101 research outputs found

    Socio-economic conflict: The concept and typology

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    The article reveals the concept of socio-economic conflict, its typology is given. Key approaches to the study of socio-economic conflict are described, which allow us to confirm, that with increasing of socio-economic conflicts, the need for their constructive settlement and resolution is brewing. Socio-economic conflict, been developing in the sphere of social production and distribution of social wealth among large social communities and institutions, is accompanied by extreme tension and confusion in society. The following research methods are used in the article: structural-functional and subject-activity. The authors come to the conclusion that the socio-economic conflicts are often found in practice, as they are related to the quality of life of the individual. Furthermore, such conflicts may be transformed and take on political overtones, thereby to escalate into largescale clashes of interests of entire social groups. Despite its conditional nature, typology of socio-economic conflicts contributes to the disclosure of the nature and content of socio-economic conflict (object, subject, subjects, etc.), as well as developing practical recommendations for the effective management and regulation of risks, and conflicts in the sphere of socio-economic security

    The process of normalization of russian-georgian relations: The limits and spheres of interaction between states

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    Article is dedicated to consideration of process of normalization of Russian-Georgian relations in conditions of existing contradictions between states. Limitations and spheres of interaction of two countries, peculiarities of dialog development and searching of different formats of relationship of Russia and Georgia are analyzed. Issues of two-side interaction in different spheres, in which solving of problem of humanitarian nature seems to be actual, are researched. Issues of social-economic cooperation, particularly on expert level, that, is spite of a range of drawbacks, maintains a potential of positive development, are touched upon. There is shown that the most tension is possessed by political relations of two countries, connected with solving of inter-ethnic conflicts and restoration of diplomatic relations. For analysis of a stated problem in article were used such scientific methods of research as historical, system and institutional. In result of conducted research, author comes to a conclusion that at present time in relations of two countries there is a pressing need in building of constructive dialog, because from it in many aspects depends decision of many contradictions in social, economic, political spheres, and also regulation of inter-ethnic conflicts. Further normalization of Russian-Georgian relations will depend on political will and desire of two countries to regulate existing disputes and conflicts and build the dialog on mutually advantageous basis

    Neoracism Phenomenon as hidden demonstration and conflict in political appeals to opposition to «stranger»: Russian experience

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    The article is dedicated to consideration of social relations emerging in connection to establishment and realization of neoracist views and teachings as a source of political, ideological, race, national and religious hatred, xenophobia or antagonism, and also of hatred and antagonism in regard of any social or ethnic group. The theoretical-ideological meaning of neoracism phenomenon in contemporary Russian social practices is determined. Such methods of research as historical, system and institutional were used in this article. In result of conducted research authors come to the conclusion that at present time the neoracism is a powerful ideological concept that, undetected in frames of social practices, inlays motives of potentially possible or realizable conflicts not only on the ground of race discrimination but also in political, ideological, national, religious sphere, where xenophobia or antagonism is translated in regard of some ethnic or social group as, for example, in regard of migrants. Neoracism in Russian space is not only an ideological concept in different theoretically postulated provisions of quasi-scientific theories among intellectuals, but at time a practical instrument of forced impact in youth movements of ultra-right type against migrants. The phenomenon of neoracism is researched as system forming sign of ultra-right intellectual tradition

    Promising approaches to early diagnosis of chronic rheumatic heart disease

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    Aim to determine the prevalence of acute rheumatic fever (ARF) in children and chronic rheumatic heart disease (HRHD) in adults on the example of the Samara region and to propose measures for the early detection and prevention of valvular heart lesions. Material and methods. The authors cite the material of their own research, indicating a significant prevalence of rheumatic etiology of valvular lesions that required surgical treatment in 20162020 in the Samara region. We retrospectively analyzed the prevalence of acute rheumatic fever and chronic rheumatic heart disease in out-patients of a large polyclinic of Samara city. Results. The study demonstrates the low frequency of acute rheumatic fever in the Russian Federation along with the disproportionately high prevalence of chronic rheumatic heart disease. Conclusion. It is advisable to supplement the procedure for preventive medical examinations of the underage, has being in force in the territory of the Russian Federation since 2017, by ultrasound examination of the heart for the timely diagnosis of chronic rheumatic heart disease and long-term treatment with benzathine penicillin. In this case, it is also possible to identify previously undiagnosed congenital heart defects and heart diseases that manifest in adolescence


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    The article describes the status of homeopathic medicines standardisation in the leading world pharmacopoeias. It reviews main requirements for raw materials of plant, animal, and mineral origin, which are used in the production of homeopathic medicines. It also considers requirements for homeopathic pharmaceutical substances, including technologies of obtaining homeopathic mother tinctures, homeopathic dilutions, triturations, etc., mono- and multi-component homeopathic medicines, as well as quality control of homeopathic substances and homeopathic medicines. The article analyses the nomenclature of homeopathic raw materials and homeopathic substances used by the leading world pharmacopoeias. It dwells upon the results of work devoted to the development of requirements for the following homeopathic dosage forms: homeopathic granules, homeopathic eye drops, homeopathic ointments, homeopathic infusions and decoctions,  homeopathic mother tinctures,  homeopathic solutions for injection,  homeopathic solutions and liquid dilutions,  homeopathic syrups, homeopathic mixtures,  homeopathic suppositories, homeopathic tablets, homeopathic triturations.  The article illustrates significant potential of using vibrational spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy for the detection of distinctive features of homeopathic medicines at ultra-high dilutions. The article presents methodology for structuring pharmacopoeial standards for raw materials used in the production of pharmaceutical substances, for pharmaceutical substances that are used in homeopathic medicines, and for dosage forms, including specific aspects of production and standardisation of homeopathic medicines, which was implemented during preparation of draft monographs for the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation.Охарактеризовано состояние стандартизации гомеопатических лекарственных средств в ведущих зарубежных фармакопеях. Рассмотрены основные  требования  к сырью растительного, животного и минерального происхождения, используемого для получения  гомеопатических лекарственных средств. Разработаны требования  к гомеопатическим фармацевтическим субстанциям, в том числе технологии  получения  настоек  гомеопатических матричных,  гомеопатических  разведений, тритураций  и др., моно-  и многокомпонентных гомеопатических препаратов, а также методы контроля   качества  гомеопатических субстанций   и  гомеопатических лекарственных препаратов.  Приведен   анализ номенклатуры гомеопатического сырья  и гомеопатических фармацевтических субстанций  по ведущим  зарубежным фармакопеям. Выработаны  требования, предъявляемые к гомеопатическим лекарственным формам: «Гранулы гомеопатические», «Капли глазные гомеопатические», «Мази гомеопатические», «Настои и отвары гомеопатические», «Настойки гомеопатические матричные», «Растворы для инъекций гомеопатические», «Растворы и жидкие разведения  гомеопатические», «Сиропы гомеопатические», «Смеси гомеопатические», «Суппозитории гомеопатические», «Таблетки гомеопатические», «Тритурации гомеопатические». Показана перспективность использования методов вибрационной и рамановской спектроскопии для выявления отличительных особенностей гомеопатических препаратов  при сверхвысоком  разведении. Разработана методология  построения фармакопейных стандартов  на сырье  для производства фармацевтических субстанций, фармацевтические субстанции, используемые для получения  гомеопатических лекарственных  препаратов, и лекарственные формы,  включающие  особенности технологии  и стандартизации гомеопатических лекарственных средств, реализованные при подготовке  проектов  фармакопейных статей для Государственной фармакопеи Российской Федерации

    The frequency of the identification of chronic oral candidose and its exacerbations on an ambulatory reception

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    Цель исследования состояла в изучении частоты встречаемости хронического кандидоза и частоты его обострения, а также локализации, течения и формы проявления кандидоза В течение 30 дней на стоматологическом приеме были обследованы 138 пациентов. Хронический кандидоз СОПР был выявлен в 39,1 % случаев, а обострение хронического кандидоза в 28,6 %. Наиболее часто патологический процесс при кандидозе СОПР локализовался на языке и в области протезного ложа (слизистая альвеолярного отростка и неба). По форме проявления кандидоза чаще встречалась псевдомембранозная форма.Ціль дослідження полягала у вивченні частоти зустрічальності хронічного кандидозу й частоти його загострення, а також локалізації, протікання й форми прояву кандидозу. Протягом 30 днів на стоматологічному прийомі були обстежені 138 пацієнтів. Хронічний кандидоз СОПР був виявлений в 39,1 % випадків, а загострення хронічного кандидозу в 28,6 %. Найбільш часто патологічний процес при кандидозі СОПР локалізувався на язиці й в області протезного ложа (слизова альвеолярного відростка й піднебіння). За формою прояву кандидозу частіше зустрічалася псевдомембранозна форма.The purpose of the investigation was the study of the frequency of occurrence of chronic candidose and the frequency of its exacerbation, as well as the localization, course and the forms of candidose manifestation. During 30 days 138 patients were examined at their visits to the dentist’s. The chronic candidose of the OMM was revealed in 39.1 % of cases, and the exacerbation of chronic candidose in 28.6 % of them. Most often the pathological process at candidose of OMM was localized on the tongue and in the area of prosthetic bed (mucous membrane of alveolar appendage and soft palate). Among the forms of manifestation pseudomembranous one was observed most often

    The effect of the smoking on development of pneumoconioses and dust bronchitis

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of smoking on the risk of pneumoconioses and dust bronchitis in persons exposed to industrial dust. A correlation analysis did not reveal any association between smoking and the formation and course of silicosis or asbestosis and chronic bronchitis, registered against the background of these pneumoconioses. There is significant correlation between smoking and the characteristics of dust bronchitis. The significant correlation between smoking index and the parameters of pneumoconiosis from exposure to low-fibrogenic mixed dust was demonstrated as well.Целью исследования явилась оценка влияния курения на риск развития пневмокониозов и пылевых бронхитов у лиц, подвергающихся воздействию промышленной пыли. При корреляционном анализе не выявлено связи между табакокурением и характеристиками формирования и течения силикоза, асбестоза, а также хронического бронхита, зарегистрированного на фоне данных пневмокониозов. Отмечается значимая корреляционная связь между фактом курения и развитием пылевых бронхитов, а также между индексом курения и характеристиками пневмокониоза от воздействия слабо фиброгенной смешанной пыли