described, illustrated and compared with other species in Cordycipitaceae

    Is Hyperdermium Congeneric with Ascopolyporus? Phylogenetic Relationships of Ascopolyporus spp. (Cordycipitaceae, Hypocreales) and a New Genus Neohyperdermium on Scale Insects in Thailand

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    During surveys of insect pathogenic fungi (IPF) in Thailand, fungi associated with scale insects and plants were found to represent five new species of the genus Ascopolyporus in Cordycipitaceae. Their macroscopic features resembled both Hyperdermium and Ascopolyporus. Morphological comparisons with the type and known Ascopolyporus and Hyperdermium species and phylogenetic evidence from a multigene dataset support the appointment of a new species of Ascopolyporus. Moreover, the data also revealed that the type species of Hyperdermium, H. caulium, is nested within Ascopolyporus, suggesting that Hyperdermium is congeneric with Ascopolyporus. The specimens investigated here differ from other Ascopolyporus species by phenotypic characters including size and color of stromata. Phylogenetic analyses of combined LSU, TEF1, RPB1 and RPB2 sequences strongly support the notion that these strains are distinct from known species of Ascopolyporus, and are proposed as Ascopolyporus albus, A. galloides, A. griseoperitheciatus, A. khaoyaiensis and A. purpuratus. Neohyperdermium gen. nov. is introduced for other species originally assigned to Hyperdermium and Cordyceps occurring on scale insects and host plants as epiphytes, accommodating two new combinations of Hyperdermium pulvinatum and Cordyceps piperis

    Diversity of Akanthomyces on moths (Lepidoptera) in Thailand

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    Akanthomyces is a genus of invertebrate-pathogenic fungi from the family Cordycipitaceae (Ascomycota, Hypocreales). Its species occurs on two different types of hosts, spiders and insects, and in the latter case specifically Lepidoptera adults. Three new species of Akanthomyces, A. noctuidarum, A. pyralidarum, and A. tortricidarum occurring on adult moths from Thailand are proposed based on the differences of their morphological characteristics and molecular data. Phylogenetic analyses using a combined dataset, including the internal transcribed spacer regions, the large subunit of the ribosomal DNA, translation elongation factor 1-α, the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, and the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, support the delimitation of these new species in Akanthomyces

    Studies on the biologically active secondary metabolites of the new spider parasitic fungus Gibellula gamsii

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    Numerous gatherings of a new species of the genus Gibellula, closely resembling the monotypic, neotropical G. mirabilis were encountered in Thailand. The taxon was cultured successfully although no in vitro sporulation was observed. The new species, Gibellula gamsii, could be distinguished from closely related other Gibellula species on the basis of morphological features and phylogenetic inferences recruiting concatenated sequences of five DNA loci including ITS, LSU, RPB1, RPB2, and EF1-α. The secondary metabolites of G. gamsii, strain BCC47868, were studied concurrently after preparative separation of the crude extract by preparative high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Two new 1,3-disubstituted β-carboline alkaloids, for which we propose the trivial names, gibellamines A (1) and B (2), were isolated. The chemical structures of these compounds were elucidated by interpretation of spectral data, generated by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS). The alkaloid 1 also exhibited moderate anti-biofilm activity against Staphylococcus aureus

    Disentangling cryptic species with isaria-like morphs in Cordycipitaceae

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    <p>A new genus and eight new species, all with isaria-like phialides, are described in Cordycipitaceae from Thailand. The new genus, <i>Samsoniella</i>, is segregated from <i>Akanthomyces</i> based on morphological and molecular evidence. <i>Samsoniella</i> differs from <i>Akanthomyces</i> in producing orange cylindrical to clavate stromata with superficial perithecia and orange conidiophores with isaria-like phialides and white to cream conidia. A new combination for CBS 240.32, originally identified as <i>Paecilomyces farinosus</i> (<i>Isaria farinosa</i>), and CBS 262.58, originally identified as <i>Penicillium alboaurantium</i>, respectively, is made in <i>Samsoniella</i>. Two new species, <i>Samsoniella aurantia</i> and <i>S. inthanonensis</i>, are described from lepidopteran larvae. Two new species of <i>Cordyceps, C. blackwelliae</i> and <i>C. lepidopterorum</i>, were also found on coleopteran and lepidopteran larvae. Both produce isaria-like morphs with globose phialides and attenuated long necks and white mycelium in culture. The authors established a sexual-asexual link for <i>Cordyceps javanica</i> (= <i>Isaria javanica</i>) on lepidopteran larvae. Four new species, <i>Akanthomyces kanyawimiae, A. sulphureus, A. thailandicus</i>, and <i>A. waltergamsii</i>, were pathogenic on spiders, with some strains of <i>A. kanyawimiae</i> also found on unidentified insect larvae. These four species of <i>Akanthomyces</i> occur on the underside of leaves and produce white to cream white powdery conidia, whereas <i>S. aurantia</i> and <i>S. inthanonensis</i> were found in leaf litter and produce bright orange stromata and synnemata with white conidia. Another new combination, <i>Akanthomyces ryukyuensis</i>, is proposed. Phylogenetic analyses based on a combined data set comprising the nuc rDNA region encompassing the internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 along with the 5.8S rDNA (ITS), nuc 28S rDNA (28S), partial sequences of translation elongation factor 1-α gene (<i>TEF1</i>), and the genes for RNA polymerase II largest (<i>RPB1</i>) and second-largest (<i>RPB2</i>) subunits strongly support the delimitation of these new species of <i>Cordyceps, Akanthomyces</i>, and in a new genus <i>Samsoniella</i> in Cordycipitaceae.</p

    Fungal diversity notes 111–252—taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa

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    International audienceThis paper is a compilation of notes on 142 fungal taxa, including five new families, 20 new genera, and 100 new species, representing a wide taxonomic and geographic range. The new families, Ascocylindricaceae, Caryosporaceae and Wicklowiaceae (Ascomycota) are introduced based on their distinct lineages and unique morphology. The new Dothideomycete genera Pseudomassariosphaeria (Amniculicolaceae), Heracleicola, Neodidymella and Pseudomicrosphaeriopsis (Didymellaceae), Pseudopithomyces (Didymosphaeriaceae), Brunneoclavispora, Neolophiostoma and Sulcosporium (Halotthiaceae), Lophiohelichrysum (Lophiostomataceae), Galliicola, Populocrescentia and Vagicola (Phaeosphaeriaceae), Ascocylindrica (Ascocylindricaceae), Elongatopedicellata (Roussoellaceae), Pseudoasteromassaria (Latoruaceae) and Pseudomonodictys (Macrodiplodiopsidaceae) are introduced. The newly described species of Dothideomycetes (Ascomycota) are Pseudomassariosphaeria bromicola (Amniculicolaceae), Flammeascoma lignicola (Anteagloniaceae), Ascocylindrica marina (Ascocylindricaceae), Lembosia xyliae (Asterinaceae), Diplodia crataegicola and Diplodia galiicola (Botryosphaeriaceae), Caryospora aquatica (Caryosporaceae), Heracleicola premilcurensis and Neodidymella thailandicum (Didymellaceae), Pseudopithomyces palmicola (Didymosphaeriaceae), Floricola viticola (Floricolaceae), Brunneoclavispora bambusae, Neolophiostoma pigmentatum and Sulcosporium thailandica (Halotthiaceae), Pseudoasteromassaria fagi (Latoruaceae), Keissleriella dactylidicola (Lentitheciaceae), Lophiohelichrysum helichrysi (Lophiostomataceae), Aquasubmersa japonica (Lophiotremataceae), Pseudomonodictys tectonae (Macrodiplodiopsidaceae), Microthyrium buxicola and Tumidispora shoreae (Microthyriaceae), Alloleptosphaeria clematidis, Allophaeosphaeria cytisi, Allophaeosphaeria subcylindrospora, Dematiopleospora luzulae, Entodesmium artemisiae, Galiicola pseudophaeosphaeria, Loratospora luzulae, Nodulosphaeria senecionis, Ophiosphaerella aquaticus, Populocrescentia forlicesenensis and Vagicola vagans (Phaeosphaeriaceae), Elongatopedicellata lignicola, Roussoella magnatum and Roussoella angustior (Roussoellaceae) and Shrungabeeja longiappendiculata (Tetraploasphaeriaceae). The new combinations Pseudomassariosphaeria grandispora, Austropleospora archidendri, Pseudopithomyces chartarum, Pseudopithomyces maydicus, Pseudopithomyces sacchari, Vagicola vagans, Punctulariopsis cremeoalbida and Punctulariopsis efibulata Dothideomycetes. The new genera Dictyosporella (Annulatascaceae), and Tinhaudeus (Halosphaeriaceae) are introduced in Sordariomycetes (Ascomycota) while Dictyosporella aquatica (Annulatascaceae), Chaetosphaeria rivularia (Chaetosphaeriaceae), Beauveria gryllotalpidicola and Beauveria loeiensis (Cordycipitaceae), Seimatosporium sorbi and Seimatosporium pseudorosarum (Discosiaceae), Colletotrichum aciculare, Colletotrichum fusiforme and Colletotrichum hymenocallidicola (Glomerellaceae), Tinhaudeus formosanus (Halosphaeriaceae), Pestalotiopsis subshorea and Pestalotiopsis dracaenea (Pestalotiopsiceae), Phaeoacremonium tectonae (Togniniaceae), Cytospora parasitica and Cytospora tanaitica (Valsaceae), Annulohypoxylon palmicola, Biscogniauxia effusae and Nemania fusoideis (Xylariaceae) are introduced as novel species to order Sordariomycetes. The newly described species of Eurotiomycetes are Mycocalicium hyaloparvicellulum (Mycocaliciaceae). Acarospora septentrionalis and Acarospora castaneocarpa (Acarosporaceae), Chapsa multicarpa and Fissurina carassensis (Graphidaceae), Sticta fuscotomentosa and Sticta subfilicinella (Lobariaceae) are newly introduced in class Lecanoromycetes. In class Pezizomycetes, Helvella pseudolacunosa and Helvella rugosa (Helvellaceae) are introduced as new species. The new families, Dendrominiaceae and Neoantrodiellaceae (Basidiomycota) are introduced together with a new genus Neoantrodiella (Neoantrodiellaceae), here based on both morphology coupled with molecular data. In the class Agaricomycetes, Agaricus pseudolangei, Agaricus haematinus, Agaricus atrodiscus and Agaricus exilissimus (Agaricaceae), Amanita melleialba, Amanita pseudosychnopyramis and Amanita subparvipantherina (Amanitaceae), Entoloma calabrum, Cora barbulata, Dictyonema gomezianum and Inocybe granulosa (Inocybaceae), Xerocomellus sarnarii (Boletaceae), Cantharellus eucalyptorum, Cantharellus nigrescens, Cantharellus tricolor and Cantharellus variabilicolor (Cantharellaceae), Cortinarius alboamarescens, Cortinarius brunneoalbus, Cortinarius ochroamarus, Cortinarius putorius and Cortinarius seidlii (Cortinariaceae), Hymenochaete micropora and Hymenochaete subporioides (Hymenochaetaceae), Xylodon ramicida (Schizoporaceae), Colospora andalasii (Polyporaceae), Russula guangxiensis and Russula hakkae (Russulaceae), Tremella dirinariae, Tremella graphidis and Tremella pyrenulae (Tremellaceae) are introduced. Four new combinations Neoantrodiella gypsea, Neoantrodiella thujae (Neoantrodiellaceae), Punctulariopsis cremeoalbida, Punctulariopsis efibulata (Punctulariaceae) are also introduced here for the division Basidiomycota. Furthermore Absidia caatinguensis, Absidia koreana and Gongronella koreana (Cunninghamellaceae), Mortierella pisiformis and Mortierella formosana (Mortierellaceae) are newly introduced in the Zygomycota, while Neocallimastix cameroonii and Piromyces irregularis (Neocallimastigaceae) are introduced in the Neocallimastigomycota. Reference specimens or changes in classification and notes are provided for Alternaria ethzedia, Cucurbitaria ephedricola, Austropleospora, Austropleospora archidendri, Byssosphaeria rhodomphala, Lophiostoma caulium, Pseudopithomyces maydicus, Massariosphaeria, Neomassariosphaeria and Pestalotiopsis montellica