6 research outputs found

    Caso probable de fiebre manchada (Rickettsia felis) transmitida por pulgas

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    Rickettsia felis is the etiologic agent of flea-borne spotted fever, with Ctenocephalides felis as its main vector and reservoir. Typically, the disease presents as acute fever associated with headache, asthenia, generalized maculo-papular rash, and in some cases, an inoculation eschar. In recent years, R. felis has acquired an important role in the etiology of the acute febrile syndrome; it is indeed an emerging infectious disease, albeit underdiagnosed. Indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) is currently the reference diagnostic method. However, this technique has limitations related to the cross reactivity among different species of rickettsiae. Herein, we describe a case of a 16 year-old patient with an acute febrile syndrome secondary to probable infection with R. felis. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7705/biomedica.v33i0.723Rickettsia felis es el agente etiológico de la fiebre manchada transmitida por pulgas, cuyo principal vector y reservorio es Ctenocephalides felis. Típicamente, la enfermedad se presenta como fiebre aguda asociada a cefalea, astenia, exantema máculo-papular generalizado y, en algunos casos, conescara de inoculación. En los últimos años, R. felis ha venido adquiriendo un papel importante en la etiología del síndrome febril agudo, calificándola como una enfermedad emergente y subdiagnosticada. La inmunofluorescencia indirecta es actualmente el método diagnóstico de referencia. Sin embargo, esta técnica presenta limitaciones relacionadas con la reacción cruzada que existe entre las diferentesespecies del género Rickettsia. En el presente reporte se describe el caso de un paciente de 16 años con síndrome febril agudo secundario a infección probable por R. felis. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7705/biomedica.v33i0.723

    Fine Control of In Vivo Magnetic Hyperthermia Using Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with Different Coatings and Degree of Aggregation

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    The clinical implementation of magnetic hyperthermia has experienced little progress since the first clinical trial was completed in 2005. Some of the hurdles to overcome are the reliable production of magnetic nanoparticles with controlled properties and the control of the temperature at the target tissue in vivo. Here, forty samples of iron oxide superparamagnetic nanoparticles were prepared by similar methods and thoroughly characterized in terms of size, aggregation degree, and heating response. Selected samples were intratumorally administered in animals with subcutaneous xenografts of human pancreatic cancer. In vivo experiments showed that it is possible to control the rise in temperature by modulating the field intensity during in vivo magnetic hyperthermia protocols. The procedure does not require sophisticated materials and it can be easily implemented by researchers or practitioners working in magnetic hyperthermia therapies

    Instruccion y reglas que por ahora deberán observarse por los Ayuntamientos y Juntas de Proprios de los pueblos de este Principado en las obras, reparos y conservacion de caminos, cuyo coste ha de satisfacerse de los fondos publicos en la forma y con las circunstancias que aqui se expresan

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    35 lín. i reclamsEscut reial calc. a l'última p. del document signat "Ballester f."F. A10v en blanc, sign.: A10Instrucció datada a Barcelona i Real Aprovació a MadridInstrucció signada pel Baró de la Linde i la Real Aprovació per FloridablancaLloc i data de reimpressió: "Segovia á 11. de Diciembre de 1784" signada per "D. Miguél de Buztinaga"Sense port.Instrucció, i Regles que per ara han d'observar-se pels Ajuntaments, i Juntes de Propios dels Pobles d'aquest Principat en les Obres, Reparacions, i Conservació de Camins, el cost del qual ha de ser satisfet dels fons públics, en la forma, i amb les circumstàncies, que aquí s'expressen.

    Fine Control of In Vivo Magnetic Hyperthermia Using Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with Different Coatings and Degree of Aggregation

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    The clinical implementation of magnetic hyperthermia has experienced little progress since the first clinical trial was completed in 2005. Some of the hurdles to overcome are the reliable production of magnetic nanoparticles with controlled properties and the control of the temperature at the target tissue in vivo. Here, forty samples of iron oxide superparamagnetic nanoparticles were prepared by similar methods and thoroughly characterized in terms of size, aggregation degree, and heating response. Selected samples were intratumorally administered in animals with subcutaneous xenografts of human pancreatic cancer. In vivo experiments showed that it is possible to control the rise in temperature by modulating the field intensity during in vivo magnetic hyperthermia protocols. The procedure does not require sophisticated materials and it can be easily implemented by researchers or practitioners working in magnetic hyperthermia therapies

    EUS-guided tissue acquisition in the study of the adrenal glands: Results of a nationwide multicenter study

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    Background: There are limited data about the role of endoscopic ultrasound-guided tissue acquisition (EUS-TA), by fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) or biopsy (EUS-FNB), in the evaluation of the adrenal glands (AG). The primary aim was to assess the diagnostic yield and safety. The secondary aims were the malignancy predictors, and to create a predictive model of malignancy. Methods: This was a retrospective nationwide study involving all Spanish hospitals experienced in EUS-TA of AGs. Inclusion period was from April-2003 to April-2016. Inclusion criteria: all consecutive cases that underwent EUS-TA of AGs. EUS and cytopathology findings were evaluated. Statistical analyses: diagnostic accuracy of echoendoscopist's suspicion using cytology by EUS-TA, as gold standard; multivariate logistic regression model to predict tumor malignancy. Results: A total of 204 EUS-TA of AGs were evaluated. Primary tumor locations were lung 70%, others 19%, and unknown 11%. AG samples were adequate for cytological diagnosis in 91%, and confirmed malignancy in 60%. Diagnostic accuracy of the endosonographer's suspicion was 68%. The most common technique was: a 22-G (65%) and cytological needle (75%) with suction-syringe (66%). No serious adverse events were described. The variables most associated with malignancy were size>30mm (OR2.27; 95%CI, 1.16-4.05), heterogeneous echo-pattern (OR2.11; 95%CI, 1.1-3.9), variegated AG shape (OR2.46; 95%CI, 1-6.24), and endosonographer suspicion (OR17.46; 95%CI, 6.2-58.5). The best variables for a predictive multivariate logistic model of malignancy were age, sex, echo-pattern, and AG-shape. Conclusions: EUS-TA of the AGs is a safe, minimally invasive procedure, allowing an excellent diagnostic yield. These results suggest the possibility of developing a pre-EUS procedure predictive malignancy model