11 research outputs found

    Comportement des dromadaires sur patures Sahelien et Subhumide au Mali : 2. Especes vegetales et quantites de fourrage ingerees

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    Trois expĂ©riences ont Ă©tĂ© conduites entre 2014 et 2015 sur 12 dromadaires mâles adultes Ă  Niono et 12 Ă  Sotuba pour identifier les espèces broutĂ©es et la quantitĂ© de matière sèche ingĂ©rĂ©e correspondante en zones sahĂ©lienne et subhumide. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es par suivi quotidien de 4 dromadaires porteurs de sac de collecte de fèces choisis au hasard, conduits avec le reste du troupeau durant 12 jours. A Niono, 32 espèces vĂ©gĂ©tales ont Ă©tĂ© broutĂ©es et 71 espèces Ă  Sotuba. A Niono, les espèces les plus broutĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© Acacia seyal (19 %), Acacia senegal 14,8%), Balanites aegyptiaca (12,6 %) pour les ligneux et Zornia glochidiata (12,6 %) et Schoenefeldia gracilis (6,1 %) pour les graminĂ©es. A Sotuba, ce sont Ziziphus mauritiana (14,9 %), Vitellaria paradoxum (10,5 %) et les graminĂ©es Cassia tora (7,4 %) et Hiptis suaveolens (6,2 %). Dans le menu figuraient les feuilles, les rameaux, les fleurs et les fruits des espèces vĂ©gĂ©tales consommĂ©es. Le taux moyen de protĂ©ines de l’ingĂ©rĂ© a Ă©tĂ© de 13,3 % Ă  Niono contre 8,7 % Ă  Sotuba. La digestibilitĂ© de la matière sèche a Ă©tĂ© de 47,9 % Ă  Niono contre 41,2 % Ă  Sotuba. La teneur en protĂ©ines digestibles a Ă©tĂ© de 66,8 ± 0,8 g/kg MS Ă  Niono contre 62,0 ± 0,7 g/kg MS Ă  Sotuba. La quantitĂ© de matière sèche ingĂ©rĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© de 5,6 ± 0,2 kg Ă  Niono et 5,1 ± kg Ă  Sotuba. La connaissance de ces informations permettra de mieux organiser la complĂ©mentation alimentaire des dromadaires afin d’optimiser  leurs productions en zones sahĂ©lienne et subhumide du Mali. Mots clĂ©s : dromadaires, ingestion pâturage, sahel, subhumide, Mali English Title: Dromedary behaviour on Sahelian and subhumid pasture of Mali: 2. Plant species and feed intake Three experiments were conducted on 30 adult male camels to identify species grazed and the amount of dry matter ingested in the Sahelian (Niono) and sub-humid (Sotuba), zones during the rainy, cold dry and hot dry, seasons. Data were collected by monitoring 4 camels carrying faeces collection bags conducted with the rest of the herd. In Niono, 32 plant species were grazed and 71 species in Sotuba. The menu included leaves, twigs, flowers and fruits of consumed plant species. The average protein level of ingest was 13.3% in Niono and 8.7% in Sotuba. The digestibility of the material was 47.9% in Niono and 41.2% in Sotuba. The digestible protein content was 66.8 ± 0.8 g / kg of dry matter (DM) at Niono and 62.0 ± 0.7 g / kg DM at Sotuba. The amount of dry matter ingested was 5.6 ± 0.2 kg at Niono and 5.1 ± kg at Sotuba. Knowledge of this information is a key element to better organize animal feed supplementation in order to optimize camel production in the sahelian and sub-humid zones of Mali. Keywords: camels, grazing ingestion, Sahel, subhumid, Mal

    Gambaran anatomi dan histologi oesofagus dan proventrikulus pada ayam hutan merah (Gallus gallus) asal Pulau Timor

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    This research aims to describe Macroscopic and microscopic oesophagus and proventriculus the red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus) from the island of Timor. The main material used in this study a piece of tissue 6 pieces esophagus and proventriculus. Chicken killed by create air embolism into the heart using a spuit through the chest cavity, continue taken organ oesophagus and proventriculus to perform microscopic. further cuts and fixation of tissue samples. Tissue that have fixed taken for preparation of histology. The results showed that esophagus divided into cranial, medial and caudal. with a total rerata length 13,3 ± 3,74 cm, weight 5,2 ± 0,21 g, diameter cranial 0,3 ± 0,0 mm, diameter medial 0,1 ± 0,0 mm and diameter caudal 0,2 ± 0,0 mm. Esophageal mucosa covered by epitelium squamosum compleks not keratinized, and consists of lamina propria and muscularis mucosa. Esophageal gland-type mucus, found in abundance distribution along the esophageal mucosa. Submucosal startum consisting of loose connective tissue. The external muscular startum consisting of the inner circular smooth muscle and longitudinal smooth muscle on the outside. and adventitia layer composed of blood vessels and loose connective tissue. Proventrikulus has a total rerata length of 2,5 ± 0,0 cm, weighs 1,6 ± 0,1 g and a diameter of 0,7 ± 0,0 mm. Startum consisting of lamina epithelialis mucosa, lamina propria, and muscularis mucosa. Submucosal startum in the form of connective tissue. Tunica muscularis satrum composed by smooth muscle. Serous tunica startum consists of loose connective tissue and mesotheliu


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    Ayam hutan merah merupakan salah satu satwa endemik di Pulau Timor yang telah mengalami penurunan populasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur histologi dan distribusi karbohidrat netral pada esofagus dan proventrikulus ayam hutan merah (Gallus gallus). Bahan utama penelitian ini berupa potongan tiga sampel jaringan esofagus dan proventrikulus. Ayam dimatikan dengan dislokasi servikal untuk mengambil organ esofagus dan proventrikulus yang difiksasi dalam formalin 10%. Struktur histomorfologi organ diidentifikasi dengan pewarnaan hematoksilin-eosin (HE) dan distribusi karbohidrat netral dengan pewarnaan Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan struktur histomorfologi esofagus terdiri empat lapisan yaitu tunika mukosa, tunika submukosa, tunika muskularis, dan tunika adventisia. Struktur histomorfologi pada proventrikulus terdiri empat lapisan, yaitu tunika mukosa, tunika submukosa, tunika muskularis, dan tunika serosa. Distribusi karbohidrat netral pada kelenjar esofagus menunjukkan reaksi positif kuat sedangkan lamina epitel serta jaringan ikat longgar di lamina propria dengan reaksi positif lemah, dan pada proventrikulus terlihat reaksi positif kuat pada sel-sel yang melapisi epitel dan rongga kelenjar tubular sederhana. Kata kunci: Ayam Hutan Merah, Esofagus, Proventrikulus, Karbohidrat netral

    Growth performance traits of broilers exposed to crude oil flame emissions

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    This study was a simulation of what obtains in the petroleum producing areas, where gas flaring and oil spill pollution effects are felt. The experimental design was a 2-factor factorial in a completely randomized design (CRD), with factor A as distances from the crude petroleum flame and factor B as the age of the birds in weeks. One hundred and eighty (180) Anak day-old broiler chicks were used in the study with 4 treatments of 45 birds per treatment, replicated thrice at 15 birds per replicate. A control was located in another poultry house outside the flame area. The crude oil was ignited in a metal burner, 22.86cm high with a diameter of 17.8cm and a thickness of 1.17cm designed for the purpose. Crude oil burning was from 6am to 10pm daily throughout the experimental period. Ambient temperature and relative humidity readings were recorded thrice daily (morning, afternoon and evening). The birds were fed ad libitum on a proprietory starter mash for 5 weeks, and a broiler finisher mash from for 3 weeks. Water was provided adlibitum. Routine inoculations and other medications were administered as and when due. The microclimatological experimental environment showed a generally lower light intensity, lower ambient temperature and high relative humidity. The values obtained in this study at an averaging time of 60 minutes (at 10 minutes interval) are higher than those stipulated by FEPA. There were no significant differences (p>0.05) in the effect of the treatments on the birds. Age of birds had highly significant (

    Crop ontology: integration of standard variables

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    The Crop Ontology (CO, http://www.cropontology.org/) is a resource of the Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP, http://integratedbreeding.net/) providing breeders with crop specific terms for fieldbook edition and data annotation. Until Mai 2015, a plant phenotype was annotated with 3 CO identifiers for the trait, the method and the scale, respectively. Yet, breeders’ fieldbook and most phenotypic databases are designed to annotate a datapoint with only one identifier. To meet the need of providing one single identifier to an observation variable, the CO and IBP teams have worked on integrating the notion of variable into the CO. This has led to a thorough revision of the structure of the Trait Dictionary (TD) template. The TD template is a user-friendly xls file that is used to submit terms to CO which are then stored in the IBP Breeding Management System and other information systems (NextGen, Agtrials…). The most notable changes to the TD template are the addition of the term type “variable” and the decomposition of a trait into an entity and an attribute so as to formalize the trait definition and to foster the mapping with external ontologies (TO, PO, PATO, CHEBI, EO, PDO, GO…). Guidelines document how to post-compose variables. Along with the partners, the CO and IBP team have been working on formatting and curating the TD of pigeonpea (ICRISAT), cowpea (IITA), wheat (CIMMYT), groundnut (ICRISAT/USDA), yam (IITA), chickpea (ICRISAT), lentil (ICARDA), cassava (IITA), soybean (IITA/USDA), common bean (CIAT), rice (IRRI), pearl millet (ICRISAT), sorghum (CIRAD/ICRISAT), and maize (CIMMYT)