22 research outputs found

    Productivity and viral diseases of seed potatoes depending on the period of potato desiccation

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    The aim of the research was to determine the crop productivity, yield of tubers of seed fraction and infection of basic potato seeds with viral infection depending on the period of potato desiccation, application of mineral oil Sunspray, the number and species of winged aphids in the Polissia region of Ukraine. The study was conducted in the prebasic seed production nursery garden of the Institute for Potato Research, NAAS under the conditions of spatial isolation from the main sources and vectors of viral infections of potatoes, located in Nemishaieve, Borodiаnka distr., Kyiv region in the southern part of the Polissia region of Ukraine. The subject of the research is pre-basic and basic seed material of potatoes of mid ripening varieties Myroslava, Predslava, Alians. On average for 2018-2020 years of studies, the highest seed yield was obtained by potato desiccation 10 days after flowering of potatoes - 82.4-85.3 %. However, the level of total and seed yields was low. The efficiency of seed potato production increased with the haulm removal after 20 days - with the total yield depending on the variety 20.6-30.0 t/ha, the yield of seed tubers was in the range of 20.6-22.9 t/ha with the seed content in the crop structure - 71.0-76.3 %. Late haulm removal – on 30th and 40th days after potatoes flowering caused an increase in the yield of tubers of non-standard fraction, with desiccation on 30th day, the seed content in the crop decreased by 61.1-66.0 %, and with desiccation on 40th – by 54-59.8 %. Thus, during the early haulm removal, part of the crop was lost, which during haulm removal in the late stages consisted of large tubers. It has been found out, that potato plants, where the haulm removal during 2018, 2019 was carried out within 10 days after flowering, which was 4.0 % (9.0 % for the check) for the Myroslav potato variety, 3.0 % (10.0 % for the check) for the Predslava potato variety and 4.0 % (9.0 % for the check) for the Alians potato variety were the least infected with PVM. The level of PVM infection when removing the haulm on the 10th day after flowering with the application of Sunspray mineral oil at a rate of 6.0 l/ha decreased on average for the three varieties by 1.5–2.5 %. The best option to preserve the quality characteristics of seed potatoes was to desiccate the potato haulm on 20th day after flowering of potato varieties Myroslava, Predslava and Alians and the application of mineral oil Sunspray - 6.0 l / ha. The yield was 28.8-30.0 t/ha, seed fraction 20.6-22.9, seed yield - 71.0-76.3 %, viral PVM infection was 2.0 3.0 

    Implementation of teaching technology in the process of future specialists' professional development

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    The technology of mentoring and the possibilities of its implementation in the process of professional development of future specialists are considered. The functions of mentors (advisory, socio-pedagogical, spiritual) and criteria of mentoring (democratic, social orientation, originality, research, dialogue, leadership, cooperation) were analyzed. Assertiveness, fascination, attraction of the mentor's personality, spiritual constants, and moral and ethical maxims of behavior are considered. The task of the mentor is written. The factors that influence the effectiveness of mentoring and the characteristic features of the mentors' style are singled out. To increase the effectiveness of pedagogical mentoring, the need for principles is substantiated. The types of mentoring (religious, based, industrial, professional) are given. The importance of a remote form of support for young professionals - telementoring - is shown, which is necessary with the rapid development of Internet communications

    Business alliances in the economy of EU countries

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    The activities of business alliances in the EU are being transformed by the aid of the policy implementation of industrial alliances development, which provides for a wide network formation of stakeholders in reducing the dependence of member states on raw materials of third countries. The purpose of the academic paper lies in assessing empirically the business alliances effectiveness in the EU based on the case studies analysis on creating strategic alliances. Methodology. The case method has been used in the course of the research in order to analyse the activities and effects of business alliances within the established network for cooperation of the European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA). The results demonstrate the uncertainty in the strategic business alliances effectiveness in the EU; it is difficult to assess the potential quantitative effect from the company’s resources synergy – alliance members in the short-term prospects. Despite the well-established principles, the choice of the alliance management form as joint venture, the company’s market value has decreased. The advantages of the business alliance include the supply chain diversification of of raw materials from Third World countries to EU countries for industrial production. The theoretical and practical research value lies in supplementing the transaction costs theory and the theory of resources, explaining the business alliances creation. In practice, companies - members of business alliances combine the features of both theories in order to take into accounts both costs and synergies from resource integration

    Internal Control in the Management of Agricultural Enterprises

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    The article allocates the previously unresolved issues regarding the role of internal control as an important factor influencing effective managerial decision-making in the industry. The functioning of new organizational and legal forms of management on the basis of private property necessitates strengthening control over the activities of enterprises both on the part of the State and on the part of owners and labor collectives. Traditional forms and methods of control over the activities of enterprises, formed in the conditions of administrative methods of management of the country’s economy, under current conditions require further improvement in order to harmonize the system of control at the both macro and micro levels. The article elaborates and scientifically substantiates new theoretical foundations and proposals for improving the system of internal control in the management of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of the market economy of Ukraine. The study is aimed at developing effective methods, procedures and instruments that contribute to ensuring the optimal organization of economic activity, increasing the level of control, meeting legislative requirements and stimulating the socioeconomic development of enterprises. It is substantiated that internal control in the management of agricultural enterprises is an integral part of the successful functioning and development of these enterprises. To achieve significant production volumes and optimize costs, it is necessary to have an effective management mechanism and economic mechanism, as well as an improved internal control system


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    Crisis phenomena, such as economic downturns, health emergencies and geopolitical conflicts, had a significant impact on the transparency of information support for public financial management processes and the development of digitalization of the economy. The objective of the study is to assess the current state of information support and transparency of the management of fiscal risks caused by state-owned enterprises' activities under uncertainty. Within the study, the existing international approaches to identifying and assessing fiscal risks are analyzed; the areas for improving information support for managing fiscal risks caused by the activities of state-owned enterprises in emergency situations are identified; the impact of digital finance development on mitigating fiscal risks caused by emergencies is assessed. Proposals to increase the transparency of public finances and create additional revenues to the state budget by the development of innovative technologies are substantiated. Implementation of fiscal and monetary policy measures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and ensure sustainable post-pandemic recovery requires relevant financial information reflecting the country's financial position. A reliable source of such information is public financial and budgetary statements prepared by IPSAS and on an accrual basis. Given the negative impact of uncertainty caused by the coronavirus pandemic and war on the activities of state-owned enterprises, an important tool for improving the efficiency of fiscal risk management is the unification of approaches to establishing indicators for assessing relevant risks and providing information for their calculation. In response to lockdowns and social distancing measures during crises, citizens have increasingly relied on digital channels to access government services, pay taxes, and receive financial support. This has necessitated improved digital infrastructure and service delivery mechanisms

    Интеркультурная образовательная политика для молодежи: европейские принципы реализации и возможности финансирования в Украине

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    Протягом останніх декількох десятиліть інтеркультурна складова відігравала ключову роль в освітній політиці та практиках як у країнах Європи, так і на міжнародному рівні. Ця стаття є вступом до дослідження принципів та цілей інтеркультурної освіти, а також визначає підходи до фінансування такої освіти в Україні. Обґрунтовується необхідність фінансового забезпечення реалізації інтеркультурної освітньої політики, зокрема інтеркультурного діалогу як одного з її інструментів, що сприятиме створенню сприятливого клімату для життя в місцевих спільнотах.В течение последних нескольких десятилетий интеркультурная составляющая играла ключевую роль в образовательной политике и практиках, как в странах Европы, так и на международном уровне. Данная статья является вступлением к исследованию принципов и целей интеркультурного образования, а также определяет подходы к финансированию такого образования в Украине. Обоснована необходимость финансового обеспечения реализации интеркультурной образовательной политики, в частности интеркультурного диалога как одного из ее инструментов, что будет способствовать созданию благоприятного климата для жизни в местных сообществах.In the last few decades, intercultural education has played a key role in many educational policies and practices, both in Europe and at the international level. This article is an introduction to the study of the principles and goals of intercultural education. It deals with approaches to financing such education in Ukraine. Justifying the importance of intercultural education policy for young people, intercultural dialogue is considered as one of the tools that will help create a favourable climate for life in local communities

    Effect of platelet-rich fibrin matrix in complex with artificial material Nubiplant on expression of chondrogenic marker genes and morphogenesis of the nucleus pulposus cells of intervertebral discs in rats

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    The purpose was to study the barrier and biological properties of platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM), an artificial biopolymer Nubiplant, and a mixture of PRFM / Nubiplant by assessing the viability and morphological characteristics of nucleus pulposus (NP) cells in rats, as well as the expression level of chondrogenic marker genes during cell cultivation in the presence of these matrices.Materials and methods. PRFM was obtained from platelet-rich plasma using a SiO2 coagulation activator. A suspension of nucleus pulposus cells was obtained from the caudal spine of rats. Cultivation was carried out in the presence of one of three matrices — PRFM, Nubiplant, or their mixture for 3, 7, and 14 days under standard culture conditions in an EC-160 incubator (Nüve, Turkey). Observation of the living culture was carried out in the area bordering with the matrix within one field of view using an inverted microscope (Nicon TS100, Japan). The expression of chondrogenic marker genes in the cell culture of the NP was determined by the method of PCR with reverse transcription.Results. The study of the viability and morphological characteristics of NP cells during their cultivation for 3, 7, and 14 days in the presence of PRFM, PRFM / Nubiplant, or Nubiplant showed a decrease in the content of living cells in control samples; in cultures with PRFM and PRFM / Nubiplant, the number of living cells significantly exceeded the control values, aggregation of cells was observed in the area bordering with the matrices from the side of the application. None of the experimental samples showed the outflow of cells to the opposite side of the matrix after 14 days of cultivation; thus, PRFM, Nubiplant, and their mixture can perform barrier functions to keep the cell population in a certain location. Expression of the COL II, ACAN, GPC3, ANXA3, PTN, MGP, and VIM genes by the NP cells during cultivation for 3 and 7 days in the presence of PRFM and PRFM / Nubiplant increased as compared to the control samples.Conclusions. The use of PRFM, Nubiplant, or a mixture of PRFM / Nubiplant during the cultivation of NP cells demonstrated the absence of cell outflow to the opposite side of the studied matrices during the study period (14 days). The use of PRFM, Nubiplant, or a mixture of PRFM / Nubiplant promoted the formation of cell colonies with chondrocyte-like morphology in the zone bordering with the matrices and maintained cell viability throughout the study period. PRFM and PRFM / Nubiplant contributed to the maintenance of the expression of chondrogenic genes in the NP cells in the zone bordering the matrices. The results obtained indicate the positive effect of the matrix based on platelet-rich fibrin on the NP cells and its barrier functions, which is promising for the use of PRMF for preventing the formation of cicatricial adhesion

    European vector of modern education, science and production – 2024

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    The collective monograph summarizes modern trends in pedagogical design, interdisciplinary aspects of modern transformational processes in society. The main problems, trends, perspectives and directions of shifts in society as a result of the change of development paradigms are defined and characterized. The didactic and educational aspects of pedagogical design in professional education and higher education are analyzed, and the problems of managing pedagogical design are considered. The objective logic of changing development paradigms as a result of informational, communication and structural changes in society is revealed, which affects the transformation of technical-technological, socio-economic, political-legal, statist, educational and cultural reality, determines a new dimension of modern social processes. The monograph is intended for a wide range of researchers, teachers and students of higher education institutions, heads of educational institutions and organizations, non-profit institutions and business structures, representatives of state and public authorities, all interested in the development of pedagogical design and modern society

    Фундаментальні основи забезпечення стійкого розвитку при переході до інформаційного суспільства

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    Метою дослдіження є теоретичне обґрунтування та дослідження фундаментальних основ відтворення стійкого стану відкритих стаціонарних систем. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1347

    Development and implementation of algorithms of building structure engineering calculations for shear fraction under pressing-through.

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    Development of calculating algorithms for designed and patented constructive solutions for beamless monolithic slab and concrete reinforced column connection in the form of software program is presented in this article. Also a mathematical model for the constructive solutions was created using finite elements method. A theoretical part of the research includes engineering technique for the connection nodes between monolithic concrete slab and reinforced concrete column in stress strain state. A technical goal is simplifying and reliability increasing of loading capacity of the junction and assembly work facilitation along with reducing building frame costs. To perform testing of connection nodes between monolithic reinforced concrete beamless non-bearing slab and reinforced concrete column for shear existing calculating algorithm was improved using the designed formula. A connection node for a shear along the column body calculation according to the technique was also implemented as a software program. A technique for calculating a connection node between monolithic beamless non-capital concrete reinforced slab and concrete reinforced columns was developed. Visual Basic for Applications was used to automate calculating of the connection nodes for shear. The research results have been implemented into practical design and calculation during extension of manufacturing building of Skvira confectionary shop in Skvira settlement