24 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the nutritional status of infants from mothers tested positive to HIV/AIDS in the health district of Dschang, Cameroon

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    INTRODUCTION: Poor infant feeding practices are common in Africa, resulting in physical and intellectual developmental impairments. Good feeding practices are crucial, especially in the first year of growth. HIV/AIDS has worsened the clinical and nutritional status of both mothers and their children, exacerbating high rates of malnutrition. The aim of this study was to assess by participative approach, the nutritional status of infants from mothers tested positive to HIV in the health district of Dschang. METHODS: This is a cross sectional study with a period of recruitment of 2 years (2010-2012). Data Collection was done by the aim of a personal slip followed by training to strengthen the nutritional and hygienic capacity of targeted parents. Height and weight of infants were measured and body mass index (BMI) calculated. RESULTS: Significant difference (p ≀ 0.05) was noticed in height-for-age z-score (HAZ) of girls aged between 1 to 2 years compared to 1-year old girls as well as to boys of all ages, defining them as stunted. Furthermore, the weight-for-age z-score (WAZ) results indicate that both girls and boys of all age are in moderate state of malnutrition. The results of BMI thinness classified according to gender and age groups, indicates that most infants (68/130, 52.3%) showed grade 2 thinness predominantly in 2-years old both boys and girls. However, no participants fall within the normal category for age and sex, as well as overweight and obesity categories. CONCLUSION: Undernutrition exists among infants from mothers tested positive to HIV residing in Dschang, as most of the infants are underweight, and malnourished

    Pollution bactĂ©riologique des puits d’eau utilisĂ©s par les populations dans la CommunautĂ© Urbaine de Douala - Cameroun

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    Une Ă©tude bactĂ©riologique a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur 588 Ă©chantillons d’eau prĂ©levĂ©s dans 49 puits de 7 quartiers de la ville de Douala. Les quartiers ont Ă©tĂ© choisis suivant la typologie de l’habitat. Les analyses des coliformes ont Ă©tĂ© faites suivant la technique par inclusion en une couche, et celle des streptocoques par ensemencement dans les tubes Ă  vis avec bouillon de Rothe. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que ces eaux abritent de nombreuses bactĂ©ries pathogĂšnes, coliformes fĂ©caux et streptocoques fĂ©caux. Leurs densitĂ©s subissent d’importantes fluctuations spatiales et temporelles, et varient entre 200 et 29*105 UFC/100 ml pour les coliformes totaux et entre 30 et 44*103 UFC/100 ml pour les coliformes fĂ©caux ; les streptocoques fĂ©caux sont le plus souvent prĂ©sents. Les facteurs de variation sont l’environnement du puits, l’entretien, le niveau de la nappe dans le puits, la situation gĂ©ographique. Les puits les plus contaminĂ©s sont ceux qui sont situĂ©s Ă  moins de 5 m des sources de pollution telles que les latrines Ă  fond perdu, les dĂ©pĂŽts sauvages des ordures mĂ©nagĂšres, l’absence ou le traitement rĂ©gulier de l’eau, le niveau superficiel de l’eau dans le puits. Les puits amĂ©nagĂ©s, c'est-Ă -dire munis d’un couvercle bien utilisĂ© et d’une margelle en bĂ©ton, avec une profondeur d’au moins 4 m, situĂ©s au moins Ă  15 m en amont d’une quelconque source de pollution et dont le traitement est rĂ©gulier, prĂ©sentent tous une eau de qualitĂ© beaucoup amĂ©liorĂ©e ; les contaminations fĂ©cales y baissent d’au moins 1000 unitĂ©s. Les points d’eau non amĂ©nagĂ©s sont trĂšs nombreux et les fortes densitĂ©s de germes dans ces eaux montrent de grands risques sanitaires Ă  court terme pour les consommateurs.© 2009 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s: Zone urbaine pauvre, coliformes totaux, coliformes fĂ©caux, streptocoques fĂ©caux, eaux de puits

    Champignons pathogÚnes associés aux semences de Pericopsis elata et effet des substrats sur la germination, la croissance et l'infection des plantules au Cameroun

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    RĂ©sumĂ© L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’identifier les champignons associĂ©s aux semences chez Pericopsis elata et de tester l’effet des substrats sur la germination, la croissance et l’infection des plantules. Ainsi, des Ă©chantillons de semences ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©s Ă  partir des gousses dans les localitĂ©s de Mindourou et de Bidou puis, emportĂ©s dans le Laboratoire de Phytopathologie de l’UniversitĂ© de Dschang pour l’isolement et l’identification des champignons Ă  partir des techniques classiques reconnues. ParallĂšlement, quatre substrats de germination constituĂ©s de la terre rouge forestiĂšre, du terreau noir, du mĂ©lange terre rouge forestiĂšre + sable et du mĂ©lange terre rouge forestiĂšre + fiente de poule ont Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©s pour Ă©valuer l’aptitude des plantules Ă  y croitre dans la zone forestiĂšre de Mindourou. L’étude montre que les semences de P. elata sont colonisĂ©es par divers champignons d’importance phytopathologique dont les espĂšces les plus frĂ©quemment isolĂ©es sont : Rhizoctonia solani (21,13%), Cercospora sp (17,60%), Aspergillus niger (12, 67%), Aspergillus flavus (9, 15%), Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (9, 15%) et Fusarium sp (8, 45%). Le substrat sable + terre rouge forestiĂšre Ă  la proportion 3:1 a donnĂ© le taux de germination le plus Ă©levĂ© (72%), 16 jours aprĂšs semis et le taux d’infection des semences le plus bas significativement semblable au substrat terre rouge forestiĂšre (P˂0,05). La hauteur des plantules a Ă©tĂ© la plus Ă©levĂ©e dans le substrat terre rouge +fiente de poule Ă  la proportion 3:1 et a atteint 26 cm, 12 semaines aprĂšs semis. Le taux d’infection des plantules a Ă©tĂ© le plus faible dans le substrat terre rouge forestiĂšre (2,8%). L’étude montre que le substrat terre rouge forestiĂšre est appropriĂ© pour la croissance des plantules. Les champignons des semences constituent l’une des contraintes majeures de germination des semences de P. elata dans les forĂȘts de production au Cameroun ; certains poursuivraient leur dĂ©veloppement sur les plantules et entraĂźneraient diverses maladies foliaires et caulinaires responsables de la mort des plantules

    Evaluation of the nutritional status of infants from mothers tested positive to HIV/AIDS in the health district of Dschang, Cameroon

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    ntroduction: Poor infant feeding practices are common in Africa, resulting in physical and intellectual developmental impairments. Good feeding practices are crucial, especially in the first year of growth. HIV/AIDS has worsened the clinical and nutritional status of both mothers and their children, exacerbating high rates of malnutrition. The aim of this study was to assess by participative approach, the nutritional status of infants from mothers tested positive to HIV in the health district of Dschang. Methods: This is a cross sectional study with a period of recruitment of 2 years (2010-2012). Data Collection was done by the aim of a personal slip followed by training to strengthen the nutritional and hygienic capacity of targeted parents. Height and weight of infants were measured and body mass index (BMI) calculated. Results: Significant difference (p ≀ 0.05) was noticed in height-for-age z-score (HAZ) of girls aged between 1 to 2 years compared to 1-year old girls as well as to boys of all ages, defining them as stunted. Furthermore, the weight-for-age z-score (WAZ) results indicate that both girls and boys of all age are in moderate state of malnutrition. The results of BMI thinness classified according to gender and age groups, indicates that most infants (68/130, 52.3%) showed grade 2 thinness predominantly in 2-years old both boys and girls. However, no participants fall within the normal category for age and sex, as well as overweight and obesity categories. Conclusion: Undernutrition exists among infants from mothers tested positive to HIV residing in Dschang, as most of the infants are underweight, and malnourished. © Sanou Sobze Martin et al.Introduction: Poor infant feeding practices are common in Africa, resulting in physical and intellectual developmental impairments. Good feeding practices are crucial, especially in the first year of growth. HIV/AIDS has worsened the clinical and nutritional status of both mothers and their children, exacerbating high rates of malnutrition. The aim of this study was to assess by participative approach, the nutritional status of infants from mothers tested positive to HIV in the health district of Dschang. Methods: This is a cross sectional study with a period of recruitment of 2 years (2010-2012). Data Collection was done by the aim of a personal slip followed by training to strengthen the nutritional and hygienic capacity of targeted parents. Height and weight of infants were measured and body mass index (BMI) calculated. Results: Significant difference (p ≀ 0.05) was noticed in height-for-age z-score (HAZ) of girls aged between 1 to 2 years compared to 1-year old girls as we