22 research outputs found

    A genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 screen reveals the requirement of host sphingomyelin synthase 1 for infection with Pseudorabies virus mutant gD–Pass

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    Herpesviruses are large DNA viruses, which encode up to 300 different proteins including enzymes enabling efficient replication. Nevertheless, they depend on a multitude of host cell proteins for successful propagation. To uncover cellular host factors important for replication of pseudorabies virus (PrV), an alphaherpesvirus of swine, we performed an unbiased genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 forward screen. To this end, a porcine CRISPR-knockout sgRNA library (SsCRISPRko.v1) targeting 20,598 genes was generated and used to transduce porcine kidney cells. Cells were then infected with either wildtype PrV (PrV-Ka) or a PrV mutant (PrV-gD–Pass) lacking the receptor-binding protein gD, which regained infectivity after serial passaging in cell culture. While no cells survived infection with PrV-Ka, resistant cell colonies were observed after infection with PrV-gD–Pass. In these cells, sphingomyelin synthase 1 (SMS1) was identified as the top hit candidate. Infection efficiency was reduced by up to 90% for PrV-gD–Pass in rabbit RK13-sgms1KO cells compared to wildtype cells accompanied by lower viral progeny titers. Exogenous expression of SMS1 partly reverted the entry defect of PrV-gD–Pass. In contrast, infectivity of PrV-Ka was reduced by 50% on the knockout cells, which could not be restored by exogenous expression of SMS1. These data suggest that SMS1 plays a pivotal role for PrV infection, when the gD-mediated entry pathway is blocked

    Novel insights into bat influenza A viruses.

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    In 2012 and 2013, influenza virus genome sequences of two new influenza A virus (IAV) subtypes were discovered in bat specimens, but further characterization was largely impeded by the lack of infectious virus. With the identification of highly susceptible cell lines, reconstitution of infectious bat IAV by reverse genetics recently succeeded and allowed a first insight into the life cycle of these viruses. Although there is a certain degree of functional compatibility between bat and conventional influenza A virus proteins, there are striking differences, including receptor usage, polarity of infection and reassortment potential

    MHC class II proteins mediate cross-species entry of bat influenza viruses

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    Zoonotic influenza A viruses of avian origin can cause severe disease in individuals, or even global pandemics, and thus pose a threat to human populations. Waterfowl and shorebirds are believed to be the reservoir for all influenza A viruses, but this has recently been challenged by the identification of novel influenza A viruses in bats1,2^{1,2}. The major bat influenza A virus envelope glycoprotein, haemagglutinin, does not bind the canonical influenza A virus receptor, sialic acid or any other glycan1,3,4^{1,3,4}, despite its high sequence and structural homology with conventional haemagglutinins. This functionally uncharacterized plasticity of the bat influenza A virus haemagglutinin means the tropism and zoonotic potential of these viruses has not been fully determined. Here we show, using transcriptomic profiling of susceptible versus non-susceptible cells in combination with genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 screening, that the major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) human leukocyte antigen DR isotype (HLA-DR) is an essential entry determinant for bat influenza A viruses. Genetic ablation of the HLA-DR α-chain rendered cells resistant to infection by bat influenza A virus, whereas ectopic expression of the HLA-DR complex in non-susceptible cells conferred susceptibility. Expression of MHC-II from different bat species, pigs, mice or chickens also conferred susceptibility to infection. Notably, the infection of mice with bat influenza A virus resulted in robust virus replication in the upper respiratory tract, whereas mice deficient for MHC-II were resistant. Collectively, our data identify MHC-II as a crucial entry mediator for bat influenza A viruses in multiple species, which permits a broad vertebrate tropism

    Synergistic Interaction of Thyroid Autoantibodies and Ring Finger Protein 213 Variant in Moyamoya Disease

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    Recently, thyroid autoantibodies were found to be associated with moyamoya disease (MMD). The ring finger protein 213 (RNF213) p.R4810K variant represents the most important susceptibility genotype of this disease, but its relationship with thyroid autoantibodies remains to be elucidated. Thus, in this study, we aimed to evaluate the clinical relevance of thyroid autoantibodies in each RNF213 genotype in patients with MMD. Included in this study were patients with MMD without a thyroid disease history and in euthyroid status; they were then classified into the mutated or nonmutated based on the RNF213 p.R4810K genotype and positive or negative based on thyroid autoantibody (thyroperoxidase and thyroglobulin) levels. Clinical data of each group were thereafter evaluated. Among the 209 patients, the mutated RNF213 p.R4810K variant and positive thyroid autoantibodies were detected in 155 and 41 patients, respectively. Positive thyroid autoantibodies were found to be more common in the nonmutated patients than in the mutated patients (31.5% vs. 15.5%; P = 0.011). In the mutated patients, as compared to autoantibody-negative patients, autoantibody-positive patients were determined to be more likely to have advanced disease with posterior cerebral artery involvement (54.2% vs. 29.0%; P = 0.017), white matter infarction (58.3% vs. 37.6%; P = 0.046), and a higher modified Rankin Scale at last visit (16.7% vs. 3.1%; P = 0.021). These results suggest that thyroid autoantibodies can act as an immunity inducer in patients with MMD lacking the susceptibility gene RNF213 p.R4810K variant. Moreover, the simultaneous presence of thyroid autoantibodies and the variant seems to aggravate the disease, which indicates synergy between thyroid autoantibodies and the variant

    Evolutionarily conserved amino acids in MHC-II mediate bat influenza A virus entry into human cells.

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    The viral hemagglutinins of conventional influenza A viruses (IAVs) bind to sialylated glycans on host cell surfaces for attachment and subsequent infection. In contrast, hemagglutinins of bat-derived IAVs target major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) for cell entry. MHC-II proteins from various vertebrate species can facilitate infection with the bat IAV H18N11. Yet, it has been difficult to biochemically determine the H18:MHC-II binding. Here, we followed a different approach and generated MHC-II chimeras from the human leukocyte antigen DR (HLA-DR), which supports H18-mediated entry, and the nonclassical MHC-II molecule HLA-DM, which does not. In this context, viral entry was supported only by a chimera containing the HLA-DR α1, α2, and ÎČ1 domains. Subsequent modeling of the H18:HLA-DR interaction identified the α2 domain as central for this interaction. Further mutational analyses revealed highly conserved amino acids within loop 4 (N149) and ÎČ-sheet 6 (V190) of the α2 domain as critical for virus entry. This suggests that conserved residues in the α1, α2, and ÎČ1 domains of MHC-II mediate H18-binding and virus propagation. The conservation of MHC-II amino acids, which are critical for H18N11 binding, may explain the broad species specificity of this virus