102 research outputs found

    Opening and welcome

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    Welcome address held by the Rector of the University of Florence in the International Seminar of study "Global Interoperability and Linked Data in Libraries."Saluto di benvenuto del Rettore dell'UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Firenze al Seminario internazionale di studi "Global Interoperability and Linked Data in Libraries"

    Presentazione del Rettore dell’Università di Firenze

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    Switching Control for Adaptive Disturbance Attenuation

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    The problem of adaptive disturbance attenuation is addressed in this paper using a switching control approach. A finite family of stabilizing controllers is pre-designed, with the assumption that, for any possible operating condition, at least one controller is able to achieve a prescribed level of attenuation. Then, at each time instant, a supervisory unit selects the controller associated with the best potential performance on the basis of suitably defined test functionals. In the paper, we prove some important properties which are satisfied by the test functionals, and analyze the stability of the overall switched system. Simulation results are provided to show the validity of the proposed method as a solution to the problem

    Convergence of Neural Networks with a Class of Real Memristors with Rectifying Characteristics

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    The paper considers a neural network with a class of real extended memristors obtained via the parallel connection of an ideal memristor and a nonlinear resistor. The resistor has the same rectifying characteristic for the current as that used in relevant models in the literature to account for diode-like effects at the interface between the memristor metal and insulating material. The paper proves some fundamental results on the trajectory convergence of this class of real memristor neural networks under the assumption that the interconnection matrix satisfies some symmetry conditions. First of all, the paper shows that, while in the case of neural networks with ideal memristors, it is possible to explicitly find functions of the state variables that are invariants of motions, the same functions can be used as Lyapunov functions that decrease along the trajectories in the case of real memristors with rectifying characteristics. This fundamental property is then used to study convergence by means of a reduction-of-order technique in combination with a Lyapunov approach. The theoretical predictions are verified via numerical simulations, and the convergence results are illustrated via the applications of real memristor neural networks to the solution of some image processing tasks in real time

    Complete Stability of Neural Networks With Extended Memristors

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    The article considers a large class of delayed neural networks (NNs) with extended memristors obeying the Stanford model. This is a widely used and popular model that accurately describes the switching dynamics of real nonvolatile memristor devices implemented in nanotechnology. The article studies via the Lyapunov method complete stability (CS), i.e., convergence of trajectories in the presence of multiple equilibrium points (EPs), for delayed NNs with Stanford memristors. The obtained conditions for CS are robust with respect to variations of the interconnections and they hold for any value of the concentrated delay. Moreover, they can be checked either numerically, via a linear matrix inequality (LMI), or analytically, via the concept of Lyapunov diagonally stable (LDS) matrices. The conditions ensure that at the end of the transient capacitor voltages and NN power vanish. In turn, this leads to advantages in terms of power consumption. This notwithstanding, the nonvolatile memristors can retain the result of computation in accordance with the in-memory computing principle. The results are verified and illustrated via numerical simulations. From a methodological viewpoint, the article faces new challenges to prove CS since due to the presence of nonvolatile memristors the NNs possess a continuum of nonisolated EPs. Also, for physical reasons, the memristor state variables are constrained to lie in some given intervals so that the dynamics of the NNs need to be modeled via a class of differential inclusions named differential variational inequalities

    Design of a Switching Controller for Adaptive Disturbance Attenuation with Guaranteed Stability

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    In this paper, a new algorithm is proposed for the design of a family of controllers to be used within an adaptive switching control scheme. The resulting switching controller is able to attenuate the effects of disturbances having uncertain and possibly time-varying characteristics, as well as to ensure stability under arbitrary switching sequences. Specifically, the stability requirement is addressed within the synthesis of the set of controllers by imposing some constraints in LMI form. The overall synthesis algorithm is formulated in terms of convex optimization problems, which can be solved by means of standard tools. The validity of the proposed solution is underlined by showing simulation results on an adaptive optics case study

    Memristor Circuits for Simulating Neuron Spiking and Burst Phenomena

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    Since the introduction of memristors, it has been widely recognized that they can be successfully employed as synapses in neuromorphic circuits. This paper focuses on showing that memristor circuits can be also used for mimicking some features of the dynamics exhibited by neurons in response to an external stimulus. The proposed approach relies on exploiting multistability of memristor circuits, i.e., the coexistence of infinitely many attractors, and employing a suitable pulse-programmed input for switching among the different attractors. Specifically, it is first shown that a circuit composed of a resistor, an inductor, a capacitor and an ideal charge-controlled memristor displays infinitely many stable equilibrium points and limit cycles, each one pertaining to a planar invariant manifold. Moreover, each limit cycle is approximated via a first-order periodic approximation analytically obtained via the Describing Function (DF) method, a well-known technique in the Harmonic Balance (HB) context. Then, it is shown that the memristor charge is capable to mimic some simplified models of the neuron response when an external independent pulse-programmed current source is introduced in the circuit. The memristor charge behavior is generated via the concatenation of convergent and oscillatory behaviors which are obtained by switching between equilibrium points and limit cycles via a properly designed pulse timing of the current source. The design procedure takes also into account some relationships between the pulse features and the circuit parameters which are derived exploiting the analytic approximation of the limit cycles obtained via the DF method
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