55 research outputs found

    Analytic Continuation of Liouville Theory

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    Correlation functions in Liouville theory are meromorphic functions of the Liouville momenta, as is shown explicitly by the DOZZ formula for the three-point function on the sphere. In a certain physical region, where a real classical solution exists, the semiclassical limit of the DOZZ formula is known to agree with what one would expect from the action of the classical solution. In this paper, we ask what happens outside of this physical region. Perhaps surprisingly we find that, while in some range of the Liouville momenta the semiclassical limit is associated to complex saddle points, in general Liouville's equations do not have enough complex-valued solutions to account for the semiclassical behavior. For a full picture, we either must include "solutions" of Liouville's equations in which the Liouville field is multivalued (as well as being complex-valued), or else we can reformulate Liouville theory as a Chern-Simons theory in three dimensions, in which the requisite solutions exist in a more conventional sense. We also study the case of "timelike" Liouville theory, where we show that a proposal of Al. B. Zamolodchikov for the exact three-point function on the sphere can be computed by the original Liouville path integral evaluated on a new integration cycle.Comment: 86 pages plus appendices, 9 figures, minor typos fixed, references added, more discussion of the literature adde

    Species Richness, rRNA Gene Abundance, and Seasonal Dynamics of Airborne Plant-Pathogenic Oomycetes

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    Oomycetes, also named Peronosporomycetes, are one of the most important and widespread groups of plant pathogens, leading to significant losses in the global agricultural productivity. They have been studied extensively in ground water, soil, and host plants, but their atmospheric transport vector is not well characterized. In this study, the occurrence of airborne Oomycetes was investigated by Sanger sequencing and quantitative PCR of coarse and fine aerosol particle samples (57 filter pairs) collected over a 1-year period (2006–2007) and full seasonal cycle in Mainz, Germany. In coarse particulate matter, we found 55 different hypothetical species (OTUs), of which 54 were plant pathogens and 29 belonged to the genus Peronospora (downy mildews). In fine particulate matter (<3 μm), only one species of Hyaloperonospora was found in one sample. Principal coordinate analysis of the species composition revealed three community clusters with a dependence on ambient temperature. The abundance of Oomycetes rRNA genes was low in winter and enhanced during spring, summer, and fall, with a dominance of Phytophthora, reaching a maximum concentration of ∼1.6 × 106 rRNA genes per cubic meter of sampled air in summer. The presence and high concentration of rRNA genes in air suggests that atmospheric transport, which can lead to secondary infection, may be more important than currently estimated. This illustrates the need for more current and detailed datasets, as potential seasonal shifts due to changing meteorological conditions may influence the composition of airborne Oomycetes. An insight into the dynamics of airborne plant pathogens and their major drivers should be useful for improved forecasting and management of related plant diseases

    Standardized monitoring of cytomegalovirus-specific immunity can improve risk stratification of recurrent cytomegalovirus reactivation after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    Recurrence of cytomegalovirus reactivation remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Monitoring cytomegalovirus-specific cellular immunity using a standardized assay might improve the risk stratification of patients. A prospective multicenter study was conducted in 175 intermediate- and high-risk allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients under preemptive antiviral therapy. Cytomegalovirus-specific cellular immunity was measured using a standardized IFN-γ ELISpot assay (T-Track® CMV). Primary aim was to evaluate the suitability of measuring cytomegalovirus-specific immunity after end of treatment for a first cytomegalovirus reactivation to predict recurrent reactivation. 40/101 (39.6%) patients with a first cytomegalovirus reactivation experienced recurrent reactivations, mainly in the high-risk group (cytomegalovirus-seronegative donor/cytomegalovirus-seropositive recipient). The positive predictive value of T-Track® CMV (patients with a negative test after the first reactivation experienced at least one recurrent reactivation) was 84.2% in high-risk patients. Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed a higher probability of recurrent cytomegalovirus reactivation in high-risk patients with a negative test after the first reactivation (hazard ratio 2.73; p=0.007). Interestingly, a post-hoc analysis considering T-Track® CMV measurements at day 100 post-transplantation, a time point highly relevant for outpatient care, showed a positive predictive value of 90.0% in high-risk patients. Our results indicate that standardized cytomegalovirus-specific cellular immunity monitoring may allow improved risk stratification and management of recurrent cytomegalovirus reactivation after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. This study was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT02156479

    Die Beeinflussung einer Th2-Zell-vermittelten Immunantwort durch Interleukin-1-alpha am Beispiel des murinen allergischen Asthmas

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    Dass durch IL-1α die Th1-vermittelte Immunreaktion der kutanen Leishmaniasis beeinflusst werden kann, konnte unsere Arbeitsgruppe bereits zeigen. Daran anknüpfend war das Ziel meiner Dissertation zu prüfen, ob sich diese Erkenntnisse im Modell des murinen allergischen Asthmas reproduzieren lassen, auch im Sinne eines zukünftigen therapeutischen Nutzens für die Behandlung dieser epidemiologisch hochrelevanten Erkrankung. Daneben sollte die Verwendung der gesamten murinen Lunge als Quelle für Untersuchungsmaterial erschlossen werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurden bei BALB/c Mäusen ein (OVA)/Alum-induziertes allergisches Asthma in Gegenwart oder Abwesenheit von IL-1α generiert. Anschließend wurde eine broncheoalveoläre Lavage (BAL) durchgeführt, bzw. die komplette linke Lunge gewonnen und prozessiert. Der Einfluss von IL-1α auf den Phänotyp der Th2-vermittelten Immunantwort ließ sich auf zytomorphologischer, durchflusszytometrischer und Zytokin-Ebene nachweisen. So zeigte ein Teil unserer Ergebnisse, dass nach der frühen Gabe eine Tendenz zur Verlagerung des Gewichtes der Abwehrreaktion von Th2 in Richtung Th1 besteht. Ebenso fanden sich Hinweise für eine relative Augmentation der Th2-Antwort durch den Einsatz von IL-1α zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt. Eine absolute Verstärkung der Th2-Reaktion auf OVA durch IL-1α konnten wir nicht messen. Hier scheint mit OVA allein schon eine maximale Ausprägung erreicht zu sein. Neben den Th1/Th2-Effekten wurden auch einige gegenläufige Beobachtungen gemacht, welche nicht a priori durch das Th1/Th2-Paradigma zu erklären sind, sondern den Einfluß von IL-1α auf andere Systeme belegen, wie z. B. die Wirkung auf CCL28 und regulatorische T-Zellen. Für die Gewinnung von inflammatorischen Zellen aus der kompletten Lunge und deren weitere Untersuchung konnten wir eine Methode entwickeln und standardisieren, welche relativ einfach in der Durchführung ist und zuverlässig eine im Verhältnis zur BAL hohe Zellzahl liefert, was wiederum ein breites Spektrum an weiteren Untersuchungen erlaubt. Durch den Vorgang der mechanischen und enzymatischen Prozessierung scheinen die funktionellen Eigenschaften der Zellen nicht wesentlich beeinträchtigt zu sein. Der Einsatz von IL-1α resultierte letztendlich in einem Mischbild an hervorgerufenen Veränderungen und es bedarf noch weiterer Studien, um die unterschiedlichen induzierten Mechanismen sauber voneinander zu trennen und den therapeutischen Nutzen von IL-1α im allergischen Asthma zu evaluieren.Using a T helper Th1/Th2 disease model, we have previously shown that in Leishmania major infections, Th1 immunity develops if IL-1α is present during T cell priming, whereas at later time points, IL-1α worsens disease outcome. In the present study, we determined the role of IL-1α in Th2-mediated murine model of allergic asthma, even in terms of future therapeutic value for treating this epidemiologically highly relevant disease. In addition, the use of the murine lung as a source of research material should be evaluated. For this porpuse BALB/c mice were subjected to ovalbumin (OVA)/alum-induced allergic asthma in the presence or absence of IL-1α. Afterwards bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and processing of the left lung was performed. The influence of IL-1α on the phenotype of the Th2-mediated immune response could be shown on cytomorphological, flow cytometric and cytokine-level. Parts of our results indicate that the early administration of IL-1α induces a shifting of the immune response from Th2 towards Th1. We also found evidence that the late application of IL-1α results in a relative augmentation of Th2. An increase of Th2 response through of IL-1α compared to only OVA could not be measured. In addition to the described effects some contradictory observations have been made which can not be explained a priori by the Th1/Th2-paradigma. Other effects of IL-1α on other systems, such as CCL28 and regulatory T cells may be an explanation. For the generation of inflammatory cells from the entire lung, and their further investigation, we were able to develop and standardize a method which is relatively simple to implement and reliably delivers high amounts of inflammatory cells compared to BAL which in turn allows a wide range of further investigations. Through the process of mechanical and enzymatic processing the functional properties of the cells appear not to be significantly affected. The use of IL-1α results in several direct and indirect effects on the allergic asthma and it requires further studies to separate the different involved mechanisms and to elucidate the therapeutic value of IL-1α in asthmatic patients

    Reactivity of the hydrocarbon C-C bonds as a function of the reaction conditions in the conversion of C-6 alkanes and methylcyclopentane over Rh catalysts

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    The conversion of 3-methylpentane (3MP), 2-methylpentane (2MP), n-hexane (nH), and methylcyclopentane (MCP) was investigated on 0.3 and 10% Rh/Al2O3 and 5% Rh/SiO2 as a function of hydrogen pressure and temperature. The catalysts were prepared by the incipient wetness method. Metal accessibility was 57, 18 and 36%, which corresponded to mean particle size of 1.5, 5 and 2.5 nm, respectively. The hydrogenolytic cleavage of hydrocarbon C-C bonds was the main reaction. Skeletal isomers (up to 20%) were formed from methylpentanes on 10% Rh/Al2O3. C-5-cyclization was a minor reaction (less than 10%) and was promoted by low p(H-2). Particle size effect was clearly observed in the non-degradative reaction path; this route was favored by larger Rh particles. Single splitting of C-C bonds was catalyzed at high hydrogen coverage. Decreasing P(H-2) caused "deepening" of the hydrogenolysis and the catalysts lost much of their activity. The hindrance in the re-hydrogenation of the surface intermediate of fragmentation was proposed to explain the positive hydrogen order. The role of further hydrogenolysis of particular fragments or ring opening intermediates was significant at low p(H-2). Reaction conditions governed the desorption or the further reactions of the surface intermediates. For instance, fragments were produced in the conversion of MCP mainly from branched ring opening intermediates. The fragmentation patterns of hexane isomers were successfully applied for modeling the fragment distribution of MCP

    A state machine for real-time cutting of tetrahedral meshes

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    We introduce an algorithm that consistently and accurately processes arbitrary intersections in tetrahedral meshes in real-time. The intersection surfaces are modeled up to the current cut tool position at every point in time. Tetrahedra are subdivided by using a progressive method, which inserts the required sub-structures step by step. A state machine tracks the topology of each tetrahedron and controls the progressive subdivision. In order to keep the state machine as small and clear as possible, each topological pattern of a tetrahedral intersection appears only once. These topological patterns are mapped onto the actual case of a tetrahedral intersection by some given transformation operations. The state transitions, which contain the specific subdivision operations, are described in a predefined lookup table, which is written in a simple script language. The handling of reverse movements and possible trembling of the users hand, as well as a recursive continuation of the state machine concept, complement the proposed algorithm. In three examples, covering free form modeling, volume visualization, and surgery simulation, we indicate the large field of applications in which our algorithm can be utilized

    CD11b regulates fungal outgrowth but not neutrophil recruitment in a mouse model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis

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    ß2 integrin receptors consist of an alpha subunit (CD11a-CD11d) and CD18 as the common beta subunit subunit, and are differentially expressed by leukocytes. ß2 integrins are required for cell-cell interaction interaction, transendothelial migration, uptake of opsonized pathogens, and cell signaling processe