378 research outputs found


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    The study of group cohesion has brought forth meaningful insight into the interworking of groups in athletic sports teams, classrooms, adult couples, businesses, and military training groups. This study used a mixed quantitative and qualitative methods survey to examine the nature of group cohesion in relation to resident hall staffs located on the campus of Northern Michigan University. A quantitative assessment of group cohesion used in previous studies of group cohesion was modified and used in supplement to a series of nine extended response items. Through the research, seven themes which were consistent across the staffs were discovered. The discovered themes include (1) working toward a group identity, (2) interpersonal skills, (3) conflict resolution, (4) providing support, (5) modeling exemplary behavior, (6) the acceptance of differences and finding common ground, (7) and having meaningful goals. Relationships between the qualitative themes and quantitative levels of group cohesion reported are further discussed

    Synthesis of Some New Substituted Imidazo (1, 2-a) Pyridines and Their 2-One Derivatives

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    2, 3-diaminopyridine (11)(a tri-nitrogen nucleophile) undergoes regioselective cyclocondensation reaction with nitrilimines (2, 10) affording 8-aminoimidazo [1, 2-a] pyridines (12) and 8-aminoimidazo [1, 2-a] pyridine-2-ones (13), respectively. The structures of the new compounds (12, 13) were deduced from their IR, MS and NMR spectral data


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    Abstrak Kampung nelayan Malabero Kota Bengkulu di hadapkan pada permasalahan rendahnya kualitas fisik lingkungan, salah satunya adalah belum optimalnya kualitas infrastruktur. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari minimnya ketersediaan infrastruktur dasar permukiman yang meliputi; jalan, air bersih, drainase, air limbah, dan persampahan. Sebagai kawasan permukiman yang berada di kawasan wisata pantai, diupayakan jaringan infrastruktur yang ada dipermukiman ini teritegrasi dengan kawasan wisata di sekitarnya. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan suatu arahan pengembangan dalam peningkatan kualitas infrastruktur di kampung nelayan Malabero agar dapat mendukung keberlangsungan kegiatan penduduk kampung nelayan Malabero sekaligus menjadi kawasan permukiman yang menunjang keberadaan wisata pantai Tapak Paderi Kota Bengkulu.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan arahan pengembangan infrastruktur di kampung nelayan Malabero agar dapat mendukung keberadaan wisata pantai Tapak Paderi Kota Bengkulu. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa infrastruktur dikampung nelayan Malabero belum dapat dikatakan mendukung keberlangsungan kegiatan penduduk secara optimal dan menunjang keberadaan wisata pantai yang ada disekitar permukiman mereka, untuk mewujudkannya diperlukan suatu arahan pengembangan infrastruktur yang mencakup kriteria yang harus dicapai. Adapun arahan pengembangannya meliputi pengembangan infrastruktur jalan, air bersih, drainase, air limbah, dan persampahan. Kondisi yang diharapkan dari permukiman nelayan ini yaitu lingkungan hunian masyarakat nelayan yang mandiri dan berkualitas, infrastruktur permukiman yang memadai sekaligus mempunyai nilai-nilai estetika dan ciri khas lokal sehingga mendukung keberadaan pengembangan kawasan wisata pantai Tapak Paderi Kota Bengkulu. Kata Kunci: Kampung Nelayan, Infrastruktur, Wisata Pantai Tapak Paderi Kota Bengkul

    Glitch Estimation and Removal Using Adaptive Spline Fitting and Wavelet Shrinkage on the Gravitational Wave Data

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    The false alarm rate and reduced sensitivity of searches for astrophysical signals are caused by transient signals of earthly origin, or glitches, in gravitational wave strain data from groundbased detectors. The greater number of observable astrophysical signals will increase the likelihood of glitch overlaps and exacerbate their negative impact for future detectors with higher sensitivities. The wide morphological diversity and unpredictable waveforms of glitches, and with the vast majority of cases lacking supplemental data present the main obstacles to their mitigation. Thus, nonparametric glitch mitigation techniques are required, which should operate for a wide range of glitches and, in the case of overlaps, have little impact on astrophysical signals. The arrangement of free knots is improved to estimate both smooth and non-smooth curves, and wavelet-based shrinkage is added for specific types of glitches in our method for glitch estimation and removal utilizing adaptive spline curve fitting. The effectiveness of the technique is evaluated for seven different kinds of LIGO detector glitch types. In the specific instance of a loud glitch in data from LIGO, Livingston that coincides with the event GW170817, the glitch is evaluated and eliminated without adversely altering the gravitational wave signal. For injected signals overlapped with other kinds of glitches, similar results are observed

    Sustainable Supply Chain Responsiveness Impact of Strategies Competitive Advantage in Jordanian Pharmaceutical Companies

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    As globalization continues to dissolve the boundaries across the world, the significance of pursuing Strategies competitive advantages in construction is becoming more apparent. This paper applies Porter's diamond framework to identify endogenous sources of competitive advantages of construction enterprises, based on an extensive qualitative research approach. Strategies Competitive advantage helps to determine whether you have a competitive advantage: competitive offers, unique selling proposition (USP), and cost structure. These are important they will attract customers to buy from you and when all your costs are deducted from revenue you will have some profit left over. A competitive advantage involves a lot thing to make competition better however, to seek competition you need to have a strategy. Useful sustainable supply chain responsiveness (SCR) has become a potentially important way of securing strategies competitive advantage since competition is no longer between organizations, but among sustainable supply chains responsiveness. The aim of this research is to find out the effect of sustainable supply chain responsiveness on competitive advantage. Relevant literature is reviewed and synthesized first to develop a conceptual model, followed by research methodology. The results are then presented along with discussion. Keywords: Sustainable Supply Chain Responsiveness and, Strategies Competitive Advantage. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-26-02 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Reengineering the Leadership Competencies of the Leaders at the Jordanian Ministry of Education According to the Contemporary Leadership Trends

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    The article aimed to reveal the availability of reengineering the competencies of educational leaders in the Jordanian Ministry of Education based on contemporary leadership trends. The study population is all leaders in the Ministry of Education Center for the year 2020/2022. The researcher used the developmental survey method, and a questionnaire was developed that confirmed its validity and stability. The Study community is (260) individuals from all leaders in the ministry. Results: The reality of the availability of engineering competencies among the educational leaders in the ministry was medium, with statistically significant differences. Based on these results, a restructuring of the competencies of educational leaders was presented. The researcher recommended training educational leaders to bring about innovative changes and to raise the motivation of leadership charisma. She recommended that the Ministry of Education adopt the engineering of leadership competencies to enable educational leaders to achieve creativity, innovation, and comprehensive institutional change in their positions. هدف المقال الكشف عن مدى توفر إعادة هندسة كفايات القيادات التربوية في وزارة التربية والتعليم الأردنية في ضوء الاتجاهات القيادية المعاصرة. مجتمع الدراسة جميع القيادات في مركز وزارة التربية والتعليم للعام 2020/2022. واستخدمت الباحثة أسلوب المسح النمائي، وتم تطوير استبانة أكدت صدقها وثباتها. يتكون مجتمع الدراسة من (260) فرداً من جميع القيادات في الوزارة. النتائج: أن واقع مدى توافر الكفايات الهندسية لدى القيادات التربوية في الوزارة كان متوسطاً مع وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية. وبناء على هذه النتائج تم عرض إعادة هيكلة كفايات القيادات التربوية. وأوصى الباحث بتدريب القيادات التربوية على إحداث التغييرات الابتكارية، ورفع دافعية الكاريزما القيادية. وأوصت وزارة التربية والتعليم بتبني هندسة الكفاءات القيادية لتمكين القيادات التربوية من تحقيق الإبداع والابتكار والتغيير المؤسسي الشامل في مواقعهم

    The Causes of University Violence at Al-Bayt University and the Proposed Solutions to Reduce Them from the Perspective of the Students Themselves

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    This study aimed to uncover the causes of university violence related to the administration and policy of the university, faculty members, and the personality of the student at Al-Bayt University from the perspective of the students themselves and their degree of appreciation for the importance of the causes of violence and the proposed solutions of reducing them in the areas related to the administration and policy of the university , And the student's personality attributed to variables (school year, place of residence, type of admission). Also, what are the proposed methods to reduce the phenomenon of university violence at Al-Bayt University from the students' perspective .The study sample consisted of (300) students from Al Al-Bayt University randomly selected. To answer the study questions, the frequency and percentages of the personal variables of the study sample, the Means and the standard deviations were used for the responses of the study sample members for all fields of study. MANOVA to detect the differences between the mathematical averages of the fields of study according to the personal variables, in addition to the use of ANOVA to detect the differences between the mathematical averages of the study instrument according to the personal variables. The study showed that there is a high degree in the fields of (politics and management of the university, personal and academic) in Al-Bayt University from the perspective of students while there is a middle degree in the proposed methods to reduce the phenomenon of student violence in Al-Bayt University from the students' There were statistically significant differences in the proposed methods of addressing university violence from the perspective of the students themselves according to the variable (school year). There were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≤0.05) in all fields of study and tool as a whole. University page for parents The students' affairs to follow up their academic and behavioral achievement. Keywords: university violence, students, universit

    The School Improvement and the Role of Principal on Enhancing Student Learning Outcomes

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    This article reviews literature related to school principals and their role in improving student learning outcomes, by presenting and providing many information and evidence provided by academic research related to the principals and their role in student achievement. The article emphasizes that the managers are able to play a positive role in improving students’ achievement and results. Although the academic materials indicate indirect influence of managers on student achievement, this indirect influence is important and necessary and contributes greatly to the development of the students and to raising their achievements

    Design and analysis of multiband circular microstrip patch antenna for wireless communication

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    The study proposes a novel Approach of Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Multi-Band. The Proposed Antenna Dimension is (40×30×1.6)mm^3 on the FR-4, Which has ε_r equals(4.3) and Loss tangent (0.002). Both Patches and Grounds are Copper Material With Thickness (0.035 mm) Five Bands are Achieved, At Resonance Frequencies (9.658 GHz), (11.68 GHz), (16.054 GHz), (21.28 GHz), and (29.704 GHz) Respectively. This Antenna Operates In Wireless Applications for Operation in The X-Band, Ku-Band, Ka-Band, K-Band, and 5G. Also it is Works for Radar, Satellite Communications, Wireless Network Computer, Medical Communication Devices, and Local Multi Point TV, to Detect Vehicles Speeding, Especially in Europe Vehicles Speeding, Especially in Europe. The Proposed Antenna is Effectively Manufactured and Checked Using a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) and is Simulation Using CST-MW Software version 2019