386 research outputs found

    The Conflict of Ethnic Identity and the Language of Education Policy in Contemporary Ethiopia

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    This paper examines the current language policy of Ethiopia, especially its significance for the educational systems of that country. The policy in its present form was proclaimed in 1991 after the present government drove out the former Marxist-Leninist military junta, which had ruled the country for the preceding twenty years2. The language policy, along with other human rights and ethnic-related policies, was incorporated into the new constitution that took effect in 1996. Among other things, the policy provides for Ethiopia’s more than 90 language groups to develop and use their respective languages in the courts, in governmental and other political entities, and in cultural, and business communications as well as in education. The policies do not, however, specify which, how many, or in what order they would enjoy priority in governmental support for further development, nor do they hint at any limits as to the number and extent of the languages. In the absence of any limit or specification, the presumption is that all of them would have the right to find the necessary resources, whether through competition for governmental support or through other means. Practical considerations would suggest that, given limited resources in the country or any given linguistic community, the law would provide some guide to efforts to balance the ideal and the practical. It does not do this, consequently, some time soon, conflict among the tribal groups, is almost certain

    Magnitude and determinants of stunting in children underfive years of age in food surplus region of Ethiopia: The case of West Gojam Zone

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    Background: Child malnutrition is a major public health problem in Ethiopia. Surprisingly, the highest level of stunting is found in food surplus areas of the country. Objective: To identify the determinants of stunting in food surplus areas of West Gojam Zone. Method: A community based cross-sectional survey was conducted on 622 mother-child pairs of 0-59 month old children in Mecha and Wenberma Woredas of West Gojam Zone, Northern Ethiopia between May and June 2006. The study investigated the differential impact of demographic and socio-economic factors, health related factors and dietary factors on stunting among under-five children. Both bivariate analysis and multivariate analysis (logistic regression model) were used to identify the determinants of under-five stunting. Results: The analyses revealed that 43.2 (12.0-17.6) 95% CI percent of the children under age five were suffering from chronic malnutrition, 14.8 (39.3-47.1) 95% CI percent were acutely malnourished and 49.2 (45.3-53.1) 95% CI percent were found to be under-weight. The main contributing factors for under-five stunting were found to be sex of the child, child’s age, diarrhea episode, deprivation of colostrum, duration of breastfeeding, pre-lacteal feeds, type of food, age of introduction of complementary feeding and method of feeding. Conclusion: The findings of this study led to the realization that inappropriate feeding practice is the principal risk factor which brought about nutritional deprivation among under-five children in food surplus areas of Ethiopia. Thus, the importance of appropriate feeding during infancy and childhood cannot be overstated even in food surplus areas. The high prevalence of malnutrition in the study area points out the need to revisit the impression held by many people that malnutrition is not a problem in food surplus areas. Development and implementation of preventive policies aimed at addressing child malnutrition should also consider food surplus areas of the country. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2009;23(2):98-106

    Characterization of Tetrazolium Salts and Formazans using Computational Chemistry for Radiochromic Dosimetry

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    Computational chemistry is a powerful tool to model different materials and predict their physical and chemical properties. The goal of this thesis was to apply different computational chemistry tools to model the properties of two classes of closely related organic compounds: formazans and tetrazolium salts for ionizing radiation dosimetry in water-based gels, whereby the absorbed dose is registered by optical detection of formazan formation from tetrazolium salts. The structural parameters of phenyl and benzothiazolyl-substituted tetrazolium salts and formazans were computed using the APFD density functional theory (DFT) model and 6-311+G(2d,p) basis set. Conformational searching of stereoisomers (TSCA and TATA structures) and tautomeric forms of formazans were analyzed in gaseous state, methanol, and chloroform solutions. It was found that formazans exist as a mixture of conformers. Two compounds, 2-(2-benzothiazolyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyltetrazolium and 1‑(2-benzothiazolyl)-5-(4-nitrophenyl)-3-phenylformazan were used as model molecules for frontier molecular orbital analysis (FMOA), charge distribution, IR and NMR (1H and 13C) spectra. The FMOA allowed for quantitative comparison of the reactivity of the tested molecules, while the spectrum modelling showed good agreement with experimental data. The UV-Visible spectra of tetrazolium salts and formazans was examined using seven select molecules and two models. Finally, the wavelengths of maximum absorbance for twelve formazans important for radiation dosimetry were calculated using multiple DFT models and compared with experimental data, obtained from in-gel dosimetry. In conclusion, DFT modelling showed excellent results and proved to be useful as a tool for predicting the properties of formazans and tetrazolium salts

    Metodologia orientada a la elección de FPGAs con prioridad en el consumo de potencia

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    En este trabajo se presenta una metodología de diseño orientada a explorar el cada vez más amplio conjunto de FPGAs con el fin de seleccionar la mejor opción. Los parámetros que se utilizan para realizar la exploración son los recursos consumidos, la frecuencia de operación y el consumo de potencia. Sobre este último parámetro, el más difícil de medir, se hace un especial énfasis. Se exploran dos fabricantes (Altera y Xilinx), dos familias diferentes de cada fabricante y dos subfamilias dentro de cada familia, una de la gama alta y otra de la gama baja. Esta exploración se ha realizado implementando dos circuitos que realizan la operación división de números de 64 bits usando dos algoritmos con plena vigencia.España, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2007-65105/MICEspaña, Junta de Andalucía TIC-360

    Retrospective review of antiretroviral therapy program data in accredited private hospitals in Addis Ababa City Administration, Ethiopia

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    Background: Ethiopia is committed to improving access to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) care and antiretroviral therapy (ART) service. In May 2005, some private hospitals in Addis Ababa City Administration received accreditation to provide ART services to eligible patients.Objective: To examine and describe the achievements of the ART Program in accredited private hospitals.Methods: Descriptive retrospective analyses of reported ART Program Data from accredited private hospitals, between May 2005 and 31st December 2009. The aggregate data was obtained from Addis Ababa Regional Health Bureau and consisted of information about patients enrolled for care, those who started ART, and those presently are on ART.Results: During the study period, 10,849 patients were enrolled for care, 9,442 who had just started ART and 5,608 already on it across the study private facilities. In general close to 75% of the total patients enrolled for  care at five facilities. Although the majority (87%) had started treatment in the past, only 59.4% were currently on treatment. Overall, the program retained 66.4% of the patients (n=6,270) and attrition was 32% (n=3,021).Conclusions: Differences in patient enrollment for care, ART initiation and retention were observed across facilities. A significant number of patients discontinued treatment and their outcome status was unclear. A better monitoring and reporting of ART Program Data will improve program quality. An effective strategy is needed to enhance patient retention and tracing in the accredited private hospitals in Addis Ababa City Administration. [Ethiop J Health Dev. 2011;25(2):110-115

    Laboratory-based efficacy evaluation of; Bacillus thuringiensis; var. israelensis and temephos larvicides against larvae of; Anopheles stephensi; in Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria, transmitted by the bite of infective female Anopheles mosquitoes, remains a global public health problem. The presence of an invasive Anopheles stephensi, capable of transmitting Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum parasites was first reported in Ethiopia in 2016. The ecology of An. stephensi is different from that of Anopheles arabiensis, the primary Ethiopian malaria vector, and this suggests that alternative control strategies may be necessary. Larviciding may be an effective alternative strategy, but there is limited information on the susceptibility of Ethiopian An. stephensi to common larvicides. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of temephos and Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) larvicides against larvae of invasive An. stephensi. METHODS: The diagnostic doses of two larvicides, temephos (0.25 ml/l) and Bti (0.05 mg/l) were tested in the laboratory against the immature stages (late third to early fourth stages larvae) of An. stephensi collected from the field and reared in a bio-secure insectary. Larvae were collected from two sites (Haro Adi and Awash Subuh Kilo). For each site, three hundred larvae were tested against each insecticide (as well as an untreated control), in batches of 25. The data from all replicates were pooled and descriptive statistics prepared. RESULTS: The mortality of larvae exposed to temephos was 100% for both sites. Mortality to Bti was 99.7% at Awash and 100% at Haro Adi site. CONCLUSIONS: Larvae of An. stephensi are susceptible to temephos and Bti larvicides suggesting that larviciding with these insecticides through vector control programmes may be effective against An. stephensi in these localities

    Redetermination of di-μ-hydrido-hexa­hydridotetra­kis(tetra­hydro­furan)dialuminium(III)magnesium(II)

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    The structure of the title compound, [Mg(AlH4)2(C4H8O)4], has been redetermined at 150 K. The MgII ion is hexa­coordinated to four tetra­hydro­furan (THF) ligands, and two AlH4 − anions through bridging H atoms. The Al—H distances are more precise compared to those previously determined [Nöth et al. (1995 ▶). Chem. Ber. 128, 999–1006; Fichtner & Fuhr (2002 ▶). J. Alloys Compd, 345, 386–396]. The mol­ecule has twofold rotation symmetry

    Mixed-effects height prediction model for Juniperus procera trees from a Dry Afromontane Forest in Ethiopia.

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    Tree height is a crucial variable in forestry science. In the current study, an accurate height prediction model for Juniperus procera Hochst. ex Endl. trees were developed, using a nonlinear mixed-effects modeling approach on 1215 observations from 101 randomly established plots in the Chilimo Dry Afromontane Forest in Ethiopia. After comparing 14 nonlinear models, the most appropriate base model was selected and expanded as a mixed-effects model, using the sample plot as a grouping factor, and adding stand-level variables to increase the model’s prediction ability. Using a completely independent dataset of observations, the best sampling alternative for calibration was determined using goodness-of-fit criteria. Our findings revealed that the Michaelis–Menten model outperformed the other models, while the expansion to the mixed-effects model significantly improved the height prediction. On the other hand, incorporating the quadratic mean diameter and the stem density slightly improved the model’s prediction ability. The fixed-effects of the selected model can also be used to predict the mean height of Juniperus procera trees as a marginal solution. The calibration response revealed that a systematic selection of the three largest-diameter trees at the plot level is the most effective for random effect estimation across new plots or stands

    Women health extension workers: Capacities, opportunities and challenges to use eHealth to strengthen equitable health systems in Southern Ethiopia.

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    OBJECTIVES: This study assesses the feasibility of female health extension workers (HEWs) using eHealth within their core duties, supporting both the design and capacity building for an eHealth system project focussed initially on tuberculosis, maternal child health, and gender equity. PARTICIPANTS: Health extension workers, Health Centre Heads, District Health Officers, Zonal Health Department and Regional Health Bureau representatives in Southern Ethiopia. SETTING: The study was undertaken in Southern Ethiopia with three districts in Sidama zone (population of 3.5 million) and one district in Gedeo zone (control zone with similar health service coverage and population density). METHODS: Mixed method baseline data collection was undertaken, using quantitative questionnaires (n = 57) and purposively sampled qualitative face-to-face semi-structured interviews (n = 10) and focus group discussions (n = 3). RESULTS: Themes were identified relating to HEW commitment and role, supervision, and performance management. The Health Management Information System (HMIS) was seen as important by all participants, but with challenges of information quality, accuracy, reliability and timeliness. Participants' perceptions varied by group regarding the purpose and benefits of HMIS as well as the potential of an eHealth system. Mobile phones were used regularly by all participants. CONCLUSION: eHealth technology presents a new opportunity for the Ethiopian health system to improve data quality and community health. Front-line female HEWs are a critical bridge between communities and health systems. Empowering HEWs, supporting them and responding to the challenges they face will be an important part of ensuring the sustainability and responsiveness of eHealth strategies. Findings have informed the subsequent eHealth technology design and implementation, capacity strengthening approach, supervision, and performance management approach