7 research outputs found

    Tinjuan Yuridis dan Sosiologis Perkelahian Antar Mahasiswa di Lingkup Kampus di Kota Makassar

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    Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa faktor penyebab terjadinya perkelahian antar mahasiswa dilingkup kampus di kota Makassar 1.) Faktor Internal meliputi : emosional, pertahanan diri. 2.) Faktor Eksternal meliputi : lingkungan keluarga, terlalu memanjakan anak, tidak serius kuliah. 3.) Lingkungan Universitas : persaingan kelompok , kondisi lingkungan Universitas yang tidak kondusif, doktrin, pimpinan kurang tegas dan lingkungan masyarakat.dan upaya penanggulanganny


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    Abstract:The method of this research is Classroom Action Research that consists of two cycles. The objective of this research is intended to investigate the students’ ability and achievement to identify verb, noun and adjective in the sentences through Grammar Translation Method as a teaching media at the Second Semester Students of BulukumbaMuhammadiyah University. The subject of this research was 36 second semester students of class 19A of Bulukumba Muhammadiyah University. The instruments of this research are written test and observation sheet. The research findings show that the students’ scores in identifying parts of speech before implementing the Grammar Translation Method was 67.6 (fairly good), but after applying the method, the students’ score in the cycle I became 74.2 (good) and in the cycle II, the students’ score improved until 83.7 (Very Good). The students’ participation in the teaching and learning activities also improved every meeting, where in the first meeting of cycle I was 53.7% and then became 88.2% in the fourth meeting of cycle II.Abstrak:Metode penelitian ini adalah Classroom Action Research yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Tujuan penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui kemampuan dan prestasi mahasiswa untuk mengidentifikasi kata kerja, kata benda dan kata sifat dalam kalimat melalui Metode Penerjemahan Tata Bahasa sebagai media pengajar pada Mahasiswa Semester II Universitas Muhammadiyah Bulukumba). Subjek penelitian ini adalah angkatan 19A pada Mahasiswa Semester II Universitas Muhammadiyah Bulukumba yang terdiri dari 36 mahasiswa. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah tes tertulis dan lembar pengamatan. Temuan penelitian ini adalah nilai siswa untuk mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian pidato sebelum metode terjemahan tata bahasa aplikasi adalah 67,6 (cukup baik), tetapi setelah menerapkan metode skor siswa dalam siklus I menjadi 74,2 (baik) dan pada siklus II nilai siswa meningkat hingga 83,7 (Sangat Baik). Partisipasi siswa dalam mendengarkan pengajaran dan pembelajaran juga meningkatkan setiap pertemuan, di mana pada pertemuan pertama siklus I adalah 53,7% dan kemudian menjadi 88,2% dalam pertemuan keempat siklus II


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    Pronunciation is one of the speaking elements that must be mastered by foreign learners. However, students still found difficulties when pronouncing English words. Therefore, tongue twister was thought to be one effective technique to help students articulate the English words. The research applied pre-experimental design with only one experiment class. The class consisted of 15 participants from English Education Departement Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Bulukumba and was chosen through purposive sampling technique. Statistical technique was applied to confirm the hypotheisis. Based on the test of significance result, it was found out that t test value is higher than the t table value (2.0351.708). This indicates that students’ pronunciation skills improved after students learnt with tongue twister which was combined with some other methods. Furthermore, it is also informed that there were some kinds of pronunciation errors made and the dominant errors found is phonetic errors due to the effect of students’ native language systems.


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    This study aims to determine the pronunciation errors of phonemes produced by students of Muhammadiyah University of Bulukumba. This study applies a qualitative paradigm. The subjects of this study were second semester students of the Department of English Education with low proficiency levels at the University of Muhammadiyah Bulukumba. Students were asked to pronounce 24 consonant sounds at the beginning, middle, and end of the word to find the data. Students' pronunciation was then phonologically analyzed based on the classification of pronunciation errors found by Moulton, W. G. (1962).The results shows that errors in the pronunciation of English consonants are found in stop voicess, fricative, africative, nasal and semi-vowel consonants. The types of errors in the pronunciation of consonant phonemes are allophones, phonemics and phonetics errors. Allophone error is found in the stop voiceless consonants /p/, /t/, and /k/ which were found at the beginning of the syllable. Phonemic and phonetic errors are found in the pronunciation of voiced /v/, voiced /z/, voiceless /θ/, voiced /ð/, and voiceless /ʃ/. The same error is also found in voiceless /ʃ/ which was pronounced without using the sound /h/, as well as phonetic errors that was pronounced using the sound /t/. Phonetic errors are also found in the pronunciation of fricative sounds /tʃ/ and /dᴣ/, nasal /ƞ/ and semi vowel sounds /j/ which were pronounced not in accordance with the actual sound, thus other meaningless sounds are formed

    Analysis of the Effect of Human Capital on Nurse Performance in Haji Hospital South Sulawesi Province

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    The components in human capital have a role in creating the human capital needed by a hospital to determine the hospital's value. The human capital component will have different effects and contributions on the performance of employees in their workplace, which in turn will have an impact on the quality of services provided. This study aims to analyze the effect of the human capital component on the performance of nurses at the Haji Hospital, South Sulawesi Province. This type of research is a quantitative research using an observational study with a cross-sectional study design. The sample of this research is nurses who work in RSUD Haji, as many as 275 nurses. The results of this study indicate that there is no statistically significant effect of individual capability, individual motivation, leadership, and the organizational climate on the performance of nurses at RSUD Haji, in contrast to workgroup effectiveness which has a statistically significant effect on the performance of nurses at RSUD Haji. It is recommended that the hospital management improve a friendly working atmosphere by conducting training and development in the form of to Train Your Skill and Knowledge. The goal is to enrich knowledge, train skills, and improve the performance of nurses related to the work of employees in order to realize quality services at RSUD Haji