81 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to investigate the conditions of pre-school children’s school buses. Six pre-service senior pre-school teachers interviewed twelve school bus drivers, and then took four bus rides with children from school to home and made observations while on the bus. The researchers identified three themes based on the literature: safety, social and physical environment, and communication with drivers. A content analysis approach was used to analyze the data. The findings of this study revealed that three safety rules—unfastened seat belts, use of the front seat, and use of cell phones while driving the school bus—were broken by the school bus drivers. The general social environment of the buses was positive; no conflict was observed among children during their social interactions with each other. Nevertheless, the physical condition was not as pleasing as the social environment. The buses were dirty, dusty, and had a bad smell due to the lack of fresh air. The communication between children and the drivers was fairly good. Children were eager to talk about their school day to the drivers, and the drivers were willing to listen to them. However, the drivers were not so kind during their private phone calls during the ride.  Article visualizations

    An evaluation of architectural structural diagram of independent kindergartens buildings

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    This study equipped with the purpose of investigating problems originated from architectural structural diagram in independent kindergartens. Fourteen Independent Pre-school principals working in Van- Turkey participated in this study. All of them were asked to draw a sketch showing shortcoming of their schools in terms of architectural structural diagram. They were also asked to suggest amendment on their school’s structural scheme to make school building more efficient to meet young children’s and staffs’ needs. To collect data all of the principals were given A3 size papers. Some of the principals draw their schools’ sketch some of them add their schools’ structural plan and make changes and take notes on those plans. After collecting all sketches document analysis was utilized for the current study. Findings of this study revealed that principals have been experiencing several problems because of structure of school buildings. All of the principals working in star-building type kindergarten declared that this school type is not appropriate for eastern region and it has many drawbacks to efficiently educate young children.  The main themes emerged from this study are heating, access of children with special needs, storage and space problems

    Okul Öncesi Eğitim Öğretmen Adaylarının Gelecekteki Mesleklerine Karşı Algıları

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğine karşı algılarını nitel perspektiften incelemektir. Özellikle, öğretmen adaylarının bu mesleği seçmedeki motivasyonları, mesleki doyumları, kariyerlerine öğretmen olarak devam edip etmeyeceklerison olarak eğitim hayatları boyunca mesleklerine olan tutumlarının nasıl değiştiğini araştırmayı hedeflemiştir. Araştırmaya, ODTÜ Eğitim Fakültesi Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programında eğitim gören toplam 20 öğretmen adayı (18 kadın ve 2 erkek) katılmıştır. İkinci, 4., 6. ve 8. yarıyılda eğitim gören beşer öğrenci gönüllülük esasına göre katılmıştır. Öğretmen adayları ile yapılan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler ses kayıt cihazına kaydedilmiş ardından deşifre edilip nitel veri analizi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın bulguları göstermiştir ki öğretmen adaylarının çoğunluğu öğretmenlik mesleğini kendi kişilik özelliklerine uygun buldukları için seçmişlerdir. Fakat diğerleri için öğretmen olmak hayalini kurdukları bir kariyer değildir ve onları bu seçimi Üniversite Giriş Sınavında elde ettikleri puan zorlamıştır. Öğretmen adaylarından kendi istekleriyle bu bölümü seçenler öğretmenliğin doğal getirilerinden mesleki doyum elde edebilmektedirler. Örneğin çocukların ‘Öğretmenim’ şeklinde hitap etmesi onların mesleki doyun elde etmelerine yetmektedir. Son olarak öğretmen adayları okul öncesi eğitim bölümünde eğitim görmenin onlara çok geniş kariyer olanakları sunacağına inanmaktadırlar

    Numerical investigation of the effect of radial lip seal geometry on sealing performance

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    Sealing elements are often needed in industry and especially in machine design. With the change and development of machine technology from day to day, sealing elements show continuous development and change in parallel with these developments. Many factors influence the performance of the sealing elements such as shaft surface roughness, radial force, lip geometry etc. In addition, the radial lip seals must have a certain pre-load and interference in order to provide a good sealing. This also affects the friction torque. Researchers are developing new seal designs to reduce friction losses in mechanical systems. In the presented study, the effect of the lip seal geometry on sealing performance will be examined numerically. The numerical model created for this purpose will be verified with experimental data firstly. In the numerical model, shaft and seal will be modeled as hyper-elastic in 2D and 3D. NBR (Nitrile Butadiene Rubber) as seal material will be analyzed for the rotating shaft state at constant speed by applying a uniform radial force.Publisher's Versio

    Şüpheli/Doğrulanmış COVID-19 Hastasının Perioperatif Yönetimi

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    In December 2019, several cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology emerged in Wuhan, China, and it spread worldwide, causing great concern. This disease was named Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) by the World Health Organization and declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Secondary transmission mainly occurs through contact with contaminated respiratory droplets or aerosolized virion-containing particles, and the virus is found in all body fluids such as the gastrointestinal tract, blood, saliva, and urine, extending the potential transmission routes, health during treatment, and care of suspected/confirmed COVID-19 patients. It worries that health workers may be widely contaminated. Therefore, it is very important that the surgical team is fully aware of the current situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, determines appropriate strategies against occupational exposure risk, and takes protective measures. Based on this, this review discussed with the aim of presenting a plan for the response of general surgery clinics to the current pandemic crisis and other pandemic events of similar magnitude, examining effective management strategies before, during, and after surgery of suspected/confirmed COVID-19 patients in the light of the literature, and suggesting measures that will help minimize risk.Aralık 2019’da Çin’in Wuhan kentinde etiyolojisi bilinmeyen birkaç pnömoni vakası ortaya çıktı ve dünyanın dört bir yanına yayılarak büyük bir endişeye neden oldu. Bu hastalık Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından koronavirüs hastalığı 2019 (COVID-19) olarak adlandırıldı ve Mart 11, 2020’de pandemi ilan etti. İkincil bulaşmanın esas olarak kontamine solunum damlacıkları veya aerosol haline getirilmiş viryon içeren partiküller ile temas yoluyla gerçekleşmesi ve virüsün gastrointestinal sistem, kan, tükürük ve idrar gibi tüm vücut sıvılarında bulunarak potansiyel bulaşma yollarını genişletmesi, şüpheli/doğrulanmış COVID-19 hastalarının tedavi ve bakımı sırasında sağlık çalışanlarının yaygın olarak kontamine olabileceğini düşündürmektedir. Bu nedenle, cerrahi ekibin COVID-19 pandemisiyle ilgili mevcut durumun tam olarak farkında olması, mesleki maruz kalma riskine karşı uygun stratejileri belirlemesi ve koruyucu önlemleri alması oldukça önemlidir. Buradan yola çıkarak bu derleme, genel cerrahi kliniklerinin mevcut pandemik krize ve benzer büyüklükteki diğer pandemik olaylara vereceği yanıt için bir plan sunmak, şüpheli/doğrulanmış COVID-19 hastalarının ameliyat öncesi, sırası ve sonrası dönemde etkili yönetim stratejilerini literatür ışığında incelemek ve klinik olarak tedavisinde mesleki riski en aza indirmeye yardımcı olacak önlemleri önermek amacıyla ele alındı

    Determining the adaptation of patients to follow-up, medicine, and diet after total thyroidectomy

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    Aim: Thyroid nodules are a common condition. For this reason, surgeons have lots of operation in this area. There are basic rules that patients should follow after this surgery. In this study, It is aimed to determine the adaptation of patients to follow-up, medicine, and diet after a total thyroidectomy. Material and Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 108 patients in the Endocrinology and internal Medicine Clinics at Dr. Sadi Konuk Education and Research Hospital and the Department of Endocrinology. The data were collected using the Patient Assessment Form, the Beliefs About Medication Compliance Scale (BMCS) and the Beliefs about Dietary Compliance Scale (BDCS). Results: The mean age of the patients in the study sample (n=108) 47.03 +/- 10.55 years. The details about the subjects were as follows:50% of them were women, 88.9% were married, 35.2% were graduated from primary school, 36.1% were self-employed, 41.7% were informed about thyroid disease. 34.3% were examined by a physician once in three months, 41.7% thought this frequency of inspections is adequate, 70.4% stated that they will accept to have surgery again if they need any surgery, 41.7% of them used levothyroxine (0.5-1 tb). When the mean scores of the patients in the Beliefs About Medication Compliance Scale (BMCS) and the Beliefs about Dietary Compliance Scale (BDCS) were examined, the highest mean scores were found in the perception of benefit subscale for both scales, 21.14 +/- 2.87 and 23.38 +/- 3.34, respectively. Discussion: It was thought that the perception of benefit and adaptation are positively correlated, it was also thought that informing after the intervention improves the adaptation

    Combining art activities and nature in pre-school education

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    The purpose of this study was to integrate nature and natural materials in art activities in pre-school education setting.  Eight pre-service early childhood teachers taking practicum course participated in this study. Pre-service teachers were encouraged to use nature and natural materials in art activities through ten weeks period. Qualitative data consisted of art activities conducted with natural materials in the practicum course and interviews conducted with pre-service teachers before and after they applied their activities. Findings of the study revealed that pre-service teachers used unusual and engaging material compared to conventional stationary materials generally used in art activities. Pre-service teachers’ art materials included stones, leaves, soil, sand, bones, fruits, animal products and parts but not limited to those materials. Pre-service teachers used these materials in their art activities in two different ways. First, they used these materials as substitutes of stationery materials. For instance, they filled the bird picture with stones and leaves instead of filling with colourful papers, beads and silver. Second use of natural materials fit better to aim of this study since pre-service teachers lead children to create authentic art products with natural materials that they provide to them. Moreover, throughout the course pre-service teachers’ self-confidence to apply nature based art activities developed

    Determination of patient learning needs after thyroidectomy

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    The purpose of this study was to determine discharge learning needs of patients undergoing thyroidectomy. The population of this descriptive study consisted of patients undergoing thyroidectomy in the Endocrine Surgery Unit of a university hospital between February and December 2013. The study included 251 patients who were discharged after thyroidectomy. Data obtained using the data collection form and the Patient Leaning Needs Scale (PLNS) were analyzed by frequency, mean, standard deviation, Kruskal Wallis and student-t tests. The mean age of the patients was 47.91±13.05 and 76.1% were females. The PLNS total mean score was 208.38±34.91, with the maximum score of 39.23±6.80 on the subscale of treatment and complications and the minimum score of 19.45±4.70 on the subscale of feelings related to condition. It was found that the PLNS total score of the patients was not influenced by age, gender, marital status (p>0.05). This study demonstrated that patients had high learning needs after thyroidectomy

    Determining ethical sensitivity of nurses employed in surgical units

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    Amaç: Cerrahi birimlerde çalışan hemşirelerin etik ikilemlere karşı duyarlılık düzeylerinin belirlenmesidir. Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı türde yapılan bu araştırma, 22 Aralık 2013-15 Ocak 2014 tarihleri arasında çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 90 hemşire ile yürütüldü. Veriler, bireysel özellikler formu ile Ahlaki Duyarlılık Anketi kullanılarak toplandı. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler ile Mann Whitney U ve Kruskal-Wallis testi kullanıldı. Bulgular: Cerrahi hemşirelerinin Ahlaki Duyarlılık Anketi toplam puan ortalamasının 89.77±19.43 olduğu; otonomi alt boyut puan ortalamasının 18.35±5.51, çatışma alt boyut puan ortalamasının 13.96±2.97, yarar sağlama alt boyut puan ortalamasının 12.92±3.95, uygulama alt boyut puan ortalamasının 12.34±3.94, bütüncül yaklaşım alt boyut puan ortalamasının 12.00±4.88 ve oryantasyon alt boyut puan ortalamasının 8.13±3.88 olduğu saptandı. Hemşirelerin çalışma süreleri ile bütüncül yaklaşım ve oryantasyon alt boyut puan ortalamaları arasındaki farkın anlamlı olduğu saptandı (p<0.05). Mesleki derneklere üye olma durumu ile Ahlaki Duyarlılık Anketi toplam ve alt boyut puan ortalamaları karşılaştırıldığında; otonomi, bütüncül yaklaşım ve oryantasyon alt boyut puan ortalamaları arasındaki farkın anlamlı olduğu bulundu (p<0.05). Sonuç: Cerrahi birimlerinde çalışan hemşirelerin orta düzey etik duyarlılığa sahip olduğu saptandı. Hemşirelerin etik sorunları tanıma ve çözüm sağlamada mezuniyet öncesi eğitim programlarının güçlendirilmesi, mezuniyet sonrası sürekli eğitim programlarının ise hemşirelerin yaş grupları ve deneyim süresi göz önüne alınarak planlanması, önerilebilir.Aim: It is the determination of sensitivity levels of the nurses employed in surgical units to ethical dilemmas. Method: This descriptive study was conducted with 90 nurses who acknowledged to participate in the study between December 22 2013 and January 15 2014. Data was gathered using the Individual Characteristics form and the Moral Sensitivity Survey form. Descriptive statistics, Mann Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used in the data analysis. Results: It was found that total mean score of Moral Sensitivity Survey of the surgical nurses was 89.77±19.43; the subscale mean score of autonomy was 18.35±5.51, subscale mean score of conflict was 13.96±2.97, subscale mean score of benefitting was 12.92±3.95, subscale mean score of implementation was 12.34±3.94, subscale mean score of holistic approach was 12.00±4.88 subscale mean score of orientation was 8.13±3.88. It was found that there was a statistically significant difference between the employment period of the nurses and the subscale mean scores of holistic approach and orientation (p<0.05). When compared the status of being member of professional associations with the total score of the Moral Sensitivity Survey and subscale mean scores, the difference between the subscale mean scores of autonomy, holistic approach and orientation was significant in statistical manner (p<0.05). Conclusion: It was found that the nurses employed in the surgical units have a moderate ethical sensitivity. It can be suggested to strengthen the pre-graduation education programs and to plan the postgraduation continuous education programs by taking into account the age groups and years of experience of nurses in recognizing the ethical problems and in providing solution

    When less expected problems become critical: first-year teaching in early childhood classes

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    WOS:000777969400001The aim of this study was to explore preservice early childhood education (ECE) teachers' expectations and concerns before they started their careers and the challenges they faced in the first year. Sixteen preservice ECE teachers from the same teacher education programme in Turkey were interviewed about their expectations for their first year before their graduation. Then, they were interviewed at the end of the first and the second semesters about their experiences and difficulties of teaching in public schools, and the positive aspects of their work. Although participants were aware of many difficulties in public schools, some of the challenges they faced in disadvantaged school settings, such as infrastructural inadequacies, non-curricular tasks, and material shortages, were beyond their initial anticipation and not in line with their teacher education programme experiences. Teacher education programmes should provide pre-service teachers with experiences in disadvantaged school settings to be better prepared