15 research outputs found

    Mobile Augmented Reality Application Supporting Building Facades Visualization

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    The use of mobile devices such as smartphones still increases over last years. Smartphone hardware capabilities are comparable with average personal computers. Thanks to the increasing computing power, their application is focused on more and more sophisticated and complex tasks. These includes among others augmented reality (AR) applications, which support precise GNSS localization and use signals from such devices like accelerometer or gyrocsope. They are able to create interactive, immersive real-time visualisation of any kind. The article presents a prototype Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) Application for visualization of the building facades. It allows to support the original look of the building with the additional information from database. Software of this kind, can be used for overviewing, inspecting or work planning carried out on the facade of the building. As a part of the test, a prototype of the MAR application for Android has been prepared. Rest of the solution components have been presented in form of a concept, implementation of which is planned in near future. Basic technical assumptions are already developed, but details may change. The paper mentions also some important AR problems, especially positioning in urban environment and accurate registration of digital objects in the real world

    The Use of Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the Process of Building Models for Cultural Tourism, 3D Web and Augmented/Mixed Reality Applications

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    Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are widely used in low-cost photogrammetry. Even small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) can deliver valuable data for the inventory of inaccessible and dangerous areas or objects. The acquisition of data for 3D object modeling is a complicated, time-consuming, and cost-intensive process. It requires the use of expensive equipment and often manual work as well as professional software. These are major barriers limiting the development of modern tourist platforms that promote local attractions. Information technologies offer new opportunities for the development of the services market, including the development of smart tourism services, as an integral part of the smart city concept. 3D models are an important element of this process as they form the basis for the use of new visualization technologies, such as Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality (VR/MR/AR). 3D modeling provides a new opportunity to use AR/MR technology to present information about objects, virtual tours of the historic buildings, and their promotion. It also creates an opportunity to preserve the architectural heritage and preventive maintenance of buildings. Despite the increasing use of new measuring platforms and computer modeling techniques, the implementation of 3D building models in smart tourism services is still limited, focusing more on the results of scientific projects rather than on the implementation of the new ones. The paper presents an universal methodology for the inventory of historical buildings using low-cost UAVs. It describes the most important aspects related to the process of planning UAV measurement missions and photogrammetric data acquisition. The construction of 3D models and the possibilities of their further use to build smart tourism services based on Web/AR/MR/VR technology was also presented

    Using Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) to Support Safe Navigation on Inland and Coastal Water Zones

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    The aim of this research is to propose a new solution to assist sailors in safe navigation on inland shallow waters by using Augmented and Virtual Reality. Despite continuous progress in the methodology of displaying bathymetric data and 3D models of the bottoms, there is still a lack of solutions promoting these data and their widespread use. Most existing products present navigation content on 2D/3D maps onscreen. Augmented Reality (AR) technology revolutionises the way digital content is displayed. This paper presents the solution for the use of AR on inland and coastal waterways to increase the safety of sailing and other activities on the water (diving, fishing, etc.). The real-time capability of AR in the proposed mobile application also allows other users to be observed on the water in limited visibility and even at night. The architecture and the prototype Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) applications are presented. The required AR, including the preparation methodology supported by the Virtual Reality Geographic Information System (VRGIS), is also shown. The prototype’s performance has been validated in water navigation, specifically for exemplary lakes of Warmia and Mazury in Poland. The performed tests showed the great usefulness of AR in the field of content presentation during the navigation process

    Using the geodetic and hydroacoustic measurements toinvestigate the bathymetric and morphometric parameters ofLake Hancza (Poland)

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    Most of the inland lakes do not have up-to-datebathymetry. However, a significant progress in surveyingtechnologies creates a possibility to quickly and accuratelydescribe the underwater environment. Modern geodeticand global positioning techniques integrated with hydroacousticsystems provide a great opportunity to study thebottom shape with high resolution. Our study presentsa reliable methodology for investigation of bathymetryand morphometric parameters with the use of GNSS positioningtechniques and single beam echosounder. Theresearch was implemented on the deepest, glacial reservoirin the central part of European Depression - LakeHancza. Direct hydroacoustic and geodetic measurementscompleted by sediment study were conducted by the authorsin 2010-2013. After performing a field survey the DigitalElevation Model was constructed and the new bathymetricmap and morphometric card were elaborated. Themaximum depth was confirmed to be 105.55 m. The finalconclusions show that the available bathymetric data andmorphometric parameters of lakes are highly dependenton the research methodology used, the precision and accuracyof measurement techniques, proper water level determination,digital elevation model and bathymetric mapelaboration processes

    Using Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) to Support Safe Navigation on Inland and Coastal Water Zones

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    The aim of this research is to propose a new solution to assist sailors in safe navigation on inland shallow waters by using Augmented and Virtual Reality. Despite continuous progress in the methodology of displaying bathymetric data and 3D models of the bottoms, there is still a lack of solutions promoting these data and their widespread use. Most existing products present navigation content on 2D/3D maps onscreen. Augmented Reality (AR) technology revolutionises the way digital content is displayed. This paper presents the solution for the use of AR on inland and coastal waterways to increase the safety of sailing and other activities on the water (diving, fishing, etc.). The real-time capability of AR in the proposed mobile application also allows other users to be observed on the water in limited visibility and even at night. The architecture and the prototype Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) applications are presented. The required AR, including the preparation methodology supported by the Virtual Reality Geographic Information System (VRGIS), is also shown. The prototype’s performance has been validated in water navigation, specifically for exemplary lakes of Warmia and Mazury in Poland. The performed tests showed the great usefulness of AR in the field of content presentation during the navigation process

    Bathymetric monitoring of alluvial river bottom changes for purposes of stability of water power plant structure with a new methodology for river bottom hazard mapping (Wloclawek, Poland)

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    The aim of this research was to produce a new methodology for a special river bottom hazard mapping for the stability purposes of the biggest Polish water power plant: Wloclawek. During the operation period of the water power plant, an engineering-geological issue in the form of pothole formation on the Wisla River bed in the gravel-sand alluvium was observed. This was caused by increased fluvial erosion resulting from a reduced water level behind the power plant, along with frequent changes in the water flow rates and water levels caused by the varying technological and economic operation needs of the power plant. Data for the research were obtained by way of a 4-year geodetic/bathymetric monitoring of the river bed implemented using integrated GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), RTS (Robotized Total Station) and SBES (Single Beam Echo Sounder) methods. The result is a customized river bottom hazard map which takes into account a high, medium, and low risk levels of the potholes for the water power plant structure. This map was used to redevelop the river bed by filling. The findings show that high hazard is related to 5% of potholes (capacity of 4308 m(3)), medium with 38% of potholes (capacity of 36,455 m(3)), and low hazard with 57% of potholes (capacity of 54,396 m(3)). Since the construction of the dam, changes due to erosion identified by the monitoring have concerned approximately 405,252 m(3)of the bottom, which corresponds to 130 Olympic-size pools. This implies enormous changes, while a possible solution could be the construction of additional cascades on the Wisla River.Web of Science2017art. no. 500

    Jak można zniszczyć ekosystem jeziora miejskiego : zanieczyszczenie osadów dennych dwóch płytkich zbiorników wodnych

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    The research covered two lakes: Karczemne and Domowe Małe, which served as receivers for rainwater and municipal or industrial sewage. The sediment cores were obtained using a Kajak tube sampler. Analyses of HM, PAH and PCB were done by the AAS, ICP-AES and GC MS methods. OM, SiO2, TH, Ca, Mg, CO2, Fe, Al, Mn, TN and TP were measured. The research showed that the sediments of Lake Karczemne, into which the untreated municipal sewage was discharged, are characterized by a high content of P. It was found that the sediments accumulate toxins, OM and pollutants characteristic for various industries. Karczemne Lake which collected municipal and industrial wastewater, contained a high content of Pb, Cu and PAH in the sediments, and Domowe Małe Lake, receiving stormwater, contained high concentrations of PAH. Research has shown that one of the most important tools for selecting an appropriate method of lake restoration is the analysis of the spatial distribution of pollutants in the bottom sediments. Thanks to such an analysis of the composition of the bottom sediments and the correlation between the components of the sediments and their sorption properties, the restoration of the Karczemne Lake using the Ripl method was planned and the possibility of restoration of the Domowe Małe Lake in this way was eliminated.Celem badań była analiza zawartości i rozmieszczenie zanieczyszczeń mineralnych, organicznych i toksycznych w osadach dennych dwóch zdegradowanych jezior miejskich. Badaniami objęto dwa płytkie jeziora: Karczemne i Domowe Małe (Polska). Rdzenie osadów pobrano za pomocą czerpacza rurkowego typu Kajak i podzielono na warstwy o grubości 30 cm. Analizy metali ciężkich, WWA i PCB : wykonano metodami AAS, ICP-AES i GC MS. W próbkach osadów zmierzono zawartość: MO, SiO2, TO, Ca, Mg, CO2, Fe, Al, Mn, TN i TP. Badania wykazały, że osady Jeziora Karczemnego, do którego odprowadzane były nieoczyszczone ścieki komunalne, charakteryzuje bardzo wysoka zawartość P. Ponadto stwierdzono, że w osadach dennych osadzają się toksyny, MO i zanieczyszczenia charakterystyczne dla różnych gałęzi przemysłu. Jezioro Karczemne, które odbierało ścieki z komunalne i przemysłowe, zawierało w osadach dużą zawartość Pb, Cu i WWA, a Domowe Małe, przyjmujące głównie wody opadowe zawierało wysokie stężenia WWA. Badania wykazały, że jednym z najważniejszych narzędzi umożliwiających dobór odpowiedniej metody rekultywacji jezior jest analiza przestrzennego rozkładu zanieczyszczeń w osadach dennych. Dzięki takiej analizie składu osadów i korelacji między komponentami osadów oraz ich właściwości sorpcyjnych zaplanowano rekultywację Jeziora Karczemnego metodą Ripla i wyeliminowano możliwość rekultywacji tym sposobem Jeziora Domowego Małego

    Engineering–geological investigation of the river bottom near a dam’s stabilization threshold based on two different evaluation methodologies

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    The article concerns engineering and geological studies of the river bed near the threshold stabilizing the water flow of the Wloclawek hydroelectric power plant in Poland. We paid attention to the differences in river erosion behind the dam, as one section of the study area was dominated by erosion of potholes and the other by sedimentation of river material. A protective threshold (partly concrete, partly gabion) was built to stabilize the water flow and optimize the hydrological regime near the dam. As a result of the erosion process (behind part of the hydroelectric power plant) and sedimentation (behind part of the weir), this threshold is constantly being destroyed. This threatens uncontrolled changes in water level, instability of water masses and, consequently, constitutes a threat to the stability of the hydrotechnical structure. The principal aim of the study is to propose a new methodology to perform a risk assessment and to indicate how to protect the threshold structure. Initially, geodetic and bathymetric measurements were performed of the river bed, potholes and the threshold. Then the results were analysed, the risks were estimated and two independent risk assessment procedures were proposed. One suggestion concerning the area of potholes was to backfill them to protect the threshold made of concrete slabs. In the second section, there is a sedimentation of the river material around the gabion threshold, which is damaged, especially during flooding. To protect this gabion threshold, a different approach has been taken of modelling the water flow based on digital bottom models (DBMs). An engineering-geological investigation of one river bottom benefited from two types of protection features (a concrete threshold and gabion threshold) using two different methodologies to evaluate hazard and design subsequent protection of the thresholds. The results of our study support the structure's managers in maintaining its safety.Web of Science811art. no. 2