5 research outputs found

    Control Monitoring of the Educational Process of Students With Special Learning Needs

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    This article outlines and establishes the relationship of the main participants in the educational environment of inclusive education: triad “teacher-psychologist-teacher’s assistant”. The stages of the educational process control of students with special educational needs and its structure are defined: assessment, diagnostics, monitoring. The principles of control and evaluation of the educational process for students with special educational needs are revealed. The participation in controlling of all members of the educational inclusive environment team is established. The importance of diagnosing the development of students with special educational needs and involving in the elaboration of an individual development program is also revealed

    Field performance of cryopreserved seed-derived tomato plants and post-thaw survival of viral-infected meristems

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    The effectiveness of different cryopreservation techniques of tomato meristems isolated from viral-infected plants ‘Irishka’ cultivar was determined. The pieces of stem were protected with dimethyl sulfoxide and propylene glycol and cooled in vapour phase of liquid nitrogen (–170 °C). For the vitrification and droplet-vitrification protocols, the meristems were treated with loading solution and dehydrated with different plant vitrification solutions (PVS1 modified, PVS2, 88 % PVS3, PVSN). The samples were placed to sterilized aluminum foil pieces, in 1.2 ml cryovials or in 50 µl aluminum pans for differential scanning calorimetry and were directly immersed into liquid nitrogen. Acсording to the dehydration technique, the meristems were dehydrated with sterile airflow for 120 min. The post-thaw survival rates of meristems (from 34.2 to 78.5 %) were observerved only for 50 µl aluminum pans and airflow dehydration. We determined the productivity of plants, obtaned from cryopreserved seeds (‘Seven’, ‘Potiron Ecarlate’ and ‘Druzhba’ cultivars). We observed increasing in total and marketable yields for the plants grown from the cryopreserved seeds for all the cultivars. Total number of diseased plants decreased by 33 % for ‘Seven’, for ‘Potiron Ecarlate’ it did by 6.7 %, for that of ‘Druzhba’ the total percentage of sick and healthy plants did not differ after seeds cryopreservation

    Моніторинг використання проектних технологій у професійних (професійно-технічних) навчальних закладах

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    The article reveals the main results of the ascertaining phase of the experiment of the research project "Methodical principles of developing the project technologies for the professional training of future qualified workers of agrarian, construction and motor transport industries", which consist in the diagnostic analysis of educational project activities in the institutions of vocational (vocational-technical) education. The analysis of the responses of teaching staff of vocational (vocational-technical) education institutions conducted by the authors showed the need to facilitate their readiness to develop project technologies in the training of future qualified workers, the creation of educational and methodological support for project activities in the professional training of students, namely: developing the corresponding methodological recommendations, textbooks etc. The obtained results showed that the teachers are aware of the essence of the project activity in the training of future qualified workers, but not all of them have mastered effective methods and techniques for the application of project technology. Some contradictions were found when teachers noticed the positive influence of such technologies on students’ motivation and performance, and at the same time, they argued that these technologies are limited in use. It is determined that the rational application of educational project technologies in vocational (vocational-technical) education institutions promotes the development of the professional competence of the future qualified workers.У статті розкриваються основні результати констатувального етапу експерименту дослідницької роботи за темою "Методичні засади розробки проектних технологій навчання для професійної підготовки майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників аграрної, будівельної та автомобільної галузей», які полягають у діагностичному аналізі навчального проекту у закладах професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти. Аналіз відповідей педагогічних працівників професійних (професійно-технічних) закладів освіти, проведений авторами, показав необхідність сприяти їх готовності до розробки проектних технологій у навчанні майбутніх кваліфікованих працівників, створення навчально-методичної підтримки проектної діяльності з професійної підготовки, а саме: розробку відповідних методичних рекомендацій,підручників тощо. Отримані результати показали, що викладачі обізнані з суттю проектної діяльності у підготовці майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників, але не всі вони освоїли ефективні методи і методики застосування цих проектних технологій. Деякі суперечності були виявлені, коли викладачі помітили позитивний вплив таких технологій на мотивацію та ефективність навчанняучнів, і в той же час вони стверджували, що ці технології обмежені у використанні. Визначено, що раціональне застосування освітніх проектних технологій у професійних (професійно-технічних) навчальних закладаї сприяють розвитку професійної компетентності майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників

    Study of lignite humic acids hybrid modification technology of biodegradable films based on polyvinyl alcohol

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    Object of article study is lignite humic acids hybrid modification technology of biodegradable films based on polyvinyl alcohol. The possibility of increasing the strength and operational properties of biodegradable polymeric materials based on polyvinyl alcohol by using its modification with the different types of humic acids from lignite is considered. Lignite humic acids hybrid modification films with antibacterial properties were obtained. The two-stage technology of lignite humic acids hybrid modification of biodegradable films based on polyvinyl alcohol was formalized. At the first stage of lignite humic acids hybrid modification technologies for hybrid-modified biodegradable materials production, lignite humic acids are received. At the second stage, hybrid modification of lignite humic acids (that are part of biodegradable polyvinyl alcohol films), which are received by watering from a solution, takes place. It has been conducted a study on determining the effect of lignite humic acids hybrid modification on the most important operational properties of biodegradable film based on polyvinyl alcohol, i. e., tensile strength, relative elongation at break and time of mold appearance. Changes in tensile strength, relative elongation at break and time of mold appearance for the lignite humic acids hybrid modified biodegradable polymeric materials based on polyvinyl alcohol were revealed depending on the content of the different types of lignite humic acids. It was also shown that the lignite humic acids hybrid modification of polyvinyl alcohol with the different types of humic acids allows preserving the biodegradability of the films along with imparting the antibacterial properties. The developed lignite humic acids hybrid modified biodegradable polyvinyl alcohol films with antibacterial properties, in terms of their operational characteristics, are superior to the known similar biodegradable films based on natural biopolymers

    Does Cryopreservation Improve the Quality of Tomato Seeds?

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the vegetables with world economic importance. However, a large number of viruses that damage tomato plants can lead to enormous crop losses. In our work, we investigated the effect of liquid nitrogen on the growth and development of plants of three tomato cultivars in the field. An increase in the total and marketable yields of the plants grown from cryopreserved seeds was obtained. The height of the plants and the number of internodes for all the cultivars did not change significantly. A decrease in the total number of viral and fungal plants was observed for two cultivars