323 research outputs found

    Resisting the Temptation of Perfection

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    With the advance of CRISPR technology, parents will be tempted to create superior offspring who are healthier, smarter, and stronger. In addition to the fact that many of these procedures are considered immoral for Catholics, they could change human nature in radical and possibly disastrous ways. This article focuses on the question of human perfectionism. First, by considering the relationship between human nature and technology, it analyzes whether such advances can improve human nature in addition to curing diseases. Next, it looks at the moral and spiritual dimensions of perfection by analyzing the cardinal virtues. It argues that seeking perfection in the physical sense alone may not be prudent or wise and may produce greater injustices and weaken the human spirit in the long run. Understanding our true calling to perfection can help us resist the temptation of hubris to enhance the human race through technology

    Bioethics and Anointing of the Sick

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    Adjustment of the WACC with Subsidized Debt in the Presence of Corporate Taxes: the N-Period Case

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    In the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) applied to the free cash flow (FCF), we assume that the cost of debt is the market, unsubsidized rate. With debt at the market rate and perfect capital markets, debt only creates value in the presence of taxes through the tax shield. In some cases, the firm may be able to obtain a loan at a rate that is below the market rate. With subsidized debt and taxes, there would be a benefit to debt financing, and the unleveraged and leveraged values of the cash flows would be unequal. The benefit of lower tax savings are offset by the benefit of the subsidy. These two benefits have to be introduced explicitly. In this paper we present the adjustments to the WACC with subsidized debt and taxes and the cost of leveraged equity for multiple periods. We demonstrate the analysis for both the WACC applied to the FCF and the WACC applied to the capital cash flow (CCF). We use the calculation of the Adjusted Present Value, APV, to consider both, the tax savings and the subsidy. We show how all the methods match.Adjusted Present Value, APV, weighted average cost of capital, discounted cash flow, DCF equity value, cost of equity, WACC, subsidized debt with taxes, valuation of cash flows, project evaluation, project appraisal, firm valuation, cost of capital, cash flows, free cash flow, capital cash flow


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    A typical approach for valuing finite cash flows is to assume that leverage is constant (usually as target leverage) and the cost of equity, Ke and the Weighted Average Cost of Capital, WACC are also assumed to be constant. For cash flows in perpetuity, and with the cost of debt, Kd as the discount rate for the tax shield, it is indeed the case that the Ke and WACC applied to the FCF are constant if the leverage is constant. However this does not hold true for finite cash flows. In this document we show that for finite cash flows, Ke and hence WACC depend on the discount rate that is used to value the tax shield, TS and as expected, Ke and WACC are not constant with Kd as the discount rate for the tax shield, even if the leverage is constant. We illustrate this situation with a simple example. We analyze five methods: DCF using APV, FCF and traditional and general formulation for WACC, present value of CFE plus debt and Capital Cash Flow, CCF.WACC, constant cost of capital, constant leverage, cash flows

    A Scientific and Socioecononic Review of Betel Nut Use in Taiwan with Bioethical Reflections

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    This article addresses the ethics of betel nut use in Taiwan. It first presents scientific facts about the betel quid and its consumption and the generally accepted negative health consequences associated with its use: oral and esophageal cancer, coronary artery disease, metabolic diseases, and adverse effects in pregnancy. It then analyzes the cultural background and economic factors contributing to its popularity in Asia. The governmental and institutional attempts to curb betel nut cultivation, distribution, and sales are also described. Finally, the article analyzes the bioethical implications of this often-ignored subject from the perspectives of human dignity, the good of health, vulnerable groups, cultural diversity, informed consent, and ethical blind spots

    Market value calculation and the solution of circularity between value and the weighted average cost of capital WACC

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    Most finance textbooks present the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) calculation as: WACC = Kd×(1-T)×D% + Ke×E%, where Kd is the cost of debt before taxes, T is the tax rate, D% is the percentage of debt on total value, Ke is the cost of equity and E% is the percentage of equity on total value. All of them precise (but not with enough emphasis) that the values to calculate D% y E% are market values. Although they devote special space and thought to calculate Kd and Ke, little effort is made to the correct calculation of market values. This means that there are several points that are not sufficiently dealt with: Market values, location in time, occurrence of tax payments, WACC changes in time and the circularity in calculating WACC. The purpose of this note is to clear up these ideas, solve the circularity problem and emphasize in some ideas that usually are looked over. Also, some suggestions are presented on how to calculate, or estimate, the equity cost of capital. © 2009 Mackenzie Presbyterian University. All rights reserved

    Communicating with Sufferers: Lessons from the Book of Job

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    Costo promedio ponderado de capital (CPPC) y deuda con riesgo: una presentación sencilla

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    Artículo de reflexiónEl costo de la deuda rara vez se puede considerar libre de riesgo. Sin embargo, en aras de la simplicidad, en la mayoría de las discusiones sobre el costo promedio de capital (CPPC) se supone que la deuda es libre de riesgo. Como resultado, cuando se calcula el CPPC se utiliza un costo de la deuda, d, mayor que la tasa libre de riesgo, rf .En este trabajo, usando un modelo binomial sencillo, se examina el costo promedio ponderado de capital (CPPC) con deuda bajo y sin impuestos. Los impuestos plantean complicaciones adicionales, lo cual supera el propósito del trabajo. Con deuda bajo riesgo se debe usar la tasa esperada de rentabilidad de la deuda, en lugar de la tasa pactada o contractual para incluirla en el CPPC. Más aun, se modela el costo esperado de la deuda como una función creciente del monto de la deudaClasificación JEL: D61: Análisis Costo-Beneficio; G31: Presupuestación de capital; H43: Evaluación de proyecto

    A Catholic Reflects on Dialogue in the Abortion Debate

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    Comparación de la NaProTecnología con las Técnicas de Reproducción Asistida

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    La progresiva medicalización de la infertilidad en las últimas tres décadas se corresponde con una creciente difusión de las Tecnologías de Reproducción Asistida (TRA), que han dejado en la sombra, casi por completo, otros enfoques más fisiológicos del tratamiento de la infertilidad, que tienen menos riesgos, son más económicos y, a la vez, igualmente efectivos. Este trabajo presenta un enfoque sistemático e integrado: la NaProTecnología (NPT), que tiene como objetivo optimizar las condiciones fisiológicas en cada ciclo menstrual, para permitir, de esta forma, una concepción por métodos naturales. Este método se postula como una mejor solución para el tratamiento de la infertilidad, desde un punto de vista que no sólo es más ético, sino que, además, es compatible con otros puntos de vistas religiosos, médicos, sociales, legales y ambientales. Los gobiernos deberían promover y financiar la NPT y, al mismo tiempo, las sociedades médicas y científicas deberían diseñar estudios para comparar de una manera justa la tasa de éxito, los costos y las complicaciones de la NPT en contraposición al método TRA tradicional