11 research outputs found

    The Impact of Information Technology Development on Cybercrime Rate in Indonesia

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    Information technology is growing rapidly in society. In the period of technological development not only gives us a positive impact, but can also have a negative impact. One of the negative impact of the development of information technology is the misuse of the technology, so that it can harm others. Technological developments have an effect on the occurrence of cybercrime in Indonesia, the crimes that have occurred have also developed and varied. The method used in this research are a qualitative approach and descriptive methods. The results of the study show the impact of Information Technology development on the level of cybercrime in Indonesia occurs such as loss of privacy, unauthorized access to important data, data theft and others. Prevention and countermeasures that can be carry out to prevent cybercrime are preventive, pre-emptive and repressive measur

    Liability of Marketplace as Electronic System Provider in Regard to System Failure Occured on Online Transactions

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    Digital transaction activities in community activities have increased due to the accelerated adoption of digitalization in Indonesia but it also has potential problems in the future such as many frauds and even crimes that often occur in cyberspace so that they tend to harm consumers or users. This research also examines the liability of Electronic System provider in regard to the system failure occurrence on online transaction. However based on the research The existence of current regulations concerning Electronic Information and Transactions in conjunction with Government Regulation Number 71 of 2019 concerning Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions the liability in the case of system failure that causes losses to the other party, is not explicitly stated there are no sanctions for indemnity for Electronic System Provider the existing regulation  only regulate the administrative sanction Therefore, the author suggests that electronic system provider must secure, carry out maintenance and all the efforts necessary for the electronic system to work properly to be reliable. Liability for system failures that cause harm to other parties must be explicitly stated in the Regulation

    A Discussion of Malware Attacks Targeting Smart Homes and Connected Devices: Investigating Cybersecurity Risks in Everyday Living

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    Computer technology has advanced with the digital age. Software for several platforms is crucial to streamlining human work with computers. This software is essential for many user tasks, including IoT ones. Through data exploitation and communication technologies, the Internet of entities (IoT) connects physical and virtual entities to the global web. This technology aims to make it easier for humans to interact with objects and let them communicate. In daily life, numerous specialized gadgets use the Internet of Things (IoT), especially Smart Homes. Smart Homes integrate networked communication networks with home devices for remote control, monitoring, and access. The name "Smart" in Smart Homes suggests intelligence, however IoT devices have limitations. Malware is purposely designed to disrupt or gain unauthorized access to computer systems without the system owner's knowledge or agreement. Malware threatens smart home security widely. Malware can also quickly regenerate and adapt as technology advances. It's often integrated into popular online apps. This study examines how malware assaults affect IoT and Smart Home devices. The study's conclusions include an analytical report on IoT and Smart Home malware mitigation in legal perspectives

    Supporting the Recovery of Travel Agencies in Bali through Softloan

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to address the challenges faced by Travel Agencies in Indonesia due to the significant decrease in the tourism sector caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The paper aims to find a solution for Travel Agencies, particularly in terms of capital. Research methods: The paper utilizes a mixed-method research approach. The descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach is employed to describe and summarize the current situation and conditions that Travel Agencies are facing. It also involves analyzing regulations related to the industry. Additionally, a quantitative method is used to gather information from travel agency business actors through the completion of a questionnaire. Results and discussion: The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a significant decrease in the tourism sector in Indonesia, particularly affecting Travel Agencies, which face challenges due to suspended operational activities and a reliance on tourist visit transactions. Implication: To address the capital needs of Travel Agencies and support their recovery, utilizing the government's national economic recovery program, including options like interest subsidies and credit restructuring at banks, is crucial.Tujuan: Tulisan ini dibuat untuk menjawab tantangan yang dihadapi oleh Biro Perjalanan di Indonesia akibat penurunan yang signifikan pada sektor pariwisata akibat pandemi Covid-19. Tulisan bertujuan untuk mencari solusi bagi Travel Agencies khususnya dalam hal permodalan. Metode penelitian: Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian metode campuran. Metode analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif digunakan untuk menggambarkan dan merangkum situasi dan kondisi terkini yang dihadapi oleh Biro Perjalanan. Ini juga melibatkan analisis peraturan yang terkait dengan industri. Selain itu, metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi dari pelaku usaha biro perjalanan melalui pengisian kuesioner. Hasil dan pembahasan: Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan penurunan yang signifikan pada sektor pariwisata di Indonesia, terutama pada Biro Perjalanan Wisata yang menghadapi tantangan karena terhentinya kegiatan operasional dan ketergantungan pada transaksi kunjungan wisatawan. Implikasi: Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan modal Biro Perjalanan dan mendukung pemulihannya, pemanfaatan program pemulihan ekonomi nasional pemerintah, termasuk opsi seperti subsidi bunga dan restrukturisasi kredit di bank, sangatlah penting


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    ABSTRAKDalam kegiatan pembelajaran, seorang guru sudah pasti akan berhadapan dengan berbagai persoalan baik menyangkut peserta didik, subject matter, maupun metode pembelajaran. Sebagai seorang profesional, guru harus melakukan peningkatan mutu pembelajaran secara terus menerus agar prestasi belajar peserta didik optimal. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut guru harus dibekali dengan kemampuan meneliti, khususnya Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan guru-guru SD Negeri 5 Padangsambian, dalam menyusun laporan PTK yang sesuai dengan sistematika. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat meliputi beberapa kegiatan yaitu Pengumpulan Data, Indentifikasi Masalah, Analisis Kebutuhan Materi Pelatihan, Perancangan dan Penyusunan Modul Pelatihan, Pelaksanaan Pelatihan, dan Dokumentasi Kegiatan dan Laporan. Dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa pelatihan penyusunan laporan PTK kepada guru-guru SD Negeri 5 Padangsambian yang telah dilakukan, mampu meningkatkan kemampuan guru-guru dalam penyusunan laporan PTK sebesar 81,26%. Kata kunci: pelatihan; penelitian tindakan kelas. ABSTRACTIn learning activities, a teacher will certainly be dealing with various problems both regarding students, subject matter, and learning methods. As a professional, teachers must continuously improve the quality of learning so that students' learning achievement is optimal. To realize this the teacher must be equipped with the ability to research, especially Classroom Action Research. The purpose of this community service activity is to improve the ability of Padangsambian 5 Elementary School teachers to compile PTK reports in accordance with systematics. The implementation of community service activities includes several activities, namely Data Collection, Problem Identification, Analysis of Training Material Requirements, Training Module Design and Preparation, Training Implementation, and Documentation of Activities and Reports. From the community service activities carried out, it can be concluded that the PTK report preparation training for Padangsambian State Elementary School 5 teachers has been able to improve the ability of teachers in PTK report preparation by 81.26% Keywords: training; classroom action researc

    Pengenalan Big Data Untuk Siswa Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PKBM) Piwulang Becik Kota Salatiga, Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Tujuan: Memberikan solusi untuk mitra yaitu, pengembagan konten-konten digital untuk mendukung akun sosial media mitra seperti facebook, Instagram, TikTok, dan youtube sebagai strategi pemasaran, pelatihan sosial media marketing dan mengolah konten digital untuk keperluan promosi. Tidak lupa mitra juga menerapkan model protokol kesehatan new normal dalam pemberian jasa bagi konsumen. Menyediakan konten-konten digital yang kreatif bagi mitra untuk mendukung proses pemasaran merupakan tujuan yang ingin dicapai melalui program ini dan selanjutnya mitra diharapkan mampu mengembangkan konten-konten digital secara mandiri. Metode Penelitian: Metode Pelaksanaan meliputi beberapa kegiatan, dimulai dari analisis kebutuhan mitra hingga evaluasi dan pelaporan. Analisis kebutuhan dilakukan terhadap manajemen pemasaran, manajemen tugas, manajemen produk dan pelayanan jasa sehingga dapat dirumuskan pada program ini kegiatan yang berbasis pemanfataan teknologi dan penerapan standar protokol Kesehatan. Penemuan: Kondisi pandemi COVID-19 memberikan dampak yang cukup signifikan pada mitra yaitu menurunnya omzet dalam kurun waktu 1 tahun terakhir. Jasa rias adalah salah satu jasa yang mengharuskan antara pemberi jasa dan penikmat jasa saling bersentuhan. Hal ini cukup menyulitkan mitra untuk berstrategi agar tetap mendapatkan pelanggan baik jasa rias maupun penyewaan busananya. Selain itu, kemampuan mitra untuk memanfaatkan teknologi informasi sebagai salah satu sarana marketing dirasa belumlah maksimal. Implikasi: Dalam hal pemanfaatan teknologi, kegiatan akan berfokus pada pemanfaatan berbagai media sosial untuk meningkatkan promosi dengan menambah konten-konten digital melalui foto produk berupa layanan jasa makeup dan penyewaaan kostum. Kegiatan ini akan berlangsung selama 3 bulan dan mengingat kuantitas dari program ini yang cukup banyak, tim program akan melaksanakan penelitian ini sesuai dengan bidang keahlian masing-masing tim agar segala seuatunya berjalan secara efisien, efektif dan selesai tepat waktu

    Tinjauan Yuridis Mengenai Marketplace Terkait Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Di Indonesia

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    Memasuki era digital, sistem pemasaran juga mengalami perubahan dari system pasar konvensional menuju sistem pasar digital. Pemasaran digital sudah berjalan secara aktif pada satu dekade terakhir. Proses transformasi ini tidak serta merta berjalan mulus. Terjadi gejolak dalam dunia pemasaran baik dari segi etika maupun regulasi. Marketplace, sebuah sistem pasar digital kemudian menjadi objek dari penelitian ini. Yang menarik adalah ketika sebuah transaksi pasar dilakukan di dunia maya. Potensi permasalahan yang muncul bukan hanya antara pembeli dengan penjual namun juga dengan pemilik Marketplace itu sendiri. Untuk menelusuri sistem dari Marketplace dari sisi regulasi akan dikaji lebih lanjut dalam penelitian ini melalui studi kasus dan peraturan perundang-undangan terkait. Sehingga diharapkan penelitian ini mampu memberikan gambaran secara umum terkait regulasi di dalam Marketplace

    Analysis Of The 2nd Principle Of Pancasila On The Instagram Privacy Disclaimer

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    The article discusses the importance of user privacy on Instagram, a popular social media platform. In the digital era, millions of users share aspects of their personal lives, creating risks of data misuse and security threats. The right to privacy is recognized as a human right, including in the Indonesian Privacy Rights Law. Privacy Controls: Instagram gives users full control, allowing personal account settings. Data Policy: Instagram has a policy that explains the collection, use, and sharing of data, reflecting civilized principles. Data Security: Instagram claims to implement security measures and collaborate with third parties. Privacy Tools and Features: Instagram is constantly developing new privacy tools and features. In the context of Instagram user privacy, the principle of the 2nd Principle, "Just and Civilized Humanity," reflects fair treatment and respect for human rights. The rights to privacy, freedom of expression, data security, and control over personal information are the emphasis in implementing the 2nd Principle. Assessing the use of Instagram's privacy policy by the 2nd Principle and encouraging users to be wise in sharing information. A mixed method approach with descriptive qualitative methods and literature studies is used to understand the impact of Instagram user privacy. Privacy is a human right, and Instagram is expected to implement the principles of the 2nd Principle with policies that support the control, security, and fair treatment of users' data

    Analysis Of The 2nd Principle Of Pancasila On The Instagram Privacy Disclaimer

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    The article discusses the importance of user privacy on Instagram, a popular social media platform. In the digital era, millions of users share aspects of their personal lives, creating risks of data misuse and security threats. The right to privacy is recognized as a human right, including in the Indonesian Privacy Rights Law. Privacy Controls: Instagram gives users full control, allowing personal account settings. Data Policy: Instagram has a policy that explains the collection, use, and sharing of data, reflecting civilized principles. Data Security: Instagram claims to implement security measures and collaborate with third parties. Privacy Tools and Features: Instagram is constantly developing new privacy tools and features. In the context of Instagram user privacy, the principle of the 2nd Principle, "Just and Civilized Humanity," reflects fair treatment and respect for human rights. The rights to privacy, freedom of expression, data security, and control over personal information are the emphasis in implementing the 2nd Principle. Assessing the use of Instagram's privacy policy by the 2nd Principle and encouraging users to be wise in sharing information. A mixed method approach with descriptive qualitative methods and literature studies is used to understand the impact of Instagram user privacy. Privacy is a human right, and Instagram is expected to implement the principles of the 2nd Principle with policies that support the control, security, and fair treatment of users' data