20 research outputs found

    Characterization of natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) as one of the high cation exchange capacity geopolymer material

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    The aim of this research is to subject one of the specific and locally used natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) from Vranjska Banja, Serbia with high cation exchange capacity. Mineralogical - X-Ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and determination of cation exchange capacity (CEC) were investigated. Results showed homogenous structure with dominant clinoptilolite - heulandite type zeolites as most abundant minerals. The important aspect of this research is possibility of wider usage of natural zeolite-clinoptilolite due to cost-efficiency aspects of this natural material that can be exploited in large amount from several Serbian deposits e.g. “Zlatokop” (Vranjska Banja) and “Igroš Vidojević” (Brus), Serbia. The present of higher, but also extremely concentration of heavy metals in Pannonian, Internal Dinarides and wider European region lead us to boost novel high performance but economically viable techniques. The starting points are geochemical characterization of novel geo- materials before further water-treatment implementation

    JOSIP CRNČIĆ (1941.-2011.)

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    Medical care of vasculitis patients

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    Giordano Bruno: The Cosmic Perspective

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    Giordano Bruno (1548–1600) se v průběhu italské renesance etabloval jako nejvýznamnější filozof své doby. Odvážil se zpochybnit tehdy hluboce zakořeněný aristotelský světonázor. Bylo to díky síle jeho představivosti, která mu umožnila zajít ve svém hloubání až k úvahám o podstatě reality mimo naši Zemi. Jeho kosmická vize představovala náš vesmír jako nekonečný, obsahující nekonečné množství hvězd a planet, a dokonce uvažovala o možnosti existence inteligentních bytostí na jiných světech. V tomto byly Brunovy odvážné představy daleko před objevy Galilea, Koperníka, Keplera či Mikuláše Kusánského a dalších předních renesančních astronomů a filozofů. Právě Brunův úžasný vhled do metafyzické sféry položil základy dnešnímu vědeckému přístupu k pátrání po exoplanetách, neznámých formách života, sebeuvědomělých bytostech nebo i civilizacích, které mohou existovat někde v nedozírných hlubinách kosmického prostoru.During the Italian Renaissance, Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) emerged as the most significant philosopher of that time. He boldly challenged the deeply entrenched Aristotelian worldview by using his powerful imagination in order to speculate on the nature of reality beyond our earth. His cosmic vision claimed that this universe is eternal and contains an infinite number of stars and planets; it even held that intelligent beings exist on other worlds. As such, Bruno’s own daring ideas were far ahead of those discoveries that were made by Cusanus, Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo (among other astronomers and philosophers of that age). In fact, it was his awesome metaphysical outlook that paved the way for our modern scientific search for those exoplanets, life forms, sentient creatures, and even civilizations that may exist elsewhere throughout the sidereal depths of outer space

    Possibilities for sustainable development of cycling tourism in Varaždin County

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    Cikloturizam je aktivnost putovanja koja uključuje bicikl, a svrha joj je uživanje u ljepotama krajolika, prirodnim znamenitostima i kulturnoj baštini destinacije koju cikloturist posjećuje. Obzirom na atraktivan okoliš, bogatu kulturno-povijesnu baštinu, povoljnu klimu, sigurnost zemlje, blizinu velikih tržišta te mnoštvo cesta s manjim intenzitetom prometa, cikloturizam je prepoznat kao jedan od turističkih proizvoda s izraženim potencijalom razvoja u Republici Hrvatskoj, te kao jedan od glavnih generatora cjelogodišnjeg turizma. Prednosti cikloturizma očituju se u pozitivnom utjecaju na cjelokupno gospodarstvo i društvo, poticanju razvoja lokalne ekonomije, smanjenju globalnog onečišćenja te direktnom pozitivnom utjecaju na zdravlje čovjeka. Sve navedeno je u skladu sa načelima održivog razvoja stoga je cikloturizam istaknut kao jedan od ključnih turističkih proizvoda u Strategiji razvoja turizma Republike Hrvatske. Županije kontinentalne Hrvatske posebno su pogodne za razvoj tog specifičnog oblika turizma, a zbog dobrog geoprometnog položaja i bogate resursne osnove Varaždinska županija ima idealne preduvjete za razvoj cikloturizma. Osim analize sekundarnih podataka u radu je provedeno primarno istraživanje te je izvršena detaljna analiza razvijenosti turističke ponude i cikloturizma u Varaždinskoj županiji, ocjena njegovih potencijala te je provedeno empirijsko istraživanje o percepciji, navikama i stavovima lokalnog stanovništva o razvoju cikloturizma u Varaždinskoj županiji.Cyclotourism is the activity of travel which includes a bicycle, and its main purpose is to enjoy the beauty of landscape, the natural sights and cultural heritage of the destination that cyclist visits. Observing the attractive enviroment, rich cultural and historical heritage, favorable climate, country safety, proximity to large markets and great number of local roads with low intensity of traffic, cyclotourism is recognized as one of the tourism products with a pronounced potential of development in Republic of Croatia, as well as one of the main generators of year-round tourism. The benefits of cyclotourism are reflected in the positive impact on the economy and society, stimulation of local economy development, reduction of global pollution and in direct positive impact on health and wellbeing. All of the above is in the line with the principles of sustainable development. Therefore, cyclotourism is highlighted as one of the key products in the Croatian Tourism Development Strategy. The continental part of Croatia is particulary suitable for the development of this specific form of tourism, and due to its geo-traffic position and rich resource base of the Varaždin Conuty, it has ideal preconditions for the development of cyclotourism. In addition to the analysis of secondary data, this paper carried out a primary research and a detailed analysis of the development of tourism offer and cyclotourism in the County of Varaždin, evaluated its potentials and conduced an empirical study of the habits, attitude and perceptions of the local population on further development of cyclotourism in the County of Varaždin

    Dynamic identification of web page parts

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    Web, s gotovo milijardu stranica, predstavlja današnji glavni izvor podataka. Semantički web ili standardi, kao Schema.org omogućuju programerima stranica da naprave svoje stranice dostupne bez ljudskog utjecaja. No, programeri često ne dijele interes za tim konceptima. Prednost i novitet koju dinamički model prepoznavanja semantičkih dijelova web stranica, napravljen ovim radom, donosi sastoji se u mogućnosti dohvaćanja stranica sa semantičkom organizacijom bez nužne ovisnosti o programerima. S druge strane, model je fleksibilan i može iskoristiti prednosti metapodataka semantičkog weba i metapodataka standarda Schema.org te tako predstavlja univerzalnu početnu točku za semantičkom segmentacijom web stranica. Osim dinamičkog modela, napravljena je označna ekstenzija i poslužitelj. Označna ekstenzija, napravljena kao Google Chrome ekstenzija, omogućava označivačima diljem svijeta da označuju stranice, a zatim ih pošalju na poslužitelj. Poslužitelj, osim pohranjivanja označenih stranica, služi za prezentaciju i dokumentaciju sveukupnog koncepta, perzistenciju modela i sadrži komponentu za provjeru kvalitete označenih stranica. Poslužitelj također pruža API putem kojeg se može pristupiti dinamičkom modelu i preko kojeg se dobiva semantički segmentirana web stranica. Sve tri opisane komponente s budućim Oculi agentima, koji će koristiti API na poslužitelju, čine sustav Oculi. Namjena sustava Oculi je približiti web svim korisnicima i dati svim statičkim komponentama stranica semantičku vrijednost.Web, with nearly a billion websites online, acts as the primary data source of today's people. Semantic web or other standards, like Schema.org enable website programmers to make their websites accessible without human interaction. However, these concepts often do not represent interest to website programmers. The advantage and novelty that dynamic model for semantic recognition of website parts, discussed within this work, brings along is that it allows retrieving semantically organised websites without the necessary dependency towards programmers. On the other hand, it is flexible and can create advantage of the usage of semantic web metadata or Schema.org metadata, which makes it universal starting point for semantic segmentation of websites. Along with dynamic model, labeling extension and server were created. Labeling extension, made as Google Chrome extension, allows taggers across the world to label websites which are then sent to server. Server, in addition to storing labeled website, serves for presentation and documentation of overall concept, persistence of the model and contains component for evaluating the quality of labeled websites. Server also provides an API, through which dynamic model is used and one can get semantically segmented website. All three described components, together with the future Oculi agents, who will use the API of the server, make the Oculi system. The Oculi system intends to bring web closer to all of its users and to give all static page components semantic value

    Dynamic identification of web page parts

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    Web, s gotovo milijardu stranica, predstavlja današnji glavni izvor podataka. Semantički web ili standardi, kao Schema.org omogućuju programerima stranica da naprave svoje stranice dostupne bez ljudskog utjecaja. No, programeri često ne dijele interes za tim konceptima. Prednost i novitet koju dinamički model prepoznavanja semantičkih dijelova web stranica, napravljen ovim radom, donosi sastoji se u mogućnosti dohvaćanja stranica sa semantičkom organizacijom bez nužne ovisnosti o programerima. S druge strane, model je fleksibilan i može iskoristiti prednosti metapodataka semantičkog weba i metapodataka standarda Schema.org te tako predstavlja univerzalnu početnu točku za semantičkom segmentacijom web stranica. Osim dinamičkog modela, napravljena je označna ekstenzija i poslužitelj. Označna ekstenzija, napravljena kao Google Chrome ekstenzija, omogućava označivačima diljem svijeta da označuju stranice, a zatim ih pošalju na poslužitelj. Poslužitelj, osim pohranjivanja označenih stranica, služi za prezentaciju i dokumentaciju sveukupnog koncepta, perzistenciju modela i sadrži komponentu za provjeru kvalitete označenih stranica. Poslužitelj također pruža API putem kojeg se može pristupiti dinamičkom modelu i preko kojeg se dobiva semantički segmentirana web stranica. Sve tri opisane komponente s budućim Oculi agentima, koji će koristiti API na poslužitelju, čine sustav Oculi. Namjena sustava Oculi je približiti web svim korisnicima i dati svim statičkim komponentama stranica semantičku vrijednost.Web, with nearly a billion websites online, acts as the primary data source of today's people. Semantic web or other standards, like Schema.org enable website programmers to make their websites accessible without human interaction. However, these concepts often do not represent interest to website programmers. The advantage and novelty that dynamic model for semantic recognition of website parts, discussed within this work, brings along is that it allows retrieving semantically organised websites without the necessary dependency towards programmers. On the other hand, it is flexible and can create advantage of the usage of semantic web metadata or Schema.org metadata, which makes it universal starting point for semantic segmentation of websites. Along with dynamic model, labeling extension and server were created. Labeling extension, made as Google Chrome extension, allows taggers across the world to label websites which are then sent to server. Server, in addition to storing labeled website, serves for presentation and documentation of overall concept, persistence of the model and contains component for evaluating the quality of labeled websites. Server also provides an API, through which dynamic model is used and one can get semantically segmented website. All three described components, together with the future Oculi agents, who will use the API of the server, make the Oculi system. The Oculi system intends to bring web closer to all of its users and to give all static page components semantic value

    Possibilities for sustainable development of cycling tourism in Varaždin County

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    Cikloturizam je aktivnost putovanja koja uključuje bicikl, a svrha joj je uživanje u ljepotama krajolika, prirodnim znamenitostima i kulturnoj baštini destinacije koju cikloturist posjećuje. Obzirom na atraktivan okoliš, bogatu kulturno-povijesnu baštinu, povoljnu klimu, sigurnost zemlje, blizinu velikih tržišta te mnoštvo cesta s manjim intenzitetom prometa, cikloturizam je prepoznat kao jedan od turističkih proizvoda s izraženim potencijalom razvoja u Republici Hrvatskoj, te kao jedan od glavnih generatora cjelogodišnjeg turizma. Prednosti cikloturizma očituju se u pozitivnom utjecaju na cjelokupno gospodarstvo i društvo, poticanju razvoja lokalne ekonomije, smanjenju globalnog onečišćenja te direktnom pozitivnom utjecaju na zdravlje čovjeka. Sve navedeno je u skladu sa načelima održivog razvoja stoga je cikloturizam istaknut kao jedan od ključnih turističkih proizvoda u Strategiji razvoja turizma Republike Hrvatske. Županije kontinentalne Hrvatske posebno su pogodne za razvoj tog specifičnog oblika turizma, a zbog dobrog geoprometnog položaja i bogate resursne osnove Varaždinska županija ima idealne preduvjete za razvoj cikloturizma. Osim analize sekundarnih podataka u radu je provedeno primarno istraživanje te je izvršena detaljna analiza razvijenosti turističke ponude i cikloturizma u Varaždinskoj županiji, ocjena njegovih potencijala te je provedeno empirijsko istraživanje o percepciji, navikama i stavovima lokalnog stanovništva o razvoju cikloturizma u Varaždinskoj županiji.Cyclotourism is the activity of travel which includes a bicycle, and its main purpose is to enjoy the beauty of landscape, the natural sights and cultural heritage of the destination that cyclist visits. Observing the attractive enviroment, rich cultural and historical heritage, favorable climate, country safety, proximity to large markets and great number of local roads with low intensity of traffic, cyclotourism is recognized as one of the tourism products with a pronounced potential of development in Republic of Croatia, as well as one of the main generators of year-round tourism. The benefits of cyclotourism are reflected in the positive impact on the economy and society, stimulation of local economy development, reduction of global pollution and in direct positive impact on health and wellbeing. All of the above is in the line with the principles of sustainable development. Therefore, cyclotourism is highlighted as one of the key products in the Croatian Tourism Development Strategy. The continental part of Croatia is particulary suitable for the development of this specific form of tourism, and due to its geo-traffic position and rich resource base of the Varaždin Conuty, it has ideal preconditions for the development of cyclotourism. In addition to the analysis of secondary data, this paper carried out a primary research and a detailed analysis of the development of tourism offer and cyclotourism in the County of Varaždin, evaluated its potentials and conduced an empirical study of the habits, attitude and perceptions of the local population on further development of cyclotourism in the County of Varaždin

    Nurse's role in pain management in palliative patients

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    Dugogodišnje kronične i maligne bolesti najčešće dovode do fizičke boli i mnoštva drugih simptoma koji uzrokuju strah, depresiju i izolaciju, što utječe na osobni integritet bolesnika. Palijativni bolesnici zahtijevaju posebnu pažnju cijelog interdisciplinarnog tima s obzirom da njihova bolest ulazi u zadnju fazu koje su u većini slučajeva svjesni, te se radi o emocionalno zahtjevnom i iscrpljujućem iskustvu za bolesnika i njegovu obitelj. To je situacija kada se uz medicinsku skrb i zdravstvenu njegu treba suočiti i s njihovim psihološkim potrebama. Skrb za palijativne bolesnike je veliki izazov za medicinsku sestru koji zahtjeva aktivnu, promišljenu i dugotrajnu skrb, a krajnji rezultat cjelokupna palijativne skrbi ne vodi izlječenju bolesti, nego olakšavanju mnogobrojnih simptoma i neminovnoj smrti bolesnika. Edukativni cilj ovog diplomskog rada je naglašavanje uloge diplomirane medicinske sestre/tehničara u zdravstvenoj njezi i skrbi za palijativnih bolesnika, timskom radu u kupiranju boli-prepoznavanju potreba, uočavanju i rješavanju raznih problema koji se javljaju u bolnim stanjima kod palijativnih bolesnika na svim razinama zdravstvene zaštite. Diplomirana medicinska sestra treba biti educirana iz područja palijativne skrbi, a kod problema boli mora znati prepoznati bol i razlikovati vrste boli prema dijagnozama, sve načine kako ju olakšati (medikamentozna i ostala terapija), na vrijeme uočiti probleme i nuspojave terapije za bol te koordinirati razne stručnjake unutar tima kako bi pružili optimalno smanjenje boli kod palijativnih bolesnika. Prikazana je važnost sestrinske skrbi i komunikacije za palijativne bolesnike i njihove obitelji/skrbnike. Naglasak je stavljen na specifičnosti kupiranja boli kod palijativnih bolesnika, te stručan fizički, psihološki i socijalni pristup diplomirane medicinske sestre palijativnom bolesniku.Long-term chronic and malignant diseases most often lead to physical pain and a host of other symptoms that cause fear, depression, and isolation, affecting patients ’personal integrity. Palliative patients require special attention from the entire interdisciplinary team as their disease enters a final stage that they are in most cases aware of, and it is an emotionally demanding and exhausting experience for the patient and his family. This is a situation when, in addition to medical care and health care, their psychological needs also need to be addressed. Caring for palliative care patients is a major challenge for the nurse that requires active, thoughtful and long-term care, and the end result of overall palliative care does not lead to cure of the disease, but alleviation of many symptoms and inevitable death of the patient. The educational goal of this thesis is to emphasize the role of graduate nurses / technicians in health care and care of palliative patients, pain relief - recognizing needs, identifying and solving various problems that occur in painful conditions in palliative patients. A registered nurse should be educated in the field of palliative care, and in case of pain problems she must know how to recognize pain and distinguish types of pain according to diagnoses, all ways to alleviate it (medication and other therapy), timely identify problems and side effects of pain therapy, and coordinate various experts within the team to provide optimal pain reduction in the palliative patient. The importance of nursing care for palliative patients and their family, as well as communication with the patient, his family and other team members is presented. Emphasis was placed on the specifics of pain relief in palliative patients, and the professional physical, psychological and social approach of the nurse to the palliative patient

    Nurse's role in pain management in palliative patients

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    Dugogodišnje kronične i maligne bolesti najčešće dovode do fizičke boli i mnoštva drugih simptoma koji uzrokuju strah, depresiju i izolaciju, što utječe na osobni integritet bolesnika. Palijativni bolesnici zahtijevaju posebnu pažnju cijelog interdisciplinarnog tima s obzirom da njihova bolest ulazi u zadnju fazu koje su u većini slučajeva svjesni, te se radi o emocionalno zahtjevnom i iscrpljujućem iskustvu za bolesnika i njegovu obitelj. To je situacija kada se uz medicinsku skrb i zdravstvenu njegu treba suočiti i s njihovim psihološkim potrebama. Skrb za palijativne bolesnike je veliki izazov za medicinsku sestru koji zahtjeva aktivnu, promišljenu i dugotrajnu skrb, a krajnji rezultat cjelokupna palijativne skrbi ne vodi izlječenju bolesti, nego olakšavanju mnogobrojnih simptoma i neminovnoj smrti bolesnika. Edukativni cilj ovog diplomskog rada je naglašavanje uloge diplomirane medicinske sestre/tehničara u zdravstvenoj njezi i skrbi za palijativnih bolesnika, timskom radu u kupiranju boli-prepoznavanju potreba, uočavanju i rješavanju raznih problema koji se javljaju u bolnim stanjima kod palijativnih bolesnika na svim razinama zdravstvene zaštite. Diplomirana medicinska sestra treba biti educirana iz područja palijativne skrbi, a kod problema boli mora znati prepoznati bol i razlikovati vrste boli prema dijagnozama, sve načine kako ju olakšati (medikamentozna i ostala terapija), na vrijeme uočiti probleme i nuspojave terapije za bol te koordinirati razne stručnjake unutar tima kako bi pružili optimalno smanjenje boli kod palijativnih bolesnika. Prikazana je važnost sestrinske skrbi i komunikacije za palijativne bolesnike i njihove obitelji/skrbnike. Naglasak je stavljen na specifičnosti kupiranja boli kod palijativnih bolesnika, te stručan fizički, psihološki i socijalni pristup diplomirane medicinske sestre palijativnom bolesniku.Long-term chronic and malignant diseases most often lead to physical pain and a host of other symptoms that cause fear, depression, and isolation, affecting patients ’personal integrity. Palliative patients require special attention from the entire interdisciplinary team as their disease enters a final stage that they are in most cases aware of, and it is an emotionally demanding and exhausting experience for the patient and his family. This is a situation when, in addition to medical care and health care, their psychological needs also need to be addressed. Caring for palliative care patients is a major challenge for the nurse that requires active, thoughtful and long-term care, and the end result of overall palliative care does not lead to cure of the disease, but alleviation of many symptoms and inevitable death of the patient. The educational goal of this thesis is to emphasize the role of graduate nurses / technicians in health care and care of palliative patients, pain relief - recognizing needs, identifying and solving various problems that occur in painful conditions in palliative patients. A registered nurse should be educated in the field of palliative care, and in case of pain problems she must know how to recognize pain and distinguish types of pain according to diagnoses, all ways to alleviate it (medication and other therapy), timely identify problems and side effects of pain therapy, and coordinate various experts within the team to provide optimal pain reduction in the palliative patient. The importance of nursing care for palliative patients and their family, as well as communication with the patient, his family and other team members is presented. Emphasis was placed on the specifics of pain relief in palliative patients, and the professional physical, psychological and social approach of the nurse to the palliative patient