207 research outputs found

    Identity by descent and association analysis of dichotomous traits based on large pedigrees

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    The goals of our analysis were to map functional loci, which contribute to the case-control status of a trait of interest, using large pedigrees. We used logistic regression fitted with the generalized estimation equation to test associations between a dichotomous phenotype and all genotyped common and rare single-nucleotide polymorphisms. In addition to the association study, we also developed and applied a simple and fast identical-by-descent-based test to identify loci that were shared among affected individuals more often than expected by chance. Among the top significant loci, we assessed the statistical power and the false discovery rate of both methods. We also demonstrated that family-based studies, compared with the standard population-based association studies, have great values and advantages for the discovery of multiple rare causal variants

    A comparison between microsatellite and single-nucleotide polymorphism markers with respect to two measures of information content

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    Using the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 (GAW14) simulated dataset, we compare microsatellite and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in terms of two measures of information content, the traditional entropy-based information content measure, and a new "relative information" measure. Both attempt to measure the amount of information contained in the markers about the identity-by-descent (IBD) sharing among relatives. The performance of the two information measures are compared based on their variability and ability to predict change in the LOD score (ΔLOD) as map density increases for SNP markers. Although in a linked region, LOD scores are correlated with measures of information, we observe that none of the measures predict the LOD score itself very well. In an unlinked region, the LOD score is not related to either measures of information. The information content of microsatellite markers with 7.5-cM spacing is slightly higher than that of SNP markers with 3-cM spacing. At these map densities, microsatellites are found to be uniformly more informative than SNPs irrespective of their level of heterozygosity. For SNPs, we found that as the level of heterozygosity increases, the information content increases. As reported in all other previous studies, we also found that high-density SNPs have higher information content compared to low-density microsatellites. Performance of both the two information measures considered here are similar, but the relative information measure predicts ΔLOD as marker density increases better than the traditional entropy-based information measure

    Pathway-based analysis using reduced gene subsets in genome-wide association studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) analysis only captures a small proportion of associated genetic variants in Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) partly due to small marginal effects. Pathway level analysis incorporating prior biological information offers another way to analyze GWAS's of complex diseases, and promises to reveal the mechanisms leading to complex diseases. Biologically defined pathways are typically comprised of numerous genes. If only a subset of genes in the pathways is associated with disease then a joint analysis including all individual genes would result in a loss of power. To address this issue, we propose a pathway-based method that allows us to test for joint effects by using a pre-selected gene subset. In the proposed approach, each gene is considered as the basic unit, which reduces the number of genetic variants considered and hence reduces the degrees of freedom in the joint analysis. The proposed approach also can be used to investigate the joint effect of several genes in a candidate gene study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We applied this new method to a published GWAS of psoriasis and identified 6 biologically plausible pathways, after adjustment for multiple testing. The pathways identified in our analysis overlap with those reported in previous studies. Further, using simulations across a range of gene numbers and effect sizes, we demonstrate that the proposed approach enjoys higher power than several other approaches to detect associated pathways.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The proposed method could increase the power to discover susceptibility pathways and to identify associated genes using GWAS. In our analysis of genome-wide psoriasis data, we have identified a number of relevant pathways for psoriasis.</p

    Changes in the plasma proteome at asymptomatic and symptomatic stages of autosomal dominant Alzheimer\u27s disease

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    The autosomal dominant form of Alzheimer\u27s disease (ADAD) is far less prevalent than late onset Alzheimer\u27s disease (LOAD), but enables well-informed prospective studies, since symptom onset is near certain and age of onset is predictable. Our aim was to discover plasma proteins associated with early AD pathology by investigating plasma protein changes at the asymptomatic and symptomatic stages of ADAD. Eighty-one proteins were compared across asymptomatic mutation carriers (aMC, n = 15), symptomatic mutation carriers (sMC, n = 8) and related noncarriers (NC, n = 12). Proteins were also tested for associations with cognitive measures, brain amyloid deposition and glucose metabolism. Fewer changes were observed at the asymptomatic than symptomatic stage with seven and 16 proteins altered significantly in aMC and sMC, respectively. This included complement components C3, C5, C6, apolipoproteins A-I, A-IV, C-I and M, histidine-rich glycoprotein, heparin cofactor II and attractin, which are involved in inflammation, lipid metabolism and vascular health. Proteins involved in lipid metabolism differed only at the symptomatic stage, whereas changes in inflammation and vascular health were evident at asymptomatic and symptomatic stages. Due to increasing evidence supporting the usefulness of ADAD as a model for LOAD, these proteins warrant further investigation into their potential association with early stages of LOAD

    Incidental findings on cerebral MRI in twins: the Older Australian Twins Study

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    Incidental findings on structural cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are common in healthy subjects, and the prevalence increases with age. There is a paucity of data regarding incidental cerebral findings in twins. We examined brain MRI data acquired from community-dwelling older twins to determine the prevalence and concordance of incidental cerebral findings, as well as the associated clinical implications. Participants (n = 400) were drawn from the Older Australian Twins Study. T1-weighted and T2-weighted fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) cerebral MRI scans were systematically reviewed by a trained, blinded clinician. Incidental findings were recorded according to pre-determined categories, and the diagnosis confirmed by an experienced neuroradiologist. Periventricular and deep white matter hyperintensities (WMH) were scored visually. WMH heritability was calculated for those with the twin pair included in the study (n = 320 individuals; monozygotic (MZ) = 92 twin pairs, dizygotic (DZ) = 68 twin pairs). Excluding infarcts and WMH, a total of 47 (11.75%) incidental abnormalities were detected. The most common findings were hyperostosis frontalis interna (8 participants; 2%), meningiomas, (6 participants; 1.5%), and intracranial lipomas (5 participants; 1.25%). Only 3% of participants were referred for follow-up. Four twin pairs, all monozygotic, had lesions concordant with their twin. Periventricular WMH was moderately heritable (0.61, CI 0.43–0.75, p = 7.21E-08) and deep WMH highly heritable (0.80, CI 0.66–0.88, p = 1.76E-13). As in the general population, incidental findings on cerebral MRI in older twins are common, although concordance rates are low. Such findings can alter the clinical outcome of participants, and should be anticipated by researchers when designing trials involving cerebral imaging

    Gene-based multiple trait analysis for exome sequencing data

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    The common genetic variants identified through genome-wide association studies explain only a small proportion of the genetic risk for complex diseases. The advancement of next-generation sequencing technologies has enabled the detection of rare variants that are expected to contribute significantly to the missing heritability. Some genetic association studies provide multiple correlated traits for analysis. Multiple trait analysis has the potential to improve the power to detect pleiotropic genetic variants that influence multiple traits. We propose a gene-level association test for multiple traits that accounts for correlation among the traits. Gene- or region-level testing for association involves both common and rare variants. Statistical tests for common variants may have limited power for individual rare variants because of their low frequency and multiple testing issues. To address these concerns, we use the weighted-sum pooling method to test the joint association of multiple rare and common variants within a gene. The proposed method is applied to the Genetic Association Workshop 17 (GAW17) simulated mini-exome data to analyze multiple traits. Because of the nature of the GAW17 simulation model, increased power was not observed for multiple-trait analysis compared to single-trait analysis. However, multiple-trait analysis did not result in a substantial loss of power because of the testing of multiple traits. We conclude that this method would be useful for identifying pleiotropic genes

    Association tests for rare and common variants based on genotypic and phenotypic measures of similarity between individuals

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    Genome-wide association studies have helped us identify thousands of common variants associated with several widespread complex diseases. However, for most traits, these variants account for only a small fraction of phenotypic variance or heritability. Next-generation sequencing technologies are being used to identify additional rare variants hypothesized to have higher effect sizes than the already identified common variants, and to contribute significantly to the fraction of heritability that is still unexplained. Several pooling strategies have been proposed to test the joint association of multiple rare variants, because testing them individually may not be optimal. Within a gene or genomic region, if there are both rare and common variants, testing their joint association may be desirable to determine their synergistic effects. We propose new methods to test the joint association of several rare and common variants with binary and quantitative traits. Our association test for quantitative traits is based on genotypic and phenotypic measures of similarity between pairs of individuals. For the binary trait or case-control samples, we recently proposed an association test based on the genotypic similarity between individuals. Here, we develop a modified version of this test for rare variants. Our tests can be used for samples taken from multiple subpopulations. The power of our test statistics for case-control samples and quantitative traits was evaluated using the GAW17 simulated data sets. Type I error rates for the proposed tests are well controlled. Our tests are able to identify some of the important causal genes in the GAW17 simulated data sets