60 research outputs found

    Pancreatic and Islet Development and Function: The Role of Thyroid Hormone

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    A gradually expanding body of literature suggests that Thyroid Hormone (TH) and Thyroid Hormone Receptors (TRs) play a contributing role in pancreatic and islet cell development, maturation, and function. Studies using a variety of model systems capable of exploiting species-specific developmental paradigms have revealed the contribution of TH to cellular differentiation, lineage decisions, and endocrine cell specification. Moreover, in vitro and in vivo evidence suggests that TH is involved in islet β cell proliferation and maturation; however, the signaling pathway(s) connected with this function of TH/TR are not well understood. The purpose of this review is to discuss the current literature that has defined the effects of TH and TRs on pancreatic and islet cell development and function, describe the impact of hyper- and hypothyroidism on whole body metabolism, and highlight future and potential applications of TH in novel therapeutic strategies for diabetes

    An insulin signaling feedback loop regulates pancreas progenitor cell differentiation during islet development and regeneration

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    As one of the key nutrient sensors, insulin signaling plays an important role in integrating environmental energy cues with organism growth. In adult organisms, relative insufficiency of insulin signaling induces compensatory expansion of insulin-secreting pancreatic beta (β) cells. However, little is known about how insulin signaling feedback might influence neogenesis of β cells during embryonic development. Using genetic approaches and a unique cell transplantation system in developing zebrafish, we have uncovered a novel role for insulin signaling in the negative regulation of pancreatic progenitor cell differentiation. Blocking insulin signaling in the pancreatic progenitors hastened the expression of the essential β cell genes insulin and pdx1, and promoted β cell fate at the expense of alpha cell fate. In addition, loss of insulin signaling promoted β cell regeneration and destabilization of alpha cell character. These data indicate that insulin signaling constitutes a tunable mechanism for β cell compensatory plasticity during early development. Moreover, using a novel blastomere-to-larva transplantation strategy, we found that loss of insulin signaling in endoderm-committed blastomeres drove their differentiation into β cells. Furthermore, the extent of this differentiation was dependent on the function of the β cell mass in the host. Altogether, our results indicate that modulation of insulin signaling will be crucial for the development of β cell restoration therapies for diabetics; further clarification of the mechanisms of insulin signaling in β cell progenitors will reveal therapeutic targets for both in vivo and in vitro β cell generation

    Hypusinated eIF5A is expressed in the pancreas and spleen of individuals with type 1 and type 2 diabetes

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    The gene encoding eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (EIF5A) is found in diabetes-susceptibility loci in mouse and human. eIF5A is the only protein known to contain hypusine (hydroxyputrescine lysine), a polyamine-derived amino acid formed post-translationally in a reaction catalyzed by deoxyhypusine synthase (DHPS). Previous studies showed pharmacologic blockade of DHPS in type 1 diabetic NOD mice and type 2 diabetic db/db mice improved glucose tolerance and preserved beta cell mass, which suggests that hypusinated eIF5A (eIF5AHyp) may play a role in diabetes pathogenesis by direct action on the beta cells and/or altering the adaptive or innate immune responses. To translate these findings to human, we examined tissue from individuals with and without type 1 and type 2 diabetes to determine the expression of eIF5AHyp. We detected eIF5AHyp in beta cells, exocrine cells and immune cells; however, there was also unexpected enrichment of eIF5AHyp in pancreatic polypeptide-expressing PP cells. Interestingly, the presence of eIF5AHyp co-expressing PP cells was not enhanced with disease. These data identify new aspects of eIF5A biology and highlight the need to examine human tissue to understand disease

    Polyamine biosynthesis is critical for growth and differentiation of the pancreas

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    The pancreas, in most studied vertebrates, is a compound organ with both exocrine and endocrine functions. The exocrine compartment makes and secretes digestive enzymes, while the endocrine compartment, organized into islets of Langerhans, produces hormones that regulate blood glucose. High concentrations of polyamines, which are aliphatic amines, are reported in exocrine and endocrine cells, with insulin-producing β cells showing the highest concentrations. We utilized zebrafish as a model organism, together with pharmacological inhibition or genetic manipulation, to determine how polyamine biosynthesis functions in pancreatic organogenesis. We identified that inhibition of polyamine biosynthesis reduces exocrine pancreas and β cell mass, and that these reductions are at the level of differentiation. Moreover, we demonstrate that inhibition of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the rate-limiting enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, phenocopies inhibition or knockdown of the enzyme deoxyhypusine synthase (DHS). These data identify that the pancreatic requirement for polyamine biosynthesis is largely mediated through a requirement for spermidine for the downstream posttranslational modification of eIF5A by its enzymatic activator DHS, which in turn impacts mRNA translation. Altogether, we have uncovered a role for polyamine biosynthesis in pancreatic organogenesis and identified that it may be possible to exploit polyamine biosynthesis to manipulate pancreatic cell differentiation

    Novel computational analysis of protein binding array data identifies direct targets of Nkx2.2 in the pancreas

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The creation of a complete genome-wide map of transcription factor binding sites is essential for understanding gene regulatory networks <it>in vivo</it>. However, current prediction methods generally rely on statistical models that imperfectly model transcription factor binding. Generation of new prediction methods that are based on protein binding data, but do not rely on these models may improve prediction sensitivity and specificity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose a method for predicting transcription factor binding sites in the genome by directly mapping data generated from protein binding microarrays (PBM) to the genome and calculating a moving average of several overlapping octamers. Using this unique algorithm, we predicted binding sites for the essential pancreatic islet transcription factor <it>Nkx2.2 </it>in the mouse genome and confirmed >90% of the tested sites by EMSA and ChIP. Scores generated from this method more accurately predicted relative binding affinity than PWM based methods. We have also identified an alternative core sequence recognized by the <it>Nkx2.2 </it>homeodomain. Furthermore, we have shown that this method correctly identified binding sites in the promoters of two critical pancreatic islet β-cell genes, <it>NeuroD1 </it>and <it>insulin2</it>, that were not predicted by traditional methods. Finally, we show evidence that the algorithm can also be applied to predict binding sites for the nuclear receptor <it>Hnf4α</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>PBM-mapping is an accurate method for predicting Nkx2.2 binding sites and may be widely applicable for the creation of genome-wide maps of transcription factor binding sites.</p

    Nkx2.2 and Arx genetically interact to regulate pancreatic endocrine cell development and endocrine hormone expression

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    AbstractNkx2.2 and Arx are essential pancreatic transcription factors. Nkx2.2 is necessary for the appropriate specification of the islet alpha, beta, PP and epsilon cell lineages, whereas Arx is required to form the correct ratio of alpha, beta, delta and PP cells. To begin to understand the cooperative functions of Nkx2.2 and Arx in the development of endocrine cell lineages, we generated progenitor cell-specific deletions of Arx on the Nkx2.2 null background. The analysis of these mutants demonstrates that expansion of the ghrelin cell population in the Nkx2.2 null pancreas is not dependent on Arx; however, Arx is necessary for the upregulation of ghrelin mRNA levels in Nkx2.2 mutant epsilon cells. Alternatively, in the absence of Arx, delta cell numbers are increased and Nkx2.2 becomes essential for the repression of somatostatin gene expression. Interestingly, the dysregulation of ghrelin and somatostatin expression in the Nkx2.2/Arx compound mutant (Nkx2.2null;ArxΔpanc) results in the appearance of ghrelin+/somatostatin+ co-expressing cells. These compound mutants also revealed a genetic interaction between Nkx2.2 and Arx in the regulation of the PP cell lineage; the PP cell population is reduced when Nkx2.2 is deleted but is restored back to wildtype numbers in the Nkx2.2null;ArxΔpanc mutant. Moreover, conditional deletion of Arx in specific pancreatic cell populations established that the functions of Arx are necessary in the Neurog3+ endocrine progenitors. Together, these experiments identify novel genetic interactions between Nkx2.2 and Arx within the endocrine progenitor cells that ensure the correct specification and regulation of endocrine hormone-producing cells

    Adiponectin receptor fragmentation in mouse models of type 1 and type 2 diabetes

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    The protein hormone adiponectin regulates glucose and fatty acid metabolism by binding to two PAQR-family receptors (AdipoR1 and AdipoR2). Both receptors feature a C-terminal segment which is released by proteolysis to form a freely circulating C-terminal fragment (CTF) found in the plasma of normal individuals but not in some undefined diabetes patients. The AdipoR1-CTF344-376 is a competitive inhibitor of tumor necrosis factor α cleavage enzyme (TACE) but it contains a shorter peptide domain (AdipoR1 CTF351-362) that is a strong non-competitive inhibitor of insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE). The link between adiponectin receptor fragmentation and diabetes pathology is unclear but could lead to new therapeutic strategies. We therefore investigated physiological variations in the concentrations of CTF in non-obese diabetic (NOD/ShiLtJ) mice and C57BL/6 mice with diet-induced obesity (DIO) as models of diabetes types 1 and 2, respectively. We tested for changes in adiponectin receptor signaling, immune responses, disease progression, and the abundance of neutralizing autoantibodies. Finally, we administered exogenous AdipoR1-CTF peptides either containing or lacking the IDE-binding domain. We observed the more pronounced CTF shedding in the TACE-active NOD mice, which represents an inflammatory autoimmune phenotype, but fragmentation was also observed to a lesser extent in the DIO model. Autoantibodies to CTF were detected in both models. Neither exogenous CTF peptide affected IgG-CTF plasma levels, body weight or the conversion of NOD mice to diabetes. The pattern of AdipoR1 fragmentation and autoantibody production under physiological conditions of aging, DIO, and autoimmune diabetes therefore provides insight into the association adiponectin biology and diabetes

    Krt19\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e/Lgr5\u3csup\u3e-\u3c/sup\u3e Cells Are Radioresistant Cancer-Initiating Stem Cells in the Colon and Intestine

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    Epithelium of the colon and intestine are renewed every 3 days. In the intestine there are at least two principal stem cell pools. The first contains rapid cycling crypt-based columnar (CBC) Lgr5+ cells, and the second is composed of slower cycling Bmi1-expressing cells at the +4 position above the crypt base. In the colon, however, the identification of Lgr5- stem cell pools has proven more challenging. Here, we demonstrate that the intermediate filament keratin-19 (Krt19) marks long-lived, radiation-resistant cells above the crypt base that generate Lgr5+ CBCs in the colon and intestine. In colorectal cancer models, Krt19+ cancer-initiating cells are also radioresistant, while Lgr5+ stem cells are radiosensitive. Moreover, Lgr5+ stem cells are dispensable in both the normal and neoplastic colonic epithelium, as ablation of Lgr5+ stem cells results in their regeneration from Krt19-expressing cells. Thus, Krt19+ stem cells are a discrete target relevant for cancer therapy

    Proinsulin Secretion Is a Persistent Feature of Type 1 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE: Abnormally elevated proinsulin secretion has been reported in type 2 and early type 1 diabetes when significant C-peptide is present. We questioned whether individuals with long-standing type 1 diabetes and low or absent C-peptide secretory capacity retained the ability to make proinsulin. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: C-peptide and proinsulin were measured in fasting and stimulated sera from 319 subjects with long-standing type 1 diabetes (≥3 years) and 12 control subjects without diabetes. We considered three categories of stimulated C-peptide: 1) C-peptide positive, with high stimulated values ≥0.2 nmol/L; 2) C-peptide positive, with low stimulated values ≥0.017 but <0.2 nmol/L; and 3) C-peptide <0.017 nmol/L. Longitudinal samples were analyzed from C-peptide-positive subjects with diabetes after 1, 2, and 4 years. RESULTS: Of individuals with long-standing type 1 diabetes, 95.9% had detectable serum proinsulin (>3.1 pmol/L), while 89.9% of participants with stimulated C-peptide values below the limit of detection (<0.017 nmol/L; n = 99) had measurable proinsulin. Proinsulin levels remained stable over 4 years of follow-up, while C-peptide decreased slowly during longitudinal analysis. Correlations between proinsulin with C-peptide and mixed-meal stimulation of proinsulin were found only in subjects with high stimulated C-peptide values (≥0.2 nmol/L). Specifically, increases in proinsulin with mixed-meal stimulation were present only in the group with high stimulated C-peptide values, with no increases observed among subjects with low or undetectable (<0.017 nmol/L) residual C-peptide. CONCLUSIONS: In individuals with long-duration type 1 diabetes, the ability to secrete proinsulin persists, even in those with undetectable serum C-peptide

    Deoxyhypusine synthase, an essential enzyme for hypusine biosynthesis, is required for proper exocrine pancreas development

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    Pancreatic diseases including diabetes and exocrine insufficiency would benefit from therapies that reverse cellular loss and/or restore cellular mass. The identification of molecular pathways that influence cellular growth is therefore critical for future therapeutic generation. Deoxyhypusine synthase (DHPS) is an enzyme that post-translationally modifies and activates the mRNA translation factor eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (eIF5A). Previous work demonstrated that the inhibition of DHPS impairs zebrafish exocrine pancreas development; however, the link between DHPS, eIF5A, and regulation of pancreatic organogenesis remains unknown. Herein we identified that the conditional deletion of either Dhps or Eif5a in the murine pancreas results in the absence of acinar cells. Because DHPS catalyzes the activation of eIF5A, we evaluated and uncovered a defect in mRNA translation concomitant with defective production of proteins that influence cellular development. Our studies reveal a heretofore unappreciated role for DHPS and eIF5A in the synthesis of proteins required for cellular development and function
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