7 research outputs found


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    Permasalahan yang terjadi di SMK Labor Pekanbaru sering disebabkan karena proses kinerja sehari-hari yang dilakukan dengan cara-cara manual. Seperti proses Penerimaan Siswa Baru (PSB) yang masih menggunakan buku induk sebagai buku catatan yang berisi daftar nama-nama calon siswa baru yang mendaftar. Hal ini tentu saja memakan waktu yang lama dan mengakibatkan antrian yang panjang. Hal-hal lain yang juga sering ditemui, diantaranya, lambat dalam menulis nilai raport di akhir semester dan sering terjadi kesalahan pada saat penghitungan nilai serta susahnya pengaturan jadwal yang dilakukan wakil kepala sekolah bidang kurikulum di awal semester. Sistem Informasi Sekolah SMK Labor Pekanbaru merupakan Sistem Informasi berbasis web yang dibangun untuk menangani permasalahan-permasalahan diatas, menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL. Dengan menggunakan analisa biaya dan manfaat, dapat dilihat sejauh mana keuntungan dan manfaat yang diterima oleh pihak sekolah, serta dengan menggunakan analisa PIECES dapat melakukan perbandingan antara sistem lama dengan sistem baru. Ada lima modul yang diintegrasikan dalam sistem informasi sekolah ini, diantaranya: modul referensi, modul penjadwalan, modul nilai, modul kesiswaan dan modul PSB. Hasil akhir dari sistem ini, waka kurikulum dapat dengan mudah mengatur dan mencetak jadwal mata pelajaran, siswa dan guru dapat dengan mudah mengontrol nilai, wali kelas dapat dengan cepat dan mudah mencetak nilai raport tanpa harus memikirkan proses penghitungan nilai secara manual, serta para orang tua maupun calon siswa baru tidak akan menunggu terlalu lama dalam proses pendaftaran PSB. Kata kunci : Sekolah, PSB, PIECES, PHP


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    An E-Office system is available at the National Land Agency, which is part of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning and the National Land Agency. It is designed to make office administration easier. However, the use of E-Office is still not optimally used, such as the minutes feature that is underused, errors in sending letters that are sent not as desired, the dashboard display is less attractive and the guide menu cannot be accessed because of a link error. The purpose of this study is to evaluate user satisfaction with the E-Office system and identify its results. The End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) method with six variables (content, accuracy, format, ease of use, timeliness, user satisfaction) was used by researchers to assess user satisfaction with the E-Office system. 37 individuals from the E-Office system user population comprised the sample. The results of the proposed hypothesis test show that the hypothesis is accepted and has a significant effect of 78.9% on user satisfaction

    Analisis Perencanaan Strategi Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi Pada SMK Yamatu Tualang

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    SMK Yamatu Tualang merupakan sekolah yang termasuk dalam kelompok sekolah bisnis dan manajemen serta teknologi dan rekayasa. Dalam menjalankan proses sebagai organisasi yang bergerak dibidang pendidikan SMK Yamatu Tualang memiliki beberapa permasalahan baik dari kondisi internal maupun kondisi eksternal diantaranya 80% sekolah tidak meyediakan sarana untuk penerapan TI dan komunikasi serta sekolah mengalami ketertinggalan dari beberapa sekolah pesaing dalam penerapan SI/TI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat portofolio aplikasi perencanaan strategi sistem dan TI sebagai perencanaan kedepan pada SMK Yamatu Tualang. Perencanaan strategi sistem dan TI ini menggunakan metode Ward and Peppard dan tools yang akan digunakan untuk analisa antara lain menggunakan analisis SWOT, CSF, Porter Five Forces dan Mc Farlan Strategic Grid. Dari hasil analisis dapat dirumuskan portofolio aplikasi perencanaan strategi sistem dan TI yang dibutuhkan SMK Yamatu Tualang yaitu website resmi sekolah, SI akademik, SI kepegawaian, aplikasi E-kurikulum, SI PPDB online, SI alumni dan karir serta SI perpustakaan


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    The Riau Province Tourism Office implements E-Government by building a website as a media public relations. This website is used to provide information on tourist destinations, facilities and news about Riau Province. Previously this website had never been evaluated so that the community's assessment of the quality of the Riau Province Tourism service site was unknown. For this reason, this study aims to analyze the service quality of the Riau Province Tourism Office website based on the perception or point of view of its users, in this case especially the people of Riau Province using the Electronic Government Quality (E-GovQual) and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) methods. To assess the service quality of the Riau Province Tourism Office website using 6 dimensions and 28 E-GovQual attributes. The results of this study show that the total value of the performance score is Likert 3 (good) which is 3.30, the value of importance is 3.27, and the gap between performance and importance is 0.002 or > 0. The results of this study indicate that service performance has met the interests user. Thus the overall performance of the Riau Province Tourism Office website service is good and has fulfilled the interests of users. Furthermore, from the results of the IPA analysis, 7 attributes (EU1, TR1, FIE2, EU2, TR3, CS2, CAI3) are obtained with top priority and 5 attributes (EU3, FIE1, RB3, CA12, TR2) that need to be improved

    Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Using Learning Media During The Covid-19 Period With The Multi-Attribute Utility Theory

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    Learning activities during the Covid-19 pandemic were carried out online with the aim of taking advantage of technological advances using online learning media. All high schools have implemented online learning, one of which is SMAN 1 Bukit Batu. This aims to ensure that the learning process is carried out remotely without having to meet in person. Online learning has advantages and disadvantages that can affect the achievement of learning objectives, especially in theoretical and practical PKOK subjects. So it is necessary to assess learning theory and practice of PJOK to determine the effectiveness of both. Research the use of 6 criteria and compare theoretical and practical PJOK learning models to determine the best model. The method used is Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) with a quantitative approach where data collection is carried out through surveys. There were 193 respondents, namely all 12th grade students of SMAN 1 Bukit Batu as the population in this study. The results of calculations using the MAUT method on the effectiveness of using online learning media during the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in the choice of the Theory subject assessment (0) as the lowest assessment, while the Practice subject (0.32) was the highest assessment. This assessment states that online learning can be said to be effective for practical subjects, while theoretical subjects are more effective if done offlin

    Usability Evaluation of Flip Applications Using Cognitive Walkthrough and Think Aloud Evaluation Method

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    Abstract— The Flip application is a digital financial service that makes it easy for users to transfer between national and international banks without administrative fees, there are also digital wallet services such as purchasing credit, electricity, and others. Creating a good user experience, it takes an evaluation of the usability of the Flip application, to find out the level of user satisfaction and identify problems. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate usability using cognitive walkthrough and think-aloud methods by performing task scenarios and assessments from the user's perspective on the Flip application. The test was carried out on 100 respondents inthe Pekanbaru city area. Based on the test results, the effectiveness rate was 92.3% and the efficiency level was 0.22 goals/sec as well as the satisfaction level based on the method used value which can be seen from the problems caused are not included in the fatal category, and the positive response of respondents regarding the evaluation. This shows that the Flip application is very good but still needs improvement to be used more optimally. Recommendations are given as a reference in developing and improving applications in overcoming problems from the test results. Recommendations are interface improvements including appearance, indication, function, and operation of the Flip application. Keywords— flip application, evaluation, usability, cognitive walkthrough, think aloud


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    ShopeePay is one of the digital wallet and electronic money services offered by the Shopee application. Digital wallets function in facilitating transaction activities because consumers do not need to carry physical money (cash) and transactions are carried out online using a smartphone. Even though it is one of the most popular digital wallets, it turns out that many ShopeePay users complain about the services of this system, starting from data verification that fails repeatedly, balance transfers from ShopeePay to banks, to failed top-ups. From these problems, a user experience evaluation is carried out using the SUS and UEQ methods. The test results of the 2 methods concluded that the SUS method produced a value of 75, meaning that the value was included in the acceptable category with an adjective rating of 'Good' and a grade scale of 'C', while the results of the UEQ method on the attractiveness scale had an 'Above average' value with an average value of 1.58 and 5 other scales showed a 'Good' or good value on the clarity with an average value of 1.78, efficiency with an average value of 1.84, accuracy with an average value of 1.64, stimulation with an average value of 1.58, and novelty with an average value of 1.21. This shows that users give a good view of the ShopeePay digital wallet but it is necessary to increase the attractiveness scale by improving the appearance of the ShopeePay digital wallet. Keywords—UX Evaluation, Digital Wallet, System Usability Scale (SUS), User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ