21 research outputs found

    Low cost USV development to study spring ponds

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    Current practices in bathymetry survey in lakes (available method) are indeed having some limitations. As for instance the size of the equipment that has to be transported and then deployed in the lake. New technologies such as using USV (Uncrewed Surface Vessel or Unmanned Surface Vehicle) start to be common. As they are easy to transport, high manoeuvrability and permit to work in less than 1-m-deep water masses. A quite wide commercial offer has been developed for many uses but as this equipment do not have a high demand, it has a high cost. The USV uses in harbours and open marine waters is quite straightforward because the good visibility and easy access permit rescues of the USV in case of malfunction. Lake surveys have the problem of the densely vegetated margins, riparian vegetation, and sometimes also with floating natural/or rubbish elements. Commonly the survey is tracked away from the margins to avoid the possible problems, that in case of occur are major issues (rescue this non-cheap equipment). In these scenarios it is needed to stablish some rescue protocols as, for instance a robe to the USV to pull, or transport a rescue boat to be sure to recover the equipment.Peer Reviewe

    First biostratigraphic data of the evaporitic groups in the Fortuna Basin (Betic Cordillera)

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    The present work offers the first biostratigraphic calibration based on calcareous nannoplankton of the three evaporitic assemblages in the Rio Chicamo section. The A. primus FAD is registered at the upper part of the Sanel marls, above the lower gypsum, and bellow the Tale gypsum. The A. delicatus FAD, and the A. amplificus FAD occurs in the lower and upper part of the Chicamo Cycles, respectively, which allow to calibrate the Chicamo Cycles reversal as the chron C3Ar. The Tortonian/Messinian boundary is found at the Tale gypsu

    The 8.2-event record on the Alicante marine continental shelf (SE, Spain)

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    High resolution seismic profiles of the Alicante continental shelf have been studied identifying a seismic prism which top at about -20 m below today sea-level. The prism is covered by recent sediments and can be interpreted as formed during a short interval of stand-by in the general transgression after the last glacial maximum. The -20 m level have been compared with the holocene Mediterranean sea-level-curve to propose an age of about 8 ka BP coinciding with the «8.2 ka cooling event» that was an abrupt, widespread climate instability. The prism top is deeper in the northern seismic profiles thus indicating a more subsidence that the southern coastal shelf where an erosion surface with rocky shoals configure the sea botto

    Primeros datos bioestratigráficos de los grupos evaporíticos de la Cuenca de Fortuna (cordillera Bética)

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    The present work offers the first biostratigraphic calibration based on calcareous nannoplankton of the three evaporitic assemblages in the Rio Chicamo section. The A. primus FAD is registered at the upper part of the Sanel marls, above the lower gypsum, and bellow the Tale gypsum. The A. delicatus FAD, and the A. amplificus FAD occurs in the lower and upper part of the Chicamo Cycles, respectively, which allow to calibrate the Chicamo Cycles reversal as the chron C3Ar. The Tortonian/Messinian boundary is found at the Tale gypsum

    Why are so different the Crevillente and Abanilla mountain ranges ?

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    The Crevillente and Abanilla mountain ranges form the same structural lineation but show a quite different morphology. The first one is made by calcareous rocks mainly jurassic and cretaceous likewise the Abanilla is made by keuper facies which includes blocks. This keuper facies are not Triassic but Miocene which are interpreted as an ancient salt glacier. Their different litologies of both sierras is due to the activity of the Puerto de Barinas Fault, a transverse fault to the Crevillente-Abanilla lineament. This litological difference in the same structural lineament could be explained as produced before (pre-late Tortonian) the elevation of both sierras (latest Messinian

    Development and desiccation of the sinus ilicitanus (South Alicante) in the last 15,000 years

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    En este trabajo se describe el cambio de la línea de costa en la parte sur de la provincia de Alicante para los últimos 15.000 años. Se ha obtenido integrando datos de diferentes fuentes y especialmente de perfiles sísmicos de alta resolución marinos de la plataforma continental anexa. Se han distinguido 10 periodos. Comienza con la transgresión marina tras la última glaciación, le sigue la formación del sinus ilicitanus entre los años 4.000 y 3.000 AC, y finaliza con un lento proceso de desecación hasta la actualidad, reducido a las lagunas del Fondo y Salinas de Santa PolaThis paper describes the change of the coastline in the southern part of the province of Alicante for the last 15,000 years. It is obtained by integrating data from different sources and especially high-resolution seismic profiles of the nearby marine continental shelf. Ten periods have been distinguished ranging from the marine transgression after the last glaciation, following the development of the sinus ilicitanus between 4,000 and 3,000 BC, and finally it begins a slow drying process until today, when it is reduced to the lagoons of the Fondo and Salinas of Santa Pol

    ¿Por qué son tan diferentes las sierras de Crevillente y Abanilla?

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    The Crevillente and Abanilla mountain ranges form the same structural lineation but show a quite different morphology. The first one is made by calcareous rocks mainly jurassic and cretaceous likewise the Abanilla is made by keuper facies which includes blocks. This keuper facies are not Triassic but Miocene which are interpreted as an ancient salt glacier. Their different litologies of both sierras is due to the activity of the Puerto de Barinas Fault, a transverse fault to the Crevillente-Abanilla lineament. This litological difference in the same structural lineament could be explained as produced before (pre-late Tortonian) the elevation of both sierras (latest Messinian)

    3D geological model of the NW Bajo Segura Basin (Alicante, SE Spain)

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    Se ha realizado un modelo geológico en 3D de la porción NO de la Cuenca del Bajo Segura, por ser esta la que mostraba una menor complicación geológica. La cuenca se ha dividido en 7 sintemas (nombrados Ab, M1, M2, P1, P2, Pc y Q) y se ha utilizado como base de la cuenca el techo de la Formación Calizas de Las Ventanas (Ve). La construcción del modelo 3D permite un mejor conocimiento geológico de la cuenca. El modelo apunta a una mayor complicación tectónica de lo supuesto en un principioIt has been made a 3D geological model of the NW portion of the Bajo Segura Basin, as this is the one showed a more simple geology. The basin has been divided into 7 synthems (named Ab, M1, M2, P1, P2, Pc, and Q) and has been used as the bottom of the basin the top of the Las Ventanas Formation limestones (Ve). The construction of the 3D model allows a better understanding of the basin geology. The model suggests a much more complicated tectonic structur