55 research outputs found

    A questionnaire-based comparative study of postoperative quality of life between laryngotracheal separation and tracheoesophageal diversion

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    Purpose: Whether tracheoesophageal diversion (TED) is preferable to laryngotracheal separation (LTS) is unclear. This study examined the need for tracheoesophageal anastomosis by reviewing complications after TED and LTS and administering a questionnaire on postoperative quality of life.Patients and methods: Medical records of TED/LTS cases performed at a single institution from 2003 to 2015 were retrospectively reviewed and a questionnaire was administered to parents of patients at an outpatient visit.Results: A total of 40 TED and 18 LTS cases were included. Complications occurred in six TED cases and one LTS case, with no significant differences between groups (P=0.42). A total of 22 parents of patients (TED 16 cases; LTS six cases) completed the questionnaire. Voice production was reported in three TED cases and two LTS cases. Patients indicated that suctions were ‘decreased’ in 13 and ‘unchanged’ in two TED cases, but ‘decreased’ in one and ‘unchanged’ in five LTS cases (P=0.0055). Readmissions were ‘increased’ in one and ‘decreased’ in 14 TED cases, but ‘decreased’ in three and ‘unchanged’ in three LTS cases (P=0.015).Conclusion: Postoperative complication rate was equivalent between groups, and the numbers of suctions and readmissions were decreased in the TED group. Therefore, tracheoesophageal anastomosis should be performed more commonly.Keywords: complication, laryngotracheal separation, quality of life questionnaire, tracheoesophageal diversio

    Spatial control of translation repression and polarized growth by conserved NDR kinase Orb6 and RNA-binding protein Sts5

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in eLife 5 (2016): e14216, doi:10.7554/eLife.14216.RNA-binding proteins contribute to the formation of ribonucleoprotein (RNP) granules by phase transition, but regulatory mechanisms are not fully understood. Conserved fission yeast NDR (Nuclear Dbf2-Related) kinase Orb6 governs cell morphogenesis in part by spatially controlling Cdc42 GTPase. Here we describe a novel, independent function for Orb6 kinase in negatively regulating the recruitment of RNA-binding protein Sts5 into RNPs to promote polarized cell growth. We find that Orb6 kinase inhibits Sts5 recruitment into granules, its association with processing (P) bodies, and degradation of Sts5-bound mRNAs by promoting Sts5 interaction with 14-3-3 protein Rad24. Many Sts5-bound mRNAs encode essential factors for polarized cell growth, and Orb6 kinase spatially and temporally controls the extent of Sts5 granule formation. Disruption of this control system affects cell morphology and alters the pattern of polarized cell growth, revealing a role for Orb6 kinase in the spatial control of translational repression that enables normal cell morphogenesis.Work in FV’s laboratory is supported by the National Institutes of Health R01 grant number GM095867. Part of this work was also supported by NSF grant 0745129. TT was supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science grants 16H02503 and 16K14672 and by Cancer Research UK

    Basic fibroblast growth factor promotes meniscus regeneration through the cultivation of synovial mesenchymal stem cells via the CXCL6–CXCR2 pathway

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    Objective: To investigate the efficacy of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in promoting meniscus regeneration by cultivating synovial mesenchymal stem cells (SMSCs) and to validate the underlying mechanisms. Methods: Human SMSCs were collected from patients with osteoarthritis. Eight-week-old nude rats underwent hemi-meniscectomy, and SMSCs in pellet form, either with or without bFGF (1.0 × 106 cells per pellet), were implanted at the site of meniscus defects. Rats were divided into the control (no transplantation), FGF (−) (pellet without bFGF), and FGF (+) (pellet with bFGF) groups. Different examinations, including assessment of the regenerated meniscus area, histological scoring of the regenerated meniscus and cartilage, meniscus indentation test, and immunohistochemistry analysis, were performed at 4 and 8 weeks after surgery. Results: Transplanted SMSCs adhered to the regenerative meniscus. Compared with the control group, the FGF (+) group had larger regenerated meniscus areas, superior histological scores of the meniscus and cartilage, and better meniscus mechanical properties. RNA sequencing of SMSCs revealed that the gene expression of chemokines that bind to CXCR2 was upregulated by bFGF. Furthermore, conditioned medium derived from SMSCs cultivated with bFGF exhibited enhanced cell migration, proliferation, and chondrogenic differentiation, which were specifically inhibited by CXCR2 or CXCL6 inhibitors. Conclusion: SMSCs cultured with bFGF promoted the expression of CXCL6. This mechanism may enhance cell migration, proliferation, and chondrogenic differentiation, thereby resulting in superior meniscus regeneration and cartilage preservation.Goshima A., Etani Y., Hirao M., et al. Basic fibroblast growth factor promotes meniscus regeneration through the cultivation of synovial mesenchymal stem cells via the CXCL6–CXCR2 pathway. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage , (2023); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joca.2023.07.010

    Bile Acid-Induced Virulence Gene Expression of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Reveals a Novel Therapeutic Potential for Bile Acid Sequestrants

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    Vibrio parahaemolyticus, a bacterial pathogen, causes human gastroenteritis. A type III secretion system (T3SS2) encoded in pathogenicity island (Vp-PAI) is the main contributor to enterotoxicity and expression of Vp-PAI encoded genes is regulated by two transcriptional regulators, VtrA and VtrB. However, a host-derived inducer for the Vp-PAI genes has not been identified. Here, we demonstrate that bile induces production of T3SS2-related proteins under osmotic conditions equivalent to those in the intestinal lumen. We also show that bile induces vtrA-mediated vtrB transcription. Transcriptome analysis of bile-responsive genes revealed that bile strongly induces expression of Vp-PAI genes in a vtrA-dependent manner. The inducing activity of bile was diminished by treatment with bile acid sequestrant cholestyramine. Finally, we demonstrate an in vivo protective effect of cholestyramine on enterotoxicity and show that similar protection is observed in infection with a different type of V. parahaemolyticus or with non-O1/non-O139 V. cholerae strains of vibrios carrying the same kind of T3SS. In summary, these results provide an insight into how bacteria, through the ingenious action of Vp-PAI genes, can take advantage of an otherwise hostile host environment. The results also reveal a new therapeutic potential for widely used bile acid sequestrants in enteric bacterial infections

    Fermentation of xylose causes inefficient metabolic state due to carbon/energy starvation and reduced glycolytic flux in recombinant industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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    In the present study, comprehensive, quantitative metabolome analysis was carried out on the recombinant glucose/xylose-cofermenting S. cerevisiae strain MA-R4 during fermentation with different carbon sources, including glucose, xylose, or glucose/xylose mixtures. Capillary electrophoresis time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used to determine the intracellular pools of metabolites from the central carbon pathways, energy metabolism pathways, and the levels of twenty amino acids. When xylose instead of glucose was metabolized by MA-R4, glycolytic metabolites including 3- phosphoglycerate, 2- phosphoglycerate, phosphoenolpyruvate, and pyruvate were dramatically reduced, while conversely, most pentose phosphate pathway metabolites such as sedoheptulose 7- phosphate and ribulose 5-phosphate were greatly increased. These results suggest that the low metabolic activity of glycolysis and the pool of pentose phosphate pathway intermediates are potential limiting factors in xylose utilization. It was further demonstrated that during xylose fermentation, about half of the twenty amino acids declined, and the adenylate/guanylate energy charge was impacted due to markedly decreased adenosine triphosphate/adenosine monophosphate and guanosine triphosphate/guanosine monophosphate ratios, implying that the fermentation of xylose leads to an inefficient metabolic state where the biosynthetic capabilities and energy balance are severely impaired. In addition, fermentation with xylose alone drastically increased the level of citrate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and increased the aromatic amino acids tryptophan and tyrosine, strongly supporting the view that carbon starvation was induced. Interestingly, fermentation with xylose alone also increased the synthesis of the polyamine spermidine and its precursor S-adenosylmethionine. Thus, differences in carbon substrates, including glucose and xylose in the fermentation medium, strongly influenced the dynamic metabolism of MA-R4. These results provide a metabolic explanation for the low ethanol productivity on xylose compared to glucose

    Identification and Characterization of a Novel Issatchenkia orientalis GPI-Anchored Protein, IoGas1, Required for Resistance to Low pH and Salt Stress.

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    The use of yeasts tolerant to acid (low pH) and salt stress is of industrial importance for several bioproduction processes. To identify new candidate genes having potential roles in low-pH tolerance, we screened an expression genomic DNA library of a multiple-stress-tolerant yeast, Issatchenkia orientalis (Pichia kudriavzevii), for clones that allowed Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells to grow under highly acidic conditions (pH 2.0). A genomic DNA clone containing two putative open reading frames was obtained, of which the putative protein-coding gene comprising 1629 bp was retransformed into the host. This transformant grew significantly at pH 2.0, and at pH 2.5 in the presence of 7.5% Na2SO4. The predicted amino acid sequence of this new gene, named I. orientalis GAS1 (IoGAS1), was 60% identical to the S. cerevisiae Gas1 protein, a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein essential for maintaining cell wall integrity, and 58-59% identical to Candida albicans Phr1 and Phr2, pH-responsive proteins implicated in cell wall assembly and virulence. Northern hybridization analyses indicated that, as for the C. albicans homologs, IoGAS1 expression was pH-dependent, with expression increasing with decreasing pH (from 4.0 to 2.0) of the medium. These results suggest that IoGAS1 represents a novel pH-regulated system required for the adaptation of I. orientalis to environments of diverse pH. Heterologous expression of IoGAS1 complemented the growth and morphological defects of a S. cerevisiae gas1Δ mutant, demonstrating that IoGAS1 and the corresponding S. cerevisiae gene play similar roles in cell wall biosynthesis. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments revealed that two conserved glutamate residues (E161 and E262) in the IoGas1 protein play a crucial role in yeast morphogenesis and tolerance to low pH and salt stress. Furthermore, overexpression of IoGAS1 in S. cerevisiae remarkably improved the ethanol fermentation ability at pH 2.5, and at pH 2.0 in the presence of salt (5% Na2SO4), compared to that of a reference strain. Our results strongly suggest that constitutive expression of the IoGAS1 gene in S. cerevisiae could be advantageous for several fermentation processes under these stress conditions

    Comparison of the metabolites in central carbon metabolism (including glycolysis, the pentose phosphate pathway, and tricarboxylic acid cycle pathway) of MA-R4 during the fermentation of glucose alone (G1 and G2 stages), mixed sugars of glucose and xylose (M1, M2, M3, and M4 stages), and xylose alone (X1 and X2 stages).

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    <p>Each bar represents the mean amounts of the metabolites (pmol/OD600⋅mL) in each sampling stage (G1, G2, M1, M2, M3, M4, X1, and X2). These eight sampling points during the fermentation experiments are shown in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0069005#pone-0069005-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1</a>. Error bars represents the standard deviations from three independent experiments. The arrowheads in the figure represent the direction of enzymatic reactions. Abbreviations: GLC, glucose; XYL, xylose; XYLI, xylitol; XYLU, xylulose; X5P, xylulose 5-phosphate; G6P, glucose 6-phosphate; F6P, fructose 6-phosphate; FBP, fructose 1,6−bisphosphate; GA3P, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate; DHAP, dihydroxyacetone phosphate; G3P, glycerol 3-phosphate; GLY, glycerol; 6PG, 6-phosphogluconate; RL5P, ribulose 5-phosphate; R5P, ribose 5-phosphate; S7P, sedoheptulose 7- phosphate; E4P, erythrose 4-phosphate; 3-PGA, 3- phosphoglycerate; 2-PGA, 2- phosphoglycerate; PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate; PYR, pyruvate; LAC, lactate; ACD, acetaldehyde; ACE, acetate; ETOH, ethanol; Ac-CoA, acetyl coenzyme A; CoASH, coenzyme A; CIT, citrate; ACO, aconitate; ICT, isocitrate; 2-OG, 2-oxoglutarate; Suc-CoA, succinyl coenzyme A; SUC, succinate; FUM, fumarate; MAL, malate; OAA, oxaloacetate.</p

    Summary of 48-h fermentations in different media by <i>S. cerevisiae</i> strain MA-R4.

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    <p>Values are the averages of three independent experiments ± standard deviation.</p><p>ND, not detectable.</p
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