35 research outputs found


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    The article has revealed and founded the innovative forms in the activity of Regional Art Museum of Vinnytsia. The research methodology is based on the systemic, structural, functional and active approaches. It makes possible to analyze the development and functions of Regional Art Museum of Vinnytsia, to determine the main directions, types of work and innovative forms of the museum activity as well as to show the role and significance of such important regional cultural and educational establishment. It is admitted that due to the introduction of innovative forms and modern technologies the museum has transformed its activity and has remained relevant to the contemporary audience


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    The subject of the study is a set of theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of organizational and economic relations that arise in the process of interaction of economic subjects while shaping the potential of territorial marketing as a factor of its socio-economic development. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the methodology for assessing the integral indicator of the territorial marketing functioning. The methodology of the presented study of marketing management in territorial units is based on the multivariate assessment of various economic entities that clearly shows the priorities and unevenness in the areas’ development. Area economic entities themselves are interested in the area development and determine the direction of area development. Economic entities’ direct residence and economic activity conducted by them in the area should be taken into account. This makes them serious experienced experts who are really interested in the effective and rapid development of their area. Economic entities themselves determine the measurable criteria for assessing the directions that they were originally offered. The “brainstorming” is used where the experts in the area development are involved. There is a joint process aimed at obtaining the most concrete and measurable results that actual state is assessed from 0 to 10 by the process participants based on personal observations and statistics. The evaluation of marketing results is based on the multicriteria socio-economic approach. The evaluation criteria should include the economic mechanism formation. This mechanism provides an effective interaction of market institutions and business entities in the area; selection of wholesale and retail organizational and economic forms, financial and credit and business services, as well as organizational and legal forms of trade and economic interregional ties; the markets system creation that is based on the priority provision of consumers and small owners interest; the choice of the most effective channels for goods movement, transportation, warehousing, material, financial, and information flows rationalization. The methodology for estimating the integral indicator of territorial marketing functioning that is presented in the work is based on the next indicators: financial stability, business activity, profitability, technical and technological stability, social sustainability, environmental sustainability that allows monitoring the functioning of the territorial marketing system. This methodology is universal since it allows evaluating areas of different industrial orientations and comparing them in order to identify the greatest functioning stability. Methodology for marketing research of areas potential is based on the system approach, complex consideration of conceptual principles of areas’ marketing potential formation and development; key features of territorial marketing allow carrying out purposeful actions for the sustainable development of area marketing potential, within the framework of which the conditions of its formation are determined, and their aggregate acts as a point of growth of market marketing component of the economic potential of the territory and is the basis for constructing the model of infrastructure of the marketing potential of the territory, used to make sound and balanced management decisions; developed a methodology for assessing the integral indicator of the functioning of territorial marketing. Research conclusion: grounded methodology of research of territorial marketing potential that is based on the system approach, complex consideration of concepts of area marketing potential formation and development. The key features of territorial marketing are distinguished that allow carrying out purposeful actions for the stable development of the area marketing potential, within the framework of which the conditions for its forming are determined, and their complex serves as a point of growth of market marketing component of the area economic potential and is the basis for the creation of the infrastructure model for the area marketing potential that is used to make substantiated and balanced management decisions; a methodology for assessing the integral indicator of territorial marketing is developed

    Organizational and economic measures of the foreign economic regulation for the protection of the consumer Ukrainian market

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    Постановка проблеми. Вплив процесу транснаціоналізації на функціонування споживчих ринків, що розвиваються, виступає невід’ємною рисою розвитку світової економіки в умовах глобалізації. Ознаки глобалізаційних процесів знаходять вираз у наростаючій відкритості держав, лібералізації фінансових потоків і національних режимів торгівлі, формуванні світового споживчого та фінансового ринку, міжнародних економічних інститутів, всесвітньої інформаційної мережі. Актуальність дослідження зумовлена тим, що ТНК – складне явище, котре постійно еволюціонує в системі світогосподарських зв’язків, що вимагає вивчення їх сутності, виявлення протидії сутнісному впливу, пошуку інструментів, механізмів національного та міжнародного контролю діяльності транснаціональних корпорацій на споживчихринках, що розвиваються.У статті розглянуто напрями подолання негативних наслідків впливу транснаціональних корпорацій на внутрішній споживчий ринок, забезпечення продовольчої безпеки країни, вдосконалення інституційних та організаційно-економічних заходів державного регулювання для забезпечення захисту споживчого ринку. Обґрунтовано, що транснаціоналізація поглиблює міжнародний поділ праці, взаємозалежність національних економік, їх відкритість, формує різноманітні стійкі господарські зв’язки, що дає змогу підвищити ефективність вливання споживчого ринку у світові товаропотоки. Із позицій захисту національного споживчого ринку та реалізації політики імпортозаміщення головними цільовими орієнтирами визначено: зростання власного виробництва; збільшення споживчого та інвестиційного попиту; нарощування несировинного експорту за допомогою вивезення високотехнологічних, наукомістких товарів і послуг; активізація заходів у рамках системи комплексної підтримки експорту.В статье рассмотрены направления преодоления негативных последствий влияния транснациональных корпораций на внутренний потребительский рынок, обеспечения продовольственной безопасности страны, совершенствования институциональных и организационно-экономических мер государственного регулирования для обеспечения защиты потребительского рынка. Обосновано, что транснационализация углубляет международное разделение труда, взаимозависимость национальных экономик, их открытость, формирует различные устойчивые хозяйственные связи, позволяет повысить эффективность вливания потребительского рынка в мировые товаропотоки. С позиций защиты национального потребительского рынка и реализации политики импортозамещения главными целевыми ориентирами определены: рост собственного производства; увеличение потребительского и инвестиционного спроса; наращивание несырьевого экспорта с помощью вывоза высокотехнологичных, наукоемких товаров и услуг; активизация мероприятий в рамках системы комплексной поддержки экспорта.The study proved that globalization does not change the essence of functioning monopoly capital,which has been given a new form of existence through transnationalization. Transnational corporations,expanding their domination, implementing the policy of expansion, affect the evolution of emerging markets and the security of national economies, giving a heterogeneous, dualistic effect. It is substantiated that, on the one hand, multinational corporations are the main structuring link of the economic system of most countries, the locomotive of their development and the growth of production efficiency;on the other hand, are the generator of a number of negative socio-economic processes associated with the motives of their activities. Transnationalization deepens the international division of labor, the interdependence of national economies, their openness, forms diverse and stable economic relations (production, financial, scientific and technical, foreign trade, etc.), which allows to increase efficiency, intensify the infusion of the consumer market into world commodity flows. The expansion of transnational corporations not only enhances interaction with the state at the present stage of globalization, but also finds forms that most reflect the interests of transnational capital. Overcoming the negative effects of transnational corporations on the domestic consumer market, ensuring the country’s food security implies the implementation of a strategy of import substitution and reasonable protectionism, some of which are in contradiction with accepted international trade standards. It activates foreign economic policy, improves institutional and organizational and economic measures of state regulation to ensure the protection of the boundaries of the consumer market. From the standpoint of protecting the national consumer market and implementing the policy of import substitution, the main target benchmarks are defined: growth of own production; increase in consumer and investment demand; increasing non-raw exports through the export of high-tech, knowledge-based goods and services; intensification of measures within the system of integrated export support

    Environmental orientation of consumer behavior: motivational component

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    Environmental issues are a priority, since global environmental problem has become perceived as a threat to humanity’s existence. The necessity and timeliness of conceptual marketing approaches revision are dictated by the formation of new economy sector of ecological goods and services, and the environmentally responsible marketing concept is being formed. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the environmental factor influence on consumer behavior motives and formation of consumer demand for environmental products within the frame of environmentally responsible marketing. Changes in the external marketing environmentlead to changes in the internal environment of the market entity, causing its environmental development. The recorded tendencies and changes in the marketing environment form the marketing ecological imperative, which takes into account the environmental factor in marketing activity of the market player. The research allows to determine the position of ecologically responsible marketing as a basic marketing concept that defines the philosophy and technology of marketing management by socio-economic systems regardless the sphere of the market entity activity in conditions of ecological imperative. The analysis shows that the modern Ukrainian society began to strive not only to purchase and consume desired products, but also to improve and to preserve the ecological situation. In a market environment, the specific marketing activity feature, which changes under the influence of the factor of ecological situation quality deterioration, adds new tasks, concomitant to main classical. The development of the enterprise environmental management system will promote the implementation of environment-oriented goals: formalization of the environmental products concept, environmental products market development, certification programs development, preservation of the environment quality, formation of ecologically oriented consciousness of the society. Considering the understanding of the needs, the motivational aspects of ecologically oriented consumer behavior in the market are stated in the form of the system based on the need for the security. Through the development of eco-responsible marketing tools and their step-by-step introduction into enterprise activity, it becomes possible to develop the ecological products market through the implementation of proactive environmental activity and satisfaction of individual consumer demand

    Assessment of marketing activity management in territorial units: theoretical-methodological approach

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    Growing role of territorial marketing areas and changes in the strategies of territorial management are associated with a number of factors: change in the philosophy, principles, objectives of the area development, identification of the population as a real participant in the system of area planning, as well as change of the area authorities nature who become the main responsible persons for the area socio-economic development, including its improvement, safety and social protection of the population. The problems of territorial marketing are extremely relevant in Ukraine as far as they relate to such important areas as state and local government, investment attractiveness, European integration, competitiveness and strategic development of regions. The implementation of a regional policy aimed at eliminating disproportions between regions and their integrated development is strategically important for Ukraine. A progressive change in the socio-economic structure of the region that ensures the economical use of its resources and best satisfaction of area production needs means the development of the region. Territorial marketing allows to look at the territorial unit from the point of view of its consumer value and, therefore, takes into account the needs and interests of the population. Territorial marketing becomes an integral part of the expanded reproduction process of area economic entities that is related with the production, promotion, distribution, and sale of products produced within the economic, geographical, and natural specifics of certain territorial units. Development of territorial marketing that is involved into the production process and goods and services circulation requires the study of the modern marketing theory, methodology and practice, as well as its consideration through the prism of economic entities’ interests which are an integral part of the algorithm of decision-making. All it allows to purposefully affect the consumers’ behaviour and stimulation mechanisms.The subject of the study is a set of theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of organizational and economic relations that arise in the process of interaction of economic subjects while shapingthe potential of territorial marketing as a factor of its socio-economic development. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the methodology for assessing the integral indicator of the territorial marketing functioning. The methodology of the presented study of marketing management in territorial units is based on the multivariate assessment of various economic entities that clearly shows the priorities and unevenness in the areas’ development. Area economic entities themselves are interested in the area development and determine the direction of area development. Economic entities’ direct residence and economic activity conducted by them in the area should be taken into account. This makes them serious experienced experts who are really interested in the effective and rapid development of their area. Economic entities themselves determine the measurable criteria for assessing the directions that they were originally offered. The “brainstorming” is used where the experts in the area development are involved. There is a joint process aimed at obtaining the most concrete and measurable results that actual state is assessed from 0 to 10 by the process participants based on personal observations and statistics. The evaluation of marketing results is based on the multicriteria socio-economic approach. The evaluation criteria should include the economic mechanism formation. This mechanism provides an effective interaction of market institutions and business entities in the area; selection of wholesale and retail organizational and economic forms, financial and credit and business services, as well as organizational and legal forms of trade and economic interregional ties; the markets system creation that is based on the priority provision of consumers and small owners interest; the choice of the most effective channels for goods movement, transportation, warehousing, material, financial, and information flows rationalization. The methodology for estimating the integral indicator of territorial marketing functioning that is presented in the work is based on the next indicators: financial stability, business activity, profitability, technical and technological stability, social sustainability, environmental sustainability that allows monitoring the functioning of the territorial marketing system. This methodology is universal since it allows evaluating areas of different industrial orientations and comparing them in order to identify the greatest functioning stability. Methodology for marketing research of areas potential is based on the system approach, complex consideration of conceptual principles of areas’ marketing potential formation and development; key features of territorial marketing allow carrying out purposeful actions for the sustainable development of area marketing potential, within the framework of which the conditions of its formation are determined, and their aggregate acts as a point of growth of market marketing component of the economic potential of the territory and is the basis for constructing the model of infrastructure of the marketing potential of the territory, used to make sound and balanced management decisions; developed a methodology for assessing the integral indicator of the functioning of territorial marketing. Research conclusion: grounded methodology of research of territorial marketing potential that is based on the system approach, complex consideration of concepts of area marketing potential formation and development. The key features of territorial marketing are distinguished that allow carrying out purposeful actions for the stable development of the area marketing potential, within the framework of which the conditions for its forming are determined, and their complex serves as a point of growth of market marketing component of the area economic potential and is the basis for the creation of the infrastructure model for the area marketing potential that is used to make substantiated and balanced management decisions; a methodology for assessing the integral indicator of territorial marketing is developed

    Method of strategic planning and management decisions making considering the life cycle theory

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    It is important to note a significant contribution tothe development of the strategic planning theory and practice of such foreign experts as I. Ansoff, M. Weber,H.-L. Gantt, M.-H. Mescon, F.-W. Taylor, H. Fayol and others; domestic scientists-economists: O. Amosha,V. Heiets, B. Danylyshyn, M. Dolyshnyi, M. Melnikova, A. Muzychenko, O. Povagny, etc. To the theme of lifecycles theory, many works of domestic and foreign authors are devoted: I. K. Adizes, L. Greiner, D. Katz,R.-F. Kahn, H. Lippitt, T. Malaya, O. Minochkina, Yu. Shambel. Most of the work focuses either on thecommon use of the life cycles theory and forecasting or on the application of the life cycles theory in thesystem of strategic planning and management. At the same time, the issue of strategic planning integratedstudy of the life cycles theory and the uncontrolled external conditions accounting remain insufficientlystudied despite a large number of works in this area. From the point of view of practical implementation among the most actual and complicated tasks, thefollowing can be named: 1. Application of the life cyclestheory in quantitative prediction of the economicsystems development. 2. Identification of factors that determine the stage of the system’s lifecycle and key factors that influence the development of the system at each stage of the life cycle, management of the life cycle system. 3. Instruments for determining the stages of the development of the system life cycle. 4.Accounting for uncontrolled and controlled factors in the formation of a system development strategy based on the life cycle theory. 5. Adjustment of the life cycles of the system elements (for example, when forming an optimal market portfolio that consists of the organization strategic business units). The purpose of the research is to reason the strategic planning methodology under an undefined external environment with the consideration of the life cycle theory. The scientific novelty of the research is to improve strategic planning in conditions of undefined external environment taking into account the life cycle theory of the object that includes: the definition of key criteria for the product life cycle assessment, the definition of the scope of limits for the solvable problem, the definition of parameters of models stability, forming models for analysis, the mechanism of step-by-step adjustment and assessment of strategic decisions effectiveness on strategies. The methodology assumes a certain sequence of the product lifecycle study in retrospect and at the current moment. Then the shortand long-term strategies modelling and development of options for their implementation are made. The life cycles theory has been applied in relation to different systems and processes: countries, regions, industries, types of activities, enterprises and organizations, technologies, strategic business units, manufactured products, etc. There are over 1.5 thousands of different types of economic life cycles ofsystems. Among the most famous are Greiner Growth Phases, Joseph Kitchin inventory cycles, Jaglar’s machinery and equipment investment cycles, Kuznets Cycles, Kondratiev Cycles. The following issues are considered in the research: the theoretical aspects of strategic planning and management at the modern stage are discussed, the necessity of taking into account the stages of life cycles in strategic planning is reasoned, method of strategic planning of the life cycle stages is improved, an algorithm of strategic planning under conditions of an indefinite external environment and accounting uncontrolled factors is formulated. Economic history and modern economic practice indicate that the rise and fall of business activity at the mega- and macro-levels are largely conditioned by two factors: scientific discoveries in the production means; great (sharp) changes in the political superstructure and economic relations of the states. The analysis of micro-level cyclic fluctuations is carried out on the basis of life cycle product models, the organization’s life cycle, the technology life cycle, etc. From the practical point of view, the applicability of the life cycles theory in the strategic planning of businessentities is especially interesting.The subject of the study is a set of theoretical and methodological aspects of development strategy formed for objects (country, region, branch, enterprise) on the basis of the life cycles theory under the external environment uncertainty. The methodology of strategic planning under the external environment uncertainty with the consideration of the life cycle theory includes: the definition of key criteria for assessing the product lifecycle, the definition of the limits scope for the solvable problem, the definition of parameters of models stability, the formation of models for analysis, setting the problem under uncertainty, the mechanism of step-by-step adjustment, and effectiveness assessment of strategic decisions based on strategies, the algorithm for the integrated assessment of the strategies effectiveness taking into account the uncertainty factors. Strategic planning is not characterized by temporal intervals but by a set of strategies, each of which is determined by the ways of achieving the main object objectives. For a rapid analysis of the product life cycle, the external indicators are used, such as: the growth rate of the product market, the relative growth rate of the product (compared to the growth rate of the entire market of the region or country), the firm market share, the firm relative market share (compared to the market share of leading competitor), and internal indicators, such as: the dynamics of enterprise revenue by product, the dynamics of company profits by product, the dynamics of enterprise profitability by product, the dynamics of enterprise investment. For each indicator that describes the enterprise performance, the directions of change are taken: α – growth, const – constant or β – decrease. The methodology involves a certain sequence of studying the product life cycle in retrospect and at the current moment, then the modelling and development of options for short- and long-term strategies implementation are made. Results of the survey are to substantiate the methodology of strategic planning under conditions of external environment uncertainty with the consideration of the life cycle theory. Practical implications: the possibilities of using life-cycle models allow: 1. reasonably predicting sales and plan production program; 2. determining the basic strategies at different stages of development; 3. determining the sequence of stages of enterprise development; 4. ensuring harmonious interaction of organizational characteristics with the external environment factors that influence the process of organizational development. Increasing the sustainability of the organization’s development can be achieved by re-establishment of dynamic changes in the plan in terms of using effective methods for forecasting with the consideration of the life cycle theory. It is necessary to take into account the interconnection between all levels of life cycles: industry, technology, enterprises, product; ensuring the competitive advantage of the organization. Using the theory of optimal solutions making in uncertain conditions under the analysis of long-term projects allows transferring qualitative factors into quantitative indicators that can be used in the future to bring investment projects to the same kind and choose the best. In conditions of increased uncertainty of the external environment, it is necessary to develop the theory of enterprise management, taking into account its life cycle, as well as the life cycle of its separate elements and processes at all levels. Combination of strategic management with the life cycles theory will increase the objectivity and effectiveness of taken management decisions. The accounting of the organization life cycles in strategic planning allows choosing an effective strategy

    Environmental orientation of consumer behavior: motivation component

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    The marketing ecological imperative is formed due to changes that occur under the inluence of the environmental factor in the system of social values, consumer, competitor and other market participant behavior, growth of natural resources costs and depletion, development and strengthening of environmental legislation and international standards. he abovementioned factors make it necessary to reform the existing marketing concepts and to transform the marketing theory and methodology taking into account the increased importance of socio-ethical and ecological aspects of social relations. Despite the rapid development of environmental marketing concept, many theoretical and practical aspects in this ield of knowledge remain open for studying. In particular, the eco-responsible marketing lays in the frame of sustainable development of socially responsible marketing concept. Increasing enterprise competitiveness by studying consumer needs and developing ways for their efective satisfaction that include elements of ecoresponsible marketing concept are actual and open aspects for modern researches.Environmental issues are a priority, since global environmental problem has become perceived as a threat to humanity’s existence. The necessity and timeliness of conceptual marketing approaches revision are dictated by the formation of new economy sector of ecological goods and services, and the environmentally respon- sible marketing concept is being formed. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the environmental factor influence on consumer behavior motives and formation of consumer demand for environmental products within the frame of environmentally responsible marketing. Changes in the external marketing environment lead to changes in the internal environment of the market entity, causing its environmental development. The recorded tendencies and changes in the marketing environment form the marketing ecological imperative, which takes into account the environmental factor in marketing activity of the market player. The research allows to determine the position of ecologically responsible marketing as a basic marketing concept that defines the philosophy and technology of marketing management by socio-economic systems regardless the sphere of the market entity activity in conditions of ecological imperative. The analysis shows that the modern Ukrainian society began to strive not only to purchase and consume desired products, but also to improve and to preserve the ecological situation. In a market environment, the specific marketing activity feature, which changes under the influence of the factor of ecological situation quality deterioration, adds new tasks, concomitant to main classical. The development of the enterprise environmental management system will promote the implementation of environment-oriented goals: formalization of the environmental products concept, environmental products market development, certification programs development, preservation of the environment quality, formation of ecologically oriented consciousness of the society. Considering the understanding of the needs, the motivational aspects of ecologically oriented consumer behavior in the market are stated in the form of the system based on the need for the security. Through the development of eco-responsible marketing tools and their step-by-step introduction into enterprise activity, it becomes possible to develop the ecological products market through the implementation of proactive environmental activity and satisfaction of individual consumer demand

    Mechanisms to ensure the activation of the market of products of aircraft building based on clustering and outsourcing

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    When implementing the strategic transformation of aircraft manufacturing enterprises, it is necessary to take into account that the modern market in the field of high-tech goods should have a well-established mechanism of cooperation, which ensures the competitiveness of the final products. In contrast to the centralised economy, when cooperation between enterprises was targeted and generally closed, in market conditions realised the right of the buyer to order and buy goods that meet his needs. As the experience of leading foreign countries shows [1], the formation of the mechanism of cooperation is based on long-term strategy, which is carried out by potential participants in cooperative relations under the auspices of public authorities (at national and regional levels) with funding agencies and universities. Cooperation can significantly improve the quality of products of aircraft manufacturers, reduce the cost of its development, production and marketing, activate innovative processes and increase the competitiveness of enterprises and the industry as a whole. The condition for cooperation is the development of specialisation of enterprises, the development of outsourcing, as well as the development of small and medium-sized businesses.When establishing and developing cooperation relationships, the customer needs to determine which strategy should be followed: ensure longterm relations based on cooperation at all stages of product development and production; work based on short-term contracts, guided by the rules of price competition. In the process of concluding contracts for cooperative deliveries in market conditions, the choice of the manufacturer is made on a competitive basis. One of the mechanisms for managing the competitiveness of products, which contributes to cheaper components and improvement of their quality, is to stimulate competition between suppliers-partners. A reasonably standard measure in this area is the organisation of deliveries of the same part (assembly, unit) by different suppliers. To ensure the competitiveness of aircraft manufacturers' products, it is recommended at the stage of product development to choose suppliers based on competitive prices, and then conclude a contract only with those of them who will achieve the required quality and price. For example, Japanese firms buy a greater variety of components from fewer suppliers than their American competitors. They have closer contacts with suppliers, including the integration of suppliers in the system of production organisation “just in time”, intensive information exchange and cooperation in the development of components.To activate the market of aircraft products based on market cooperation mechanisms, it is necessary to perform the formation and development of clusters and restructural outsourcing. The development of clusters increases the interaction between industries and thus contributes to the multiplication of growth. One of the most important directions of reforming domestic enterprises in modern conditions is diversification, the purpose of which is to increase the stability and efficiency of the enterprise. The mechanism of implementation of diversification of production is outsourcing. The application of restructural outsourcing involves the refusal of the outsourcing customer to perform the business process on its own, accompanied by the closure of its division, the release of property and personnel

    Methods of management by enterprise corporate social responsibility development: ecological component

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    In recent years, in post-Soviet countries, including Ukraine, the focus of entrepreneurship on the theme of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has intensified. Such questions as the role, objectives and tasks of entrepreneurial structures in the field of social responsibility, its importance for the socio-economic development of the country are widely discussed by the state, business and society. This interest is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, growing globalization increasingly stimulate domestic companies to bring their social activity to correspondence with international standards. Secondly, entrepreneurs are paying more attention to the strategic planning of their long run activities. Thirdly, the influence of local communities and nonprofit organizations that encourage businesses to comply with ethical norms of business activity is increasing. Application of corporate social responsibility principles is rapidly developing in Ukrainian business practice. Most companies publish social reports that describe their social activity, namely: participation in charity, support for sports and environmental events, sponsorship of socially significant projects. The ambiguity of the concept of «corporate social responsibility (CSR)» and the frequent neglect when considering the CSR of environmental component is one of the reasons for the irresponsible attitude of the business to compliance with environmental legislation and prevention of environmental pollution, which leads to irrational use of natural resources, including energy resources. Companies mainly form ecological culture through environmental «subbotniks», educational programs, leaving without attention the possibility of reducing the consumption of natural resources and reducing environmental pollution as a result of the activity. Energy efficiency issues are often dealt with CSR separately, and company‟s energy policy is not related to its social activity. The urgency of the research topic is determined by the lack of practical and methodological recommendations for the development of processes of formation and strengthening of environmental responsibility in Ukrainian companies, improvement of approaches to the development of corporate social responsibility, its ecological component. It will improve the efficiency of business structures management, increase their competitiveness, and contribute to improvement of the relationship of entrepreneurs with the state and society.The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to effectively use modern approaches the management of competitiveness the economic entities in order to increase the efficiency of using the resource potential, formation of competitive advantages and development strategies. Basic research focuses on economic diagnostics of ensuring the competitiveness of economic entities, marketing and logistics, analysis of energy-efficient potential, assessment of development potential. The research results have been implemented in the different models of inventory management, corporate social responsibility management, business process management and project management. The results of the study can be used in decision-making at the level the economic entities in different areas of activity and organizational-legal forms of ownership, ministries and departments that promote of development the economic entities and increase their competitiveness. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in modern concepts and mechanisms for management of competitiveness the economic entities in the context of efficient use the resource potential and iintroduction of modern innovations

    Spatial aspects of modernization of regional tourist systems

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    In the conditions of transition of social systems to new technological ways and economy of knowledge the question of definition of directions of development of nonproductive sphere becomes especially relevant. Such areas can be successfully justified using the concept of innovative development. However, innovative development, emphasizing the priorities of innovation management at different hierarchical levels of economic systems can not simultaneously change the structure and direction of development of the system. The process of innovative development is continued and often covers only the latest types of economic activity, slightly exaggerating their prospects and economic efficiency (Tymchyshyn-Chemeris, 2015). At the same time, traditional approaches used in a number of industries also need to be revised and improved (Leiper, 1979; Porter, 1990; Cherchyk, 2012). Issues that arise in this context go beyond the traditional understanding of innovation and require new approaches, which, for example, in the field of tourism, should be interpreted within the concept of modernization (Holod, 2017), in particular on the basis of a systematic approach. Important for the field of tourism is the spatial dimension of modernization processes, which is in the center of attention of some scientists (Dmytryshyn, Pavlyuk, 2014; Kozhukhivska, 2018), but its research has not yet acquired a systemic nature and has no established methodological basis (Vinichenko et al., 2018c).The relevance of the research is due to the need to form a methodological basis for research on the spatial dimension of modernization processes in the tourism sector of the region, which due to the current global threats are of particular importance. The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical and methodological foundations for the study of spatial patterns of modernization of the tourism sector of the region from the standpoint of a systematic approach. The key in the research are the system approach, as well as the modernization paradigm of regional development, which allow to form a comprehensive concept of spatial development of tourism in the region. The article formulates the main provisions of the spatial dimension of modernization processes in the region; the stages of recreational development of the territory are singled out; the interrelations between the development of tourism and the processes of urbanization are analyzed; the essence of tourist clustering is substantiated and the principles of cluster formation in this sphere are singled out; the effect of “expansion” of tourist space in destinations is characterized. The results of the study can be useful for scientists researching the spatial aspects of tourism development as a type of economic activity and as a social phenomenon at the regional level, as well as for practitioners of state and regional government, representatives of the tourism business