12 research outputs found
The aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of the seed rain in two Floristic groups formed in a remnant of Subtropical Seasonal Forest. The clusters were characterized by successional stage of the forest, namely group I (Secondary Forest in Intermediate Stage-FSEM), with a predominance of early secondary species, and group II (Secondary Forest in Advanced Stage-FSEA), with a predominance of late secondary species. Seed rain was evaluated in 70 collectors of 1 m², randomly distributed in the two groups, whereas in group I were installed 15 collectors and in group II, due to its greater area, 55 collectors. The deposited material was collected monthly from October 2008 to October 2010. The dynamics of seed rain was assessed by the density of seeds of each species of dispersal and seasonal production. We used the nonparametric Test of Wilcoxon Sum of Orders (W) to determine statistical differences in the mean density of seeds in each year of assessment for each patch of forest. Seed rain in the remaining studied during three years of study, was represented by 114 species and higher seed production occurred in 2008 (1632-seeds.m-2 in group I and 1270-seeds.m-2 in group II), mainly due to the occurrence of high production Chusquea ramosissima Lindm., Dasyphyllum spinescens (Less.) Cabrera, Vernonanthura discolor (Spreng.) H.Rob. Only in the second year (2009) observed statistical differences in mean density between the two groups (FSEM=565.6 seeds.m-2 and FSEA=274 seeds.m-2; Z=1.96 and tabulated; W FSEM x FSEA =2.248). Zoochorous species predominated in the study area, and periods of increased seed production were the winter and spring. The seed rain proved important mechanism for natural regeneration of remnant forest and is affected by climate conditions and successional stage of the forest.O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a dinâmica da chuva de sementes em dois agrupamentos florísticos formados em um remanescente de Floresta Estacional Subtropical. Os agrupamentos foram caracterizados pelo estágio sucessional da floresta, denominados de grupo I (Floresta Secundária em Estágio Médio - FSEM), com predomínio de espécies secundárias iniciais; e o grupo II (Floresta Secundária em Estágio Avançado - FSEA), com predomínio de espécies secundárias tardias. A chuva de sementes (CS) foi avaliada em 70 coletores de 1 m², distribuídos de forma aleatória nos dois agrupamentos, sendo que no grupo I foram instalados 15 coletores e no grupo II, por apresentar maior área, 55 coletores. O material depositado foi coletado mensalmente, no período de outubro de 2008 a outubro de 2010. A dinâmica da CS foi avaliada pela densidade de sementes de cada espécie, síndrome de dispersão e sazonalidade da produção. Utilizou-se o teste não paramétrico da Soma das Ordens de Wilcoxon (W) para verificar diferenças estatísticas nas médias de densidade de sementes em cada ano de avaliação para cada trecho de floresta. A chuva de sementes do remanescente estudado, durante os três anos de estudo, foi representada por 114 espécies e a maior produção de sementes ocorreu em 2008 (1632 sem.m-² no grupo I e 1270 sem.m-² no grupo II), principalmente devido à ocorrência da alta produção de Chusquea ramosissima Lindm., Dasyphyllum spinescens (Less.) Cabrera, Vernonanthura discolor (Spreng.) H.Rob. Somente no segundo ano (2009) observaram-se diferenças estatísticas nas médias de densidade entre os dois grupos analisados (FSEM=565,6 sem.m-2 e FSEA=274 sem.m-2; Z tabelado =1,96 e W FSEM x FSEA = 2,248). As espécies zoocóricas predominaram na área de estudo, e os períodos de maior produção de sementes foram o inverno e a primavera. A CS mostrou-se importante mecanismo de regeneração natural para o remanescente de floresta, sendo afetado pelas condições climáticas e estágio sucessional da floresta
The aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of the seed rain in two Floristic groups formed in a remnant of Subtropical Seasonal Forest. The clusters were characterized by successional stage of the forest, namely group I (Secondary Forest in Intermediate Stage-FSEM), with a predominance of early secondary species, and group II (Secondary Forest in Advanced Stage-FSEA), with a predominance of late secondary species. Seed rain was evaluated in 70 collectors of 1 m², randomly distributed in the two groups, whereas in group I were installed 15 collectors and in group II, due to its greater area, 55 collectors. The deposited material was collected monthly from October 2008 to October 2010. The dynamics of seed rain was assessed by the density of seeds of each species of dispersal and seasonal production. We used the nonparametric Test of Wilcoxon Sum of Orders (W) to determine statistical differences in the mean density of seeds in each year of assessment for each patch of forest. Seed rain in the remaining studied during three years of study, was represented by 114 species and higher seed production occurred in 2008 (1632-seeds.m-2 in group I and 1270-seeds.m-2 in group II), mainly due to the occurrence of high production Chusquea ramosissima Lindm., Dasyphyllum spinescens (Less.) Cabrera, Vernonanthura discolor (Spreng.) H.Rob. Only in the second year (2009) observed statistical differences in mean density between the two groups (FSEM=565.6 seeds.m-2 and FSEA=274 seeds.m-2; Z=1.96 and tabulated; W FSEM x FSEA =2.248). Zoochorous species predominated in the study area, and periods of increased seed production were the winter and spring. The seed rain proved important mechanism for natural regeneration of remnant forest and is affected by climate conditions and successional stage of the forest
In vitro sensitivity of potato plants to cadmium exposure
ABSTRACT: Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal that is extremely dangerous to human health and can be found naturally in soils, deposited through industrial waste or phosphate fertilization. In this study, we evaluated the morphological responses of in vitro grown plants of potato in the presence of Cd, and define a procedure for assessing Cd sensitivity of different clones. The potato clone SMIJ461-1 was cultured in the presence of Cd at concentrations of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 90, 110, 120, 140, and 160 µM. Survival, rooting, number and height of shoots, leaf and root counts were evaluated at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days of cultivation. Adverse effects of Cd on the growth of the potato plants, exerted in a concentration-dependent manner, were observed for shoot height, leaf and root counts. Results of this study indicated that Cd concentrations of 0, 45, 90, and 135 µM can be used for future in vitro evaluation of potato clone sensitivity to Cd exposure
Seleção de clones de Cordia trichotoma Vell. para enraizamento adventício e determinação da qualidade de mudas produzidas por miniestaquia
This study aimed to evaluate and define strategies for the selection of C. trichotoma clones with competence for adventitious rooting and production of high-quality plantlets by mini-cuttings. For adventitious rooting, mini-cuttings were treated with 3,000 mg L-1 of indole butyric acid and grown in 110 cm³ tubes, consisting of equal proportions of the commercial substrate and vermiculite. The percentage of rooting, number of roots, and mini-cuttings rooted per mini-stump were evaluated after 30 days of cultivation in a humid chamber. The rooted mini-cuttings were transferred to a shade house and the survival percentage, stem diameter, height, and number of leaves were evaluated at 120 days. Data were analyzed using the restricted maximum likelihood/best linear unbiased prediction (REML/BLUP) method and Pearson´s correlation analysis. The number of rooted mini-cuttings and stem diameter presented the highest repeatability and accuracy values for rooting and plantlet growth, respectively. These traits also presented significant positive correlation estimations with others, indicating the possibility of indirect selection gain. Cordia trichotoma clones can be selected for vegetative propagation, considering the number of rooted mini-cuttings and the stem diameter of the plantlets produced by mini-cutting. Early selection for adventitious rooting and plantlet quality can aid in genetic improvement programs for the development of new cultivars for vegetative propagation via the use of mini-cuttings.Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar e definir estratégias para a seleção de clones de Cordia trichotoma com competência para o enraizamento adventício e que resultem na produção de mudas por miniestaquia de alta qualidade. Para o enraizamento adventício, miniestacas foram tratadas com 3,000 mg L-1 de ácido indolbutírico e plantadas em tubetes de 110 cm³, contendo iguais proporções de substrato comercial e vermiculita. Foram avaliadas a porcentagem de enraizamento, o número de raízes e de miniestacas enraizadas por minicepa aos 30 dias de cultivo em câmara úmida. As miniestacas enraizadas foram transferidas para casa de sombra e as mudas foram avaliadas para a porcentagem de sobrevivência, o diâmetro do colo, a altura e o número de folhas aos 120 dias de cultivo. Os dados foram analisados pelo método de máxima verossimilhança residual ou restrita e melhor predição linear imparcial (REML/BLUP) e correlação de Pearson. Foram observadas diferenças significativas para todos os caracteres de enraizamento e qualidade de muda, com exceção da altura e do número de folhas. Para o enraizamento, o número de miniestacas enraizadas apresentou os maiores valores de repetibilidade e acurácia, enquanto que para o crescimento das mudas foi para o diâmetro do colo. Esses mesmos caracteres apresentaram estimativas positivas e significadas de correlação linear com os demais, indicando a possibilidade de ganhos indiretos de seleção. Clones de C. trichotoma podem ser selecionados para propagação vegetativa, considerando o número de miniestacas enraizadas e o diâmetro do colo das mudas produzidas por miniestaquia. A seleção precoce para enraizamento adventício e a qualidade de muda pode contribuir nos programas de melhoramento genético para o desenvolvimento de cultivares para a propagação por miniestaquia
Perfil dos usuários do Restaurante Popular da região centro do estado do Rio Grande do Sul
The aim of this study is to analyze the profile of consumers of the popular restaurant Dom Ivo Lorscheiter (RPDIL) located in Santa Maria - RS. Primary data were obtained through a structured questionnaire applied to 165 consumers in the restaurant during the period of 17 to 20 June 2013. The results show that most consumers are male, unmarried and aged between 16-25 years and above 56 years. Have a monthly average income between 1 and 1,5 minimum wages and are willing to pay R 1,593.75, which may be appropriated by the consumers in the form of welfare and health. O objetivo desse trabalho consiste em analisar o perfil de usuários do restaurante popular Dom Ivo Lorscheiter (RPDIL) localizado no município de Santa Maria - RS. Os dados primários foram obtidos mediante aplicação de questionário estruturado para 165 consumidores do restaurante durante o período de 17 a 20 de junho de 2013. Os resultados mostram que a maioria dos usuários é do sexo masculino, solteiros e com idade entre 16-25 anos e acima de 56 anos. Possuem em média uma renda mensal entre 1 e 1,5 salários mínimos e estão dispostos a pagar R1.593,75, o qual pode ser apropriado pelos consumidores sob a forma de bem-estar e saúde
This study intended to analyze the presence of clusters in the vegetation of Seasonal Deciduous Forest remnants, characterized as a concave enclave, on steep sandy soil, among the region’s characteristic fields. Shrub and tree specimens with CBH (circumference at breast height) ≥ 15 cm were sampled in two size classes. In class I (CBH ≥ 30 cm) specimen sampling, we used fourteen 20 x 100 m plots, divided into sub-plots (10 x 10 m). Class II (15 ≤ CBH < 30 cm) specimens were observed in 70 sub-portions. We used the TWINSPAN program to analyze the clusters, which indicated two well-defined clusters in class I (G1 and G2) and one relatively homogenous cluster in class II (understorey). There were Trichilia claussenii, Cupania vernalis and Crysophyllum marginatum indicator species in the G1 cluster; and Luehea divaricata and Sebastiania commersoniana in the G2 cluster. Regarding to horizontal structure, these species were among the three most important ones in both clusters. In the understorey, the most important species were Actinostemon concolor, Trichilia claussenii, Trichilia elegans, Eugenia rostrifolia and Sorocea bonplandii. Since these species prevail in the tree vegetation, they are fundamental to stabilize hillsides, considering that they are adapted to steep and shallow soil areas, pointing out the Cupania vernalis and Trichilia claussenii in less modified environments and the Luehea divaricata and Sebastiania commersoniana in environments more susceptible to interference.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509819682O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a presença de agrupamentos na vegetação de um remanescente de Floresta Estacional Decidual, caracterizado como um enclave côncavo, em terreno com declividade acentuada e solo arenoso, entre campos característicos da região. As espécies arbóreas e arbustivas com CAP (circunferência a altura de 1,3 m do solo) ≥ 15 cm foram amostradas em duas classes de tamanho. Na amostragem dos indivíduos da Classe I (CAP ≥ 30 cm) foram utilizadas 14 parcelas de 20 x 100 m, divididas em subparcelas (10 x 10 m). Os indivíduos da Classe II (15 ≤ CAP < 30 cm) foram observados em 70 subparcelas. Para análise de agrupamentos foi utilizado o programa TWINSPAN, que indicou dois grupos (G1 e G2) bem definidos na Classe I e um grupo relativamente homogêneo na Classe II (sub-bosque). No grupo G1 ocorreram as espécies indicadoras Trichilia claussenii, Cupania vernalis e Crysophyllum marginatum; e no grupo G2 Luehea divaricata e Sebastiania commersoniana. Em relação à estrutura horizontal, essas espécies estiveram entre as três mais importantes nos respectivos grupos. No sub-bosque, as espécies com maior valor de importância foram Actinostemon concolor, Trichilia claussenii, Trichilia elegans, Eugenia rostrifolia e Sorocea bonplandii. Essas espécies, por predominarem na vegetação arbórea, apresentam papel fundamental na estabilização de encostas, considerando que estão adaptadas às áreas com declividade acentuada e solos rasos, destacando-se Cupania vernalis e Trichilia claussenii em ambientes menos alterados e Luehea divaricata e Sebastiania commersoniana em ambientes mais susceptíveis às interferências
Storage and germination of seeds of Handroanthus heptaphyllus (Mart.) Mattos
The aim of this study was to determine the substrate and the most suitable sowing method for germination, as well as the environment for storage of Handroanthus heptaphyllus seeds (ipê-roxo), and infer the health quality provided by different packaging. Experiment 1 has assessed the treatments (substrates - blotting paper, filter paper, vermiculite, sand, besides paper roll; and sowing methods - among and on the substrates). Experiment 2 has assessed storage in three environments (air conditioned room - 18 °C and 49% of relative humidity (RH); cold and wet chamber - 8 °C and 80% RH; and dry and cold chamber - 7.5 ºC and 55% RH) , for 300 days. Handroanthus heptaphyllus seed germination test can be performed using seeding among blotting paper, vermiculite, on sand, between sand, on vermiculite and between filter paper. The storage of the seeds in plastic bags kept in an air conditioned room and/or in a dry and cold chamber is suitable for the preservation of Handroanthus heptaphyllus seeds for a period of 300 days. The packaging in a dry and cold chamber environment has provided a lower incidence of fungi associated with the Handroanthus heptaphyllus seeds
Storage and germination of seeds of Handroanthus heptaphyllus (Mart.) Mattos
The aim of this study was to determine the substrate and the most suitable sowing method for germination, as well as the environment for storage of Handroanthus heptaphyllus seeds (ipê-roxo), and infer the health quality provided by different packaging. Experiment 1 has assessed the treatments (substrates - blotting paper, filter paper, vermiculite, sand, besides paper roll; and sowing methods - among and on the substrates). Experiment 2 has assessed storage in three environments (air conditioned room - 18 °C and 49% of relative humidity (RH); cold and wet chamber - 8 °C and 80% RH; and dry and cold chamber - 7.5 ºC and 55% RH) , for 300 days. Handroanthus heptaphyllus seed germination test can be performed using seeding among blotting paper, vermiculite, on sand, between sand, on vermiculite and between filter paper. The storage of the seeds in plastic bags kept in an air conditioned room and/or in a dry and cold chamber is suitable for the preservation of Handroanthus heptaphyllus seeds for a period of 300 days. The packaging in a dry and cold chamber environment has provided a lower incidence of fungi associated with the Handroanthus heptaphyllus seeds