568 research outputs found

    Cyclic AMP deficiency, modifier-mutations, and instability of the cr-1 phenotype

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    Cyclic AMP deficiency, modifier-mutations, and instability of the cr-1 phenotyp

    Derepression of tyrosinase by sexual stimulation

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    Derepression of tyrosinase by sexual stimulatio

    Excretion of low molecular weight, folin-positive metabolites by the female receptor mycelium, in response to mating.

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    Excretion of low molecular weight, folin-positive metabolites by the female receptor mycelium, in response to mating

    A distinctive response to concanavalin A-mediated agglutination shown by cells from two different slime strains

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    Response of slime strains to concanavalin

    Role of the cell wall on the expression of osmotic-sensitive (os-1) and temperature-sensitive (cot-1) phenotypes of N. crassa. A comparative study on mycelial and wall-less phenotypes of the slime variant

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    Ascospore segregants ( slime -like) of the triple mutant fz(fuzzy);sg(spontaneous germination) os-1(osmotic) ( slime ; Emerson 1963. Genetica 34:162-182) of Neurospora crassa germinate as a plasmodium which, after some time, results in a morphologically abnormal mycelium. If the mycelium of a slime -like isolate is cultured under high osmotic pressure (Nelson et al. 1975. Neurospora Newsl. 22:15-16), it releases cells lacking walls which proliferate as spheroplasts

    Mutations affecting accumulation of glycogen

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    Mutations affecting accumulation of glycoge

    An enzymatic defect in osmotic mutants of Neurospora crassa: lack of induction of NAD(P)ase activity during growth on casein.

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    An enzymatic defect in osmotic mutants of Neurospora crassa: lack of induction of NAD(P)ase activity during growth on casein

    Towards a reappraisal of the phenotype of the cell wall deficient fz;sg;os-1 ( slime ) triple mutant of Neurospora crassa

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    Morphological mutants represent roughly 23% of seven hundred-odd distinct chromosomal loci of N. crassa, as listed by Perkins et al. (1982, Microbiol. Rev. 46:426). Probably the most radical phenotype among these strains is that of the fz;sg;os-1 ( slime ) triple mutant, which was isolated by Sterling Emerson (1963, Genetica 34:162) in a mutagenic experiment using an os-1 strain. The slime strain has been systematically referred to in the literature as a strain lacking cell wall and growing as protoplasts or plasmodium (Perkins et al. 1982). Through the years, the fragile slime structures were frequently used as a source of organelles (Martinoia et al. 1979. Arch. Microbiol. 120:31), membranes (Scarborough, 1975. J. Biol. Chem. 250:1106) or for the study of membrane-bound enzymes (Brooks et al. 1983. J. Biol. Chem. 258:13909). Slime spheroplasts practically never revert to hyphal morphology; thus, the causes for impaired cell wall synthesis were investigated and attributed either to the lack of glucan synthase activity (Leal-Morales and Ruiz-Herrera, 1985. Exp. Mycol 9:28) or to improper ultrastructural characteristics of the organelles responsible for chitin synthesis: the chitosomes (Martinez et al. 1989. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 990:45)

    All-sky search of NAUTILUS data

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    A search for periodic gravitational-wave signals from isolated neutron stars in the NAUTILUS detector data is presented. We have analyzed half a year of data over the frequency band Hz,thespindownrange Hz, the spindown range Hz/s and over the entire sky. We have divided the data into 2 day stretches and we have analyzed each stretch coherently using matched filtering. We have imposed a low threshold for the optimal detection statistic to obtain a set of candidates that are further examined for coincidences among various data stretches. For some candidates we have also investigated the change of the signal-to-noise ratio when we increase the observation time from two to four days. Our analysis has not revealed any gravitational-wave signals. Therefore we have imposed upper limits on the dimensionless gravitational-wave amplitude over the parameter space that we have searched. Depending on frequency, our upper limit ranges from 3.4×10233.4 \times 10^{-23} to 1.3×10221.3 \times 10^{-22}. We have attempted a statistical verification of the hypotheses leading to our conclusions. We estimate that our upper limit is accurate to within 18%.Comment: LaTeX, 12 page