65 research outputs found

    Competent but complex communication: The phenomena of pheromone-responsive plasmids

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    Enterococci are robust gram-positive bacteria that are found in a variety of surroundings and that cause a significant number of healthcare-associated infections. The genus possesses a high-efficiency pheromone-responsive plasmid (PRP) transfer system for genetic exchange that allows antimicrobial-resistance determinants to spread within bacterial populations. The pCF10 plasmid system is the best characterised, and although other PRP systems are structurally similar, they lack exact functional homologues of pCF10-encoded genes. In this review, we provide an overview of the enterococcal PRP systems, incorporating functional details for the less-well-defined systems. We catalogue the virulence-associated elements of the PRPs that have been identified to date, and we argue that this reinforces the requirement for elucidation of the less studied systems

    Microbial water quality: Voltammetric detection of coliforms based on riboflavin–ferrocyanide redox couples

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    The ability to screen water for the presence of faecal contamination is a pressing need for rural communities dependent upon local purification systems. While there are a multitude of coliform detection assays based on the activity of β-galactosidase, this report details the adaptation of a voltammetric pH sensing strategy which could offer rapid analysis. The approach exploits the bacterial metabolism of lactose via pyruvate to lactate with the subsequent decrease in pH measured by examining the peak separation of a riboflavin (sensing) – ferrocyanide (reference) couple. Disposable carbon fibre electrodes were used as in situ sensors in Escherichia coli cultures (103–107 cfu/mL) with detection times of 4 h enabling confirmation of coliform activity. The bacterial compatibility of the riboflavin–ferrocyanide system in combination with the simplicity of the detection methodology, stand in marked contrast to many existing coliform assays and could open new avenues through which voltammetric pH sensing could be employed. Keywords: Galactosidase, pH, Riboflavin, Coliform, Water quality, Senso

    Microbial Biosurfactants: Antimicrobial Activity and Potential Biomedical and Therapeutic Exploits

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    The rapid emergence of multidrug-resistant pathogens worldwide has raised concerns regarding the effectiveness of conventional antibiotics. This can be observed in ESKAPE pathogens, among others, whose multiple resistance mechanisms have led to a reduction in effective treatment options. Innovative strategies aimed at mitigating the incidence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens encompass the potential use of biosurfactants. These surface-active agents comprise a group of unique amphiphilic molecules of microbial origin that are capable of interacting with the lipidic components of microorganisms. Biosurfactant interactions with different surfaces can affect their hydrophobic properties and as a result, their ability to alter microorganisms’ adhesion abilities and consequent biofilm formation. Unlike synthetic surfactants, biosurfactants present low toxicity and high biodegradability and remain stable under temperature and pH extremes, making them potentially suitable for targeted use in medical and pharmaceutical applications. This review discusses the development of biosurfactants in biomedical and therapeutic uses as antimicrobial and antibiofilm agents, in addition to considering the potential synergistic effect of biosurfactants in combination with antibiotics. Furthermore, the anti-cancer and anti-viral potential of biosurfactants in relation to COVID-19 is also discussed

    A comprehensive approach to simulation of cartridge filtration using CFD

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    Household water treatment (HWT) systems are widely used for the provision of potable water in many countries with their low-cost key to attaining universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water, Sustainable Development Goal 6.1. Removal of suspended particles (turbidity) from water sources via cartridge filters is often the first step of a HWT system, with the primary treatment increasing the efficiency of a subsequent disinfection step. Whilst the performance of cartridge filters (removal efficiency and pressure drop) can be determined experimentally in long experiments with high volumes of water, numerical simulation adds fundamental insight to the influence of fluid dynamics on particle deposition and vice versa. In this study, a novel computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model was developed to simulate the fundamental mechanisms underpinning the removal of particles within the widely used 10 in. cartridge filter, informed by and complemented with laboratory validation. The Eulerian approach was used to simulate fluid flow with the Lagrangian approach adopted for particle tracking. Rosin-Rammler distribution was implemented with respect to the particle size distribution of the diatomaceous earth particles used in the experiments. Given particles were non-spherical (disk shape), Wadell's sphericity was included to account for the effect of particle shape on drag force. A porous domain was implemented to simulate the filter element through addition of a source term to the momentum equations, with the likelihood of particle deposition, detachment and rebound also considered. Laboratory based validation studies confirmed the novel CFD model to accurately model removal of turbidity and predict the pressure drop across the filter with Root Mean Square Percentage Error (RMSPE) of less than 3%. The simulated location of particle deposition on the filter elements closely matched images taken at several stages during filtration experiments with the model aiding understanding of pattern of particle removal along and within the porous filter structure. This novel and comprehensive modelling methodology can be utilized to simulate the filtration process at the macro-scale, permitting evaluation of new filter designs and materials for advanced filtration systems; ultimately improving HWT system performance and reducing costs to users.</p

    Biofilm regulation in <i>Clostridioides difficile</i>: Novel systems linked to hypervirulence

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    Clostridiodes difficile (C. difficile) was ranked an “urgent threat” by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2019. C. difficile infection (CDI) is the most common healthcare-associated infection (HAI) in the United States of America as well as the leading cause of antibiotic-associated gastrointestinal disease. C. difficile is a gram-positive, rod-shaped, spore-forming, anaerobic bacterium that causes infection of the epithelial lining of the gut. CDI occurs most commonly after disruption of the human gut microflora following the prolonged use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. However, the recurrent nature of this disease has led to the hypothesis that biofilm formation may play a role in its pathogenesis. Biofilms are sessile communities of bacteria protected from extracellular stresses by a matrix of self-produced proteins, polysaccharides, and extracellular DNA. Biofilm regulation in C. difficile is still incompletely understood, and its role in disease recurrence has yet to be fully elucidated. However, many factors have been found to influence biofilm formation in C. difficile, including motility, adhesion, and hydrophobicity of the bacterial cells. Small changes in one of these systems can greatly influence biofilm formation. Therefore, the biofilm regulatory system would need to coordinate all these systems to create optimal biofilm-forming physiology under appropriate environmental conditions. The coordination of these systems is complex and multifactorial, and any analysis must take into consideration the influences of the stress response, quorum sensing (QS), and gene regulation by second messenger molecule cyclic diguanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP). However, the differences in biofilm-forming ability between C. difficile strains such as 630 and the “hypervirulent” strain, R20291, make it difficult to assign a “one size fits all” mechanism to biofilm regulation in C. difficile. This review seeks to consolidate published data regarding the regulation of C. difficile biofilms in order to identify gaps in knowledge and propose directions for future study

    Biological and synthetic surfactant exposure increases antimicrobial gene occurrence in a freshwater mixed microbial biofilm environment

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    Publication history: Accepted - 8 March 2023; Published - 17 March 2023.Aquatic habitats are particularly susceptible to chemical pollution, such as antimicrobials, from domestic, agricultural, and industrial sources. This has led to the rapid increase of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) gene prevalence. Alternate approaches to counteract pathogenic bacteria are in development including synthetic and biological surfactants such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and rhamnolipids. In the aquatic environment, these surfactants may be present as pollutants with the potential to affect biofilm formation and AMR gene occurrence. We tested the effects of rhamnolipid and SDS on aquatic biofilms in a freshwater stream in Northern Ireland. We grew biofilms on contaminant exposure substrates deployed within the stream over 4 weeks. We then extracted DNA and carried out shotgun sequencing using a MinION portable sequencer to determine microbial community composition, with 16S rRNA analyses (64,678 classifiable reads identified), and AMR gene occurrence (81 instances of AMR genes over 9 AMR gene classes) through a metagenomic analysis. There were no significant changes in community composition within all systems; however, biofilm exposed to rhamnolipid had a greater number of unique taxa as compared to SDS treatments and controls. AMR gene prevalence was higher in surfactant-treated biofilms, although not significant, with biofilm exposed to rhamnolipids having the highest presence of AMR genes and classes compared to the control or SDS treatments. Our results suggest that the presence of rhamnolipid encourages an increase in the prevalence of AMR genes in biofilms produced in mixed-use water bodies.EPSRC, Grant/Award Number: EP/P032427/1; University of Ulste
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