457 research outputs found

    Unsteady flow phenomena in industrial centrifugal compressor stage

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    The results of an experimental investigation on a typical centrifugal compressor stage running on an atmospheric pressure test rig are shown. Unsteady flow was invariably observed at low flow well before surge. In order to determine the influence of the statoric components, the same impeller was repeatedly tested with the same vaneless diffuser, but varying return channel geometry. Experimental results show the strong effect exerted by the return channel, both on onset and on the behavior of unsteady flow. Observed phenomena have been found to confirm well the observed dynamic behavior of full load tested machines when gas density is high enough to cause appreciable mechanical vibrations. Therefore, testing of single stages at atmospheric pressure may provide a fairly accurate prediction of this kind of aerodynamic excitation

    Influence of stationary components on unsteady flow in industrial centrifugal compressors

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    An experimental investigation was performed to determine the characteristics of the onset and the growth of rotating nonuniform flow in a standard low specific speed stage, normally utilized in high pressure applications, in relation to change of stationary component geometry. Four configurations, differing only in the return channel and crossover geometry were tested on an atmospheric pressure open loop test rig. Experimental results make conspicious the effect of return channel geometry and give the possibility of shifting the unstable zone onset varying such geometry. An attempt was made to interpret the experimental results in the Emmons - Stenning's rotating stall theory

    Never Again? The United Nations and Genocide: A Doomed Mission?

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    Despite their commitment to international peace and security and to the concept of “never again,” the United Nations has failed to end the many genocides of the late 20th century. In this thesis, I use the genocides in Rwanda (1994) and in the Yugoslav Wars (1991-1999) as case studies to understand the UN’s response to genocide and to attempt to understand why the UN cannot effectively respond to and end genocide. I discover that issues such as the limitations of the Genocide Convention, the importance of state sovereignty, and overall institutional failures of the United Nation make any attempt to end genocide doomed. I end the discussion by examining ways the UN has attempted to fix these inadequacies, but ultimately come to the conclusion that their attempts have been futile and have allowed for genocides to continue into the twenty-first century, using the case studies of the Rohingya in Myanmar and the Uyghurs in China. Throughout this paper, I use a number of sources to develop my answer. Primary sources include sources such as eye-witness interviews, UN released reports, independent fact finding research, UN documents such as the UN Charter and Genocide Convention, and documents from the International Criminal Tribunal in Rwanda (ICTR) and in Yugoslavia (ICTY). My secondary sources come from scholarly articles and books, newspaper articles, articles issued by think tanks, and museum resources

    Analisi morfometrica della costa ligure tramite Gis

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    L’area sottoposta ad analisi corrisponde alla riviera ligure di levante, più precisamente il tratto compreso tra la foce del fiume Magra ed il comune di Arenzano, esteso per circa 262 km. Su un tratto di costa sia l’azione del mare che la consistenza e l’assetto delle rocce determinano il profilo planimetrico della linea di riva. Tale profilo testimonia quindi il livello di adattamento del tratto costiero; poterlo descrivere numericamente in modo sintetico ne rende possibile la sua caratterizzazione ed il rapido confronto con altri tratti. Con questo obiettivo nel presente studio sono stati calcolati l’Indice di Frastagliatura (If) e la Frequenza di Frastagliatura (ff) per tratti discreti della linea di costa presa in esame. L’Indice di Frastagliatura viene calcolato tramite il rapporto fra lo sviluppo lineare della linea di riva (L) e la lunghezza in linea d’aria (D) del tratto di costa considerato (If = L/D). Tratti di litorale rettilineo vengono espressi da un valore di If prossimo all’unità, mentre al crescere delle irregolarità aumenta progressivamente il valore di tale indice. La Frequenza di Frastagliatura è invece fissata dal rapporto tra il numero di tratti rettilinei in cui può essere spezzata la linea di riva e la lunghezza complessiva del tratto di litorale considerato (ff: n/L). Per questa analisi ho utilizzato il desktop GIS “ArcView” della ESRI. Facendo riferimento come base topografica ai raster georeferenziati della C.T.R. in scala 1:10.000, ho digitalizzato l’intera linea di costa oggetto dell’analisi morfometrica ed ho creato il tema lineare “Levante.shp”. Per calcolare l’If è stato necessario suddividere questa polilinea in tratti discreti individuati dai punti che sottendono una distanza D impostata. In principio ho utilizzato una serie di valori da D = 100m a D = 2000m ogni 100m, per un totale di venti valori di D. Ho così creato venti files lineari (Allegato I), ognuno con tante linee ciascuna delle quali riferita ad un tratto di costa di lunghezza euclidea identica. A ciascun tema ho unito nella relativa tabella degli attributi il campo riferito all’If. L’analisi di varianza e autocorrelazione dei dati ottenuti ha permesso di stabilire quali valori di distanza in linea d’aria D meglio rappresentano i valori di Indice di Frastagliatura. In questo modo sono state individuate due classi, ovvero la classe D = 100 e D = 1500, e l’analisi è proseguita studiando i due soli temi relativi: “tema 100” e “tema 1500”. Aggiungendo il calcolo della Frequenza di Frastagliatura (Allegato II) si è ottenuta la distribuzione geografica dei parametri morfometrici per il tratto di litorale studiato. L’interpretazione dei risultati acquisiti con l’analisi quantitativa del profilo lineare della costa ligure di levante è stata fatta in riferimento all’esposizione geografica dei settori di costa e alle litologie affioranti

    Humour in the Prison: Brendan Behan Confesses

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    The essay explores the comical aspects of Behan’s autobiographical writings. It focuses on how humour, especially black humour, often flourishes wherever we find conflicts and contrasts. Humour is always born out of oppositions, and it can be argued that it always functions as an act of resistance to outside tragedy. Brendan Behan, a writer of slum and working class background, is one of the leading Irish prison writers. He is in many ways an exponent of an Irish republican tradition based on the idea of prison endurance. Given Behan’s notoriously flamboyant personality and his own talking gifts, it is not hard to imagine that the worst aspect of prison confinement might have been for him compulsory solitude and silence. His exuberant language and larger-than-life personality can be considered perhaps as a reaction to such partial deprivation of interpersonal relationships during his youth. In this context, where fictional and autobiographical truth are kept apart by an unstable divide increased by the abundance of comical interludes and jokes, the core of the essay analyses the second chapter of Confessions of an Irish Rebel in order to discuss the way in which Behan alternates funny accounts and tragedy in his own autobiographical reports

    Humour in the Prison: Brendan Behan Confesses

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    The essay explores the comical aspects of Behan’s autobiographical writings. It focuses on how humour, especially black humour, often flourishes wherever we find conflicts and contrasts. Humour is always born out of oppositions, and it can be argued that it always functions as an act of resistance to outside tragedy. Brendan Behan, a writer of slum and working class background, is one of the leading Irish prison writers. He is in many ways an exponent of an Irish republican tradition based on the idea of prison endurance. Given Behan’s notoriously flamboyant personality and his own talking gifts, it is not hard to imagine that the worst aspect of prison confinement might have been for him compulsory solitude and silence. His exuberant language and larger-than-life personality can be considered perhaps as a reaction to such partial deprivation of interpersonal relationships during his youth. In this context, where fictional and autobiographical truth are kept apart by an unstable divide increased by the abundance of comical interludes and jokes, the core of the essay analyses the second chapter of Confessions of an Irish Rebel in order to discuss the way in which Behan alternates funny accounts and tragedy in his own autobiographical reports

    Reliability and clinical usefulness of the personality inventory for DSM-5 in clinically referred adolescents. A preliminary report in a sample of Italian inpatients

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    Background The DSM-5 Alternative Model of Personality Disorders (AMPD) provides the opportunity to integrate the needed developmental perspective in the assessment of personality pathology. Based on this model, Krueger and colleagues (2012) developed the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5), which operationalizes the proposed DSM-5 traits. Methods Eighty-five consecutively admitted Italian adolescent inpatients were administered the Italian translation of the PID-5, in order to obtain preliminary data on PID-5 reliability and clinical usefulness in clinically referred adolescents. Results With the possible exception of the PID-5 Suspiciousness scale, all other PID-5 scales evidenced adequate internal consistency reliability (i.e., Cronbach's Îą values of at least .70, most being greater than .80). Our data seemed to yield at least partial support for the construct validity of the PID-5 scales also in clinical adolescents, at least in terms of patterns of associations with dimensionally assessed DSM-5 Section II PDs that were also included in the DSM-5 AMPD (excluding Antisocial PD because of the participants' minor age). Finally, our data suggested that the clinical usefulness of the PID-5 in adolescent inpatients may extend beyond PDs to profiling adolescents at risk for life-threatening suicide attempts. In particular, PID-5 Depressivity, Anhedonia, and Submissiveness trait scales were significantly associated with adolescents' history of life-threatening suicide attempts, even after controlling for a number of other variables, including mood disorder diagnosis. Discussion As a whole, our study may provide interesting, albeit preliminary data as to the clinical usefulness of PID-5 in the assessment of adolescent inpatients

    Beyond Mutability and Change. Translating Joyce's Ulysses: A Study in Ambiguity

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    HTTP://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1980-4237.2012n12p45 Este artigo trata da questao da traducao de indeterminacoes e ambiguidades (lexicais, sintaticas, semânticas) na retraducao de 2012 deste autor do Ulysses de Joyce, que surge na esteira da traducao canonica de Giulio De Angelis, de 1960. Perpassando uma ampla gama de teorias da traducao e argumentando do ponto de vista privilegiado de uma estetica da transformacao que ocorre na traducao, o ensaio revela, por meio de uma serie de exemplos textuais que enfocam casos de elipses sintaticas, multiplas alusoes e indeterminacao grafica (ausencia de pontuacao), atraves de quais estrategias a nova traducao e a de De Angelis evocam a participacao criativa do leitor italiano, emulando as economias micro e macro do texto joyceano. - ABSTRACT The present paper addresses the issue of translating (lexical, syntactic, semantic) indeterminacy and ambiguity, in the author's 2012 retranslation of Joyce's Ulysses which comes in the wake of Giulio De Angelis's canonic 1960 Italian translation. Spanning a broad range of translation theories and arguing from the vantage point of a transformational aesthetics in translation, the essay shows on a series of textual examples focusing on cases of syntactical ellipses, multiple allusion, graphic indeterminacy (lack of punctuation), by what strategies the new and De Angelis's previous translation elicit the Italian reader's creative participation, emulating the micro and macro economy of the Joycean text. Keywords: Indeterminacy; Ambiguity; Reader's response; Allusiveness; Ulysses

    The polylogue project: part 2: errors: lots in translation

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    This collective piece [edited by F. Senn, E. Mihalycsa and J. Wawrzycka], the work of nine authors and covering some ten languages, examines the creative possibilities of translation to invent analogous forms to the broad range of (volitional) errors found in Joyce's text – lapses, aural/semantic slippage, defects, errors, misquotes. It also addresses the inevitable prioritizing, in translation, of either some existing coincidence (homography / homophony) in the TL, or of the original's signified – a choice that is as opportunistic as it is ideological. Since one of the most radical and aesthetically challenging features of the Joycean text is its co-opting of chance and error as principles of composition, the present glosses attempt to trace the translation text's possibilities to in-vent similar occasions for lateral growth, "portals of discovery" to breach expectations of narrative, syntactic and stylistic correctness and coherence
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