292 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Cathode Spot Distribution in an Axial Magnetic Field Controlled Vacuum Arc at Long Contact Gap

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    The distribution of cathode spots in a CuCr25 vacuum arc controlled by an axial magnetic field and ignited on the lateral surface of the cathode is investigated for long gap distances, from the processing of high-speed video images. The processing method includes also estimating the current carried by a single spot and reconstructing the distribution of the current density at the cathode. Various distributions depending partly on the arc current are described


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    DiGeorge-like Syndrome in a Child with a 3p12.3 Deletion Involving MIR4273 Gene Born to a Mother with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

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    Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion is the most common chromosomal alteration associated with DiGeorge syndrome (DGS), even though this is not the only underlying cause of DGS. In rare patients, mutations in a single gene, TBX1, have been described resulting in a DGS phenotype. Recently, it has been reported that at least part of the TBX1 mutant phenotype is due to excessive bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) signaling. Evidence suggests that miRNA may modulate the expression of critical T-box transcriptional regulators during midface development and Bmp-signaling. We report on a 7-year-old Caucasian male born to a mother affected with gestational diabetes (GDM) who had a 371Kb-interstitial deletion of 3p12.3 identified by array CGH, involving the ZNF717, MIR1243 and 4273 genes. The child presented with a DiGeorge anomaly (DGA) associated with unilateral renal agenesis and language delay. The immunological evaluation revealed a severe reduction and impairment of T lymphocytes. FISH analysis and TBX1 sequencing were negative. Among the miRNA-4273 predicted target genes, we found BMP3, which is involved in several steps of embryogenesisincluding kidney and lung organogenesis and in insulin gene expression. Since DGA is not commonly found in newborns of diabetic mothers, we hypothesize that the pathogenesis of DGA associated with GDM is multifactorial, involving both genetic and/or epigenetic cofactors

    Development of SARA(home), a new video-based tool for the assessment of ataxia at home

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical scales such as the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA) cannot be used to study ataxia at home or to assess daily fluctuations. The objective of the current study was to develop a video-based instrument, SARA(home), for measuring ataxia severity easily and independently at home. METHODS: Based on feasibility of self-application, we selected 5 SARA items (gait, stance, speech, nose-finger test, fast alternating hand movements) for SARA(home) (range, 0-28). We compared SARA(home) items with total SARA scores in 526 patients with spinocerebellar ataxia types 1, 2, 3, and 6 from the EUROSCA natural history study. To prospectively validate the SARA(home), we directly compared the self-applied SARA(home) and the conventional SARA in 50 ataxia patients. To demonstrate feasibility of independent home recordings in a pilot study, 12 ataxia patients were instructed to obtain a video each morning and evening over a period of 14 days. All videos were rated offline by a trained rater. RESULTS: SARA(home) extracted from the EUROSCA baseline data was highly correlated with conventional SARA (r = 0.9854, P < 0.0001). In the prospective validation study, the SARA(home) was highly correlated with the conventional SARA (r = 0.9254, P < 0.0001). Five of 12 participants of the pilot study obtained a complete set of 28 evaluable videos. Seven participants obtained 13-27 videos. The intraindividual differences between the lowest and highest SARA(home) scores ranged from 1 to 5.5. CONCLUSION: The SARA(home) and the conventional SARA are highly correlated. Application at home is feasible. There was a considerable degree of intraindividual variability of the SARA(home) scores

    Prevalence and incidence of postpartum depression and environmental factors: the IGEDEPP cohort

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    Background: IGEDEPP (Interaction of Gene and Environment of Depression during PostPartum) is a prospective multicenter cohort study of 3,310 Caucasian women who gave birth between 2011 and 2016, with follow-up until one year postpartum. The aim of the current study is to describe the cohort and estimate the prevalence and cumulative incidence of early and late postpartum depression (PPD). Methods: Socio-demographic data, personal and family psychiatric history, as well as stressful life events during childhood and pregnancy were evaluated at baseline. Early and late PPD were assessed at 8 weeks and 1 year postpartum respectively, using DSM-5 criteria. Results: The prevalence of early PPD was 8.3% (95%CI 7.3-9.3), and late PPD 12.9% (95%CI 11.5-14.2), resulting in an 8-week cumulative incidence of 8.5% (95%CI 7.4-9.6) and a one-year cumulative incidence of PPD of 18.1% (95%CI: 17.1-19.2). Nearly half of the cohort (N=1571, 47.5%) had a history of at least one psychiatric or addictive disorder, primarily depressive disorder (35%). Almost 300 women in the cohort (9.0%) reported childhood trauma. During pregnancy, 47.7% women experienced a stressful event, 30.2% in the first 8 weeks and 43.9% between 8 weeks and one year postpartum. Nearly one in five women reported at least one stressful postpartum event at 8 weeks. Conclusion: Incident depressive episodes affected nearly one in five women during the first year postpartum. Most women had stressful perinatal events. Further IGEDEPP studies will aim to disentangle the impact of childhood and pregnancy-related stressful events on postpartum mental disorders.Comment: 34 pages, 6 table

    Validation of the reshaped shared epitope HLA-DRB1 classification in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Recently, we proposed a classification of HLA-DRB1 alleles that reshapes the shared epitope hypothesis in rheumatoid arthritis (RA); according to this model, RA is associated with the RAA shared epitope sequence (72–74 positions) and the association is modulated by the amino acids at positions 70 and 71, resulting in six genotypes with different RA risks. This was the first model to take into account the association between the HLA-DRB1 gene and RA, and linkage data for that gene. In the present study we tested this classification for validity in an independent sample. A new sample of the same size and population (100 RA French Caucasian families) was genotyped for the HLA-DRB1 gene. The alleles were grouped as proposed in the new classification: S(1 )alleles for the sequences A-RAA or E-RAA; S(2 )for Q or D-K-RAA; S(3D )for D-R-RAA; S(3P )for Q or R-R-RAA; and X alleles for no RAA sequence. Transmission of the alleles was investigated. Genotype odds ratio (OR) calculations were performed through conditional logistic regression, and we tested the homogeneity of these ORs with those of the 100 first trio families (one case and both parents) previously reported. As previously observed, the S(2 )and S(3P )alleles were significantly over-transmitted and the S(1), S(3D )and X alleles were under-transmitted. The latter were grouped as L alleles, resulting in the same three-allele classification. The risk hierarchy of the six derived genotypes was the same: (by decreasing OR and with L/L being the reference genotype) S(2)/S(3P), S(2)/S(2), S(3P)/S(3P), S(2)/L and S(3P)/L. The homogeneity test between the ORs of the initial and the replication samples revealed no significant differences. The new classification was therefore considered validated, and both samples were pooled to provide improved estimates of RA risk genotypes from the highest (S(2)/S(3P )[OR 22.2, 95% confidence interval 9.9–49.7]) to the lowest (S(3P)/L [OR 4.4, 95% confidence interval 2.3–8.4])