20 research outputs found

    the landscapes of the ancient appia project formation and degeneration processes in landscapes stratification of the benevento area

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    In this work we intend to illustrate methods and tools used for evaluating and defining some of the post-depositional processes of the archaeological record in the Eastern Beneventan landscapes. Our research aims especially to recognise the traces of the "longue duree" phenomena, highlighting what may be considered a result of the past still observable in the present. Which are the tools that allow us to identify landscapes marks, anthropogenic and environmental processes responsible of the survival or, conversely, of the obliteration of the ancient forms? A first approach attempts to create a dialogic relationship with the historical cartographic documents (such as ancient cadastres, notarial instruments, boundary disputes) and sheds light on the dynamics of the perceptible transformations of landscapes, bringing back an overall view of their contextual distinctive traits. This ensures the identification of "ecofacts" and "artefacts" that contributes to the structuration of the landscapes that have occurred over time as stratified units. A second procedure involves the reading of the historical information combined with the environmental one, through an archaeomorphological approach. The study has provided an overlap among the ancient and modern rural fabrics (for example roads, canals, talwegs, agrarian boundaries) and the geomorphological dynamics, with the aim of discerning the forms of degradation and to define, when possible, a relative chronology. Such an approach evaluates the distribution of surface artefacts and their spatial and temporal characteristics, enabling recording of the higher or lower level of degradation in the archaeological record, emphasising those landscapes units considered of high information potential

    Arpi. Formes et modes de vie d’une cité italiote (IVe-IIe siècle av. n.è.)

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    Le texte de ces Chroniques présente la troisième et dernière étape préliminaire du programme de recherches sur Arpi : formes et modes de vie d’une cité italiote, qui a débuté en 2014 et vise à produire une synthèse sur les formes de l’habitat d’époque hellénistique. La double particularité du projet se reflète dans la composition de cette contribution : il prend appui, d’une part, sur l’étude topographique, stratigraphique et matérielle, des données de fouilles anciennes conduites sous la responsabilité de la Surintendance entre le début de la seconde guerre mondiale et la fin des années 1990, d’autre part sur la mise à jour des découvertes dans une base géoréférencée, sur une enquête d’archéologie des paysages, avec une approche archéomorphologique, géomorphologique et géophysique, et sur des prospections pédestres. La recontextualisation qui en résulte n’est possible que grâce à la complémentarité des expériences et des compétences réunies par la Surintendance des Pouilles, puis de Foggia, du Centre Jean Bérard et de l’Université de Salerne. Elle a été conduite à plusieurs échelles, de la maison au territoire, pour mieux définir les contraintes, les ressources et l’évolution du paysage au sein duquel s’est développé ce phénomène urbain de très grande envergure et encore difficile à cerner sur l’ensemble de l’espace limité par l’agger

    Interpretation of the spatial variability of soil hydraulic properties using a land system analysis.

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    Accurate knowledge of soil hydraulic properties is of crucial importance for reliable applications of recently developed distributed models to environmental studies and land-use planning. Use of computer models to simulate water flow and solute transport processes or to assess the hydrological response of an agricultural catchment requires non only the determination of the soil hydraulic properties in a large number of points within the area of interest, but also a detailed characterization of the spatial variability exhibited by these properties. The scope of this study is to correlate the spatial variability of soil hydraulic properties with the distribution of soils in the landscape. The experimental work was conducted in the Sauro River catchment, the main tributary of the Agri River (Basilicata Region, Italy). This catchment is located within the middle Agri valley and represents an interesting area for site-specific studies on surface erosion and land degradation. The sampled area is a hillslope oriented in the N-S direction. Undisturbed soil samples were collected from the surface layer of soil at 100 sites, spaced 50 m apart, along a 5-km long transect parallel to the main slope, ell soil cores were subjected to laboratory measurements to determine bulk density, particle density, particle-size distribution, organic carbon content, soil-water retention characteristics, and saturated hydraulic conductivity. The distribution of soils along the hillslope was analyzed by aerial photography and soil survey techniques (profile and auger pedological descriptions) with the aim of distinguishing different soil units. Relationships were evaluated between these soil units and the hydraulic properties of the cores collected along the transect. A multivariate analysis was carried out to interpret the structure of soil hydraulic property spatial variability

    Ancient Appia Landscapes: paesaggi antichi e risorse attuali. Alcuni casi di studio dal territorio di Beneventum

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    Ancient Appia Landscapes: ancient landscapes, present resources. This paper discusses briefly some reflections related to the "Ancient Appia Landscapes" Archaeological project, carried out by the University of Salerno, in collaboration with the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Caserta e Benevento. The project aims at the reconstruction of the Benevento territory in its anthropic and environmental elements, from a historical and archaeological point of view. The identification of ancient relics of the landscape has been made through the use of cartography in the broadest sense of the word, from the most recent supports to the historical cartography, geophysical surveys, geomorphological and archaeological maps. Cartography is therefore intended as a means of representing a reality structured on multiple time scales, readable through a regressive approach which is able to seize the stratification of anthropic and environmental processes. The idea is that the identification of ancient agrarian assets through surface surveys and cartographic analysis can highlight historical and cultural values of landscapes, translating them into a resource for the community. In this sense, the ancient Via Appia between Beneventum and Aeclanum represents the leitmotiv of a highly conservative landscape. The reconstruction of this ancient path could become particularly relevant in light of recent approaches to the enhancement of historical roads, which have been recognized as fundamental elements in the structuring of communities and territorial dynamics over time. The Via Appia could become a cultural resource with which it is possible to recover, develop and enhance vocations, geographical and productive specificities, aiming at planning in agreement with local authorities and communities. In this way, an open approach to the integration of territorial resources can transform cultural heritage in a catalyst for a socio-economic sustainable development

    Medium- and large-sized mammals in forest remnants of the southern Cerrado: diversity and ecology

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    Here we present a complete data set on the richness of medium- and large- sized mammals from a fragmented area of the southern Brazilian savanna (Cerrado). We described the frequency, occurrence status and activity period of the most common species. In each remnant, the community of medium- and large-sized mammals was inventoried across the following methods: tracks/prints, vocalizations, sightings, burrows, and camera trap images between August 2016 and January 2017. We recorded 23 species of medium- and large-sized mammals, of which seven are threatened. The study area presented a great potential, where we recorded 45.1% of all medium- and large-sized mammal species occurring in the Cerrado. Myrmecophaga tridactyla, Dasypus novemcinctus, Tapirus terrestris, Cerdocyon thous and Cuniculus paca were classified as common, which was expected since they have large habitat range, and therefore, can be recorded more frequently. Species with large body size, such as T. terrestris, M. tridactyla and C. thous, were also the ones with the greatest variation in time period of activity, occurring both in nocturnal and diurnal time periods. Therefore, our study here underscores that this transition area, although fragmented, still maintains an expressive fauna of medium- and large-sized mammals, including endangered species.

    Medium- and large-sized mammals in forest remnants of the southern Cerrado: diversity and ecology

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    Here we present a complete data set on the richness of medium- and large- sized mammals from a fragmented area of the southern Brazilian savanna (Cerrado). We described the frequency, occurrence status and activity period of the most common species. In each remnant, the community of medium- and large-sized mammals was inventoried across the following methods: tracks/prints, vocalizations, sightings, burrows, and camera trap images between August 2016 and January 2017. We recorded 23 species of medium- and large-sized mammals, of which seven are threatened. The study area presented a great potential, where we recorded 45.1% of all medium- and large-sized mammal species occurring in the Cerrado. Myrmecophaga tridactyla, Dasypus novemcinctus, Tapirus terrestris, Cerdocyon thous and Cuniculus paca were classified as common, which was expected since they have large habitat range, and therefore, can be recorded more frequently. Species with large body size, such as T. terrestris, M. tridactyla and C. thous, were also the ones with the greatest variation in time period of activity, occurring both in nocturnal and diurnal time periods. Therefore, our study underscores that this transition area, although fragmented, still maintains an expressive fauna of medium- and large-sized mammals, including endangered species

    The synthesis and characterization of mesoporous high-surface area ceria prepared using a hybrid organic/inorganic route

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    The synthesis, characterization, and proposed formation mechanism of mesoporous high surface area ceria is described. It is shown that the reaction of cerium salts under basic conditions with ammonia in the presence of a cationic surfactant results in the precipitation of a gelatinous hydrous cerium oxide/surfactant mixture, which after drying and calcination gives pure, high surface area, fluorite-structured CeO2. Although ceria does not show long range mesoscopic organization, it exhibits a broad arrangement of mesopores in the region 20-80 Angstrom with a maximum located at around 35-40 Angstrom. HRTEM detected very small crystalline CeO2 particles with an approximate dimension of 20-50 Angstrom. This ceria shows enhanced textural and thermal resistance features compared with ceria prepared by conventional routes. Surface areas in excess of 200 m(2)/g are obtained after calcination at T = 723 K, which drop to ca 40 m(2)/g after calcination at T > 1173 K; this highlights its better potential to operate as a catalyst support or promoter under medium/high temperature range. It is suggested that the cationic surfactant does not act as a true templating agent but as a surface-area enhancer by incorporation into the hydrous oxide and lowering of the surface tension of water in the pores during drying

    Fast oxygen uptake/release over a new CeOx phase [Correction]

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    High-temperature reduction/oxidation cycles promote the oxygen storage capacity of mesoporous ceria; this is associated with the formation during reduction of a hexagonal CeOx phase which on reoxidation gives amorphous ceria

    Arpi. Formes et modes de vie d'une cité italiote (IVe – IIe siècle av. n.é.). Rapport d'activité 2018

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    Dans le cadre du programme sur « Arpi. Formes et vie d’une cité italiote » que conduit depuis 2014 le Centre Jean Bérard en collaboration avec l’Université de Salerne et la SABAP de Foggia, les recherches ont porté en 2017 et 2018 sur l’ensemble des fouilles réalisées à l’occasion des grands travaux effectués sur le site de 1969 à 1992. Il s’agit, d’une part, de la construction du tronçon Bologne-Canosa de l’Autoroute Adriatica A14, d’autre part, de l’implantation, à partir des années 80, d’un réseau d’irrigation pour le compte du Consorzio per la bonifica della Capitanata. Cette dernière a abouti à la découverte, le 19 mars 1992, de la mosaïque « des Lions et des Panthères ». Un des enjeux de ces deux dernières années était de procéder à la cartographie encore jamais réalisée des vestiges mis au jour par le creusement des tranchées SAFAB et d’évaluer le type d’informations que la distribution des tombes pouvait fournir, comme à Gioia del Colle par exemple, sur l’organisation de la ville, tant du point de vue topographique que chronologique. Avec celle des domus, la topographie des nécropoles constitue en effet, comme le soulignait E. Greco en 1996, un des phénomènes les plus significatifs de la structuration de cette grande agglomération. Le croisement des informations fournies par l’emplacement des tombes, leur chronologie, leur typologie et leur mobilier complète les connaissances sur les transformations urbaines et sociales. À défaut de nouvelles fouilles, ces données précisent l’organisation de l’espace urbain en aidant à replacer le quartier d’habitation de Montarozzi dans l’histoire du site. Deux missions, en décembre 2017 et en juillet 2018, ont permis de traiter la documentation d’archive et le mobilier afin de mettre à jour la base de données sur les découvertes réalisées à Arpi

    How to Describe Cultural Heritage Resources in the Web 2.0 Era?

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    Email Print Request Permissions Campania is one of the most important region of Italy for its Cultural Heritage, in fact UNESCO has already declared five World Heritage Sites and many others, considered "minor", that are not adequately promoted in spite of their high artistic value. Cultural Heritage is an inestimable resource that should be protected, preserved and promoted by "inserting" it in the digital ecosystem of a Smart City, where economic, tourist, recreational and logistic aspects are all considered together. In this paper, it is introduced and described a framework for the description of the archaeological evidences and artistic artefacts according to the main standards that are in literature. A case study related to the description of archaeological excavations is analysed