8 research outputs found

    Recommendations for the Use of Serious Games in Neurodegenerative Disorders: 2016 Delphi Panel

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    International audienceThe use of Serious Games (SG) in the health domain is expanding. In the field of neurodegenerative disorders (ND) such as Alzheimer’s disease, SG are currently employed both to support and improve the assessment of different functional and cognitive abilities, and to provide alternative solutions for patients’ treatment, stimulation, and rehabilitation. As the field is quite young, recommendations on the use of SG in people with ND are still rare. In 2014 we proposed some initial recommendations (Robert et al., 2014). The aim of the present work was to update them, thanks to opinions gathered by experts in the field during an expert Delphi panel. Results confirmed that SG are adapted to elderly people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia, and can be employed for several purposes, including assessment, stimulation, and improving wellbeing, with some differences depending on the population (e.g., physical stimulation may be better suited for people with MCI). SG are more adapted for use with trained caregivers (both at home and in clinical settings), with a frequency ranging from 2 to 4 times a week. Importantly, the target of SG, their frequency of use and the context in which they are played depend on the SG typology (e.g., Exergame, cognitive game), and should be personalized with the help of a clinician

    Recommendations for the Use of Serious Games in Neurodegenerative Disorders: 2016 Delphi Panel

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    The use of Serious Games (SG) in the health domain is expanding. In the field of neurodegenerative disorders (ND) such as Alzheimer’s disease, SG are currently employed both to support and improve the assessment of different functional and cognitive abilities, and to provide alternative solutions for patients’ treatment, stimulation, and rehabilitation. As the field is quite young, recommendations on the use of SG in people with ND are still rare. In 2014 we proposed some initial recommendations (Robert et al., 2014). The aim of the present work was to update them, thanks to opinions gathered by experts in the field during an expert Delphi panel. Results confirmed that SG are adapted to elderly people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia, and can be employed for several purposes, including assessment, stimulation, and improving wellbeing, with some differences depending on the population (e.g., physical stimulation may be better suited for people with MCI). SG are more adapted for use with trained caregivers (both at home and in clinical settings), with a frequency ranging from 2 to 4 times a week. Importantly, the target of SG, their frequency of use and the context in which they are played depend on the SG typology (e.g., Exergame, cognitive game), and should be personalized with the help of a clinician

    The Mediterranean diet as prevention strategy for dementia as a multicausal geriatric syndrome

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    Contains fulltext : 117751.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access

    Een ontwerpgerichte aanpak in complexe zorgvraagstukken: Co-creation in health, Waaier website

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    Tools, tips en ervaringen “In het project CHEAT (Co-creation in Health Toolkit) hebben ontwerpers van de bedrijven/organisaties hiernaast ervaringen uitgewisseld over hun projecten, met name in de complexe context van de zorg. De in deze waaier voorgestelde tools komen voort uit verschillende thematieken (misbegrip, hidden dynamics, protectionisme, de ontwerper als actor, mobiliseren en disruptief vs. conservatief). De tools zijn niet bedoeld om direct in te kunnen zetten, maar dienen juist ter inspiratie voor andere ontwerpers te maken hebben met ontwerpen voor en met de zorg en zijn daarom ook afgewisseld met tips en ervaringen van de participerende ontwerpers uit CHEAT!

    Puzzling with online games (BAM-COG): Reliability, validity, and feasibility of an online self-monitor for cognitive performance in aging adults

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    Contains fulltext : 122479.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Background: Online interventions are aiming increasingly at cognitive outcome measures but so far no easy and fast self-monitors for cognition have been validated or proven reliable and feasible. Objective: This study examines a new instrument called the Brain Aging Monitor–Cognitive Assessment Battery (BAM-COG) for its alternate forms reliability, face and content validity, and convergent and divergent validity. Also, reference values are provided. Methods: The BAM-COG consists of four easily accessible, short, yet challenging puzzle games that have been developed to measure working memory (“Conveyer Belt”), visuospatial short-term memory (“Sunshine”), episodic recognition memory (“Viewpoint”), and planning (“Papyrinth”). A total of 641 participants were recruited for this study. Of these, 397 adults, 40 years and older (mean 54.9, SD 9.6), were eligible for analysis. Study participants played all games three times with 14 days in between sets. Face and content validity were based on expert opinion. Alternate forms reliability (AFR) was measured by comparing scores on different versions of the BAM-COG and expressed with an intraclass correlation (ICC: two-way mixed; consistency at 95%). Convergent validity (CV) was provided by comparing BAM-COG scores to gold-standard paper-and-pencil and computer-assisted cognitive assessment. Divergent validity (DV) was measured by comparing BAM-COG scores to the National Adult Reading Test IQ (NART-IQ) estimate. Both CV and DV are expressed as Spearman rho correlation coefficients. Results: Three out of four games showed adequate results on AFR, CV, and DV measures. The games Conveyer Belt, Sunshine, and Papyrinth have AFR ICCs of .420, .426, and .645 respectively. Also, these games had good to very good CV correlations: rho=.577 (P=.001), rho=.669 (P<.001), and rho=.400 (P=.04), respectively. Last, as expected, DV correlations were low: rho=−.029 (P=.44), rho=−.029 (P=.45), and rho=−.134 (P=.28) respectively. The game Viewpoint provided less desirable results with an AFR ICC of .167, CV rho=.202 (P=.15), and DV rho=−.162 (P=.21). Conclusions: This study provides evidence for the use of the BAM-COG test battery as a feasible, reliable, and valid tool to monitor cognitive performance in healthy adults in an online setting. Three out of four games have good psychometric characteristics to measure working memory, visuospatial short-term memory, and planning capacity.20 p

    GÄende och cyklister i smÄ orter : resultat av litteraturstudie

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    De framtrÀdande riktningarna som kan spÄras frÄn genomgÄngen av litteraturstudien visar att kunskapen gÀllande tekniska lösningar samt förstÄelsen för problemet med oskyddade trafikanterna i den aktuella miljön Àr relativt stor. En tendens som gÄr att urskilja Àr att studierna ofta behandlar frÄgorna var för sig och frÀmst fokuserar pÄ planering, sÀkerhet och trygghet och inte sÄ mycket pÄ framkomlighet.Det som, utifrÄn resultaten i databassökningen, saknas Àr en bredd av studier avseende oskyddade trafikanters möjlighet att fÀrdas med samma typ av transportkvalitet som övriga trafikantgrupper och framför allt pÄ landsbygden eller i smÄ orter. Studier som tar ett helhetsgrepp om de oskyddades situation i den aktuella miljön bör dÀrför ses som önskvÀrda. Den svenska utformningspricipen för landsbygd utgÄr frÄn mÀnniskors resande med bil vilket yttrar sig i detaljerade anvisningar för utformning för fordonstrafik, det finns dock begrÀnsade anvisningar som i samma omfattning tar hÀnsyn till de oskyddade trafikanternas ansprÄk.I rapporten redovisas den funna sakkunskapen i befintlig litteratur med uppdelning i olika miljöer och angreppssÀtt.GodkÀnd; 2012; 20120330 (petros