244 research outputs found

    クラブ別体型・体力の比較研究 : 男女ハンドボールから見た形態及び機能の比較について

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    The purpose of this study is try to figure out the characteristics of the sports club participants in different sports, its similarity and specific both in morphologic and functional aspects. In our university there were some reports that concerned with the meassurement of the club members, but few of them dealt with the comparison of the defferences between clubs and used the same items and procedure for measurment. 152 students (42 females) from five different sports clubs were subjects for this study which were hand ball, soccer, volley ball, track & field, and boat. All subjects were training propperly and regularly for years, and most of them were versity members. Some interesting finding from this study can briefly concluded as follow : 1. Subjects of the Track & Field particularly the throw events have the highest score both in function and physique aspects. 2. Male Hand Ball low in body linearity high in body bulk, but high in relative weight which was second to the highest Track & Field throwers. In the functional aspects the handball players were ranged at the middle in all items but bock raise, it showed a higher score. 3. Female Hand Ball showed a high score in the girth of upper and lower legs. 4. The most outstanding functional characteristics were shown by Long Distance runner, the highest 12\u27run score and low in physique size

    Long-Term Outcomes of FIM Motor Items Predicted From Acute Stage NIHSS of Patients With Middle Cerebral Artery Infarct

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    Objective To outline the association between the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) in the acute stage and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) of motor items several months later. Methods Seventy-nine infarct cases with middle-cerebral-artery region transferred to long-term rehabilitation facilities were analyzed. Patients were allocated to either the model-development group or the confirmatory group at a 2:1 ratio. Independent variables were based on the NIHSS during the acute care and on demographic factors such as age and modified Rankin Scale (mRS) before onset. Multivariate logistic analyses were performed to predict the independence of each FIM motor item. These models were evaluated in the confirmatory group. Results Multivariate logistic analyses in the model-development group (n=53) indicated that at least one NIHSS item was statistically significantly associated with the functional independence of a single FIM motor item. Of the NIHSS items, the affected lower extremity item was the most widely associated with 11 of the FIM motor items, except for eating and shower transfer. The affected upper extremity function was the second widely involved factor associated with 7 of the FIM motor items including eating, grooming, bathing, toileting, bed transfer, toilet transfer, and shower transfer. Age and mRS were also statistically significant contributing factors. The obtained predictive models were assessed in the confirmatory group (n=26); these were successful except for the stairs climb item. Conclusion In combination with age and pre-stroke status, the NIHSS items (especially the affected extremity items) may be useful for the prediction of long-term outcome in terms of activities in daily living

    Diffusion tensor imaging in elderly patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus or Parkinson’s disease: diagnosis of gait abnormalities

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    BACKGROUND: Gait abnormalities in the elderly, characterized by short steps and frozen gait, can be caused by several diseases, including idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (INPH), and Parkinson’s disease (PD). We analyzed the relationship between these two conditions and their association with gait abnormalities using laboratory test data and findings from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). METHODS: The study involved 10 patients with INPH, 18 with PD, and 10 healthy individuals (control group). Fractional anisotropy (FA) of five brain areas was measured and compared among the three groups. In addition, the association of INPH and PD with gait capability, frontal lobe function, and FA of each brain area was evaluated. RESULTS: The INPH group had significantly lower FA for anterior thalamic radiation (ATR) and forceps minor (Fmin) as compared to the PD group. The gait capability correlated with ATR FA in the INPH and PD groups. We found that adding DTI to the diagnosis assisted the differential diagnosis of INPH from PD, beyond what could be inferred from ventricular size alone. CONCLUSIONS: We expect that DTI will provide a useful tool to support the differential diagnosis of INPH and PD and their respective severities

    A New Training Equipment and Method for Increasing Speed and Strength

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    この特殊なトレーニング方法および装置は, 競技スポーツの動きのなかで筋力やスピードの強化を可能にするため, 工夫されたものである。走・跳の実際の動きのなかで実施可能ないわゆる Special training 方法として考案されたものである。さらに現在はNASAのある研究班に取り上げられ, 無重力状態で常時着用することが出来, 携帯便利と軽量の利点をもつもので, 将来宇宙ステーションのトレーニング方法になるのではないかと, その効果について検討されているものである。一方, リハビリテーションのスポーツ療法としての実用性と価値は, マレーシアの University Sains の医学部生理学教室で, 長期臥床の患者に取りつけ, 下肢の抗重力筋の萎縮や骨の脱灰 (Osteoporosis) の予防として, 臨床テストに使われているものである。本実験は100m走と12分間走, 即ち, 短距離走と長距離走の走運動中に, このトレーニング装置を着用するものと, 着用しないものとの間の Performances の相違および心拍数の変化についてみたものである。結果は下記のように要約される。1. 100m走の場合, Driving Leg の膝の Pick-up が速くなり, そのため Step Frequency が増加し, その反面 Driving Leg が Expansable Tube からの抵抗により, Step Length が短くなった。上記の二つの走速度を決定する要因の変化にもかかわらず, 100m走の所要時間にはほとんど差が見られず, 僅か0.3秒の差はあるが統計的有意ではなかった。2. 12分間走の走距離と心拍数の関係については, 着用したものと着用しないものとの間に顕著な差が見られた。着用した場合走距離が約400m取る減少 (2992.56 : 2608.33m) し, その減少率は13%である。心拍数では着用したグループが有意に増加 (161.25 : 153.67回/分) し, その増加率は約5%である。3. Expansable Tube の牽引力 (抵抗力) は, Easy Speed Running の時の最大伸展時に約5kgの張力がかかり, Top Speed での走運動時ではLoad Cell の立ち上がりと Expansable Tube の収縮と伸展との間に時間のずれが大きく, 正確に測定することができず。遠隔操作が可能で携帯便利な新しい機械の出現に期待する

    L-Fucose-containing arabinogalactan-protein in radish leaves.

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    The carbohydrate moieties of arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs) have β-(1 → 3)-galactan backbones to which side chains of (1 → 6)-linked β-Gal residues are attached through O-6. Some of these side chains are further substituted with other sugars. We investigated the structure of L-Fuc-containing oligosaccharides released from the carbohydrate moieties of a radish leaf AGP by digestion with α-L-arabinofuranosidase, followed by exo-β-(1 → 3)-galactanase. We detected a series of neutral β-(1 → 6)-galactooligosaccharides branching variously at O-3 of the Gal residues, together with corresponding acidic derivatives terminating in 4-O-methyl-GlcA (4-Me-GlcA) or GlcA at the non-reducing terminals. In neutral oligosaccharides with degree of polymerization (dp) mainly higher than 10, L-Fuc groups were attached through L-Ara residues as the sequence, α-L-Fucp-(1 → 2)-α-L-Araf-(1 →. This sequence was verified by isolation of the pentasaccharide α-L-Fuc-(1 → 2)-α-L-Araf-(1 → 3)-β-Gal-(1 → 6)-β-Gal-(1 → 6)-Gal upon digestion of the higher oligosaccharides with endo-β-(1 → 6)-galactanase. By contrast, in lower polymerized (predominantly dp 4) acidic oligosaccharides, L-Fuc groups were attached directly at the non-reducing terminals through α-(1 → 2)-linkages, resulting in the release of the tetrasaccharides, α-L-Fucp-(1 → 2)-β-GlcA-(1 → 6)-β-Gal-(1 → 6)-Gal and α-L-Fucp-(1 → 2)-β-4-Me-GlcA-(1 → 6)-β-Gal-(1 → 6)-Gal. In long acidic oligosaccharides with dp mainly higher than 13, L-Fuc groups localized on branches were attached to the uronic acids directly and/or L-Ara residues as in the neutral oligosaccharides.The authors would like to thank Prof. M. Hisamatsu, Mie University, Tsu, Japan, for a gift of cyclic β-(1→2)-glucan. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research no. 23570048 to Y.T. and no. 24114006 to Y.T. and T.K.). Support was also provided by BBSRC Sustainable Bioenergy Centre: Cell wall sugars program (Grant No. BB/G016240/1) to P.D.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.carres.2015.07.00

    小学校1年生を対象にした投運動学習に関する研究 :用具としての楕円ボールがこどもの投運動に与える影響

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     Despite an increase in physical characteristics,children's hrowing performance has been declining over the past 20 years. This is problematic as it is vital for children at the elementary age to master individual gross-motor skills, including ball play. Although many elementary school educational programs incorporate ball play activities such as dodge ball, basketball or baseball, many children lack age-specific throwing and catching skills. Consequently, children become sedentary with little or no physical activities in their later lives. The aims of this study were to examine the effect of throwing ability on children's ball skills, and motivation to engage in throwing performance during ball related activities using the unique ball.  For this study, 89 participants (1st grade elementary school) were placed into three groups: Play with an ellipse ball; Play with a regular ball; and, Control. 86 participants completed the tests. The study measured throwing distance with a softball that required proper throwing mechanics for quantifying throwing ability. Throwing mechanics, participant's expression to the ball play, and learning strategy were measured by applying kinematic analyses on the ball's trajectory, body movement, and their behavior.  The results showed the participants in the ellipse ball group showed significantly greater development of precision grip skill, release angle and cooperative movement skills with enjoyment

    Advantage of Insulin Glulisine Over Regular Insulin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Severe Renal Insufficiency

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    ObjectivesTo compare the efficacy and safety of insulin glulisine over regular insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes and severe renal insufficiency.SubjectsOur study included 18 patients with type 2 diabetes and a mean (range) estimated glomerular filtration rate of 13.2 mL/minute/1.73 m2 (5.8-27.6), which corresponds to stage 4-5 chronic kidney disease.DesignAfter titration of doses, regular insulin was administered thrice daily on Day 1, along with continuous glucose monitoring for 24 h starting at 7 am. Exactly equal doses of insulin glulisine were administered on Day 2. Area under the curve (AUC) for blood glucose level variation after breakfast (AUC-B 0-4), lunch (AUC-L 0-6), and dinner (AUC-D 0-6) were evaluated.ResultsAUC-B 0-4 and AUC-D 0-6 were significantly lower with insulin glulisine than with regular insulin (AUC-B 0-4: 3.3 ± 4.7 vs. 6.2 ± 5.4 × 102 mmol/L·minute, respectively, P = .028; AUC-D 0-6: 1.8 ± 7.3 vs. 6.5 ± 6.2 × 102 mmol/L·minute, respectively, P = .023). In contrast, AUC-L 0-6 was higher with insulin glulisine than with regular insulin (AUC-L 0-6: 7.6 ± 6.4 vs. 4.2 ± 8.7 × 102 mmol/L·minute, respectively, P = .099), suggesting a prolonged hypoglycemic action of regular insulin after lunch.ConclusionsInsulin glulisine effectively suppressed postprandial hyperglycemia, whereas regular insulin caused a prolonged hypoglycemic action. These findings support the effectiveness and safety of insulin glulisine in patients with type 2 diabetes and severe renal insufficiency

    ヒトの二つの投動作様式における負荷量と performance との関係

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    The purpose of this study was to relat the muscle strength and the differenciation of two basic throwing patterns. As we know both in our daily life and sports activities there are commonly seen that putting heavy things and over hand throwing light things for the purpose of getting distance. These phenomenon also found in children\u27s motor development of throwing movement. At the early stage of children\u27s throwing movement putting or putting like movement appeared early than that of throwing, particularly to the over hand throwing. There are qeustions what coused this differenciation, and what were the factors or imformation for us to select throwing patterns while facing a load? May be nuromascular function from physical aspect, and motor learning in daily activities are factors which coused this differenciation that mentioned above. In this study we thought that the muscle strength could be one of the most powerful limiting factor. For the purpose of this hypothesia we used a loads alternative ball asked subjects to push and over hand throw it in sitting position, stablized by a belt tightly around the subjects\u27 hip. The load increased gradually by 500g from 1.0kg to 6.0kg. Performances were measured, including fine trials for each load. EMGs were recorded by surface electrodes from muscles of shoulder gardle and arm, seven muscles included. A high speed cinecamera used to analyze the change of throwing patterns. Subjects were seven groups of male and female volounteers that were distance runner, shotputtor, javelin thrower, and weight liftor, totally up to 26 subjects included. Some evidences obtained in this study summalized as follow : 1) Throwing patterns ; As load increased there were no significant change of the patterns of push from series of tracings made from motion picture films, but the over hand throw were quite disguised when the load increased which were lower the elbow joint, and exerted the movement with a mixed pattern of push and throw, especialy at the heavier load. (fig. 1. 2. 3.) The quality change following the increasing of loads were ; Lengthening the movement time and movement distance, and lowering the angle of incident and initial velocity. (table 1). 2) EMGs of two throwing patterns ; Electromyographical study of the muscle function reveals what muscle actually does at any moment of these movements. In this study results of EMGs were ; At light load the Triceps (caput longum), Deltoideus (medius), and Trapezius (superior) worked quite difference in character for two throwing movements which indicated these muscles had their own functions differ in exerting push and over hand throw, but no these differences found when the load was increased to the maximum or nearly the maximum (the maximum load in this study is 6.0kg), muscles worked almost the same manner from the beginig to the ending of two of these movements. The amplitude of EMGs increased linearly on line with the increasing of load also found. 3) The perfomances decreased with the increasing of loads could be found in two movements, particularly the over hand throw decreased more sharply than the push in the first half during the load increasing processes. (fig. 7) 4) There were an intersection point of the performances of two throwing movements at certain load during the increasing of loads, here we called the point of intersection in term of cross point, and the loads at the cross point was called critical loads. This cross point appeared in all subjects in this study. 5) The percent of the loads at cross point to the maximum back strength were differ in groups as follow ; 1.80% (0.28) for shotputter, 2.04% (0.60) for distance runner, 2.12% (0.19) for javelin thrower, 1.53% (0.30) for weight liftor, and 2.29% (0.37) for hand ball player of male subjects. The percent of two groups of female subjects were 2.12% (0.18) for hand ball player, and 1.73% (0.11) for discus thrower and javelin thrower. The range of these persent were centered around 1.53% to 2.29% with a small stander diviation as descriped above. (table 2) 6) There were differences largely in back strength which messured as an index of maximum muscle strength, the range of back strength were 156kg. for male hand ball player, 125kg. for famel hand ball player, 181.7kg. for male shoputter, 160kg. for male javelin thrower, 112.5kg. for male distance runner, 166.7kg. for male weight liftor, and 148.3 kg. for female discus and javelin thrower respectly. 7) The percent of the cross point were differ in groups which were higher in male and female hand ball player as well as male javelin thrower, lower in weight liftor male shoputter and female discus and javelin thrower, and the long distance runner located in the middle. (table 3, 7 and fig. 8

    Damage to inorganic materials illuminated by focused beam of X-ray free-electron laser radiation

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    X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) that utilize intense and ultra-short pulse X-rays may damage optical elements. We investigated the damage fluence thresholds of optical materials by using an XFEL focusing beam that had a power density sufficient to induce ablation phenomena. The 1 μ4m focusing beams with 5.5 keV and/or 10 keV photon energies were produced at the XFEL facility SACLA (SPring-8 Angstrom Compact free electron LAser). Test samples were irradiated with the focusing beams under normal and/or grazing incidence conditions. The samples were uncoated Si, synthetic silica glass (SiO2), and metal (Rh, Pt)-coated substrates, which are often used as X-ray mirror materials.Takahisa Koyama, Hirokatsu Yumoto, Kensuke Tono, Tadashi Togashi, Yuichi Inubushi, Tetsuo Katayama, Jangwoo Kim, Satoshi Matsuyama, Makina Yabashi, Kazuto Yamauchi, and Haruhiko Ohashi "Damage to inorganic materials illuminated by focused beam of x-ray free-electron laser radiation", Proc. SPIE 9511, Damage to VUV, EUV, and X-ray Optics V, 951107 (12 May 2015); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.218277

    Immunohistochemical Detection of Propionibacterium acnes in Granulomas for Differentiating Sarcoidosis from Other Granulomatous Diseases Utilizing an Automated System with a Commercially Available PAB Antibody

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    Propionibacterium acnes is implicated in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis. We investigated the usefulness of immunohistochemistry (IHC) with a commercially available P. acnes-specific monoclonal antibody (PAB antibody) for differentiating sarcoidosis from other granulomatous diseases. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue samples from 94 sarcoidosis patients and 30 control patients with other granulomatous diseases were examined by the original manual IHC method. We also compared the detection frequency of P. acnes in sarcoid granulomas between manual and automated IHC methods. P. acnes was detected in sarcoid granulomas of samples obtained by transbronchial lung biopsy (64%), video-associated thoracic surgery (67%), endobronchial-ultrasound-guided transbronchial-needle aspiration (32%), lymph node biopsy (80%), and skin biopsy (80%) from sarcoidosis patients, but not in any non-sarcoid granulomas of the samples obtained from control patients. P. acnes outside granulomas, however, was frequently detected in both groups. The detection status of P. acnes in granulomas did not correlate with the clinical characteristics of sarcoidosis patients. The automated Leica system exhibited the best detection sensitivity (72%) and almost an identical localization for P. acnes in sarcoid granulomas compared with the manual method. IHC with a PAB antibody is useful for differentiating sarcoidosis from other granulomatous diseases by detecting P. acnes in granulomas. An automated method by the Leica system can be used in pathology laboratories for differential diagnosis of granulomas by IHC with the PAB antibody