27 research outputs found


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    Negara Indonesia adalah Negara yang berdasarkan kedaulatan rakyat, sesuai dengan pasal 1 ayat 2 Undang-undang Dasar 1945 yang menjelaskan Kedaulatan berada ditangan rakyat dan dilaksanakan menurut Undang-Undang Dasar. Kepunyaan yang dipunyai oleh rakyat itu antara lain tercermin dengan dilaksanakannya pemilihan umum dalam waktu-waktu tertentu. Pentingnya pemilihan umum diselenggarakan secara berkala dikarenakan oleh beberapa sebab. Pertama, pendapat atau aspirasi rakyat mengenai berbagai aspek kehidupan bersama dalam masyarakat bersifat dinamis, dan berkembang dari waktu ke waktu. Ilmu marketing pun nyatanya bisa diadopsi pada berbagai macam bidang termasuk politik. Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) adalah salah satu partai yang ada dalam jajaran partai politik di dalam pemilihan umum di Kota Kotamobagu tahun 2019 yang lalu. Sebagai salah satu partai politik yang mempunyai nama besar partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) juga mempunyai peranan dalam mengkomunikasikan politik kepada simpatisan dan masyarakat, bergerak dalam lapangan politik untuk ikut mengatur ketatanegaraan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui bagaimana Marketing Partai Politik Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan dalam Memenangkan Kursi Terbanyak di Pemelihan Legislatif 2019 di Kotamobagu .Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif,yaitu dengan mengumpulkan data langsung dari lokasi dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara sesuai subjek penelitian. Pemasaran Politik (Political Marketing) yang dilihat dari 4 P yaitu : Product, Promotion, Price, Place (Firmanzah 2008:57) Partai PDIP dalam pemilihan Calon Legislatif Kotamobagu Tahun 2019 telah dilaksanakan dengan strategi yang dilakukan diantaranya adalah : dalam hal menjaring kader/kandidat calon legislatif Kotamobagu Tahun 2019 PDIP menggunakan survey terlebih dahulu kepada masyarakat agar supaya kandidat yang didapat benar - benar merupakan kebutuhan masyarakat dan mampu membawa aspirasi konstituen.  Kata Kunci: : Marketing, Partai Politik, PDIP, Pemilihan LegislatifÂ

    Hubungan Resiliensi Diri terhadap Tingkat Stres pada Dokter Muda Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Riau

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    Resilience is the ability of individuals to adjust and adapt to change, the demands and disappointments that arise in life. Resilience can affect individuals in coping with stress, by Therefore, the individual must have resilience. The level of stress each indvidu influenced by an individual\u27s ability to perform self-adjustment to the changes that occur. Good resilience can help a person in the face of stress. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between resilience ourselves on the level of stress on clerkship Riau University School of Medicine. Cross sectional analytic correlative design to 83 clerkship who selected by total sampling. Collecting data using questionnaire resilience based Connor- Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) and the Medical Student stressor Quisionaaire (MMSQ) using online questionnaire (goole docs). Data analyzed bivariat by Spearman correlation test and p value = 0.552, r = -0.066, meaning that there is no meaningful relationship with a weak correlation between the resilience of the level of stress on clerkship Riau University School of Medicine

    Effectiveness of expressive writing protocol in palliative care healthworkers: A quantitative study

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    Background and aim of the work: Palliative Care professionals are exposed to intense emotional envi-ronment. This puts them at risk for Compassion Fatigue and Burnout. The protective factors that can counter their onset are Compassion Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Resilience. Expressive Writing is a valid tool for adapting to traumatic events and enhancing psychological well-being. Aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of the Expressive Writing in Palliative Care professionals on Compassion Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Resilience, Compassion Fatigue and perceived distress. Methods: Prospective experimental study with experimental/control groups and pre/post measurements. 50 Palliative Care professionals were recruited in Northern and Central Italy. Participants filled: Organizational Commitment Questionnaire; ProQol-revision III; Resilience Scale for Adults; Impact of Event-Scale Revised; Emotion Thermometer; ad hoc questionnaire for the evaluation of protocol usefulness. Results: Wilcoxon test demon-strated change in Continuative Commitment (Z =-3.357, p = .001), anger (Z =-2.214, p = .027), sleep (Z =-2.268, p = .023), help (Z =-2.184, p = .029), intrusiveness (Z =-2.469, p = .014), hyperarousal (Z =-2.717, p = .007), and total IES (Z =-2.456, p =, 014). Mann Whitney test showed a significantly lower score on post-test Intrusiveness in the experimental group (U = 202, p = .038). Conclusions: The Expressive Writing intervention was effective in improving organizational and emotional variables. Expressive Writing supports healthcare professionals in relieving the burden of traumatic episodes, ordering associated thoughts and emo-tions, and implementing a process of deep comprehension

    Robust BRCA1-like classification of copy number profiles of samples repeated across different datasets and platforms.

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    Breast cancers with BRCA1 germline mutation have a characteristic DNA copy number (CN) pattern. We developed a test that assigns CN profiles to be 'BRCA1-like' or 'non-BRCA1-like', which refers to resembling a BRCA1-mutated tumor or resembling a tumor without a BRCA1 mutation, respectively. Approximately one third of the BRCA1-like breast cancers have a BRCA1 mutation, one third has hypermethylation of the BRCA1 promoter and one third has an unknown reason for being BRCA1-like. This classification is indicative of patients' response to high dose alkylating and platinum containing chemotherapy regimens, which targets the inability of BRCA1 deficient cells to repair DNA double strand breaks. We investigated whether this classification can be reliably obtained with next generation sequencing and copy number platforms other than the bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) on which it was originally developed. We investigated samples from 230 breast cancer patients for which a CN profile had been generated on two to five platforms, comprising low coverage CN sequencing, CN extraction from targeted sequencing panels (CopywriteR), Affymetrix SNP6.0, 135K/720K oligonucleotide aCGH, Affymetrix Oncoscan FFPE (MIP) technology, 3K BAC and 32K BAC aCGH. Pairwise comparison of genomic position-mapped profiles from the original aCGH platform and other platforms revealed concordance. For most cases, biological differences between samples exceeded the differences between platforms within one sample. We observed the same classification across different platforms in over 80% of the patients and kappa values of at least 0.36. Differential classification could be attributed to CN profiles that were not strongly associated to one class. In conclusion, we have shown that the genomic regions that define our BRCA1-like classifier are robustly measured by different CN profiling technologies, providing the possibility to retro- and prospectively investigate BRCA1-like classification across a wide range of CN platforms

    Empowering Problem-Solving Skills Through RICOSRE Learning Model

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran RICOSRE (Reading, Identfying problem, Constructing Solution, Solving Problem,Reviewing Problem Solving, and Extending Problem Solving) terhadap keterampilan memecahkan masalah siswa Kelas X MIPA di dua SMA. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kuasi eksperimen. Sampel yang digunakan ialah siswa pada masing-masing tiga kelas di setiap sekolah yang ditentukan secara cluster random sampling. Pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan pretest dan posttest. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji two way ancova kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut LSD 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran RICOSRE terhadap keterampilan memecah-kan masalah siswa. Siswa mengalami peningkatan keterampilan memecahkan masalah sebesar 87,83%

    Strategic Planning Aktivitas Wisata Alam di Panorama Tabek Patah Kecamatan Salimpaung Kabupaten Tanah Datar

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    This research aims to determine the internal factors and external factors of the Panorama Tabek Patah and then devise the strategic planning activities of nature tourism in Panorama Tabek Patah. This research is descriptive research with qualitative and quantitative data. The technique of data collection is done using the method of observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation The sample of this research are some of the informants consisting of the Department of culture Tourism Youth and Sports (3 people), the Manager of Panorama Tabek Patah (1 person) community around tourist attraction (3 people), as well as visitor at the attractions (65 people) by using purposive sampling technique. The data obtained were analyzed by reduction of the data, the presentation of data, conclusions and taking a level percentage of achievement of the respondentsStrategic planning for nature tourism activities that will be developed are: 1. Making a spot at the place to enjoy the sights, promoting sightseeing activities as one of the competitive activities and prepare a tourguide that can guide tourists in conducting activities sightseeing. 2). Making tracks for hiking, training the community on a regular basis, utilizing the community or youth nagari to maintain the security of hiking activities, create routes and codes regarding hiking. 3. Reviving the activities of the flying fox, making a collaboration with tourism and the local government. Strategic planning of tourist activity in Panorama Tabek Patah with interpretation 63.07% with range score ≥ 61.75. While based on each sub activity indicators of tourist sightseeing with a score of 13.38, hiking with a score of 16.25 and flying fox by a score of 16.25 by category strongly agree

    The Economic Value Of Toba Batak Marriage Traditions Post Repeal Of PPKM

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    This research aims to estimate the expenditure on Toba Batak wedding customs from the initial stages to the traditional wedding ceremony by taking an inventory of various expenditures so that the economic value of the wedding custom can be mapped. The economic value referred to is the value paid by consumers (namely paranak and parboru) for goods and services purchased or consumed or used in marriage customs, especially from micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). To collect data, 30 families were selected as research samples with the following criteria: (1) the traditional wedding party was paid for by paranak , (2) the amount of the dowry (sinamot ) was a maximum of 40 million rupiah, (3) the martumpol was held , (4) the traditional party was held in Medan , and (5) paranak and parboru are both Toba Batak people. The sampling method is accidental sampling and data collection starts from March to August 2023. Then the primary data is processed using simple mathematical calculations and analyzed quantitatively descriptively. The research results show a total expenditure of 2,833,900,000 rupiah or an average of 188,926,667 rupiah for each wedding custom. The main source of expenditure is paranak, almost 69% of the total. Meanwhile, the economic value of traditional marriages reached 1,965,600,000 rupiah or an average of 131,040,000 rupiah, namely to pay for goods and service transactions to MSMEs. Paranak contribution to the transaction was around 67% and the rest came from parboru. Assuming 500 marriage customs, the economic value of marriage customs is estimated to reach hundreds of billions in 2023 and become one of the drivers of economic activity, especially for MSMEs in Medan City

    Peranan USG Muskuloskeletal di Bidang Rehabilitasi Medik pada Pasien Diduga Cedera Anterior Cruciate Ligament: An Evidence – Based Case Report

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    Latar Belakang. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) sering mengalami cedera. Cedera ACL dapat mengganggu aktivitas fungsional sehari-hari. Di bidang rehabilitasi medik, modalitas USG muskuloskeletal merupakan salah satu pilihan untuk penegakan diagnosis cedera ACL. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan USG muskuloskeletal dalam penegakan diagnosis pasien diduga cedera ACL dan sebagai panduan; dilakukan melalui telusur Pubmed®, Cochrane®, EBSCO®, SCOPUS®, ProQuest®, dan Springerlink®. Artikel terpilih akan ditelaah kritis melalui lembar kerja diagnostik dan systematic review berdasarkan Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine Levels of Evidence. Hasil. Didapatkan empat studi terpilih yang membandingkan akurasi penggunaan USG dengan MRI. Studi pertama mendapatkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas diagnostik 91% dan 100%. Studi kedua mendapatkan sensitivitas, spesifisitas, LR +, LR –, PPV, dan NPV sebesar 91,9%, 95,6%, 20,9, 0,1, 94,4%, dan 93,9%. Studi ketiga mendapatkan sensitivitas, spesifisitas, LR +, LR –, PPV, dan NPV sebesar 96,9%, 87,5%; 7,75, 0,035, 26,9%, dan 12,5%. Studi keempat berupa systematic review-meta analysis dengan hasil kombinasi sensitivitas dan spesifisitas, LR +, LR -, dan heterogenitas sebesar 90% dan 97%, dan 31,08 dan 0.11 63.69 (24.27 hingga 100.00). Simpulan. Pemeriksaan USG muskuloskeletal merupakan pemeriksaan non-invasif yang akurat untuk mendiagnosis cedera ACL.Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a knee ligament that often injured. ACL injury can cause limitation of daily activities. In physical medicine and rehabilitation, musculoskeletal ultrasonography (USG) is a promising diagnostic tool for musculoskeletal injury. This study assess the role of musculoskeletal USG in the diagnosis of ACL injury and as a guide to perform intraarticular injection. Article search was performed using Pubmed®, Cochrane®, EBSCO®, SCOPUS®, ProQuest®, and Springerlink®. Four selected articles were reviewed using appraisal sheet from Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine Levels of Evidence. Result: Three primary studies showed excellent sensitivity (0.91-0.97) and specificity (0.88-1.00), as well as positive predictive value (0.97-1.00). One systematic review also showed excellent sensitivity (0.90) and specificity (0.97) but with high heterogeneity (I2=63.69). Conclusion: Musculoskeletal USG is an accurate, non-invasive diagnostic tool for ACL injury