143 research outputs found

    Antigen-Specific B Cells Reactivate an Effective Cytotoxic T Cell Response against Phagocytosed Salmonella through Cross-Presentation

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    Background: The eradication of facultative intracellular bacterial pathogens, like Salmonella typhi, requires the concerted action of both the humoral immune response and the cytotoxic CD8 + T cell response. Dendritic cells (DCs) are considered to orchestrate the cytotoxic CD8 + T cell response via cross-presentation of bacterial antigens onto MHC class I molecules. Cross-presentation of Salmonella by DCs however, is accompanied by the induction of apoptosis in the DCs. Besides antibody production, B cells are required to clear Salmonella infection for other unknown reasons. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we show that Salmonella-specific B cells that phagocytose Salmonella upon BCRligation reactivate human memory CD8 + T cells via cross-presentation yielding a Salmonella-specific cytotoxic T cell response. The reactivation of CD8 + T cells is dependent on CD4 + T cell help. Unlike the DCs, B cell-mediated crosspresentation of Salmonella does not coincide with apoptosis. Conclusions/Significance: B cells form a new player in the activation of the cytotoxic effector arm of the immune respons

    A new class of exact solutions of the Schrodinger equation

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    The aim of this paper is to find the exact solutions of the Schrodinger equation. As is known, the Schrodinger equation can be reduced to the continuum equation. In this paper, using the non-linear Legendre transform the equation of continuity is linearized. Particular solutions of such a linear equation are found in the paper and an inverse Legendre transform is considered for them with subsequent construction of solutions of the Schrodinger equation. Examples of the classical and quantum systems are considered.Comment: 26 pages, 34 figure

    MAP7 and MUCL1 are biomarkers of Vitamin D3-induced tolerogenic dendritic cells in multiple sclerosis patients

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    The administration of autologous tolerogenic dendritic cells (tolDC) has become a promising alternative for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). Specifically, the use of vitamin D3 for the generation of tolDC (vitD3-tolDC) constitutes one of the most widely studied approaches, as it has evidenced significant immune regulatory properties, both in vitro and in vivo. In this article, we generated human vitD3-tolDC from monocytes from healthy donors and MS patients, characterized in both cases by a semi-mature phenotype, secretion of IL-10 and inhibition of allogeneic lymphocyte proliferation. Additionally, we studied their transcriptomic profile and selected a number of differentially expressed genes compared to control mature and immature dendritic cells for their analysis. Among them, qPCR results validated CYP24A1, MAP7 and MUCL1 genes as biomarkers of vitD3-tolDC in both healthy donors and MS patients. Furthermore, we constructed a network of protein interactions based on the literature, which manifested that MAP7 and MUCL1 genes are both closely connected between them and involved in immune-related functions. In conclusion, this study evidences that MAP7 and MUCL1 constitute robust and potentially functional biomarkers of the generation of vitD3-tolDC, opening the window for their use as quality controls in clinical trials for MS

    Communion by extension : discrepancies between policy and practice

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    The growing practice of Communion by Extension was given formal authorisation by the Church of England General Synod in 2000 with the expectation that it would be used in particular circumstances, including explicitly the rural multi-church benefice. This paper reviews the historical origins of the practice of Communion by Extension and clarifies the intentions of the authorisation given in 2000. Then the intentions of the 2000 authorisation are compared and contrasted with current parochial practice within one English diocese. Considerable divergence is found. Five main themes are identified and discussed: the relationship between worship and mission; the pressures on clerical time; sacramental self-sufficiency; the value given to familiarity; and the choice between reservation and congregationalism

    Oxygen level is a critical regulator of human B cell differentiation and IgG class switch recombination

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    The generation of high-affinity antibodies requires an efficient germinal center (GC) response. As differentiating B cells cycle between GC dark and light zones they encounter different oxygen pressures (pO2). However, it is essentially unknown if and how variations in pO2 affect B cell differentiation, in particular for humans. Using optimized in vitro cultures together with in-depth assessment of B cell phenotype and signaling pathways, we show that oxygen is a critical regulator of human naive B cell differentiation and class switch recombination. Normoxia promotes differentiation into functional antibody secreting cells, while a population of CD27++ B cells was uniquely generated under hypoxia. Moreover, time-dependent transitions between hypoxic and normoxic pO2 during culture - reminiscent of in vivo GC cyclic re-entry - steer different human B cell differentiation trajectories and IgG class switch recombination. Taken together, we identified multiple mechanisms trough which oxygen pressure governs human B cell differentiation

    In vitro-Induced Human IL-10+ B Cells Do Not Show a Subset-Defining Marker Signature and Plastically Co-express IL-10 With Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines

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    Regulatory B cells (Breg) have been described as a specific immunological subsets in several mouse models. Identification of a human counterpart has remained troublesome, because unique plasma membrane markers or a defining transcription factor have not been identified. Consequently, human Bregs are still primarily defined by production of IL-10. In this study, we sought to elucidate if in vitro-induced human IL-10 producing B cells are a dedicated immunological subset. Using deep immune profiling by multicolor flow cytometry and t-SNE analysis, we show that the majority of cells induced to produce IL-10 co-express pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and/or TNFα. No combination of markers can be identified to define human IL-10+TNFα−IL-6− B cells and rather point to a general activated B cell phenotype. Strikingly, upon culture and restimulation, a large proportion of formerly IL-10 producing B cells lose IL-10 expression, showing that induced IL-10 production is not a stable trait. The combined features of an activated B cell phenotype, transient IL-10 expression and lack of subset-defining markers suggests that in vitro-induced IL-10 producing B cells are not a dedicated subset of regulatory B cells

    Clinical use of tolerogenic dendritic cells-harmonization approach in european collaborative effort

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    Altres ajuts: IWT/TBM/140191The number of patients with autoimmune diseases and severe allergies and recipients of transplants increases worldwide. Currently, these patients require lifelong administration of immunomodulatory drugs. Often, these drugs are expensive and show immediate or late-occurring severe side effects. Treatment would be greatly improved by targeting the cause of autoimmunity, that is, loss of tolerance to self-antigens. Accumulating knowledge on immune mechanisms has led to the development of tolerogenic dendritic cells (tolDC), with the specific objective to restrain unwanted immune reactions in the long term. The first clinical trials with tolDC have recently been conducted and more tolDC trials are underway. Although the safety trials have been encouraging, many questions relating to tolDC, for example, cell-manufacturing protocols, administration route, amount and frequency, or mechanism of action, remain to be answered. Aiming to join efforts in translating tolDC and other tolerogenic cellular products (e.g., Tregs and macrophages) to the clinic, a European COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) network has been initiated-A FACTT (action to focus and accelerate cell-based tolerance-inducing therapies). A FACTT aims to minimize overlap and maximize comparison of tolDC approaches through establishment of minimum information models and consensus monitoring parameters, ensuring that progress will be in an efficient, safe, and cost-effective way

    Human B Cells Engage the NCK/PI3K/RAC1 Axis to Internalize Large Particles via the IgM-BCR

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    Growing evidence indicate that large antigen-containing particles induce potent T cell-dependent high-affinity antibody responses. These responses require large particle internalization after recognition by the B cell receptor (BCR) on B cells. However, the molecular mechanisms governing BCR-mediated internalization remain unclear. Here we use a high-throughput quantitative image analysis approach to discriminate between B cell particle binding and internalization. We systematically show, using small molecule inhibitors, that human B cells require a SYK-dependent IgM-BCR signaling transduction via PI3K to efficiently internalize large anti-IgM-coated particles. IgM-BCR-mediated activation of PI3K involves both the adaptor protein NCK and the co-receptor CD19. Interestingly, we here reveal a strong NCK-dependence without profound requirement of the co-receptor CD19 in B cell responses to large particles. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the IgM-BCR/NCK signaling event facilitates RAC1 activation to promote actin cytoskeleton remodeling necessary for particle engulfment. Thus, we establish NCK/PI3K/RAC1 as an attractive IgM-BCR signaling axis for biological intervention to prevent undesired antibody responses to large particles

    Phagocytosis of platelets opsonized with differently glycosylated anti-HLA hIgG1 by monocyte-derived macrophages

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    Immune-mediated platelet refractoriness (PR) remains a significant problem in the setting of platelet transfusion and is predominantly caused by the presence of alloantibodies directed against class I human leukocyte antigens (HLA). Opsonization of donor platelets with these alloantibodies can result in rapid clearance after transfusion via multiple mechanisms, including antibody dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP). Interestingly, not all alloimmunized patients develop PR to unmatched platelet transfusions, suggesting variation in HLA-specific IgG responses between patients. Previously, we observed that the glycosylation profile of anti-HLA antibodies was highly variable between PR patients, especially with respect to Fc galactosylation, sialylation and fucosylation. In the current study, we investigated the effect of different Fc glycosylation patterns, with known effects on complement deposition and FcγR binding, on phagocytosis of opsonized platelets by monocyte-derived human macrophages. We found that the phagocytosis of antibody- and complement-opsonized platelets, by monocyte derived M1 macrophages, was unaffected by these qualitative IgG-glycan differences

    B-cell targeting with anti-CD38 daratumumab:implications for differentiation and memory responses

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    B cell–targeted therapies, such as CD20-targeting mAbs, deplete B cells but do not target the autoantibody-producing plasma cells (PCs). PC-targeting therapies such as daratumumab (anti-CD38) form an attractive approach to treat PC-mediated diseases. CD38 possesses enzymatic and receptor capabilities, which may impact a range of cellular processes including proliferation and differentiation. However, very little is known whether and how CD38 targeting affects B-cell differentiation, in particular for humans beyond cancer settings. Using in-depth in vitro B-cell differentiation assays and signaling pathway analysis, we show that CD38 targeting with daratumumab demonstrated a significant decrease in proliferation, differentiation, and IgG production upon T cell–dependent B-cell stimulation. We found no effect on T-cell activation or proliferation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that daratumumab attenuated the activation of NF-?B in B cells and the transcription of NF-?B–targeted genes. When culturing sorted B-cell subsets with daratumumab, the switched memory B-cell subset was primarily affected. Overall, these in vitro data elucidate novel non-depleting mechanisms by which daratumumab can disturb humoral immune responses. Affecting memory B cells, daratumumab may be used as a therapeutic approach in B cell–mediated diseases other than the currently targeted malignancies
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