7 research outputs found

    Didactic video as an alternative to in vivo assays in practical lessons of pharmacology

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    La Farmacología es una ciencia eminentemente práctica, en la que tiene gran relevancia la investigación "in vivo" con animales de experimentación. Los conocimientos impartidos en las clases teóricas, seminarios y tutorías, se completan con la enseñanza en las sesiones prácticas. Sin embargo, algunos aspectos importantes de esta enseñanza práctica, que incluyen la realización de ensayos “in vivo”, resulta problemático impartirlos correctamente con la normativa actual sobre la utilización de animales de laboratorio. Por ello, nos planteamos la realización de unos vídeos demostrativos de las técnicas experimentales utilizadas en algunas de las sesiones prácticas de las asignaturasde Farmacologia I y II del Grado en Farmacia. En cada sesión el profesor realiza una breve introducción del modelo experimental, indicando los objetivos que se plantea el investigador asi como las posibilidades de dicha técnica. A continuación en los vídeos, los estudiantes ven el desarrollo completo del experimento, los materiales necesarios y las condiciones experimentales adecuadas para su realización, asi como los diferentes parámetros y variables que se pueden medir. Al finalizar la proyección del vídeo se plantean dos tipos de tareas a los estudiantes: - diseño de un protocolo de evaluación de un fármaco con la metodología descrita - análisis, presentación y discusión de resultados, tras proporcionarles ejemplos de datos obtenidos en el ensayo. El procedimiento seguido para la elaboración de los vídeos es: 1) Diseño del ensayo de laboratorio. 2) Preparación del material necesario y las condiciones para una correcta grabación. 3) Grabación. Montaje de las imágenes (incluye fotografías, esquemas) y del sonido. 4) Edición del material filmado (una versión para Video- DVD y otra para incluirla en el Servidor Multimedia de la plataforma de la Universitat de València).Pharmacology is a primarily practical science, in which “in vivo” research using experimental animal models plays a relevant role. The topics covered in the theoretical classes, seminars and tutorials are complemented with learning in practical sessions. However, certain important aspects of the practical learning, which include performing “in vivo” assays, represents a challenge given the actual regulations regarding laboratory animal utilization. Therefore, we proposed to produce didactic videos for various practical sessions. The teacher gives a brief introduction of the selected experimental animal model, indicating the intended objectives to be achieved. The students can see in the video the complete experiment progression, necessary materials and the proper experimental conditions to perform the assay, as well as the different parameters and variables to be measured. - a protocol design to evaluate a drug with the described methodology - analysis, result presentation and discussion of given example data obtained with the assay. The procedure used for the video elaboration was: 1) Design of the laboratory assay. 2) Preparation of the necessary materials and conditions for a correct recording. 3) Recording. Image (including photographs, schemes, figures) and sound download. 4) Editing of the filmed material (one version for Video- DVD and another one to be included in the virtual platform Multimedia Server of the University of Valencia)

    Pharmacinema: teaching resource in the learning of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy

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    Introducción: El objetivo prioritario de la actividad Farmacinema es favorecer el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Farmacología (Licenciatura o Grado en Farmacia), con una metodología complementaria a la empleada en la enseñanza tradicional, utilizando películas comerciales para reforzar aspectos terapéuticos y bioéticos. Los estudiantes.Metodología: Los estudiantes pueden asistir a 3 sesiones distintas durante el curso: 2 en grupo amplio (80-100 estudiantes) y una sesión en grupos reducidos (16), que se realiza en las prácticas de Farmacia Clínica. Las películas seleccionadas han sido: El aceite de la vida y Despertares en las sesiones generales, en el primer y segundo trimestre de curso, respectivamente; Los chicos de la señorita Evers y El jardinero fiel en las sesiones en prácticas. En cada sesión el procedimiento utilizado es similar: breve introducción sobre las características técnicas más importantes de la película así como los puntos fuertes, aspectos a destacar para enfocar el interés de los estudiantes a lo que creemos más útil para conseguir los objetivos propuestos; visualización de la película y debate. Para motivar la atención del alumno hacia estos “puntos fuertes”, se les entrega un tríptico con la información básica sobre la película y con una serie de cuestiones que tienen que ir contestando a lo largo de la sesión o bien al acabar ésta. Estas cuestiones sirven de base para plantear y suscitar el debate. Resultados y conclusión: La asistencia es voluntaria y ha ido aumentando en los tres años que se ha ofertado esta actividad. Los estudiantes valoran muy positivamente el Farmacinema.Introduction: The main objective of Pharmacinema is to favour the teaching-learning process of Pharmacology students of the School of Pharmacy, as a complementary method to the conventionally used one, using commercial movies to reinforce therapeutic and bioethical aspects. Methodology: Students may assist to 3 different sessions throughout the school year: 2 in big groups (80-100 students) and one in small groups (16 students) to be performed during the practical lessons of Clinical Pharmacy. The selected movies were: Lorenzo’s oil and Awakenings for the general sessions of the first and second trimesters respectively, Mrs Evers’ boys and The constant gardener for the practical lessons sessions. The procedure used for each session was similar: a brief introduction stating the major technical characteristics of the movie ant the strong points, aspects to be pointed out in order to address the students’ interest towards what we consider most relevant to achieve the proposed objectives; movie visualization and debate. To motivate the student’s attention towards these strong points, the students received a flyer with the basic information about the movie and a series of questions that they have to answer during or at the end of the session. These questions also are used as a start point for the debate. Results and conclusion: Assistance to the general sessions is voluntary, and has increased over the three years in which this activity has been offered. Students have evaluated Pharmacinema as a very positive activity

    Effects of BIS076 in a model of osteoarthritis induced by anterior cruciate ligament transection in ovariectomised rats

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    Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most frequent articular disease and a leading cause of disability. There is a need for effective treatments able to slow the progression of disease. Some of the available treatments are dietary supplements providing natural components. Recent studies have shown that estrogen deficiency contributes to the pathophysiological events of OA progression. Methods: We have used the anterior cruciate ligament transection model of OA in ovariectomised rats to study the effects of BIS076, a new formulation of a natural porcine cartilage extract associated with hydroxyapatite (as a source of calcium) and vitamin D3. Cartilage degradation, proteoglycan depletion and synovitis were followed by histochemistry. Effects on bone microstructure were determined by μCT. The levels of biomarkers in serum and inflammatory mediators in knee homogenates were measured by luminex or ELISA. Results: Oral administration of BIS076 reduced articular cartilage damage and serum levels of cartilage degradation markers C-telopeptide of type II collagen and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, as well as matrix metalloproteinase-3. The local inflammatory response was down-regulated by BIS076 with lower production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and prostaglandin E2 in joint tissues. In addition, BIS076 was effective on metaphyseal bone alterations as this formulation increased volumetric bone mineral density and improved bone micro-architecture. These effects were related to the modification of bone metabolism reflected by changes in bone biomarkers with reductions in the ratio receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand/osteoprotegerin and the levels of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-5b, suggesting an inhibitory activity of BIS076 on trabecular bone resorption. Conclusions: We have demonstrated the protective properties of a new formulation (BIS076) on joint lesion and bone alterations in an experimental model of OA in ovariectomised rats. This study supports the interest of BIS076 in OA treatments

    Treatment with a CO-releasing molecule (CORM-3) reduces joint inflammation and erosion in murine collagen-induced arthritis.

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    Contains fulltext : 70589.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)OBJECTIVE: CO-releasing molecules (CO-RMs) are a novel class of anti-inflammatory agents. We have examined the possible therapeutic effects of CORM-3 in collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). METHODS: Arthritis was induced in DBA-1/J mice by type II collagen. Animals were treated with CORM-3 (5 and 10 mg/kg/day, intraperitoneally) or the inactive compound iCORM-3 (10 mg/kg/day, intraperitoneally) unable to release CO, from days 22 to 31. Production of anti-type II collagen antibodies, cytokines and cartilage olimeric matrix protein (COMP) was evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) by radioimmunoassay. Localisation of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), haem oxygenase-1 (HO-1), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and receptor activator of nuclear factor kappaB ligand (RANKL) was examined by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Therapeutic administration of CORM-3 suppressed clinical and histopathological manifestations of disease. The levels of PGE(2), interleukin (IL)1beta, IL2, IL6, IL10 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)alpha in joint tissues were inhibited by CORM-3. By contrast, CORM-3 augmented IL4. Anti-type II collagen antibodies and COMP levels in serum were reduced by CORM-3. Treatment with CORM-3 decreased cellular infiltration, joint inflammation and destruction, as well as the expression of COX-2, ICAM-1 and RANKL, whereas HO-1 increased. These beneficial effects were due to CO release, as iCORM-3 was ineffective. CONCLUSION: This study reveals the antiarthritic properties of CORM-3 in the CIA model and supports the notion that CO-RMs could be developed as a novel strategy for the treatment of inflammatory and arthritic conditions

    Coscinolactams A and B : new nitrogen-containing sesterterpenoids from the marine sponge Coscinoderma mathewsi exerting anti-inflammatory properties

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    Investigation of the marine sponge Coscinoderma mathewsi led to the isolation of two novel nitrogen-containing cheilanthane sesterterpenoids, coscinolactams A and B, together with known suvanine. The structures were elucidated by extensive spectroscopic measurements including NOE experiments to deduce the stereochemistry. The natural compounds, as well as a semisynthetic derivative, showed moderate anti-inflammatory activity measured as their capability to inhibit PGE2 and NO production. The suvanine aldehyde derivative 4 inhibited inducible nitric oxide protein expression with an IC50 value of 7.3 μM

    Cytotaxonomic and evolutionary considerations about karyotipic data of fishes from the Iguaçu River Basin in South of Brazil

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    The cytogenetic data available in the literature about the ichthyofauna of the Iguaçu River basin were analyzed in this review. The ichthyofauna was characterized by the high level of endemism and by the low diversity of species. Twenty-four of the eighty-one species were already karyotyped; six Characiformes, fourteen Siluriformes and four Perciformes. The chromosomal data showed the taxonomic and systematic complexity of the groups. Hypothesis related to the evolution of some Characiformes and Siluriformes groups from the Iguaçu River are proposed, as well as the utilization of karyotypic data for cytotaxonomy.<br>Nesta revisão são analisados os dados citogenéticos disponíveis na literatura relativos à ictiofauna da bacia do Rio Iguaçu, a qual é caracterizada pelo alto grau de endemismo e pela baixa diversidade de espécies. Das oitenta e uma espécies conhecidas, vinte e quatro já foram cariotipadas sendo 6 Characiformes, 14 Siluriformes e 4 Perciformes. Os dados cromossômicos evidenciam a complexidade taxonômica e sistemática dos grupos. São propostas hipóteses relacionadas à evolução de alguns grupos de Characiformes e Siluriformes do Rio Iguaçu, assim como o aproveitamento de dados cariotípicos para a citotaxonomia