239 research outputs found

    Subjective well-being and basic needs: Evidence from rural Guatemala

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    This paper deals with basic needs fulfillment interpreted in a subjective way. We develop a framework in which the basic needs of households in developing areas are valued from a subjective point of view. We estimate how certain indicators and assets influence basic needs perception. We compare income and perceived basic needs poverty measures, finding that they mismatch. We conclude that income-based approaches should be complemented with other indicators such as subjective satisfaction measures to understand development and measure poverty.Subjective well-being, basic needs, poverty, Guatemala, Highlands.

    The link between water access and subjective well-being: some methods and proposals.

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    The study of happiness or subjective well-being has traditionally been studied within the disciplines of psychology or sociology. Although economics has contemplated happiness in research terms, it has only recently been studied in any depth. In this paper we offer several proposals in order to investigate the relationship between water access and happiness, suggesting some situations that would merit further research. Moreover, we have included some methodological notes in order to achieve this objective. This relationship can be useful in two ways. Firstly, it can favour the contemplation of water access as a human right. Secondly, it can serve as a framework for the decision-making process carried out by Governments and NGOs in developing countries.

    Dynamic panel data: A useful technique in experiments

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    Numerous experimental studies use a panel approach to analyze repeated experiments involving a large number of periods. They use “static” panel techniques and do not incorporate any temporal dependency (lags) of the dependent variable. This paper introduces dynamic panel data techniques to experimental economists. This is a standard tool in many other fields of economics and might also be useful in our discipline. It uses the lags of the dependent variable as explanatory variables. Although the coefficients on lagged dependent variables might be far from our interest, the introduction of these lags becomes crucial to control for the dynamics of the process. To show the advantages of this technique, we have compared two datasets using static and dynamic panel data. We conclude that the use of dynamic panel data models in the context of experiments allows to unravel new relationships between experimental variables and highlighting new paths in behaviors

    Moderate beer intake downregulates inflammasome pathway gene expression in human macrophages

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    Inflammasomes are key components of the innate immunity system that trigger the inflammatory response. Inappropriate activity of the inflammasome system has been linked to onset and perpetuation of inflammation in atherosclerotic plaques and cardiovascular disease. Low-to-moderate beer consumption is inversely associated with cardiovascular event presentation, while high levels of alcohol intake are associated with increased cardiovascular risk. Although fermented beverages have been suggested to exert their beneficial effects through their anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, little is known regarding the capacity of beer to modulate innate immunity cell responses. To this aim, primed or activated THP-1 macrophages were conditioned with human serum obtained from a prospective two-arms longitudinal crossover study to investigate the effect of a moderate and regular daily intake of beer, either alcohol-free or traditional, in the regulation of TLR-mediated inflammatory responses in healthy but overweight individuals. Conditioned macrophages with serum obtained after four-week intervention with alcohol-free beer significantly reduced the transcription of pro-inflammatory interleukins such as IL-1β and TNF. The serum of traditional beer consumers did not exhibit the same capacity as the serum of alcohol-free beer consumers to reduce gene expression of pro-inflammatory interleukins; however, serum from traditional beer consumers showed a regulatory effect at the protein level by significantly decreasing the intracellular protein levels of pro-IL-1β in primed macrophages and preventing cleaved-IL-1β protein release

    SEOM clinical guidelines for pancreatic and biliary tract cancer (2020)

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    Chemotherapy; Radiotherapy; TreatmentQuimioterapia; Radioterapia; TratamientoQuimioteràpia; Radioteràpia; TractamentPancreatic cancer (PC) and biliary tract cancer (BTC) are both aggressive and highly fatal malignancies. Nowadays we have a profound knowledge about the molecular landscape of these neoplasms and this has allowed new therapeutic options. Surgery is the only potentially curative therapy in both cancers, but disease recurrence is frequent. In PC, adjuvant treatment with mFOLFIRINOX has improved overall survival (OS) and in BTC adjuvant treatment with capecitabine seems to improve OS and relapse-free survival. Concomitant radio-chemotherapy could also be considered following R1 surgery in both neoplasms. Neoadjuvant treatment represents the best option for achieving an R0 resection in borderline PC. Upfront systemic chemotherapy is the treatment of choice in unresectable locally advanced PC and BTC; then locoregional therapy could be considered after an initial period of at least 3–4 months of systemic chemotherapy. In metastatic PC, FOLFIRINOX or Gemcitabine plus nab-paclitaxel have improved OS compared with gemcitabine alone. In metastatic BTC, cisplatin plus gemcitabine constitute the standard treatment. Progress in the knowledge of molecular biology has enabled the identification of new targets for therapy with encouraging results that could in the future improve the survival and quality of life of patients with PC and BTC

    Burden of respiratory disease attributable to secondhand smoke exposure at home in children in Spain (2015)

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    This study aimed to estimate the number of incident cases and hospital admissions attributable to secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure at home for asthma, otitis media (OM), and lower respiratory infections (LRI) in children in Spain. The burden of respiratory disease caused by SHS exposure was estimated in terms of incident cases and hospitalized cases for asthma, OM, and LRI. Estimates were calculated using the population attributable fraction. The age-specific (0-1 year, 0-4 years, 5-11 years, and 0-11 years) prevalence of SHS exposure in children was estimated through a telephone survey performed in a representative sample of Spanish households with children in 2016. The risk estimates for all diseases were selected from international meta-analyses. The number of hospitalized cases was obtained for each disease from the Hospital Minimum Data Set provided by the Ministry of Health of Spain. Incident cases were obtained from the Global Health Data Exchange. In 2015, SHS exposure caused an estimated total of 136,403 incident cases of the following respiratory diseases: 9058 (8.5%) cases of asthma, 120,248 (8.5%) of OM, and 7097 (13.5%) of LRI in children aged 0-14 years old in Spain. Likewise, SHS exposure caused a total of 3028 hospitalized cases, with 379 (8.5%) for asthma and 167 (8.5%) for OM in children 0-11 years old, and 2482 (11.6%) for LRI in children <2 years old. The high burden of respiratory disease attributed to SHS exposure supports the need to improve protection of children against SHS exposure by extending smoke-free regulations to homes and cars

    Pràctiques amb ordinador semipresencials: eina d'aprenentatge

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    El projecte d’innovació docent que es presenta té per objectiu incorporar pràctiques amb ordinador semipresencials en el procés d’aprenentatge. S’explora aquesta modalitat en la recerca de combinacions per al procés d’aprenentatge de l’estudiantet mitjançant tècniques d’aprenentatge mixt (blended learning). Les aplicacions informàtiques permeten fer moltes tasques en matemàtiques i estadística, potencial que s’incorpora en l’aprenentatge tant per a la resolució de problemes, com per a la millora de l’aprenentatge teòric; i també per contribuir a les competències transversals en TIC aplicades. La gran accessibilitat actual de l’alumnat a infraestructures informàtiques i a l’entorn d’aprenentatge virtual de la Universitat permet aquest plantejament. Les sessions habituals de pràctiques presencials no eren satisfactòries per la falta d’imbricació amb la teoria i aplicació, a causa de problemes de logística i de calendari. La semipresencialitat permet aconseguir la integració desitjada. L’adaptació del programari al nivell i objectius de les assignatures permet el seu ús de manera comprensible per a l’alumnat. En el marc de l'EEES s’ha realitzat una experiència a dues escoles del Campus de Terrassa per incorporar aquesta modalitat a assignatures impartides pel Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada III.Peer Reviewe

    Seguridad y salud laboral en autopsias

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    Se presenta el resultado del análisis de las condiciones de trabajo de patólogos y técnicos de anatomía patológica, durante la realización de autopsias. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo analizando cada una de las etapas del proceso de la autopsia en el Hospital Infanta Margarita de Cabra, e identificando y valorando los peligros y riesgos ligados a cada fase. Entre los resultados obtenidos se han identificado riesgos higiénicos, ergonómicos y de seguridad, destacando entre ellos el riesgo biológico por la gravedad de sus consecuencias, los diversos peligros que lo originan y su continua presencia durante la autopsia. Para cada peligro se indican las medidas preventivas a adoptar, y se detallan las características que deben cumplir los equipos de protección individual necesarios

    Social inequalities in secondhand smoke exposure in children in Spain

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    Introduction: Children are particularly vulnerable to the health effects of secondhand smoke (SHS). The objectives of this study are to describe SHS exposure of children younger than 12 years in Spain and to identify potential social inequalities associated with SHS exposure. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a representative sample of the population younger than 12 years in Spain. A computerassisted telephone interview was conducted with parents or legal guardians in 2016, to assess the children's SHS exposure at home, in the car, at school and at the nursery gates, in public transport, and during leisure time. The socio-demographic variables included were the child's age and sex, the highest educational attainment at home, and occupational social class. Prevalence and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for SHS exposure in each setting and for overall exposure. Results: In all, 71.8% of the children were exposed to SHS: 25.8% were exposed at home, 4.6% in the car, 8.2% in public transport, 31.9% at outdoor nursery or school gates, and 48% during leisure time. The higher the educational attainment at home, the lower the exposure (38.8% for primary school or lower, 28.7% for secondary school and 20.8% university level). The more deprived the social class, the higher the exposure (21.7% class I-II, 23.4% class III-IV and 31.1% class V-VII). SHS exposure in cars and overall exposure also decreased with higher educational achievement. Conclusions: In Spain, a large proportion of children are still exposed to SHS. Furthermore, there are clear social inequalities. To reduce SHS exposure, there is an urgent need for evidence-based interventions with an equity perspective

    Vigilância e soroprevalência: Avaliação de anticorpos IgG para SARS-Cov2 por ELISA no Bairro vulnerável de Villa Azul, Quilmes, Província de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of antibodies against SARS Cov-2 in Barrio Villa Azul, in the Quilmes district, together with other demographic and mobility variables. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study carried out through a systematic probabilistic sample. The sample consisted of 311 cases, of which 284 cases consented to the application of the test. A survey was applied to 100% of the cases tested. The information was processed with SPSS 23 software and the analysis considered the weighting of the sample according to the established probabilistic design. Results: 61% were women. The mean age was 40 years, the population structure was similar to that of the universe. The presence of antibodies was 14.8% of the cases, the majority in women and 40 year-old who did not go to work and did not use public transport. Being a health worker did not represent a greater risk for infection. It is observed that of each symptomatic case there would be 1.2 asymptomatic. Conclusions: There was a higher prevalence of people with antibodies than in other studies, although comparing similar territories the prevalence of antibodies was lower and this could be a consequence of a timely territorial approach. The seroprevalence was predominantly in women and this would not indicate greater contagion in this sex since there is uncertainty in the relationship between infection and antibodies. It was observed that the infections could have been within the home or in the community environment since it affected people who did not go out to work.Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia de anticuerpos para SARS Cov-2 en el Barrio Villa Azul, del partido de Quilmes, junto con otras variables demográficas y de movilidad. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal realizado a través de una muestra probabilística sistemática. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 311 casos y consintieron la aplicación del test 284 casos. Fue aplicada una encuesta al 100% de los casos testeados. La información fue procesada con software SPSS 23 y los análisis consideraron la ponderación de la muestra de acuerdo al diseño equiprobabilístico establecido. Resultados: El 61% eran mujeres. La media de edad era de 40 años, la estructura poblacional era similar a la del universo. La presencia de anticuerpos fue del 14,8% de los casos, la mayoría en mujeres y de 40 años que no salieron a trabajar y no utilizaron transporte público. El ser trabajador de la salud no representó un riesgo acrecentado para el contagio. Se observa que de cada un caso sintomático existirían 1,2 asintomáticos. Conclusiones: Hubo una prevalencia mayor de personas con anticuerpos que en otros estudios, aunque comparando territorios similares la prevalencia de anticuerpos fue menor y esto pude ser una consecuencia de un abordaje territorial oportuno. La seroprevalencia fue predominantemente en mujeres y esto no indicaría mayor contagio en este sexo ya que existe incertidumbre en la relación entre infección y anticuerpos. Se observó que los contagios podrían haber sido dentro del hogar o el entorno comunitario ya que afectó a personas que no salían a trabajar.Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência de anticorpos para SARS-cOV2 no bairro Villa Azul do Município de Quilmes na Argentina. Métodos: Estudo descritivo de corte transversal realizado a partir de uma amostra probabilística sistemática. O tamanho da amostra foi de 311 casos sendo que aceitaram a realização da prova 248 casos. Foi aplicado um formulário a todos os casos testados. A informação foi processada com o software SPSS 23 e as análises tomaram em conta a ponderação da amostra de acordo ao desenho probabilístico estabelecido. Resultados: O 61% eram mulheres. A média de idade foi de 40 anos, a estrutura populacional era similar à do universo de estudo. A presença de anticorpos foi no 14,8% dos casos, maioria mulheres, de 40 anos e que não saíram para o trabalho e a maioria não usaram o transporte público. O fato de ser trabalhador da saúde não acrescentou o risco do contagio. Observou-se que por cada caso sintomático houveram 1,2 casos assintomáticos. Conclusões: Houve uma prevalência maior de anticorpos do que em outros estudos. A soroprevalência foi maior em mulheres e isto não estaria indicando maior contagio em este sexo devido à incerteza entre a relação entre infeção e anticorpos. Observou-se que os contágios poderiam ter acontecido dentro do lar e no entorno comunitário já que afetou ás pessoas que não saiam para trabalha