50 research outputs found

    Analisis Penawaran Tandan Buah Segar di Provinsi Riau

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the factors of supply palm oil in Provinceof Riau and the effects of fluctuate its factors of supply palm oil. This research did inPekanbaru on January 2008 until September 2008 to analyze about Riau\u27sproblems. Research method is the study of literatures in secondary data 1987-2006analyzed by SAS 6.12 programme and WinQSB software. The factors of supplypalm oil in Province of Riau are real price of CPO, real price of urea, wide of palm oilplantations, productivities of palm oil.This research get F value =2.283,68 in probability α=1%, R-square 0,9984 to showthat correlation independent between dependent are strong, Adj R-square 0,9979 toshow that 99,79 % independent explanated by dependent. But, 0,22 % explanatedby other factors that not included. Real price of CPO, wide of palm oil plantationsand productivities palm oil show positive\u27s effect relevan with eaches estimated on2,10 (probability α=16 %), 3,46 (probability α=1%), and 223.471 (probability α=1%).Real price of urea shows negative\u27s effect relevan with estimated on -52,62(probability α=1%). The result forecasting analysis with SEST (Single EksponensialSmoothing With Trend Linier) with estimation, in 2011 real price of CPO is Rp.62.103,24/ton, real price of urea is Rp. 41.355,78/ton and wide of palm oilplantations is 1.758.169,00 ha

    Analisis Saluran Pemasaran Tandan Buah Segar (TBS) Kelapa Sawit Pada Petani Swadaya Di Desa Simpang Kelayang Kecamatan Kelayang Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis: 1) saluran, marjin pemasaran dan bagian dari harga yang diterima petani. 2) sambungan atau korelasi antara harga minyak sawit yang dibayarkan kepada petani Organisasi PKS. Metode survei yang digunakan dengan purposive sampling untuk petani. Sampel dari umur tanaman 7-10. dengan mengambil 10% dari populasi sehingga sampel diambil 22 216 petani. Sampel pedagang dan PKS menggunakan metode snowball sampling. Desa Simpang Kelayang Kecamatan Kelayang terdapat tengkulak yang menjadi perantara petani-pedagang-PKS. Petani harga jual ke pedagang pada bulan Februari 2015 adalah Rp. 1.326,36 / kg dan pedagang menjual ke PKS untuk Rp. 1.790,64 / kg. Margin Maret 2014- Februari 2015 adalah bulan tertinggi Januari 2015 sebesar Rp. 420,26 / Kg. Margin terendah di April 2014 sebesar Rp. 125,40 / Kg TBS pemasaran Efisiensi Dalam Februari 2015 sebesar 14,28 persen dari total marjin pemasaran dari USD 464,28 / Kg dan bagian dari petani menerima 73,03 persen. nilai korelasi harga (r) di tingkat petani dengan pedagang sebesar 0.832 Kata kunci: Marjin Pemasaran, Harga Korelasi, elastisitas, Efesiensi PemasaranThis study aims to find and know, and analyze: 1) channels, marketing margin and part of the price received by farmers. 2) connection or correlation between the price of palm oil paid to the farmer MCC Organization. This study used survey method, with purposive sampling to farmers. Samples of plant age 7-10. with a determined 10% of the population so that the sample was taken 22 216 farmers. Samples traders and MCC using snowball sampling method. Desa Simpang Kelayang District of Kelayang there is a middleman that farmer-trader-MCC. Farmer selling price to wholesalers in February 2015 is Rp. 1326.36 / kg and traders selling to the MCC for Rp. 1790.64 / kg. Margin of March 2014- February 2015 were the highest month of January 2015 amounted to Rp. 420.26 / Kg. The lowest margin in April 2014 amounted to Rp. 125.40 / Kg TBS marketing Efficiency In February 2015 amounted to 14.28 percent of total marketing margin of USD 464.28 / Kg and part of farmers received 73.03 percent. price correlation values (r) at the level of farmers with traders amounted to 0.83

    Analisis Pendapatan Wanita Pedagang Sayur Mayur (Studi Kasus di Pasar Arengka Panam) di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Base of this survey is analysis the contribution income of women seller vegetables for their family and how to know what kinds of factor and interesting their foor increasing them income. The writer use method for the survey is direct connecting to fieldwith the women with the purposive sampling. The total number of market traders Arengka Panam is 380 merchants. Sampel taken by 10% of the sword of vegetables namely 380 women merchants (only vegetable merchant populasion) to choose and determine the field in accordance witha the kriteria . kriteria is a trader of vegetables woman has a husband and have a place to trade is settled. The files collected with sekunder and primer files. The analysis file used is method descreption with explain quantitative and qualitative. The formula used in this survey is the formula the income of women selling vegetables, amount total capitaland the contribution their income of selling vegetables. the result of survey showed that average their contribution raising them income 56 %, it mean that the contribution vendors to help improve household income is quite large, with yhe income to help make ends meet their household. Responden with experience ranging from 1 – 20 years of tradevegetable

    Analisis Struktur Pasar Karet Petani Eks Upp Tcsdp di Desa Bukit Sakai Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tengah Kabupaten Kampar

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    Agriculture Marketing is a series of economic aktivities consecutive that accur during the course of commodity agricultural products from primary producer to consumer. The purposes of this research are to analyse: market structure farmer Ex UPP TCSDP in Bukit Sakai village Kampar Kiri district of Kampar regency. This research started from June 2015 till March 2016. The research method who used in this research is survey method. The sampling method in this research used purposive sampling with criteria of rubber Ex UPP TCSDP age ranging from 15-30 years. Intake of sample to rubber compiler and factory used snowball sampling method by following its marketing channel. The research result showed there two marketing channel at Ex UPP TCSDP that on marketing channel I from farmer – collector compiler - big compiler Pekanbaru – Pekanbaru factory. That marketing channel II from farmer – collector compiler - big compiler Medan – Medan factory. In the calculation of the concentration ratio of the traders Pekanbaru has a concentration ratio of 32.77% which leads to the concentration oligopsonistic being, the traders Medan its concentration ratio of 53.91% which leads to a low concentration oligopsony. In Pekanbaru collectors market share amounting to 32.77% which leads to oligopsonistic loose, the traders Medan market share of 67.23% which leads to a strict oligopsony. In the Herfindahl index traders in Pekanbaru 0,10 0,45 Medan traders thus leading to oligopsony. Market structure at rubber marketing of Ex UPP TCSDP in Bukit Sakai village imperfectly competitive market leads to oligopsony

    Analisis Saluran Pemasaran dan Transmisi Harga Karet (Havea Brasiliensis) pada Petani Swadaya di Desa Pulau Jambu Kecamatan Kuok Kabupaten Kampar

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    This reseacrh aim is to know and analyze: 1. The channel, margin of karet marketing and karet marketing efficiency. 2. The correlation between the price of karet from factory and the price of karet in farmer level. 3. The influence of karet price changing of factory to farmer level at Pulau Jambu Village of Kuok District of Kampar Regency. The reseacrh method is used of suervey method. The sampling method is purposive sampling of 40 farmers. And the second sampling of merchant is using snowball sampling method that come to marketing channel. The research result shows that in Pulau Jambu Village of Kuok District of Kampar Regency have one rubber marketing channel (homogeneity). That is farmer to collector merchant to factory. The lowest price in farmer level is Rp. 7.075/kg, and the highest price level is Rp. 11.450/kg. Then the lowest price of factory is Rp. 9.350/kg. And the highest price level of factory is Rp. 13.250/kg. The average price level of the farmer level on period Juli 2013 up to Juni 2014 is Rp. 9.096,53 and the average price level on factory is Rp. 11.267,57. The margin level of marketing channel between the price farmer level and factory is Rp. 2.171,04 and marketing eficiency is 4,49%. The correlation value between the price in farmer level and factory level is 0,95%. The value of the elasticity of price transmission between the price received from farmers and the price of karet by factory was 0,95%

    Distribusi Pendapatan Petani Kelapa Sawit Pola Plasma di Desa Kerubung Jaya Kecamatan Batang Cenaku Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    The purpose of this research is to know the structure and sources of palm oil farmers\u27income pattern of plasma in Kerubung Jaya village of Batang Cenaku district of Indragiri Hulu regency, know the distribution and lameness of income the palm oil farmers patern of plasma in Kerubung Jaya village of Batang Cenaku district of Indragiri Hulu regency. The research method used was survey with the sample taken used by Slovinand Proportionalrandom sampling. The sample of research was 87 farmers pattern of plasma. Analysis ofthe data used the Gini Index Ratioand the Lorenz Curve. The results showedthat, farmers\u27 incomes tructure of the sample consists of the agricultural sector (80.28%) and non-agriculture (19.72%) and the source of the sample farmers\u27 income derived from the principal revenue (oil palm plantations) and there venueside (oil palm non plasma, non official employees, trade, employers, services, and others). Distribution and sample farmers\u27 income in equalityis relatively low (quite evenly), with a ratio Gini index value of 0.15 for oil palm plantations patters of plasma and 0.26 for total income, which both line of Lorenz Curve approaching the diagonal line (line equalization)