19 research outputs found

    Making heads or tails of mitochondrial membranes in longevity and aging: a role for comparative studies

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    Mitochondria play vital roles in metabolic energy transduction, intermediate molecule metabolism, metal ion homeostasis, programmed cell death and regulation of the production of reactive oxygen species. As a result of their broad range of functions, mitochondria have been strongly implicated in aging and longevity. Numerous studies show that aging and decreased lifespan are also associated with high reactive oxygen species production by mitochondria, increased mitochondrial DNA and protein damage, and with changes in the fatty acid composition of mitochondrial membranes. It is possible that the extent of fatty acid unsaturation of the mitochondrial membrane determines susceptibility to lipid oxidative damage and downstream protein and genome toxicity, thereby acting as a determinant of aging and lifespan. Reviewing the vast number of comparative studies on mitochondrial membrane composition, metabolism and lifespan reveals some evidence that lipid unsaturation ratios may correlate with lifespan. However, we caution against simply relating these two traits. They may be correlative but have no functional relation. We discuss an important methodology for body mass and phylogenetic correction in comparative studies

    Feeding into old age: long-term effects of dietary fatty acid supplementation on tissue composition and life span in mice

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    Smaller mammals, such as mice, possess tissues containing more polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) than larger mammals, while at the same time live shorter lives. These relationships have been combined in the ‘membrane pacemaker hypothesis of aging’. It suggests that membrane PUFA content might determine an animal’s life span. PUFAs in general and certain long-chain PUFAs in particular, are highly prone to lipid peroxidation which brings about a high rate of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. We hypothesized that dietary supplementation of either n-3 or n-6 PUFAs might affect (1) membrane phospholipid composition of heart and liver tissues and (2) life span of the animals due to the altered membrane composition, and subsequent effects on lipid peroxidation. Therefore, we kept female laboratory mice from the C57BL/6 strain on three diets (n-3 PUFA rich, n-6 PUFA rich, control) and assessed body weights, life span, heart, and liver phospholipid composition after the animals had died. We found that while membrane phospholipid composition clearly differed between feeding groups, life span was not directly affected. However, we were able to observe a positive correlation between monounsaturated fatty acids in cardiac muscle and life span

    Fat infiltration in skeletal muscle: Influential triggers and regulatory mechanism

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    Summary: Fat infiltration in skeletal muscle (also known as myosteatosis) is now recognized as a distinct disease from sarcopenia and is directly related to declining muscle capacity. Hence, understanding the origins and regulatory mechanisms of fat infiltration is vital for maintaining skeletal muscle development and improving human health. In this article, we summarized the triggering factors such as aging, metabolic diseases and metabolic syndromes, nonmetabolic diseases, and muscle injury that all induce fat infiltration in skeletal muscle. We discussed recent advances on the cellular origins of fat infiltration and found several cell types including myogenic cells and non-myogenic cells that contribute to myosteatosis. Furthermore, we reviewed the molecular regulatory mechanism, detection methods, and intervention strategies of fat infiltration in skeletal muscle. Based on the current findings, our review will provide new insight into regulating function and lipid metabolism of skeletal muscle and treating muscle-related diseases

    Ambient temperature affects postnatal litter size reduction in golden hamsters

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    International audienceBackground: To better understand how different ambient temperatures during lactation affect survival of young, we studied patterns of losses of pups in golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) at different ambient temperatures in the laboratory, mimicking temperature conditions in natural habitats. Golden hamsters produce large litters of more than 10 young but are also known to wean fewer pups at the end of lactation than they give birth to. We wanted to know whether temperature affects litter size reductions and whether the underlying causes of pup loss were related to maternal food (gross energy) intake and reproductive performance, such as litter growth. For that, we exposed lactating females to three different ambient temperatures and investigated associations with losses of offspring between birth and weaning. Results: Overall, around one third of pups per litter disappeared, obviously consumed by the mother. Such litter size reductions were greatest at 30°C, in particular during the intermediate postnatal period around peak lactation. Furthermore, litter size reductions were generally higher in larger litters. Maternal gross energy intake was highest at 5°C suggesting that mothers were not limited by milk production and might have been able to raise a higher number of pups until weaning. This was further supported by the fact that the daily increases in litter mass as well as in the individual pup body masses, a proxy of mother's lactational performance, were lower at higher ambient temperatures. Conclusions: We suggest that ambient temperatures around the thermoneutral zone and beyond are preventing golden hamster females from producing milk at sufficient rates. Around two thirds of the pups per litter disappeared at high temperature conditions, and their early growth rates were significantly lower than at lower ambient temperatures. It is possible that these losses are due to an intrinsic physiological limitation (imposed by heat dissipation) compromising maternal energy intake and milk production

    Season‐dependent impact of forage quality on stress in alpine chamois

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    Abstract Chronically heightened stress levels in wildlife species may have detrimental effects on individual life history traits, for example, through the increased likelihood of disease, parasitic infections, and overall reduced fitness. Understanding the drivers of stress may thus have great potential for informing wildlife conservation. Although the role of climate and individual status is well studied in stress ecology, the impact of related stressors such as dietary quality is of increasing interest to wildlife research and conservation. In this study, fecal cortisol metabolites (FCMs) in Alpine chamois Rupicapra r. rupicapra used as bioindicators of stress, and their relationship with forage quality—measured as the percentage of fecal crude protein (CP)—were investigated. Data collection took place in 2011 and 2012 in the Gran Paradiso National Park (Western Italian Alps), on 22 individually marked adult males. The relationship between FCMs and CPs was analyzed through linear models and separated between winter and summer months, accounting for the effect of potentially confounding exogenous and endogenous variables. After AICc‐based model selection, we found that forage quality was negatively related to FCM levels in Alpine chamois during the summer months, meaning that higher quality forage was associated with the decreased expression of stress hormones. However, during the winter months, we did not find a significant relationship, potentially as a result of forage quality being ubiquitously poor. Although the mechanisms through which dietary variations impact FCM concentrations in wildlife populations are largely unknown, the occurrence of significant relationships between forage quality and stress levels supports potentially important implications for the long‐term effect of climatic changes on the fitness of wildlife populations

    The Effects of Non-Fiber Carbohydrate Content and Forage Type on Rumen Microbiome of Dairy Cows

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    The main objective of our current study was evaluating the effects of NFC supplementation and forage type on rumen microbiota and metabolism, by comparing microbial structures and composition among samples collected from cows fed AH (alfalfa-based diet), H-NFC (CS-based diet with high NFC) and L-NFC (CS-based diet with low NFC) diets. Our results show that microbial communities were structurally different but functionally similar among groups. When compared with L-HFC, NFC increased the population of Treponema, Ruminobacter, Selenomonas and Succinimonas that were negatively correlated with ruminal NH3-N, and urea nitrogen in blood, milk and urine, as well as significantly increasing the number of genes involved in amino acid biosynthesis. However, when compared to the AH group, H-NFC showed a higher abundance of bacteria relating to starch degradation and lactate production, but a lower abundance of bacteria utilizing pectin and other soluble fibers. This may lead to a slower proliferation of lignocellulose bacteria, such as Ruminococcus, Marvinbryantia and Syntrophococcus. Lower fibrolytic capacity in the rumen may reduce rumen rotation rate and may limit dry matter intake and milk yield in cows fed H-NFC. The enzyme activity assays further confirmed that cellulase and xylanase activity in AH were significantly higher than H-NFC. In addition, the lower cobalt content in Gramineae plants compared to legumes, might have led to the significantly down-regulated microbial genes involved in vitamin B12 biosynthesis in H-NFC compared to AH. A lower dietary supply with vitamin B12 may restrict the synthesis of milk lactose, one of the key factors influencing milk yield. In conclusion, supplementation of a CS-based diet with additional NFC was beneficial for nitrogen conversion by increasing the activity of amino acid biosynthesis in rumen microbiota in dairy cattle. However, lower levels of fibrolytic capacity may limit dry matter intake of cows fed H-NFC and may prevent increased milk yield

    Challenging a “Cushy” Life: Potential Roles of Thermogenesis and Adipose Tissue Adaptations in Delayed Aging of Ames and Snell Dwarf Mice

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    Laboratory mouse models with genetically altered growth hormone (GH) signaling and subsequent endocrine disruptions, have longer lifespans than control littermates. As such, these mice are commonly examined to determine the role of the somatotropic axis as it relates to healthspan and longevity in mammals. The two most prominent mouse mutants in this context are the genetically dwarf Ames and Snell models which have been studied extensively for over two decades. However, it has only been proposed recently that both white and brown adipose tissue depots may contribute to their delayed aging. Here we review the current state of the field and supplement it with recent data from our labs

    Rumen and Hindgut Bacteria Are Potential Indicators for Mastitis of Mid-Lactating Holstein Dairy Cows

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    Mastitis is one of the major problems for the productivity of dairy cows and its classifications have usually been based on milk somatic cell counts (SCCs). In this study, we investigated the differences in milk production, rumen fermentation parameters, and diversity and composition of rumen and hindgut bacteria in cows with similar SCCs with the aim to identify whether they can be potential microbial biomarkers to improve the diagnostics of mastitis. A total of 20 dairy cows with SCCs over 500 × 103 cells/mL in milk but without clinical symptoms of mastitis were selected in this study. Random forest modeling revealed that Erysipelotrichaceae UCG 004 and the [Eubacterium] xylanophilum group in the rumen, as well as the Family XIII AD3011 group and Bacteroides in the hindgut, were the most influential candidates as key bacterial markers for differentiating “true” mastitis from cows with high SCCs. Mastitis statuses of 334 dairy cows were evaluated, and 96 in 101 cows with high SCCs were defined as healthy rather than mastitis according to the rumen bacteria. Our findings suggested that bacteria in the rumen and hindgut can be a new approach and provide an opportunity to reduce common errors in the detection of mastitis