635 research outputs found

    The Perspective of Using the System Ethanol-Ethyl Acetate in a Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) Cycle

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    Starting from bioethanol it is possible, by using an appropriate catalyst, to produce ethyl acetate in a single reaction step and pure hydrogen as a by-product. Two molecules of hydrogen can be obtained for each molecule of ethyl acetate produced. The mentioned reaction is reversible, therefore, it is possible to hydrogenate ethyl acetate to reobtain ethanol, so closing the chemical cycle of a Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) process. In other words, bioethanol can be conveniently used as a hydrogen carrier. Many papers have been published in the literature dealing with both the ethanol dehydrogenation and the ethyl acetate hydrogenation to ethanol so demonstrating the feasibility of this process. In this review all the aspects of the entire LOHC cycle are considered and discussed. We examined in particular: the most convenient catalysts for the two main reactions, the best operative conditions, the kinetics of all the reactions involved in the process, the scaling up of both ethanol dehydrogenation and ethyl acetate hydrogenation from the laboratory to industrial plant, the techno-economic aspects of the process and the perspective for improvements. In particular, the use of bioethanol in a LOHC process has three main advantages: (1) the hydrogen carrier is a renewable resource; (2) ethanol and ethyl acetate are both green products benign for both the environment and human safety; (3) the processes of hydrogenation and dehydrogenation occur in relatively mild operative conditions of temperature and pressure and with high energetic efficiency. The main disadvantage with respect to other more conventional LOHC systems is the relatively low hydrogen storage density

    Mapping of stones and their deterioration forms : the Clock Tower, Venice (Italy)

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    The HYPERION EU project aims to develop a Decision Support System to improve resilience and sustainable reconstruction of historic areas faced with climate change and extreme events. In this context, Venice presents an outstanding example of urban and architectural complexity and richness. The mapping of the ornamental stones of the facade of the Venice Clock Tower (Torre dell'Orologio) and their deterioration patterns acts as a milestone on which to build the knowledge-acquisition process of the system as regards stone artefacts and their decay products. The Clock Tower is an early Renaissance building (1499) in Lombardesque style and stands over the entrance to the Mercerie on the northern side of St. Mark's Square. Detailed surveys and mapping of both building materials (mainly stones) and deterioration patterns were carried out, the latter following the glossary of weathering forms, coupled with an easy-to-use scale of evaluation of their intensity. The data output consists of several monothematic maps which can be handled separately, each one focusing on precise lithological or specific deterioration aspects. This study also proposes a simple approach to summarizing the total state of deterioration of the building in the form of a Total Deterioration Rank (TDR) and its representation. The stones used in the facade are regional (Ammonitico Rosso and Scaglia Rossa) and extra-regional limestones (Istrian Stone), as well as Mediterranean white and coloured marbles and stones already used in antiquity (i.e., Fior di Pesco or marmor chalcidicum, lapis porphyrites, a volcanic rock from the Egyptian Eastern Desert, Proconnesian marble from the Island of Marmara, Pavonazzetto toscano and white Carrara marble from the Italian Apuan Alps). The most frequent forms of deterioration detected are black crusts, patinas, discoloration and patterns linked to erosion processes. The interrelation of different mappings led to a number of useful considerations concerning differences in the effectiveness of maintenance procedures between public and private management of the monument

    Pulmonary arterial hypertension in interferonophaties: a case report and a review of the literature

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    Background: Pulmonary arterial hypertension consists in an increase of mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PAPm 65 25 mmHg), and may lead to right ventricular failure. Pulmonary arterial hypertension can arise in several disorders, encompassing inflammatory conditions and connective tissue diseases. The occurrence of pulmonary arterial hypertension has recently been reported in monogenic interferonopathies and in systemic lupus erythematosus, highlighting the pathogenic role of type I interferons and paving the way to therapies aimed at inhibiting interferon signaling. Case: We describe a 17-year-old boy with DNase II deficiency, presenting a clinical picture with significant overlap with systemic lupus erythematosus. During treatment with the Janus kinase inhibitor ruxolitinib, he developed pulmonary arterial hypertension, raising the question whether it could represent a sign of insufficient disease control or a drug-related adverse event. The disease even worsened after drug withdrawal, but rapidly improved after starting the drug again at higher dosage. Summary and conclusion: Pulmonary arterial hypertension can complicate type I interferonopathies. We propose that ruxolitinib was beneficial in this case, but the wider role of Janus kinase inhibitors for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension is not clear. For this reason, a strict cardiologic evaluation must be part of the standard care of subjects with interferonopathies, especially when Janus kinase inhibitors are prescribed

    RISC-V-Based Platforms for HPC: Analyzing Non-functional Properties for Future HPC and Big-Data Clusters

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    High-Performance Computing (HPC) have evolved to be used to perform simulations of systems where physical experimentation is prohibitively impractical, expensive, or dangerous. This paper provides a general overview and showcases the analysis of non-functional properties in RISC-V-based platforms for HPCs. In particular, our analyses target the evaluation of power and energy control, thermal management, and reliability assessment of promising systems, structures, and technologies devised for current and future generation of HPC machines. The main set of design methodologies and technologies developed within the activities of the Future and HPC & Big Data spoke of the National Centre of HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing project are described along with the description of the testbed for experimenting two-phase cooling approaches

    Percepção de médicos e enfermeiros da Estratégia de Saúde da Família sobre terapias complementares

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze Estratégia de Saúde da Família (Family Health Strategy) professionals' perception of complementary and integrative therapies. METHODS: A study with 177 doctors and nurses was conducted in 2008, based on a self-administered questionnaire. The outcome variables were "interest in complementary and integrative therapies" and "agreement with the National Policy on Complementary and Integrative Therapies. Sex, age, graduate level of education, postgraduate level of education, length of time since graduation, length of time of work, having children, providing complementary and integrative therapies in the workplace, and using homeopathy or acupuncture comprised the independent variables. Data were analyzed using Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: A total of 17 health centers provided complementary and integrative therapies; 12.4% of professionals had a specialization in homeopathy or acupuncture; 43.5% of doctors were specialists in family and community medicine/family health. Of all participants, 88.7% did not know the national directives for this area, although 81.4% agreed with their inclusion in the Sistema Único de Saúde (Unified Health System). The majority (59.9%) showed an interest in qualifications and all agreed that these therapies should be approached during the graduate course. Agreement with the inclusion of such therapies was significantly associated with the fact of being a nurse (p = 0.027) and using homeopathy for oneself (p = 0.019). Interest in complementary therapies was associated with the use of homeopathy for oneself (p = 0.02) and acupuncture by family members (p = 0.013). CONCLUSIONS: Complementary and integrative therapies are accepted by the professionals studied. This acceptance is associated with previous contact with such therapies and, probably, with residency/specialization in family and community medicine/family health.OBJETIVO: Analisar a percepção de profissionais da Estratégia de Saúde da Família sobre práticas integrativas e complementares. MÉTODOS: Estudo com 177 médicos e enfermeiros a partir de um questionário auto-aplicado em 2008. As variáveis desfecho foram "interesse pelas práticas integrativas e complementares" e "concordância com a Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares". Sexo, idade, graduação, pós-graduação, tempo de formado e de trabalho, possuir filhos, oferta de práticas integrativas e complementares no local de trabalho e uso de homeopatia ou acupuntura compuseram as variáveis independentes. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste do qui-quadrado e teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: Dezessete centros de saúde ofereciam práticas integrativas e complementares; 12,4% dos profissionais possuíam especialização em homeopatia ou acupuntura; 43,5% dos médicos eram especialistas em medicina de família e comunidade/saúde da família. Dos participantes, 88,7% desconheciam as diretrizes nacionais para a área, embora 81,4% concordassem com sua inclusão no Sistema Único de Saúde. A maioria (59,9%) mostrou interesse em capacitações e todos concordaram que essas práticas deveriam ser abordadas na graduação. A concordância com a inclusão dessas práticas mostrou-se associada significativamente com o fato de ser enfermeiro (p = 0,027) e com o uso de homeopatia para si (p = 0,019). Interesse pelas práticas complementares esteve associado a usar homeopatia para si (p = 0,02) e acupuntura para familiares (p = 0,013). CONCLUSÕES: Existe aceitação das práticas integrativas e complementares pelos profissionais estudados, associada ao contato prévio com elas e possivelmente relacionada à residência/especialização em medicina de família e comunidade/saúde da família.OBJETIVO: Analizar la percepción de profesionales de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia sobre prácticas integrales y complementarias. MÉTODOS: Se realizó estudio con 177 médicos y enfermeros a partir de un cuestionario auto-aplicado en 2008. Las variables consideradas fueron "interés por las prácticas integrales y complementarias" y "concordancia con la Política Nacional de prácticas integrales y complementarias". Sexo, edad, estudio universitario, postgrado, tiempo de formación y de trabajo, poseer hijos, oferta de prácticas integrales y complementarias en el lugar de trabajo y uso de homeopatía o acupuntura conformaron las variables independientes. Los datos fueron analizados por la prueba de chi-cuadrado y la prueba exacta de Fisher. RESULTADOS: Diecisiete centros de salud ofrecían prácticas integrales y complementarias; 12,4% de los profesionales poseían especialización en homeopatía o acupuntura; 43,5% de los médicos eran especialistas en medicina de familia y comunidad/salud de la familia. De los participantes, 88,7% desconocían las directrices nacionales para el área, a pesar de que el 81,4% concordasen con su inclusión en el Sistema Único de Salud. La mayoría (59,9%) mostró interés en capacitaciones y todos concordaran que esas prácticas deberían ser abordadas en el estudio universitario. La concordancia con la inclusión de tales prácticas se mostró asociada significativamente con el hecho de ser enfermero (p=0,027) y con el uso de homeopatía para sí mismo (p=0,019). Interés por las prácticas complementarias estuvo asociado con el uso de homeopatía para sí mismo (p=0,02) y acupuntura para familiares (p=0,013). CONCLUSIONES: Existe aceptación de las prácticas integrales y complementarias por los profesionales estudiados, asociada al contacto previo con las mismas y posiblemente relacionada a la residencia/especialización en medicina de familia y comunidad/salud de la familia