126 research outputs found

    Cereal grain yield responses to fertilizer management in sandy soil in a long-term fertilizer experiment in Northeast Germany

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    LangzeitdĂŒngungsversuche (LTFE) sind fĂŒr die Agrarforschung von entscheidender Bedeutung, da sie dokumentieren, ĂŒberwachen, lernen und zeigen können, was in der Vergangenheit geschehen ist, und mit Hilfe von Vorhersagemodellen vorhersagen und simulieren können, was in Zukunft geschehen wird. Diese Modelle dienen dazu, zukĂŒnftiges Pflanzenwachstum unter verschiedenen Klima- und Bewirtschaftungsszenarien abzuschĂ€tzen und so Entscheidungsprozesse zu unterstĂŒtzen. In diese Studie wurden die Reaktionen der GetreideertrĂ€ge auf das DĂŒngermanagement in Sandböden in einem LTFE (1971 bis 2016) in Nordostdeutschland analysiert. Die Ziele dieser Studie waren a) die Analyse der Ertragsreaktionen von Sommergerste, Winterroggen und Winterweizen auf das DĂŒngemanagement, b) die Analyse der SensitivitĂ€t der Ertragsreaktionen auf den Zeitpunkt von Wetterereignissen und c) der Vergleich verschiedener Analysemodelle. Die Studie ergab, dass die Reaktion der GetreideertrĂ€ge auf das DĂŒngermanagement von komplexen Beziehungen zwischen KlimaabhĂ€ngigkeit, Vorfrucht und Bodeneigenschaften beeinflusst wurde. Die Witterungsbedingungen bei der Aussaat und in den frĂŒhen Wachstumsstadien des Getreides beeinflusste den Kornertrag. Bei Wintergetreide waren die IntensitĂ€t und Dauer der extremen Temperaturen im Sommer, insbesondere die Anzahl der Tage mit einer Höchsttemperatur von ĂŒber 30°C im Juli, eine wichtige Variable fĂŒr den Ertrag. Unter den untersuchten Modellen zeigte das LMM-Modell eine bessere Vorhersageleistung als das M5P-Modell, und beide hatten umfangreichere Regressoren als die ANOVA und die BMA. Das M5P-Modell bot eine intuitive Visualisierung wichtiger Variablen und ihrer kritischen Schwellenwerte und offenbarte andere Variablen, die vom LMM-Modell nicht erfasst wurden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Analyse tragen zu umfassenden Strategien fĂŒr eine nachhaltige Pflanzenproduktion im Hinblick auf den zukĂŒnftigen Klimawandel bei.Long-term fertilizer experiments (LTFEs) are essential for agricultural research as they provide necessary information and data to build predictive models. These models can be used to estimate future plant growth under different climate and management scenarios to support decision-making processes. The current study analyzed cereal grain yield responses to fertilizer management in sandy soil in a LTFE (1971 to 2016) in Northeast Germany. The objectives of this study were to a) analyze yield responses of spring barley), winter rye, and winter wheat to fertilizer management, b) analyze the sensitivity of yield responses to timing of weather events, and c) compare different analysis models. The study revealed that cereal yield response to fertilizer management was influenced by complex relationships among climatic dependence, preceding crop, and soil characteristics. Weather conditions at seeding and early growth stages of cereal were found to be sensitive to grain yield. For winter cereals, the intensity and duration of extreme temperatures in the summertime (harvest year), especially the number of days recorded with a maximum temperature above 30°C in July was an important variable for the yield. Among the investigated models, LMM-model had a better predictive performance compared to M5P-model and both had richer regressors than the ANOVA and BMA-model. The M5P-model presented an intuitive visualization of important variables and their critical thresholds, and revealed other variables that were not captured by the LMM-model. The findings of this analysis contribute to comprehensive strategies for sustainable crop production with regard to future climate change

    Programming Manikins: A Video Training Module for the Gaumard UNI Software

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    Nursing training has in the past relied on students’ assessment of each other, and procedural practice was at the expense of actual on-the-job training with real patients. However, with today’s technologies, exposure to realistic manikins that can replicate physiology is making it possible for better and safer training. Nursing simulation centers are now the hub for such education, training, and practice. But having competent staff to operate the manikins can come at a high cost for technical training. This Instructional Design project aims to support staff turnover and training with an online video-based instructional module that can serve as both a refresher and reference resource. The Dick and Carey model for instructional design was used to develop the module following the cognitive domain with Gagne’s 9 Events of Instruction. Specifically, video modules for the Gaumard Manikin UNI Software were created using the screen capturing tool, Camtasia, and hosted on Google Sites (https://sites.google.com/a/hawaii.edu/uni). The training focused on how to navigate the software to operate the manikin using pre-existing programmed scenarios, on-the-fly without a programmed scenario, and how to program one’s own scenario for use. Fifteen participants completed the online self-paced module that involved a demographics pre-survey, pre-test, three parts with embedded test questions, post-test, and a post-attitudinal survey. Results showed improvements across the board from pre- to post-test, suggesting that the module is effective as a review and resource for both old and new staff regardless of their experience with the manikin technology

    Statistical Analysis versus the M5P Machine Learning Algorithm to Analyze the Yield of Winter Wheat in a Long-Term Fertilizer Experiment

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    To compare how different analytical methods explain crop yields from a long-term field experiment (LTFE), we analyzed the grain yield of winter wheat (WW) under different fertilizer applications in MĂŒncheberg, Germany. An analysis of variance (ANOVA), linear mixed-effects model (LMM), and MP5 regression tree model were used to evaluate the grain yield response. All the methods identified fertilizer application and environmental factors as the main variables that explained 80% of the variance in grain yields. Mineral nitrogen fertilizer (NF) application was the major factor that influenced the grain yield in all methods. Farmyard manure slightly influenced the grain yield with no NF application in the ANOVA and M5P regression tree. While sources of environmental factors were unmeasured in the ANOVA test, they were quantified in detail in the LMM and M5P model. The LMM and M5P model identified the cumulative number of freezing days in December as the main climate-based determinant of the grain yield variation. Additionally, the temperature in October, the cumulative number of freezing days in February, the yield of the preceding crop, and the total nitrogen in the soil were determinants of the grain yield in both models. Apart from the common determinants that appeared in both models, the LMM additionally showed precipitation in June and the cumulative number of days in July with temperatures above 30 °C, while the M5P model showed soil organic carbon as an influencing factor of the grain yield. The ANOVA results provide only the main factors affecting the WW yield. The LMM had a better predictive performance compared to the M5P, with smaller root mean square and mean absolute errors. However, they were richer regressors than the ANOVA. The M5P model presented an intuitive visualization of important variables and their critical thresholds, and revealed other variables that were not captured by the LMM model. Hence, the use of different methods can strengthen the statement of the analysis, and thus, the co-use of the LMM and M5P model should be considered, especially in large databases involving multiple variables.Peer Reviewe


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    The study is based on Chase 1994's approach to management capacity of head nurses and uses linear regression analysis to determine the relationship between the components of head nurses' management capacity with other influencing factors. The results show that factors such as age, seniority of management, degrees, seniority of work, and management degrees explain 39.1% of the change in professional capacity and 56% of the change in professional competence explaining 52% of the change in thinking ability, explaining 33% of the change in leadership skills and explaining 34% of the change in management skills of financial management. The relationship between management seniority and professional skills is statistically significant and negatively correlated. The relationship between qualifications, working seniority and human resource management skills is statistically significant and positively correlated. The relationship between qualifications, management degrees and thinking skills of head nurses is statistically significant and positively correlated. In addition, the research results also show that the relationship between the influencing factors and the components of the management capacity of head nurses is not statistically significant

    Paysage de l’eau et politiques de (rĂ©)amĂ©nagement dans le delta du fleuve Rouge

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    SituĂ©e au cƓur de l’immense delta du fleuve Rouge, la province de HanoĂŻ au Viet-Nam se caractĂ©rise par une forte prĂ©sence d’étendues d’eau sous de multiples formes (cours d’eau, bras-morts, lacs, Ă©tangs, bassins, canaux, fossĂ©s, etc.). Il est incontestable que l’eau a Ă©tĂ© une composante essentielle des paysages traditionnels et constitue aujourd’hui encore un enjeu fondamental. Ces derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, la mise en place de politiques visant Ă  dĂ©velopper ou Ă  moderniser les territoires urbains et pĂ©riurbains de la rĂ©gion-capitale a eu pour consĂ©quence de faire Ă©voluer ces paysages de l’eau, les formes d’amĂ©nagement que l’on y rencontre et les pratiques sociales associĂ©es. Tout rĂ©cemment, un nouveau type d’étendue d’eau est apparu : Ao MĂŽi Trường (Ă©tang de l’environnement). Il s’agit d’un plan d’eau (rĂ©)amĂ©nagĂ© Ă  la fois pour servir Ă  l’amĂ©lioration du cadre de vie des villages pĂ©riurbains et pour lutter contre des risques d’inondation et d’incendie. S’attachent aussi Ă  certains de ces « étangs » des valeurs symboliques et affectives. La mise en place de ces Ă©tangs renvoie Ă  l’application locale, Ă  partir de 2010, d’une politique nationale dite NĂŽng ThĂŽn Mới (Nouvelle RuralitĂ©) dĂ©cidĂ©e par l’État vietnamien. L’objectif visĂ© Ă©tait de faire accĂ©der Ă  la modernitĂ© les anciens villages ruraux. L’amĂ©nagement de ces « étangs de l’environnement » peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme paradoxal dans le contexte d’un dĂ©veloppement urbain dĂ©mesurĂ© qui a transformĂ© (ou est en train de transformer) en terre constructible un grand nombre d’étendues d’eau dans la rĂ©gion-capitale.Located in the heart of the vast Red River Delta, the province of Hanoi in Vietnam is characterized by a strong presence of bodies of water in many forms such as rivers, backwaters, lakes, ponds, reservoirs, canals, and ditches. Undoubtedly water has always been an essential part of traditional landscapes and remains a fundamental challenge. In recent decades, the introduction of policies aimed at developing or modernising the urban and periurban areas of the capital has impacted these waterscapes, the forms of development that can be found there and the associated social practices. Very recently, a new type of waterscape has emerged which is referred to as Ao MĂŽi Trường or “pond of the environment”. These ponds have been developed to improve the living environment of periurban villages and to combat flooding and fire hazards; and symbolic and emotional values are also attached to some of them. Their establishment followed the implementation at a local level from 2010 of a national policy referred to as NĂŽng ThĂŽn Mới (New Rurality) decided by the Vietnamese State authorities. The objective was to modernise old villages in rural areas. The development of these "ponds of the environment" can be considered as a paradox given the excessive urban development that has transformed or is in the process of transforming into building land many waterscapes in the capital’s region

    The Effect of Monetary Instrument of Islamic Banking Financing Channel Towards The Economic Growth in Indonesia

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    Monetary policy is closely related to activities to achieve economic growth, which eventually gives welfare to the community. This study aims to analyze the description of the transmission flow of financing channels, the effect of monetary policy instruments, and their effectiveness to achieve economic growth. The variables used are Islamic Banking Finance (FIN), return of Sharia Bank Indonesia Certificate (SBIS), return of PUAS, and Industrial Production Index (IPI). This study used Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) to determine short- and long-term relationships using the time series data. First, the result of the study showed that the transmission flow could not be identified clearly, because the flow stopped in FIN, and it could not affect IPI, according to the Granger Causality test. Second, the result of VECM estimation showed that all variables only affected long term period and did not affect the short-term period. Third, monetary policy transmission of Islamic banking financing channel was not effective enough, which was proven with the result of IRF simulation, which showed that the effect of shock on financing channel variable (FIN) towards IPI was subsided and stable in the 10th period later. Meanwhile, the result of the FEVD simulation showed that the financing channel variable (FIN) only gave a contribution of as much as 0.14 percent towards IPI. The contribution and policy implications are also discussed in this study

    Examining the effects of lead on the life of larval zebrafish (1-7 days old)

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    Lead (Pb) is a toxic metal and and can cause variety of disorders and effect on neu-ronal function and neurodevelopment. Using zebrafish as a model, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of concentrations of Pb2+ on the life of zebrafish larvae (from 1 to 7 days old)yesBelgorod State Universit


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    Purpose of the study: Innovation is seen as the key to improving quality and productivity, thereby promoting competition and economic growth. This study analyzes the impact of innovation on economic growth through various measures, such as research and development spending, the number of researchers, number of patents as well as trademark registrations. Research results are evidence to recommend policies for intellectual-based economic growth. Methodology: Literature review and empirical analysis conducted in the study. The empirical method is a two-step System Generalize Methods of Moments (GMM), aiming at reliable results. Accessing the World Bank Database, research data from 64 developed and developing countries are collected from 2006 to 2014. Main Findings: The empirical findings show that innovation plays a crucial contribution in promoting economic growth, similar to national openness and government spending on education. This study also finds a positive impact on foreign investment flows and their spillover role in enhancing the correlation between innovation and economic growth. Applications of this study: The findings of this study focus on the contributions of innovation, foreign direct investment inflows, and other macro factors that can be enforced to improve economic growth by policymakers. Novelty/Originality of this study: The study uses different measures of innovation, including inputs such as the number of researchers, research and development expenditure, and outputs as the number of patents and number of trademark registrations. Empirical findings are found consistently, thus confirming that innovation is very important for economic growth. The study also shows convincing evidence confirming the positive contribution of foreign direct investment as well as its spillover effect on innovation and economic growth
