309 research outputs found

    Nuclear receptor coactivators: Regulators of steroid action in brain and behavior

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    Steroid hormones act in specific regions of the brain to alter behavior and physiology. While it has been well established that the bioavailability of the steroid and the expression of its receptor is critical to understanding steroid action in brain, the importance of nuclear receptor coactivators in brain is becoming more apparent. This review will focus on the function of the p160 family of coactivators, which includes steroid receptor coactivator-1 (SRC-1), SRC-2 and SRC-3, in steroid receptor action in brain. The expression, regulation and function of these coactivators in steroiddependent gene expression in brain and behavior will be discussed

    Coexpression of ERĪ² with ERĪ± and Progestin Receptor Proteins in the Female Rat Forebrain: Effects of Estradiol Treatment

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    Estrogen and progestin receptors (ER, PgR) play a critical role in the regulation of neuroendocrine functions in females. The neuroanatomical distribution of the recently cloned, ERĪ², overlaps with both ERĪ± and PgR. To determine whether ERĪ² is found within ERĪ±- or PgR-containing neurons in female rat, we used dual label immunocytochemistry. ERĪ²-immunoreactivity (ERĪ²-ir) was primarily detected in the nuclei of cells in the periventricular preoptic area (PvPO), the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNSTpr), the paraventricular nucleus, the supraoptic nucleus, and the medial amygdala (MEApd). Coexpression of ERĪ²-ir with ERĪ±-ir or PgR-ir was observed in the PvPO, BNSTpr, and MEApd in ovariectomized rats. E2 treatment decreased the number of ERĪ²-ir cells in the PvPO and BNSTpr and the number of ERĪ±-ir cells in the MEApd and paraventricular nucleus, and therefore decreased the number of cells coexpressing ERĪ²-ir and ERĪ±-ir in the PvPO, BNSTpr, and MEApd. E2 treatment increased the amount of PgR-ir in cells of the PvPO, BNSTpr, and MEApd, a portion of which also contained ERĪ². These results demonstrate that ERĪ² is expressed in ERĪ±- or PgR-containing cells, and they suggest that E can modulate the ratios of these steroid receptors in a brain region-specific manner

    The progestin receptor interactome in the female mouse hypothalamus: Interactions with synaptic proteins are isoform specific and ligand dependent

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    Progestins bind to the progestin receptor (PR) isoforms, PR-A and PR-B, in brain to influence development, female reproduction, anxiety, and stress. Hormone-activated PRs associate with multiple proteins to form functional complexes. In the present study, proteins from female mouse hypothalamus that associate with PR were isolated using affinity pull-down assays with glutathione S-transferaseā€“tagged mouse PR-A and PR-B. Using complementary proteomics approaches, reverse phase protein array (RPPA) and mass spectrometry, we identified hypothalamic proteins that interact with PR in a ligand-dependent and isoform-specific manner and were confirmed by Western blot. Synaptic proteins, including synapsin-I and synapsin-II, interacted with agonist-bound PR isoforms, suggesting that both isoforms function in synaptic plasticity. In further support, synaptogyrin-III and synapsin-III associated with PR-A and PR-B, respectively. PR also interacted with kinases, including c-Src, mTOR, and MAPK1, confirming phosphorylation as an integral process in rapid effects of PR in the brain. Consistent with a role in transcriptional regulation, PR associated with transcription factors and coactivators in a ligand-specific and isoform-dependent manner. Interestingly, both PR isoforms associated with a key regulator of energy homeostasis, FoxO1, suggesting a novel role for PR in energy metabolism. Because many identified proteins in this PR interactome are synaptic proteins, we tested the hypothesis that progestins function in synaptic plasticity. Indeed, progesterone enhanced synaptic density, by increasing synapsin-Iā€“positive synapses, in rat primary cortical neuronal cultures. This novel combination of RPPA and mass spectrometry allowed identification of PR action in synaptic remodeling and energy homeostasis and reveals unique roles for progestins in brain function and disease

    Nuclear Receptor Coactivators Modulate Hormone-Dependent Gene Expression in Brain and Female Reproductive Behavior in Rats

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    Gonadal steroid hormones act in the brain to elicit changes in gene expression that result in profound effects on behavior and physiology. A variety of in vitro studies indicate that nuclear receptor coactivators are required for efficient transcriptional activity of steroid receptors. Two nuclear receptor coactivators, steroid receptor coactivator-1 (SRC-1) and cAMP response element binding protein-binding protein (CBP), have been shown to act in concert to enhance ER activity in vitro. In the present study, we investigated the function of these important nuclear receptor coactivators in estrogen action in rodent brain. Reduction of SRC-1 and CBP protein in brain disrupted ER-mediated activation of the behaviorally relevant progestin receptor gene. Furthermore, we found that SRC-1 and CBP function in brain to modulate the expression of hormone-dependent female sexual behavior. These findings indicate that these nuclear receptor coactivators function in brain to modulate ER transcriptional activity and the expression of hormone-dependent behavior

    Hinge and Amino-Terminal Sequences Contribute to Solution Dimerization of Human Progesterone Receptor

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    We and others have shown previously that progesterone receptors (PR) form homodimers in solution in the absence of DNA and that dimers are the preferential form of receptor that binds with high affinity to target DNA. To determine the sequence regions involved in solution homodimerization, wild type PR and truncated PR proteins were expressed in an insect baculovirus system. The expression constructs included the ligand-binding domain [LBD, amino acids (aa) 688ā€“933], the LBD plus hinge (hLBD, aa 634ā€“933), the hLBD plus the DNA-binding domain (DhLBD, aa 538ā€“933), and the full- length A and B isoforms of PR. PR-PR interactions were detected by three methods, coimmunoprecipitation of the PR fragments with full-length PR-A, pull-down of PR-polypeptides with polyhistidine-tagged versions of the same polypeptides immobilized to metal affinity columns and cooperative ligand-binding assays (Hill coefficient, nH \u3e 1 indicating PR-PR interaction). By all three assays, the LBD alone was not sufficient to mediate protein-protein interaction. However, the LBD did exhibit other properties ascribed to this domain, including binding to steroids with a relatively good affinity and specificity, ligand-induced conformational changes at the carboxyl terminus tail and binding of heat shock protein 90 and its dissociation in response to hormone. Thus, failure of the expressed LBD to mediate dimerization does not appear to be due to an extensively misfolded or unstable polypeptide. The minimal carboxyl-terminal fragment capable of mediating PR-PR interaction was the hLBD construct. However, by immobilized metal affinity chromatography assay, self-association of PR-A was 3.5-fold more efficient than that of either the DhLBD or hLBD constructs. An expressed amino-terminal domain (aa 165ā€“535) lacking the DNA-binding domain, hinge, and LBD was found to physically associate with PR-A or with another amino-terminal fragment lacking the LBD, but retaining the DNA-binding domain. These results provide evidence for direct amino-terminal interactions in the more efficient PR-PR interaction exhibited by wild-type PR-A, as compared with DhLBD and hLBD constructs. The overall results of this paper are consistent with the conclusion that the carboxyl-terminal LBD is not sufficient for mediating PR dimerization and that multiple regions, including the hinge and amino-terminal sequences, contribute either directly or indirectly to homodimerization of PR

    Photoperiodic regulation of androgen receptor and steroid receptor coactivator-1 in Siberian hamster brain

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    www.elsevier.com/locate/molbrainres Seasonal changes in the neuroendocrine actions of gonadal steroid hormones are triggered by fluctuations in daylength. The mechanisms responsible for photoperiodic influences upon the feedback and behavioral effects of testosterone in Siberian hamsters are poorly understood. We hypothesized that daylength regulates the expression of androgen receptor (AR) and/or steroid receptor coactivator-1 (SRC-1) in specific forebrain regions. Hamsters were castrated and implanted with either oil-filled capsules or low doses of testosterone; half of the animals remained in 16L/8D and the rest were kept in 10L/14D for the ensuing 70 days. The number of AR-immunoreactive (AR-ir) cells was regulated by testosterone in medial amygdala and caudal arcuate, and by photoperiod in the medial preoptic nucleus and the posterodorsal medial amygdala. A significant interaction between photoperiod and androgen treatment was found in medial preoptic nucleus and posterodorsal medial amygdala. The molecular weight and distribution of SRC-1 were similar to reports in other rodent species, and short days reduced the number of SRC-1-ir cells in posteromedial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and posterodorsal medial amygdala. A significant interaction between androgen treatment and daylength in regulation of SRC-1-ir was found in anterior medial amygdala. The present results indicate that daylength-induced fluctuations in SRC-1 and AR expression may contribute to seasonally changing effects of testosterone

    Expression of the Nuclear Receptor Coactivator, cAMP Response Element-Binding Protein, Is Sexually Dimorphic and Modulates Sexual Differentiation of Neonatal Rat Brain

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    Recent studies indicate that the transcriptional activity of steroid receptors is governed by proteins called nuclear receptor coactivators. Using immunocytochemistry, we found that on the day of birth (postnatal d 0) males express higher levels of the nuclear receptor coactivator, cAMP response element binding protein-binding protein (CBP), within the ventromedial hypothalamus, medial preoptic area, and arcuate nucleus. Using Western immunoblots, we confirmed that males have higher levels of CBP on postnatal d 0, 1, and 5; however, there was no sex difference on postnatal d 11. To examine the functional role of CBP, we infused oligodeoxynucleotides that were antisense to CBP mRNA or a scrambled sequence as a control into the hypothalamus of female rats on postnatal d 0, 1, and 2. On postnatal d 1, all rats were injected with 100 Ī¼g testosterone propionate to both masculinize (increase male) and defeminize (decrease female) sexual behavior. Rats were ovariectomized in adulthood and tested for adult sexual behavior. Neonatal CBP antisense oligodeoxynucleotides treatment interfered with the defeminizing, but not the masculinizing, actions of testosterone. These results indicate that CBP expression in developing rat brain is sexually dimorphic and an important modulator for steroid hormone action

    Distinct Changes in Gut Microbiota Are Associated with Estradiol-Mediated Protection from Diet-Induced Obesity in Female Mice

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    A decrease in ovarian estrogens in postmenopausal women increases the risk of weight gain, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and chronic inflammation. While it is known that gut microbiota regulates energy homeostasis, it is unclear if gut microbiota is associated with estradiol regulation of metabolism. In this study, we tested if estradiol-mediated protection from high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity and metabolic changes are associated with longitudinal alterations in gut microbiota in female mice. Ovariectomized adult mice with vehicle or estradiol (E2) implants were fed chow for two weeks and HFD for four weeks. As reported previously, E2 increased energy expenditure, physical activity, insulin sensitivity, and whole-body glucose turnover. Interestingly, E2 decreased the tight junction protein occludin, suggesting E2 affects gut epithelial integrity. Moreover, E2 increased Akkermansia and decreased Erysipleotrichaceae and Streptococcaceae. Furthermore, Coprobacillus and Lactococcus were positively correlated, while Akkermansia was negatively correlated, with body weight and fat mass. These results suggest that changes in gut epithelial barrier and specific gut microbiota contribute to E2-mediated protection against diet-induced obesity and metabolic dysregulation. These findings provide support for the gut microbiota as a therapeutic target for treating estrogen-dependent metabolic disorders in women

    3C. 3-Ketosteroid receptors in GtoPdb v.2023.1

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    Steroid hormone receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Nuclear Hormone Receptors [75, 218, 3]) are nuclear hormone receptors of the NR3 class, with endogenous agonists that may be divided into 3-hydroxysteroids (estrone and 17β-estradiol) and 3-ketosteroids (dihydrotestosterone [DHT], aldosterone, cortisol, corticosterone, progesterone and testosterone). For rodent GR and MR, the physiological ligand is corticosterone rather than cortisol

    Differential effects of Akkermansia-enriched fecal microbiota transplant on energy balance in female mice on high-fat diet

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    Estrogens protect against weight gain and metabolic disruption in women and female rodents. Aberrations in the gut microbiota composition are linked to obesity and metabolic disorders. Furthermore, estrogen-mediated protection against diet-induced metabolic disruption is associated with modifications in gut microbiota. In this study, we tested if estradiol (E2)-mediated protection against obesity and metabolic disorders in female mice is dependent on gut microbiota. Specifically, we tested if fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) from E2-treated lean female mice, supplemented with or without Akkermansia muciniphila, prevented high fat diet (HFD)-induced body weight gain, fat mass gain, and hyperglycemia in female recipients. FMT from, and cohousing with, E2-treated lean donors was not sufficient to transfer the metabolic benefits to the E2-deficient female recipients. Moreover, FMT from lean donors supplemented with A. muciniphila exacerbated HFD-induced hyperglycemia in E2-deficient recipients, suggesting its detrimental effect on the metabolic health of E2-deficient female rodents fed a HFD. Given that A. muciniphila attenuates HFD-induced metabolic insults in males, the present findings suggest a sex difference in the impact of this microbe on metabolic health.Peer reviewe
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