162 research outputs found

    Isu-Isu Identitas Budaya Nasional dalam Film “Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck”

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    Indonesia merupakan negara yang dengan kompleksitasnya menjadikannya multikultur. Kondisi ini mempengaruhi tema-tema yang dimunculkan dalam film yang merepresentasi dan merekonstruksi Kenyataan. “Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck” merupakan film percintaan yang dibumbui isu-isu multikultur khususnya terkait dengan identitas budaya yang meluas kedalam ranah suku, ras, agama, dan kelas sosial di Indonesia, khususnya Minang. Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan multikulturalisme Will Kymlicka untuk menginterpretasi dan memaknai temuan-temuan data . Penulis menemukan bahwa identitas suku dan kelas sosial yang menjadi isu-isu multikulturalisme yang dikomunikasikan dalam film ini, sekaligus pemicu timbulnya konflik dalam film. Hasil analisis lain menunjukkan ikatan primordial dan etnosentrisme merupakan penghambat multikulturalisme dalam konteks Indonesia yang dikomunikasikan dalam film ini

    Film dan Identitas Nasional Korea Selatan: Studi Komparasi pada Film My Little Hero dan Secretly Greatly

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    Fabrikasi film tidak semata-mata ditujukan untuk menghibur penonton namun juga untuk mempengaruhi penonton melalui gagasan sang kreator yang salah satunya adalah gagasan mengenai identitas nsional. Penulis akan memaparkan bagaimana identitas nasional dihadirkan dalam dua film produksi Korea Selatan pada tahun 2013 yaitu A Wonderful Life dan Secretly Greatly. Melalui analisis yang dilakukan terhadap tiap karakter utama di kedua film, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat kegalauan atas konsep identitas nasional Korea Selata

    Comparison of fermentation kinetics (in vitro) of grass and shrub legume leaves: The pattern of gas production, organic matter degradation, pH and NH3 production

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    Rumen microbes convert carbohydrate in a feed into useful product such as VFA, microbial protein and B-vitamin; and some waste products such as CH4 and CO2. The amount and pattern of each product depend on the type of feed consumed by the animal. High fiber diet produces high gas and VFA, while high protein diet produce high NH3. Two types of feeds, grass and legume, have different cell structure and content, thus might have different pattern of rumen fermentation and product. In vitro method developed by Theodorou and Brooks was used to determine the pattern of rumen fermentation end product of two types of feeds, namely grass and legume. Result shows that legume has higher amount of OM degraded and produce higher amount of NH3 compared to grass. On the basis of OM degraded, the grass yielded higher volume of gas than that of legume. The two types of feeds did not change the pH of rumen fluid

    Emission of Methane From Enteric Fermentation: National Contribution and Factors Affecting it in Livestock

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    Changing in atmosphere condition is affected by the quantity of gases produced from all activities on the earth. Gases that have effects  on  global  warming  are  CO2,  N2O,  H2O,  and  CH4  (methane).  Among  other  sources  of  methane  are  enteric fermentation of organic material from ruminants and feces decomposition. Methane production from ruminants is affected by several factors such as breed/type of animal, feed quality, environmental temperature and physiological status of the animal. Energy as methane in ruminants may reach 2 to 15% of the total energy consumption. To reduce the emission of methane from ruminants, it is necessary to apply a strategic feeding system for more efficient utilization of feed.   Key words: Methane, global warming, ruminants, rumen fermentatio

    Culture Analysis in Mohja Kahf’s the Girl in the Tangerine Scarf

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    This research investigates the elements of culture implied in The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf, a novel by Mohja Kahf. This research focused on three aspects: the five cultural elements found in the novel, the Kahf’s description of social and religious common facts, and her description of problems faced by Khadra, the main character as a result of cultural differences. A qualitative method was used to analyze the novel. The data of this research was mainly the novel’s content, Kahf’s narration in the novel. To collect the data, documentation in form of quotation was used. The data were analyzed by using data reduction, data display, and data verification. The result of this research shows that five elements of culture are prominently used in the novel: symbol, language, norm, ritual, and value. Social and religious fact also became the important aspects of this novel. It is also found that attachment of the main characters who are Syrian immigrants to Islamic value became the author’s emphasis throughout the novel. Kahf’s juxtaposition of these Islamic values and the Protestant values held in the part of America where Khadra’s family resided seems to be source of the conflict in the novel. Another elements portrayed in the novel is the contrast between the Syrian’s appreciation of communality and the American’s appreciation of individualism. Lastly, the researcher found that Khadra faced obstacles living in American society.  She is insulted, bullied, attacked, and one of Khadra’s friends was killed by American extremists. It means the culture is very influential in social life especially to adapt in a new environment

    Monitoring jenis ikan pada modul terumbu buatan di Selat Lembeh Kelurahan Mawali Kecamatan Lembeh Selatan Kota Bitung (Fish species monitoring on artificial reef modules in Lembeh Strait, Mawali Village, South Lembeh District of Bitung)

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    Coral reefs are communities of organisms that live at the bottom of shallow seas of tropics area. Degradation of coral reefs in the waters of Pulau Lembeh, Bitung caused by fishing activities were not responsible. However, there have been attempts to build artifial reefs since 2014 to protect natural coral reefs as well as repairing the damaged coral reefs. It is necessary to hold monitoring association of fish species target on artificial reef has been built with Acropora sp. trasnplantated. This research was conducted in Mawali Village, Lembeh Strait, on August - December 2016; done with descriptive method; and the data were analyzed through the diversity and richness index. Results of the analysis showed that the diversity of species classified as moderate with a value of 2.85; and species richness is high with a value of 6.09. This figure reflects the dominance of Cheilodipterus isostigmus species to other species in terms of number. Oceanography parameters such as temperature (26,99 – 28,97°C), salinity (32 – 33,2 ppt), dissolved oxygen (10,2 – 12,4 mg/l), acidity (7,3 – 8,4 pH), dissolved density (30,4 – 31,1 g/l ) and level of turbidity (1,2 – 2,6 NTU) in natural conditions support the development of the association of fish around the artificial reefs. Keywords: Monitoring, Fish Species Target, Artificial Reefs, Lembeh Strait, Mawali Village ABSTRAK Terumbu karang merupakan komunitas organisme yang hidup di dasar laut dangkal daerah tropis. Degradasi terumbu karang di perairan Pulau Lembeh, Kota Bitung disebabkan oleh aktifitas perikanan yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Namun telah ada upaya pembangunan terumbu buatan sejak tahun 2014 untuk melindungi serta memperbaiki terumbu karang alami yang rusak. Maka dipandang perlu mengadakan monitoring asosiasi ikan target pada terumbu buatan yang telah dibangun dengan karang yang ditransplantasikan jenis Acropora sp.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di Selat Lembeh Kelurahan Mawali pada bulan Agustus – Desember 2016; dikerjakan dengan metode deskriptif; dan data dianalisis melalui indeks keragaman dan indeks kekayaan.  Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa keanekaragaman spesies tergolong sedang dengan nilai 2,85; dan kekayaan spesies tergolong  tinggi dengan nilai 6,09. Hal ini menggambarkan adanya dominasi spesies Cheilodipterus isostigmus terhadap spesies lain dari segi jumlah. Parameter oceanografi seperti suhu (26,99 – 28,97°C), salinitas (32 – 33,2 ppt), oksigen terlarut (10,2 – 12,4 mg/l), derajat keasaman (7,3 – 8,4 pH), kepadatan terlarut (30,4 – 31,1 g/l ), dan tingkat kekeruhan (1,2 – 2,6 NTU) dalam kondisi alami menunjang perkembangan asosiasi ikan di sekitar terumbu buatan. Kata kunci : Monitoring, Jenis Ikan Target, Terumbu Buatan, Selat Lembeh, Kelurahan Mawal

    Eksplorasi Genetik dari Lokus GH|MspI Ekson 3 dan GHRH|HaeIII Intron 2 pada Kerbau Rawa di Stasiun Bibit dan Peternak Rakyat

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    Perbaikan produktivitas ternak dapat dilakukan melalui seleksi secara molekular pada gen-gen pengontrol sifat pertumbuhan. Keragaman genetik dari famili gen pertumbuhan yaitu gen GH dan GHRH dipelajari pada kerbau rawa dari stasiun pembibitan BPTU Siborong-borong (ST) (68 betina) di Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara, Provinsi Sumatera Utara dan peternak rakyat (PR) 37 betina, 4 jantan) di Kabupaten Pandeglang, Provinsi Banten. Varian genetik dari lokus GH|MspI ekson 3 dan GHRH|HaeIII intron 2 digenotyping dengan metode Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Data dianalisis terhadap frekuensi alel dan genotipe, keseimbangan Hardy-Weinberg, nilai heterozigositas, dan nilai PIC. Hasil genotyping dari lokus GH|MspI ekson 3 dan GHRH|HaeIII inton 2 menghasilkan hanya alel B (100%) pada kerbau rawa dari ST, sebaliknya pada PR hanya alel A (100 %). Keseimbangan Hardy-Weinberg tidak dapat dianalisis untuk kedua lokus. Nilai heterozigositas pengamatan (Ho) dan harapan (He) serta nilai PIC untuk setiap lokus adalah sebesar 0.00. Disimpulkan bahwa lokus GH MspI ekson 3 dan GHRH HaeIII intron 2 pada kerbau rawa lokal pengamatan bersifat monomorfik

    Saudi Arabian Woman's Marriage Life in Girls of Riyadh, a Novel by Rajaa Alsanea: Subordination and Struggle

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    This article argues that implementation of Pre-Islamic tradition and culture emerges subordination toward woman in Saudi Arabia. They face subordination in many aspects of life. This phenomenon can be found in Girls of Riyadh novel. In this novel, Rajaa Alsanea, a Saudi Arabian woman writer tells how women live under male domination. In analyzing the phenomena, the writer used feminist approach by applying feminism theory which is combined with Islamic references to reveal subordination and struggle of woman depicted in the novel. It will focus on subordination of woman and her struggle in marriage matters rather than on other aspects


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    Potential-Based Community Service (PMBP) is an extracurricular activity that aims to provide services to the community). This is carried out as a form of elaboration in the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in which every intellectual candidate not only understands and understands enough about science and technology (IPTEK), but there needs to be a correlation in the level of social life with society in general and more specifically. for people who need the role of students. In the implementation of this Potential-Based Community Service (PMBP) activity, the executor devotes himself to four types of activities, which are carried out in Ciliwung Gang 1 RT 07 RW 11, Purwantoro Village, Blimbing District, Malang City, East Java. The four types of activities are conducting tutoring for early childhood, participating in community organizations in Ciliwung Gang 1 affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, such as providing counseling by spraying disinfectants, social service work, and participating in PKK activities
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