28 research outputs found

    A Simple construction of the Pseudorandom Generator from Permutation

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    A simple construction of pseudorandom generator is appear.This pseudorandom generator is always passed by NIST statistical test.This paper reports a pseudorandom number generator which has good property is able to construct using only permutation and data rewriting by XOR.Comment: in japanes

    Publickey encryption by ordering

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    In 1999, public key cryptography using the matrix was devised by a hish school student of 16 yesrs old girl Sarah Flannery. This cryptosystem seemed faster than RSA, and it's having the strength to surpass even the encryption to RSA. However, this encryption scheme was broken bfore har papers were published. In this paper, We try to construct publickey encryption scheme from permutation group that is equivalent to matrix as noncommutative group. And we explore the potential of this cryptsystem through implementation.Comment: in japanes

    Hidden orders in amorphous structures: extraction of nearest neighbor networks of amorphous Nd-Fe alloys with Gabriel graph analyses

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    Using the scheme of Delaunay and Gabriel graphs, we analyzed the amorphous structures of computationally created Nd-Fe alloys for several composition ratios based on melt quench simulations with finite temperature first-principles molecular dynamics.By the comparison of the radial distribution functions of the whole system and those derived from the Delaunay and Gabriel graphs, it was shown that the Gabriel graphs represent the first nearest neighbor networks well in the examined amorphous systems. From the Gabriel graph analyses, we examined the coordination structures of amorphous Nd-Fe alloys statistically. We found that the ranges of distributions of coordination numbers vary depending on the composition ratio. The angular distributions among three adjacent atoms were also analyzed, and it was found that the angular distributions behave differently in the Nd-rich and Fe-rich samples. We found that the orders in the amorphous system becomes stronger as increasing the Nd ratio, which corresponds to the appearance of crystalline grain boundary phases at high Nd composition ratio [T. T. Sasaki et al., Acta Mater. 115, 269-277 (2016)].Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    A simple authentication by common strings

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    It was the problem of finding the minimum value of the sum of the distances of the path through all cities Overview TSP. We propose an authentication with the problem that the deformation sum of the distances of the path to be a constant value. In this document, it is intended to construct an authentication function robust implementation is easy and the Blog. After it was shown that the first, to determine the replacement group and path are the same, we propose the authentication method to consider the deformation of the traveling salesman problem in the directed graph, using a sequence of bytes. Instead of providing illumination mathematically rigorous, describes a verifiable algorithm.Comment: in Japanes

    Immunopharmacological properties of Oren-gedoku-to (a Kampo medicine, Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang) on contact hypersensitivity reaction in mice

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    We investigated the effects of Oren-gedoku-to (Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang), a Kampo medicine, on DNFB-induced contact hypersensitivity (CHS) response in mice in order to further clarify the immunopharmacological properties of this formulation. 1) Administration of Oren-gedoku-to decreased the magnitude of ear swelling in the CHS response and shortened the affected period. The inhibitory effect on ear swelling was observed even when Oren-gedoku-to was given orally with different timing schedules. 2) The expressions of mRNAs for CD8, IFN-7 and TNF-α in the ear of Oren-gedoku-to-treated mice were markedly decreased 24 h after the challenge. 3) The number of skin-draining regional lymph node cells (LNCs), CD4^+ T cells and CD8^+ T cells was decreased without affecting the ratio of CD8^+/CD4^+ T cells. 4) Oren-gedoku-to resulted in a marked impairment of the hapten-specific development of LNCs. These results suggest that the suppressive effect of Oren-gedoku-to on ear swelling was partly caused by the suppression of lymphocyte proliferation. 接触過敏反応(CHS)に対する黄連解毒湯の抑制効果について検討した。1g/kgの黄連解毒湯を感作日より連続投与することで,DNFB塗布による耳介の腫脹は軽減し,その持続時間も短縮した。また,黄連解毒湯の投与期間を変更(感作後0-2日間あるいは4-6日間の投与)しても抑制効果が認められた。耳介局所では,黄連解毒湯の連続投与により,CD8,IFN-γおよびTNF-αのmRNA発現は減弱した。所属リンパ節では,全リンパ節細胞,CD8^+T細胞,CD4^+T細胞の数が減少したが,CD8/CD4比に変化はみられなかった。さらに,リンパ節細胞のハプテン特異的な増殖能は抑制された。以上の結果より,黄連解毒湯のCHSの抑制効果にハプテン特異的リンパ球の増殖抑制が関与していると考えられた

    立幅跳び踏切時における各関節でのパワー発揮の特徴 : 垂直跳びとの比較から

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    本研究の目的は、立幅跳び踏切時に各関節で発揮されるパワーをリンクセグメントモデルを用いて算出し、その特徴を、垂直跳びのそれと比較して検討することであった。 被検者として男子大学生20名 (19.2±0.7歳、174.7±7.2cm、65.5±7.9kg) が参加した。 動作の撮影を、被検者の右側方から Hi-Speed Video (200fps) をもちいておこなった。 同時に動作中の床反力をフォースプレートから得た。 全身のパワーに対する各関節のパワーの割合を貢献度とした。 その結果は、以下のようであった。 1) リンクセグメントモデルは、このモデルから推定した床反力とフォースプレートから得た床反力とがほとんど一致していることから、本研究における数値に妥当性を与えると判断した。 2) 踏切時に発揮される平均のパワーは、立幅跳び (1516±284.8watt) が垂直跳び (1210±247.8watt) よりも大きかった。 3) パワーのほとんどは下肢の関節が発揮していた。 4) 股関節の貢献度は垂直跳び・立幅跳びそれぞれ52.3、59.6%で、全ての関節の中で最も大きかった。 5) 膝関節の貢献度は、垂直跳び、立幅跳びそれぞれ32.3、4.3%であった。 立幅跳びでの膝関節の貢献度はないに等しかった。 また、足関節の貢献度は垂直跳び・立幅跳びそれぞれ17.5、37.2%で立幅跳びの方が大きかった。The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of each joint to the power for standing long jump performance and elucidate the difference from that for vertical jump. The subjects were twenty male college students (19.6±0.7yrs, 174.7±7.2cm, 65.5±7.9kg) and performed the jumps with the maximum effort on the force-platform, by which the grand reaction force of take-off was obtained. The motion was simultaneously videotaped of "Hi-Speed" mode (200fps), for estimation of the power in each joint by means of link segment model. The results were as follows. 1) The link segment model was valid, because the grand reaction forces estimated through the model almost coinsided with those obtained by the force-platform. This supported that the joint power calculated in this study was valid. 2) The power exerted by whole body during take-off in standing long and vertical jumps were 1516±294.8(watt) and 1210±247.0(watt), respectively, showing that standing long jump required more power than vertical jump. 3) Most of the power was exerted by lower extremities. 4) The contribution of the hip joint to total power was 52.3% in vertical jump and similarly 59. 6% in standing long jump. In contrast, however, the contribution of the knee joint was 32.3% in the former and only 4.3% in the latter, suggesting that the knee joint is little included in standing long jump performance. The ankle joint exerted 17.5% of the total power for vertical jump while 37.2% for standing long jump. (Res. J. Phys, Educ., Chukyo Univ., 30, 23-33, 1988

    Hitomi X-Ray Studies of Giant Radio Pulses from the Crab Pulsar

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    To search for giant X-ray pulses correlated with the giant radio pulses (GRPs) from the Crab pulsar, we performed a simultaneous observation of the Crab pulsar with the X-ray satellite Hitomi in the 2300 keV band and the Kashima NICT radio telescope in the 1.41.7 GHz band with a net exposure of about 2 ks on 2016 March 25, just before the loss of the Hitomi mission. The timing performance of the Hitomi instruments was confirmed to meet the timing requirement and about 1000 and 100 GRPs were simultaneously observed at the main pulse and inter-pulse phases, respectively, and we found no apparent correlation between the giant radio pulses and the X-ray emission in either the main pulse or inter-pulse phase. All variations are within the 2 fluctuations of the X-ray fluxes at the pulse peaks, and the 3 upper limits of variations of main pulse or inter-pulse GRPs are 22% or 80% of the peak flux in a 0.20 phase width, respectively, in the 2300 keV band. The values for main pulse or inter-pulse GRPs become 25% or 110%, respectively, when the phase width is restricted to the 0.03 phase. Among the upper limits from the Hitomi satellite, those in the 4.510 keV and 70300 keV bands are obtained for the first time, and those in other bands are consistent with previous reports. Numerically, the upper limits of the main pulse and inter-pulse GRPs in the 0.20 phase width are about (2.4 and 9.3) 10(exp 11) erg cm(exp 2), respectively. No significant variability in pulse profiles implies that the GRPs originated from a local place within the magnetosphere. Although the number of photon-emitting particles should temporarily increase to account for the brightening of the radio emission, the results do not statistically rule out variations correlated with the GRPs, because the possible X-ray enhancement may appear due to a >0.02% brightening of the pulse-peak flux under such conditions