85 research outputs found

    Increased levels of interleukin-6 exacerbate the dystrophic phenotype in mdx mice

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is characterized by progressive lethal muscle degeneration and chronic inflammatory response. The mdx mouse strain has served as the animal model for human DMD. However, while DMD patients undergo extensive necrosis, the affected muscles of adult mdx mice rapidly regenerates and regains structural and functional integrity. The basis for the mild effects observed in mice compared with the lethal consequences in humans remains unknown. In this study, we provide evidence that interleukin-6 (IL-6) is causally linked to the pathogenesis of muscular dystrophy. We report that forced expression of IL-6, in the adult mdx mice, recapitulates the severe phenotypic characteristics of DMD in humans. Increased levels of IL-6 exacerbate the dystrophic muscle phenotype, sustaining inflammatory response and repeated cycles of muscle degeneration and regeneration, leading to exhaustion of satellite cells. The mdx/IL6 mouse closely approximates the human disease and more faithfully recapitulates the disease progression in humans. This study promises to significantly advance our understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms that lead to DMD

    Chronic heart failure is characterized by altered mitochondrial function and structure in circulating leucocytes

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    Oxidative stress is currently viewed as a key factor in the genesis and progression of Heart Failure (HF). The aim of this study was to characterize the mitochondrial changes linked to oxidative stress generation in circulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from chronic HF patients (HF_PBMCs) in order to highlight the involvement of mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathophysiology of HF. To assess the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), mitochondrial function and ultrastructure and the mitophagic flux in circulating PBMCs we enrolled 15 patients with HF and a control group of ten healthy subjects. The HF_PBMCs showed a mitochondrial population consisting of damaged and less functional organelles responsible of higher superoxide anion production both at baseline and under in vitro stress conditions, with evidence of cellular apoptosis. Although the mitophagic flux at baseline was enhanced in HF_PBMCs at level similar to those that could be achieved in control PBMCs only under inflammatory stress conditions, the activation of mitophagy was unable to preserve a proper mitochondrial dynamics upon stress stimuli in HF. In summary, circulating HF_PBMCs show structural and functional derangements of mitochondria with overproduction of reactive oxidant species. This mitochondrial failure sustains a leucocyte dysfunctional status in the blood that may contribute to development and persistence of stress conditions within the cardiovascular system in HF

    The RNA-binding protein FUS/TLS interacts with SPO11 and PRDM9 and localize at meiotic recombination hotspots

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    : In mammals, meiotic recombination is initiated by the introduction of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) into narrow segments of the genome, defined as hotspots, which is carried out by the SPO11/TOPOVIBL complex. A major player in the specification of hotspots is PRDM9, a histone methyltransferase that, following sequence-specific DNA binding, generates trimethylation on lysine 4 (H3K4me3) and lysine 36 (H3K36me3) of histone H3, thus defining the hotspots. PRDM9 activity is key to successful meiosis, since in its absence DSBs are redirected to functional sites and synapsis between homologous chromosomes fails. One protein factor recently implicated in guiding PRDM9 activity at hotspots is EWS, a member of the FET family of proteins that also includes TAF15 and FUS/TLS. Here, we demonstrate that FUS/TLS partially colocalizes with PRDM9 on the meiotic chromosome axes, marked by the synaptonemal complex component SYCP3, and physically interacts with PRDM9. Furthermore, we show that FUS/TLS also interacts with REC114, one of the axis-bound SPO11-auxiliary factors essential for DSB formation. This finding suggests that FUS/TLS is a component of the protein complex that promotes the initiation of meiotic recombination. Accordingly, we document that FUS/TLS coimmunoprecipitates with SPO11 in vitro and in vivo. The interaction occurs with both SPO11β and SPO11α splice isoforms, which are believed to play distinct functions in the formation of DSBs in autosomes and male sex chromosomes, respectively. Finally, using chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments, we show that FUS/TLS is localized at H3K4me3-marked hotspots in autosomes and in the pseudo-autosomal region, the site of genetic exchange between the XY chromosomes

    Differential expression of paralog RNA binding proteins establishes a dynamic splicing program required for normal cerebral cortex development

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    : sam68 and SLM2 are paralog RNA binding proteins (RBPs) expressed in the cerebral cortex and display similar splicing activities. however, their relative functions during cortical development are unknown. we found that these RBPs exhibit an opposite expression pattern during development. sam68 expression declines postnatally while SLM2 increases after birth, and this developmental pattern is reinforced by hierarchical control of sam68 expression by SLM2. analysis of sam68:Slm2 double knockout (Sam68:Slm2dko) mice revealed hundreds of exons that respond to joint depletion of these proteins. moreover, parallel analysis of single and double knockout cortices indicated that exons regulated mainly by SLM2 are characterized by a dynamic splicing pattern during development, whereas sam68-dependent exons are spliced at relatively constant rates. dynamic splicing of SLM2-sensitive exons is completely suppressed in the sam68:Slm2dko developing cortex. sam68:Slm2dko mice die perinatally with defects in neurogenesis and in neuronal differentiation, and develop a hydrocephalus, consistent with splicing alterations in genes related to these biological processes. thus, our study reveals that developmental control of separate sam68 and Slm2 paralog genes encoding homologous RBPs enables the orchestration of a dynamic splicing program needed for brain development and viability, while ensuring a robust redundant mechanism that supports proper cortical development

    AB012. Transcriptional and chromatin profiling reveals the molecular architecture and druggable vulnerabilities of thymic epithelial tumors (TETs)

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    Thymic epithelial tumors (TETs) have been profiled to the present moment mainly through several analyses of FFPE samples. Despite the leap forward brought by the TCGA, several questions remain still unsolved. Among these, TETs are characterized by a strong component of immune infiltrate which makes the transcriptomic analyses conducted so far scarcely interpretable to profile stromal subpopulations constitutive of the tumor. Furthermore, rarely correspondent healthy tissue is available due to the lipomatous atrophy of aged thymi. Therefore, the recent report of (I) isolation, (II) propagation (III) and characterization of human thymic epithelial cells (TECs) and their capacity to reconstitute the functional organ ex vivo and in vivo, represents a novel approach to study the biology of both healthy and neoplastic thymi. Human thymic biopsies (both healthy and neoplastic) were digested and plated on a lethally irradiated murine feeder layer. Both RNA-Seq and CUTANDTAG were performed on cultivated TECs at different passages. Cultured TECs were injected with human thymic interstitial cells into rat decellularized scaffolds and cultivated for 10–12 days. sc-RNA Seq is currently being performed on both healthy and neoplastic thymic mini-organs and their correspondent primary tissues. Here show that we successfully cultivated a cohort of 21 clonogenic TECs in vitro including adult neoplastic TECs, their non-tumoral counterpart and pediatric TECs. We show that at the transcriptome level each class of TECs clusters independently and that neoplastic TECs belong to the same cloud independently from thymoma histotype. Around 1,400 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) can be found when comparing adult neoplastic and non-neoplastic counterpart, among which around 70 are transcription factors. Importantly, we prove for the first time that clonogenic TECs derived from TETs can repopulate a decellularized rat scaffold and recreate a 3D architecture mimicking the primary tumor. This work demonstrates that this culture system allows the expansion of clonogenic TECs from both tumor samples and their non-tumoral counterpart. Those cells, when transplanted into decellularized thymi, reproduce the architecture of the primary tissue, showing that TETs contain progenitor/stem epithelial cells. We are currently characterizing TECs at the transcriptomic and epigenomic level with aim of identifying new druggable targets prior to clinical trials

    Viability of a MSQOL-54 general health-related quality of life score using bifactor model

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    Background MSQOL-54 is a multidimensional, widely-used, health-related quality of life (HRQOL) instrument specific for multiple sclerosis (MS). Findings from the validation study suggested that the two MSQOL-54 composite scores are correlated. Given this correlation, it could be assumed that a unique total score of HRQOL may be calculated, with the advantage to provide key stakeholders with a single overall HRQOL score. We aimed to assess how well the bifactor model could account for the MSQOL-54 structure, in order to verify whether a total HRQOL score can be calculated. Methods A large international database (3669 MS patients) was used. By means of confirmatory factor analysis, we estimated a bifactor model in which every item loads onto both a general factor and a group factor. Fit of the bifactor model was compared to that of single and two second-order factor models by means of Akaike information and Bayesian information criteria reduction. Reliability of the total and subscale scores was evaluated with Mc Donald's coefficients (omega, and omega hierarchical). Results The bifactor model outperformed the two second-order factor models in all the statistics. All items loaded satisfactorily (>= 0.40) on the general HRQOL factor, except the sexual function items. Omega coefficients for total score were very satisfactory (0.98 and 0.87). Omega hierarchical for subscales ranged between 0.22 to 0.57, except for the sexual function (0.70). Conclusions The bifactor model is particularly useful when it is intended to acknowledge multidimensionality and at the same time take account of a single general construct, as the HRQOL related to MS. The total raw score can be used as an estimate of the general HRQOL latent score

    Applying multidimensional computerized adaptive testing to the MSQOL-54: a simulation study

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    Background: The Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life-54 (MSQOL-54) is one of the most commonly-used MS-specific health-related quality of life (HRQOL) measures. It is a multidimensional, MS-specific HRQOL inventory, which includes the generic SF-36 core items, supplemented with 18 MS-targeted items. Availability of an adaptive short version providing immediate item scoring may improve instrument usability and validity. However, multidimensional computerized adaptive testing (MCAT) has not been previously applied to MSQOL-54 items. We thus aimed to apply MCAT to the MSQOL-54 and assess its performance. Methods: Responses from a large international sample of 3669 MS patients were assessed. We calibrated 52 (of the 54) items using bifactor graded response model (10 group factors and one general HRQOL factor). Then, eight simulations were run with different termination criteria: standard errors (SE) for the general factor and group factors set to different values, and change in factor estimates from one item to the next set at < 0.01 for both the general and the group factors. Performance of the MCAT was assessed by the number of administered items, root mean square difference (RMSD), and correlation. Results: Eight items were removed due to local dependency. The simulation with SE set to 0.32 (general factor), and no SE thresholds (group factors) provided satisfactory performance: the median number of administered items was 24, RMSD was 0.32, and correlation was 0.94. Conclusions: Compared to the full-length MSQOL-54, the simulated MCAT required fewer items without losing precision for the general HRQOL factor. Further work is needed to add/integrate/revise MSQOL-54 items in order to make the calibration and MCAT performance efficient also on group factors, so that the MCAT version may be used in clinical practice and research

    GTF2I dosage regulates neuronal differentiation and social behavior in 7q11.23 neurodevelopmental disorders

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    Copy number variations at 7q11.23 cause neurodevelopmental disorders with shared and opposite manifestations. Deletion causes Williams-Beuren syndrome featuring hypersociability, while duplication causes 7q11.23 microduplication syndrome (7Dup), frequently exhibiting autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Converging evidence indicates GTF2I as key mediator of the cognitive-behavioral phenotypes, yet its role in cortical development and behavioral hallmarks remains largely unknown.We integrated proteomic and transcriptomic profiling of patient-derived cortical organoids, including longitudinally at single-cell resolution, to dissect 7q11.23 dosage–dependent and GTF2I-specific disease mechanisms. We observed dosage-dependent impaired dynamics of neural progenitor proliferation, transcriptional imbalances, and highly specific alterations in neuronal output, leading to precocious excitatory neuron production in 7Dup, which was rescued by restoring physiological GTF2I levels. Transgenic mice with Gtf2i duplication recapitulated progenitor proliferation and neuronal differentiation defects alongside ASD-like behaviors. Consistently, inhibition of lysine demethylase 1 (LSD1), a GTF2I effector, was sufficient to rescue ASD-like phenotypes in transgenic mice, establishing GTF2I-LSD1 axis as a molecular pathway amenable to therapeutic intervention in ASD

    Effect of occupational exposure to cytostatics and nucleotide excision repair polymorphism on chromosomal aberrations frequency

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    Authors evaluated the incidence of total chromosomal aberrations (CA) and their types – chromatid-type (CTA) and chromosome-type (CSA) in peripheral blood lymphocytes from 72 oncologic unit's workers occupationally exposed to cytostatics in relationship to polymorphisms of DNA repair genes XPD, XPG and XPC. The cytogenetic analysis was used for determination of chromosomal aberrations frequency and PCR-RFLP method for polymorphisms of genes. Statistically higher frequency of total CA was detected in exposed group as compared to control (1.90±1.34% vs. 1.26±0.93%; Mann-Whitney U-test, p=0.001). There was not detected any difference between CTA and CSA (0.92±1.04% vs. 0.98±1.17%). Similarly, in genes XPD exon 23 and XPC exon 15 wasn't detected any difference neither in total chromosomal aberrations nor in CTA and CSA types. Statistically significant decrease of total chromosomal aberrations and CTA-type with presence of variant allele C was detected in gene XPG exon 15. Authors pointed out the importance of individual susceptibility factors in evaluation of effects of genotoxic agents, in that event, when the concentration does not meet the occupational exposure limit

    Comparison of chromosomal aberrations frequency and polymorphism of GSTs genes in workers occupationally exposed to cytostatics or anaesthetics

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    Authors compared the incidence of chromosomal aberrations (CAs) of workers occupationally exposed to cytostatics (group EXP1) or anaesthetics (group EXP2) in relationship to polymorphism of GSTM1, GSTP1 and GSTT1 genes. The cytogenetic analysis for chromosomal aberrations frequency and for polymorphisms of genes the PCR and PCR-RFLP method were used. Statistically higher frequency of total CAs was detected in both exposed groups: group EXP1 1.90±1.34%; Mann-Whitney U-test, p=0.001; group EXP2 2.53±1.46%, p=0.0008) as compared to control (1.26±0.93%). In group EXP2 was detected statistically higher frequency of aberrations CSA-type as compared to CTA-type. In xenobiotic metabolizing genes for GST higher frequency of total CAs and constituent types chromatid-type aberrations (CTAs) and chromosome-type aberrations (CSAs) of genes GSTM1 and GSTT1 with null genotype was detected. Statistically significant difference was detected only in CSA-type of aberrations in GSTT1 gene. In gene GSTP1 was not detected any difference in frequency of aberrations in presence of the variant allele. Presented results point out importance of individual susceptibility in evaluation of genotoxic agents of anaesthetics or cytostatics