26 research outputs found

    Immune and Microrna Responses To Infection and Indole-3-Carbinol During Colitis

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    BACKGROUND: Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and other aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists are known to modulate the immune system and ameliorate various inflammatory and autoimmune diseases in animal models, including colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium (DSS). MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are also gaining traction as potential therapeutic agents or diagnostic elements. Enterohepatic (EHH) species are associated with an increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease, but little is known about how these species affect the immune system or response to treatment. AIM: To determine whether infection with an EHH species alters the response to I3C and how the immune and miRNA responses of an EHH species compare with responses to DSS and inflammatory bowel disease. METHODS: We infected C57BL/6 mice with (), with and without DSS and I3C treatment. Pathological responses were evaluated by histological examination, symptom scores, and cytokine responses. MiRNAs analysis was performed on mesenteric lymph nodes to further evaluate the regional immune response. RESULTS: infection alone caused colonic inflammation and upregulated proinflammatory, macrophage-associated cytokines in the colon similar to changes seen in DSS-treated mice. Further upregulation occurred upon treatment with DSS. infection caused broad changes in mesenteric lymph node miRNA expression, but colitis-associated miRNAs were regulated similarly in infected and uninfected, DSS-treated mice. In spite of causing colitis exacerbation, infection did not prevent disease amelioration by I3C. I3C normalized both macrophage- and T cell-associated cytokines. CONCLUSION: Thus, I3C may be useful for inflammatory bowel disease patients regardless of EHH infection. The miRNA changes associated with I3C treatment are likely the result of, rather than the cause of immune response changes

    Immune and Microrna Responses To Infection and Indole-3-Carbinol During Colitis

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    BACKGROUND: Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and other aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists are known to modulate the immune system and ameliorate various inflammatory and autoimmune diseases in animal models, including colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium (DSS). MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are also gaining traction as potential therapeutic agents or diagnostic elements. Enterohepatic (EHH) species are associated with an increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease, but little is known about how these species affect the immune system or response to treatment. AIM: To determine whether infection with an EHH species alters the response to I3C and how the immune and miRNA responses of an EHH species compare with responses to DSS and inflammatory bowel disease. METHODS: We infected C57BL/6 mice with (), with and without DSS and I3C treatment. Pathological responses were evaluated by histological examination, symptom scores, and cytokine responses. MiRNAs analysis was performed on mesenteric lymph nodes to further evaluate the regional immune response. RESULTS: infection alone caused colonic inflammation and upregulated proinflammatory, macrophage-associated cytokines in the colon similar to changes seen in DSS-treated mice. Further upregulation occurred upon treatment with DSS. infection caused broad changes in mesenteric lymph node miRNA expression, but colitis-associated miRNAs were regulated similarly in infected and uninfected, DSS-treated mice. In spite of causing colitis exacerbation, infection did not prevent disease amelioration by I3C. I3C normalized both macrophage- and T cell-associated cytokines. CONCLUSION: Thus, I3C may be useful for inflammatory bowel disease patients regardless of EHH infection. The miRNA changes associated with I3C treatment are likely the result of, rather than the cause of immune response changes

    Mempelajari Sifat Fisika Sol Karet Cetak Dengan Filler Cangkang Telur Ayam

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menpelajari sifat fisika sol karet cetak dengan filler cangkang telur ayam. Sifat fisika yang dipelajari meliputi kekerasan, tegangan putus, ketahanan sobek dan ketahanan kikis. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 4 tahap yaitu pembuatan filler cangkang telur ayam, pembuatan sol karet cetak, pengujian sifat fisika dan penilaian secara visual. Perlakuan terdiri dari penggunaan cangkang telur ayam menggantikan filer karbon hitam meliputi perlakuan tanpa penggunaan cangkang telur ayam (A1), penggunaan filler cangkang telur ayam 15 Phr (B1), penggunaan filer cangkang telur ayam 30 Phr (C1) dan penggunaan filler cangkang telur ayam 45 Phr (D1). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cangkang telur ayam dapat digunakan sebagai filler pada pembuatan sol karet cetak. Penggunaan filler cangkang telur ayam yang semakin meningkat menghasilkan sol karet cetak dengan kekerasan yang cenderung semakin menurun, tegangan putus yang semakin menurun, ketahanan sobek yang semakin menurun dan ketahanan kikis yang semakin meningkat. Secara fisual sol karet cetak yang dihasilkan dari filler cangkang telur ayam menghasilkan sol karet cetak yang baik (tidak cacat berupa sobek, lubang, lepuh, retak dan goresan)

    Altered Gut Microbiome in a Mouse Model of Gulf War Illness Causes Neuroinflammation and Intestinal Injury via Leaky Gut and TLR4 Activation

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    Many of the symptoms of Gulf War Illness (GWI) that include neurological abnormalities, neuroinflammation, chronic fatigue and gastrointestinal disturbances have been traced to Gulf War chemical exposure. Though the association and subsequent evidences are strong, the mechanisms that connect exposure to intestinal and neurological abnormalities remain unclear. Using an established rodent model of Gulf War Illness, we show that chemical exposure caused significant dysbiosis in the gut that included increased abundance of phylum Firmicutes and Tenericutes, and decreased abundance of Bacteroidetes. Several gram negative bacterial genera were enriched in the GWI-model that included Allobaculum sp. Altered microbiome caused significant decrease in tight junction protein Occludin with a concomitant increase in Claudin-2, a signature of a leaky gut. Resultant leaching of gut caused portal endotoxemia that led to upregulation of toll like receptor 4 (TLR4) activation in the small intestine and the brain. TLR4 knock out mice and mice that had gut decontamination showed significant decrease in tyrosine nitration and inflammatory mediators IL1β and MCP-1 in both the small intestine and frontal cortex. These events signified that gut dysbiosis with simultaneous leaky gut and systemic endotoxemia-induced TLR4 activation contributes to GW chemical-induced neuroinflammation and gastrointestinal disturbances

    A core microbiome associated with the peritoneal tumors of pseudomyxoma peritonei

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    Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is a malignancy characterized by dissemination of mucus-secreting cells throughout the peritoneum. This disease is associated with significant morbidity and mortality and despite effective treatment options for early-stage disease, patients with PMP often relapse. Thus, there is a need for additional treatment options to reduce relapse rate and increase long-term survival. A previous study identified the presence of both typed and non-culturable bacteria associated with PMP tissue and determined that increased bacterial density was associated with more severe disease. These findings highlighted the possible role for bacteria in PMP disease. To more clearly define the bacterial communities associated with PMP disease, we employed a sequenced-based analysis to profile the bacterial populations found in PMP tumor and mucin tissue in 11 patients. Sequencing data were confirmed by in situ hybridization at multiple taxonomic depths and by culturing. A pilot clinical study was initiated to determine whether the addition of antibiotic therapy affected PMP patient outcome. We determined that the types of bacteria present are highly conserved in all PMP patients; the dominant phyla are the Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. A core set of taxon-specific sequences were found in all 11 patients; many of these sequences were classified into taxonomic groups that also contain known human pathogens. In situ hybridization directly confirmed the presence of bacteria in PMP at multiple taxonomic depths and supported our sequence-based analysis. Furthermore, culturing of PMP tissue samples allowed us to isolate 11 different bacterial strains from eight independent patients, and in vitro analysis of subset of these isolates suggests that at least some of these strains may interact with the PMP-associated mucin MUC2. Finally, we provide evidence suggesting that targeting these bacteria with antibiotic treatment may increase the survival of PMP patients. Using 16S amplicon-based sequencing, direct in situ hybridization analysis and culturing methods, we have identified numerous bacterial taxa that are consistently present in all PMP patients tested. Combined with data from a pilot clinical study, these data support the hypothesis that adding antimicrobials to the standard PMP treatment could improve PMP patient survival.https://doi.org/10.1186/1750-1172-8-10

    Beyond the stomach: An updated view of Helicobacter pylori

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    Adherence of Helicobacter pylori to Abiotic Surfaces Is Influenced by Serum▿ †

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    Helicobacter pylori bacteria cultured in a chemically defined medium without serum readily adhere to a variety of abiotic surfaces. Growth produces microcolonies that spread to cover the entire surface, along with a planktonic subpopulation. Serum inhibits adherence. Initial attachment is protein mediated, but other molecules are responsible for more permanent attachment

    Nutritional Requirements and Antibiotic Resistance Patterns of Helicobacter Species in Chemically Defined Media

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    The growth of the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori in the absence of serum remains challenging, and nutritional requirements have only partially been defined, while almost nothing is known about nutritional requirements of other Helicobacter spp. Although previous data showed that H. pylori grows in the chemically defined medium F-12, but not in other tissue culture media examined, the specific components responsible for growth were not entirely understood. Here we describe the optimization of amino acids, metals, and sodium chloride for H. pylori. Iron, zinc, and magnesium were critical for growth; copper was not required. Optimization of sodium chloride was further beneficial. Nutritional requirements and antibiotic resistance patterns of several other Helicobacter spp. revealed that all except H. felis grew in serum-free, unsupplemented F-12. All Helicobacter spp. were resistant to at least six antimicrobial agents when cultured in the presence of serum. However, in the absence of serum, H. pylori, H. mustelae, and H. muridarum became sensitive to polymyxin B and/or trimethoprim. Much of the data were obtained using a convenient ATP assay to quantify growth. H. pylori has surprisingly few absolute requirements for growth: 9 amino acids, sodium and potassium chloride, thiamine, iron, zinc, magnesium, hypoxanthine, and pyruvate. These data suggest that H. pylori and other Helicobacter spp. are not as fastidious as previously thought. The data also suggest that chemically defined media described herein could yield the growth of a wide range of Helicobacter spp., allowing a more detailed characterization of Helicobacter physiology and interactions with host cells

    Helicobacter pylori arginase mutant colonizes arginase II knockout mice

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    AIM: To investigate the role of host and bacterial arginases in the colonization of mice by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)

    Role of the HefC Efflux Pump in Helicobacter pylori Cholesterol-Dependent Resistance to Ceragenins and Bile Salts â–¿

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    The human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori modifies host cholesterol via glycosylation and incorporates the glycosylated cholesterol into its membrane; however, the benefits of cholesterol to H. pylori are largely unknown. We speculated that cholesterol in the H. pylori membrane might alter the susceptibility of these organisms to membrane-disrupting antibacterial compounds. To test this hypothesis, H. pylori strains were cultured in Ham's F-12 chemically defined medium in the presence or absence of cholesterol. The two cultures were subjected to overnight incubations with serial 2-fold dilutions of 10 bile salts and four ceragenins, which are novel bile salt derivatives that mimic membrane-disrupting activity of antimicrobial peptides. H. pylori cultured with cholesterol was substantially more resistant to seven of the bile salts and three ceragenins than H. pylori cultured without cholesterol. In most cases, these cholesterol-dependent differences ranged from 2 to 7 orders of magnitude; this magnitude depended on concentration of the agent. Cholesterol is modified by glycosylation using Cgt, a cholesteryl glycosyltransferase. Surprisingly, a cgt knockout strain still maintained cholesterol-dependent resistance to bile salts and ceragenins, indicating that cholesterol modification was not involved in resistance. We then tested whether three putative, paralogous inner membrane efflux pumps, HefC, HefF, or HefI, played a role. While HefF and HefI appeared unimportant, HefC was shown to play a critical role in the resistance to bile salts and ceragenins by multiple methods in multiple strain backgrounds. Thus, both cholesterol and the putative bile salt efflux pump HefC play important roles in H. pylori resistance to bile salts and ceragenins