50 research outputs found

    Structure and biosynthesis of the signal-sequence receptor

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    The signal-sequence receptor (SSR) has previously been shown to be a component of the environment which nascent polypeptides meet on passage through the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. We report here on the primary structure of the SSR as deduced from cDNA clones and from direct protein sequencing. The glycoprotein is synthesized with a cleavable amino-terminal signal sequence and contains only one classical membrane-spanning segment. Its insertion into the ER membrane during biosynthesis depends on the function of the signal-recognition particle. SSR shows a remarkable charge distribution with the amino terminus being highly negatively charged, and the cytoplasmic carboxyl terminus positively charged. The SSR can be phosphorylated in its cytoplasmic tail both in intact cells and in a cell-free system, suggesting a regulation of its function. The localization of the protein in the ER membrane was confirmed by immunofluorescence microscopy

    Periodic ethanol supply as a path toward unlimited lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans dauer larvae

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    The dauer larva is a specialized stage of worm development optimized for survival under harsh conditions that have been used as a model for stress resistance, metabolic adaptations, and longevity. Recent findings suggest that the dauer larva of Caenorhabditis elegans may utilize external ethanol as an energy source to extend their lifespan. It was shown that while ethanol may serve as an effectively infinite source of energy, some toxic compounds accumulating as byproducts of its metabolism may lead to the damage of mitochondria and thus limit the lifespan of larvae. A minimal mathematical model was proposed to explain the connection between the lifespan of a dauer larva and its ethanol metabolism. To explore theoretically if it is possible to extend even further the lifespan of dauer larvae, we incorporated two natural mechanisms describing the recovery of damaged mitochondria and elimination of toxic compounds, which were previously omitted in the model. Numerical simulations of the revised model suggested that while the ethanol concentration is constant, the lifespan still stays limited. However, if ethanol is supplied periodically, with a suitable frequency and amplitude, the dauer could survive as long as we observe the system. Analytical methods further help to explain how feeding frequency and amplitude affect lifespan extension. Based on the comparison of the model with experimental data for fixed ethanol concentration, we proposed the range of feeding protocols that could lead to even longer dauer survival and it can be tested experimentally

    Ultrastructural identification of uncoated caveolin-independent early endocytic vehicles

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    Using quantitative light microscopy and a modified immunoelectron microscopic technique, we have characterized the entry pathway of the cholera toxin binding subunit (CTB) in primary embryonic fibroblasts. CTB trafficking to the Golgi complex was identical in caveolin-1null (Cav1−/−) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and wild-type (WT) MEFs. CTB entry in the Cav1−/− MEFs was predominantly clathrin and dynamin independent but relatively cholesterol dependent. Immunoelectron microscopy was used to quantify budded and surface-connected caveolae and to identify noncaveolar endocytic vehicles. In WT MEFs, a small fraction of the total Cav1-positive structures were shown to bud from the plasma membrane (2% per minute), and budding increased upon okadaic acid or lactosyl ceramide treatment. However, the major carriers involved in initial entry of CTB were identified as uncoated tubular or ring-shaped structures. These carriers contained GPI-anchored proteins and fluid phase markers and represented the major vehicles mediating CTB uptake in both WT and caveolae-null cells

    Quantitative imaging of Caenorhabditis elegans dauer larvae during cryptobiotic transition

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    Upon starvation or overcrowding, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans enters diapause by forming a dauer larva, which can then further survive harsh desiccation in an anhydrobiotic state. We have previously identified the genetic and biochemical pathways essential for survival-but without detailed knowledge of their material properties, the mechanistic understanding of this intriguing phenomenon remains incomplete. Here we employed optical diffraction tomography (ODT) to quantitatively assess the internal mass density distribution of living larvae in the reproductive and diapause stages. ODT revealed that the properties of the dauer larvae undergo a dramatic transition upon harsh desiccation. Moreover, mutants that are sensitive to desiccation displayed structural abnormalities in the anhydrobiotic stage that could not be observed by conventional microscopy. Our advance opens a door to quantitatively assessing the transitions in material properties and structure necessary to fully understand an organism on the verge of life and death.ISSN:0006-3495ISSN:1542-008

    Vip21-caveolin, a membrane protein constituent of the caveolar coat, oligomerizes in vivo and in vitro

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    VIP21-caveolin is a membrane protein, proposed to be a component of the striated coat covering the cytoplasmic surface of caveolae. To investigate the biochemical composition of the caveolar coat, we used our previous observation that VIP21-caveolin is present in large complexes and insoluble in the detergents CHAPS or Triton X-114. The mild treatment of these insoluble structures with sodium dodecyl sulfate leads to the detection of high molecular mass complexes of approximately 200, 400, and 600 kDa. The 400-kDa complex purified to homogeneity from dog lung is shown to consist exclusive of the two isoforms of VIP21-caveolin. Pulse-chase experiments indicate that the oligomers form early after the protein is synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). VIP21-caveolin does indeed insert into the ER membrane through the classical translocation machinery. Its hydrophobic domain adopts an unusual loop configuration exposing the N- and C-flanking regions to the cytoplasm. Similar high molecular mass complexes can be produced from the in vitro-synthesized VIP21-caveolin. The complex formation occurs only if VIP21-caveolin isoforms are properly inserted into the membrane; formation is cytosol-dependent and does not involve a vesicle fusion step. We propose that high molecular mass oligomers of VIP21-caveolin represent the basic units forming the caveolar coat. They are formed in the ER and later, between the ER and the plasma membrane, these oligomers could associate into larger detergent-insoluble structures

    Stereoselective synthesis and hormonal activity of novel dafachronic acids and naturally occurring steroids isolated from corals

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    A stereoselective synthesis of (25S)-Δ1-, (25S)-Δ1,4-, (25S)-Δ1,7-, (25S)-Δ8(14)-, (25S)-Δ4,6,8(14)-dafachronic acid, methyl (25S)-Δ1,4-dafachronate and (25S)-5α-hydroxy-3,6-dioxocholest-7-en-26-oic acid is described. (25S)-Δ1,4-Dafachronic acid and its methyl ester are natural products isolated from corals and have been obtained by synthesis for the first time. (25S)-5α-Hydroxy-3,6-dioxocholest-7-en-26-oic acid represents a promising synthetic precursor for cytotoxic marine steroids.Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich

    Mobilization of cholesterol induces the transition from quiescence to growth in Caenorhabditis elegans through steroid hormone and mTOR signaling

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    Abstract Recovery from the quiescent developmental stage called dauer is an essential process in C. elegans and provides an excellent model to understand how metabolic transitions contribute to developmental plasticity. Here we show that cholesterol bound to the small secreted proteins SCL-12 or SCL-13 is sequestered in the gut lumen during the dauer state. Upon recovery from dauer, bound cholesterol undergoes endocytosis into lysosomes of intestinal cells, where SCL-12 and SCL-13 are degraded and cholesterol is released. Free cholesterol activates mTORC1 and is used for the production of dafachronic acids. This leads to promotion of protein synthesis and growth, and a metabolic switch at the transcriptional level. Thus, mobilization of sequestered cholesterol stores is the key event for transition from quiescence to growth, and cholesterol is the major signaling molecule in this process

    Distribution and Transport of Cholesterol in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Cholesterol transport is an essential process in all multicellular organisms. In this study we applied two recently developed approaches to investigate the distribution and molecular mechanisms of cholesterol transport in Caenorhabditis elegans. The distribution of cholesterol in living worms was studied by imaging its fluorescent analog, dehydroergosterol, which we applied to the animals by feeding. Dehydroergosterol accumulates primarily in the pharynx, nerve ring, excretory gland cell, and gut of L1–L3 larvae. Later, the bulk of dehydroergosterol accumulates in oocytes and spermatozoa. Males display exceptionally strong labeling of spermatids, which suggests a possible role for cholesterol in sperm development. In a complementary approach, we used a photoactivatable cholesterol analog to identify cholesterol-binding proteins in C. elegans. Three major and several minor proteins were found specifically cross-linked to photocholesterol after UV irradiation. The major proteins were identified as vitellogenins. rme-2 mutants, which lack the vitellogenin receptor, fail to accumulate dehydroergosterol in oocytes and embryos and instead accumulate dehydroergosterol in the body cavity along with vitellogenin. Thus, uptake of cholesterol by C. elegans oocytes occurs via an endocytotic pathway involving yolk proteins. The pathway is a likely evolutionary ancestor of mammalian cholesterol transport