15 research outputs found

    Evaluation of dental enamel microproperties after bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide and different light sources : an in vitro study

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    To evaluate the tooth enamel surface morphology after the action of 35% hydrogen peroxide with and without LED activation. Material and Methods: 70 bovine incisors with an enamel surface of 4x4x3 mm were used, prepared for reading superfic

    Soil evaluation for pineapple cultivation (ananás comosus) in the municipality of Teotônio Vilela, Alagoas / Avaliação do solo para cultivação de abacaxi (ananás comosus) no município de Teotônio Vilela, Alagoas

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    Soil fertility is one of the crucial factors for agriculture, which has as its main objective the increase of its production. This is why it is extremely important to know the nutritional requirement of the cultivar. The present study aimed to evaluate soil fertility in the municipality of Teotônio Vilela – Alagoas, in the Laudelino farm, emphasizing the quantification of the nutrients needed to guarantee the agricultural productivity for the pineapple crop (Ananás comosus). For this purpose, a random sampling of soil was initiated in the area 1.0 hectare in the layer of 0-20 cm of depth. Fifteen samples were collected (each sample with approximately 0.5 DM ³ of soil) from simple collection were mixed to compose a single composite sample and, from this, 1.0 kg of soil was withdrawn for posterior soil fertility analyses. Carried out in the soil Laboratory of the Agrarian Sciences Center (ECSC) of the Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL) located in the municipality of Rio Largo, AL. We analyzed the potential hydrogenionic (pH), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K +) accessible; Calcium (Ca + 2) and magnesium (Mg + 2) exchangeable; Exchangeable aluminum saturation (m%), CTC cation exchange capacity at pH 7.0 (T); Base sum (V%) and Organic matter (OM). It was observed that the results showed the following values: Ca + 2 contents (3.42 Cmolc/DM ³), CTC (T) (10.73 Cmolc/DM ³); K + (110 mg/DM ³), Mg + 2 (2.53 Cmolc/DM ³), Al + 3 (0.03 Cmolc/DM ³), MO (14.1 g/kg), P (5.0 mg/DM ³), M% (0.0), pH (5.6) and V% (59.0). From the results found, it is concluded that it will not be necessary to apply limestone to increase the base saturation to 60%, because 59% as found in the soil already satimakes nutritional need of the culture in question. In addition to this correction, it is also recommended the dosage of 160 kg of P2O5 and 40 kg of nitrogen (N) per hectare, through the incorporation in the soil of 800 kg/ha in the formulation 05-20-0. However, organic fertilization between 30 and 50 t/ha of curable corral manure, if possible 30 days before planting can elevate redendimento of the cultivar. It is noteworthy that its application is insexpenable to the culture by promoting better development to the plant and the fruit. 

    AfmE1 substrate-binding cleft.

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    <p>(A) Molecular surface of AfmE1 with its stacking residue Trp272 in subsite +3 represented as sticks with carbon atoms in green. The stacking residue Tyr369 in the corresponding region of CelA from <i>C</i>. <i>thermocellum</i> is similarly represented in magenta to evidence the differences in the subsite +3 configuration of these enzymes. The region containing the catalytic residues is highlighted in yellow. The substrate molecules, represented as deduced from the complex of CelA with cellopentaose (white) and cellotriose (blue) (PDB code 1KWF), as well as of BcsZ with cellopentaose (orange) (PDB code 3QXQ), are shown as sticks to indicate the position of the subsites. (B) AfmE1 substrate-binding cleft highlighting the catalytic (yellow) and the glucosyl-stacking residues (green) in its six subsites (dashed lines). The corresponding stacking residues of the proteins CMCax, BcsZ and CelA are shown in cyan, orange and magenta, respectively. The position of the glucosyl residues (blue) occupying the six subsites was predicted from the complex CelA-substrate [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0176550#pone.0176550.ref044" target="_blank">44</a>].</p

    AfmE1 mode of action.

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    <p>Thin-layer chromatography analysis of degradation products derived from AfmE1-mediated hydrolysis of different cello-oligosaccharides. (A) cellobiose, cellotriose and cellotetraose; (B) cellopentaose and (C) cellohexaose. The first line of each panel corresponds to a mixture of the indicated standards. CZE electropherograms of the APTS-labeled products of cellopentaose (D) and cellohexaose (E) hydrolysis after 0, 2 and 4 h of incubation with AfmE1. CZE electropherograms of the APTS-labeled products from AfmE1-mediated hydrolysis of β-glucan (F) and CMC (G). The labeled cello-oligosaccharides are indicated, as inferred from a parallel run of a standard mixture. For all the analyses, control reactions were carried out in the absence of AfmE1 and run in parallel.</p

    Biophysical characterization.

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    <p>(A) Circular dichroism spectrum of AfmE1 indicating that the recombinant protein was produced and purified in a folded conformation. CD (B) and DSC (C) thermal unfolding curves showed similar melting temperatures around 55°C. The second peak in the DSC curve corresponds to protein aggregation after denaturation. (D) AUC analysis of AfmE1 at different concentrations confirms that the protein is monomeric in solution with a molecular weight of approximately 39 kDa.</p