26 research outputs found

    Ebola Response in Liberia; Field Experiences, Challenges and Lessons Learnt during the Response

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    Abstract The 2014-2015 Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreaks which began in Guinea and later spread to Liberia, Sierra Leona and other countries have been responsible for a number of infections and deaths among the communities including health workers. The natural host of the EVD virus has not been identified even when scientific evidence points to bats as the natural reservoirs to similar strains of EVD virus. EVD male survivors have also been identified as a potential source of infection among the populations. 89 dividual counseling sessions led by community leaders enabled building community trust to refer cases for treatment. The EVD survivors distributed in different parts of the country are potential sources of new EVD infections. This will require strengthening early warning systems and response capacity at all levels

    Ultrasound in managing extrapulmonary tuberculosis: a randomized controlled two-center study

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    Patients with clinically suspected tuberculosis are often treated empirically, as diagnosis - especially of extrapulmonary tuberculosis - remains challenging. This leads to an overtreatment of tuberculosis and to underdiagnosis of possible differential diagnoses.; This open-label, parallel-group, superiority randomized controlled trial is done in a rural and an urban center in Tanzania. HIV-positive and -negative adults (≥18 years) with clinically suspected extrapulmonary tuberculosis are randomized in a 1:1 ratio to an intervention- or control group, stratified by center and HIV status. The intervention consists of a management algorithm including extended focused assessment of sonography for HIV and tuberculosis (eFASH) in combination with chest X-ray and microbiological tests. Treatment with anti-tuberculosis drugs is started, if eFASH is positive, chest X-ray suggests tuberculosis, or a microbiological result is positive for tuberculosis. Patients in the control group are managed according national guidelines. Treatment is started if microbiology is positive or empirically according to the treating physician. The primary outcome is the proportion of correctly managed patients at 6 months (i.e patients who were treated with anti-tuberculosis treatment and had definite or probable tuberculosis, and patients who were not treated with anti-tuberculosis treatment and did not have tuberculosis). Secondary outcomes are the proportion of symptom-free patients at two and 6 months, and time to death. The sample size is 650 patients.; This study will determine, whether ultrasound in combination with other tests can increase the proportion of correctly managed patients with clinically suspected extrapulmonary tuberculosis, thus reducing overtreatment with anti-tuberculosis drugs.; PACTR, Registration number: PACTR201712002829221, registered December 1st 2017

    Diagnoses made in an emergency department in rural sub-Saharan Africa

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    Information on diagnoses made in emergency departments situated in rural sub-Saharan Africa is scarce. The aim was: to evaluate the frequency of different diagnoses made in a new emergency department to define relevant healthcare requirements; and to find out if in-hospital mortality rates would decrease after the implementation of the emergency department.; In this observational study, we prospectively collated diagnoses of all patients presenting to the emergency department of the St Francis Referral Hospital in Ifakara, Tanzania during 1 year. In addition, we compared in-hospital mortality rates before and after the implementation of the emergency department.; From July 2016 through to June 2017, a total of 35,903 patients were included. The median age was 33.6 years (range 1 day to 100 years), 57% were female, 25% were children <5 years, 4% were pregnant and 9% were hospitalised. The most common diagnoses were respiratory tract infection (12.6%), urinary tract infection (11.4%), trauma (9.8%), undifferentiated febrile illness (5.4%), and malaria (5.2%). The most common clinical diagnoses per age group were: lower respiratory tract infection (16.1%) in children <5 years old; trauma (21.6%) in 5- to 17-year-olds; urinary tract infection (13.5%) in 18- to 50-year-olds; and hypertensive emergency (12.4%) in >50-year-olds. Respiratory tract infections peaked in April during the rainy season, whereas malaria peaked 3 months after the rainy season. In-hospital mortality rates did not decrease during the study period (5.6% in 2015 vs 7.6% in 2017).; The majority of diagnosed disorders were of infectious or traumatic origin. The majority of febrile illnesses were poorly defined because of the lack of diagnostic methods. Trauma systems and inexpensive accurate diagnostic methods for febrile illnesses are needed in rural sub-Saharan Africa

    Prospective study on severe malaria among in-patients at Bombo regional hospital, Tanga, north-eastern Tanzania

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    In Tanzania, malaria is the major cause of morbidity and mortality, accounting for about 30% of all hospital admissions and around 15% of all hospital deaths. Severe anaemia and cerebral malaria are the two main causes of death due to malaria in Tanga, Tanzania. This was a prospective observational hospital-based study conducted from October 2004 to September 2005. Consent was sought from study participants or guardians in the wards. Finger prick blood was collected from each individual for thick and thin smears, blood sugar levels and haemoglobin estimations by Haemocue machine after admission. A total of 494 patients were clinically diagnosed and admitted as cases of severe malaria. Majority of them (55.3%) were children below the age of 5 years. Only 285 out of the total 494 (57.7%) patients had positive blood smears for malaria parasites. Adults aged 20 years and above had the highest rate of cases with fever and blood smear negative for malaria parasites. Commonest clinical manifestations of severe malaria were cerebral malaria (47.3%) and severe anaemia (14.6%), particularly in the under-fives. Case fatality was 3.2% and majority of the deaths occurred in the under-fives and adults aged 20 years and above with negative blood smears. Proper laboratory diagnosis is crucial for case management and reliable data collection. The non-specific nature of malaria symptomatologies limits the use of clinical diagnosis and the IMCI strategy. Strengthening of laboratory investigations to guide case management is recommended

    Increasing cataract surgery to meet Vision 2020 targets; experience from two rural programmes in east Africa

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    Background: The numbers of cataract surgeries done in sub-Saharan Africa fall short of Vision 2020 targets. Over a few years, two programmes in rural east Africa both achieved significant increases in the number of cataract surgeries they provide, resulting in cataract surgical rates of 1583 for Kwale District in Kenya and 1165 for Kilimanjaro Region in Tanzania. Key components of success in these two programmes are described. Methods: Data were collected on standard indicators and key personnel interviewed to describe the results and compare the methods employed to increase cataract surgical rates by the Kwale District Eye Centre programme and the Kilimanjaro regional Vision 2020 programme. Results: Key components of success shared by the programmes included: (1) programmes in the community and at the hospital are closely linked so that they increase capacity together; (2) community programmes are “patient friendly,” providing service in one stop; (3) the examination team includes eye workers with enough skill to provide treatment and decide who is operable so that patients are not transported needlessly or sent through a lengthy referral chain; (4) sites for visits in the community are selected according to population distribution and they are visited according to a regular schedule. Conclusion: The development of “bridging strategies” that create a strong link between hospitals providing clinical service and communities needing these services is a key component to realising Vision 2020 goals in sub-Saharan Africa

    Clinical relevance of low-density Plasmodium falciparum parasitemia in untreated febrile children: A cohort study.

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    Low-density (LD) Plasmodium infections are missed by standard malaria rapid diagnostic tests (standard mRDT) when the blood antigen concentration is below the detection threshold. The clinical impact of these LD infections is unknown. This study investigates the clinical presentation and outcome of untreated febrile children with LD infections attending primary care facilities in a moderately endemic area of Tanzania. This cohort study includes 2,801 febrile pediatric outpatients (median age 13.5 months [range 2-59], female:male ratio 0.8:1.0) recruited in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania between 01 December 2014 and 28 February 2016. Treatment decisions were guided by a clinical decision support algorithm run on a mobile app, which also collected clinical data. Only standard mRDT+ cases received antimalarials. Outcomes (clinical failure, secondary hospitalization, and death) were collected in follow-up visits or interviews on days 3, 7, and 28. After patient recruitment had ended, frozen blood from all 2,801 patients was tested for Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) by ultrasensitive-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), standard mRDT, and "ultrasensitive" mRDT. As the latter did not improve sensitivity beyond standard mRDT, it is hereafter excluded. Clinical features and outcomes in LD patients (standard mRDT-/ultrasensitive-qPCR+, not given antimalarials) were compared with those with no detectable (ND) parasitemia (standard mRDT-/ultrasensitive-qPCR-) or high-density (HD) infections (standard mRDT+/ultrasensitive-qPCR+, antimalarial-treated). Pf positivity rate was 7.1% (n = 199/2,801) and 9.8% (n = 274/2,801) by standard mRDT and ultrasensitive qPCR, respectively. Thus, 28.0% (n = 76/274) of ultrasensitive qPCR+ cases were not detected by standard mRDT and labeled "LD". LD patients were, on average, 10.6 months younger than those with HD infections (95% CI 7.0-14.3 months, p < 0.001). Compared with ND, LD patients more frequently had the diagnosis of undifferentiated fever of presumed viral origin (risk ratio [RR] = 2.0, 95% CI 1.3-3.1, p = 0.003) and were more often suffering from severe malnutrition (RR = 3.2, 95% CI 1.1-7.5, p = 0.03). Despite not receiving antimalarials, outcomes for the LD group did not differ from ND regarding clinical failures (2.6% [n = 2/76] versus 4.0% [n = 101/2,527], RR = 0.7, 95% CI 0.2-3.5, p = 0.7) or secondary hospitalizations (2.6% [n = 2/76] versus 2.8% [n = 72/2,527], RR = 0.7,95% CI 0.2-3.2, p = 0.9), and no deaths were reported in any Pf-positive groups. HD patients experienced more secondary hospitalizations (10.1% [n = 20/198], RR = 0.3, 95% CI 0.1-1.0, p = 0.005) than LD patients. All the patients in this cohort were febrile children; thus, the association between parasitemia and fever cannot be investigated, nor can the conclusions be extrapolated to neonates and adults. During a 28-day follow-up period, we did not find evidence of a difference in negative outcomes between febrile children with untreated LD Pf parasitemia and those without Pf parasitemia. These findings suggest LD parasitemia may either be a self-resolving fever or an incidental finding in children with other infections, including those of viral origin. These findings do not support a clinical benefit nor additional risk (e.g. because of missed bacterial infections) to using ultrasensitive malaria diagnostics at a primary care level

    Safety and Efficacy of C-reactive Protein-guided Antibiotic Use to Treat Acute Respiratory Infections in Tanzanian Children: A Planned Subgroup Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Noninferiority Trial Evaluating a Novel Electronic Clinical Decision Algorithm (ePOCT).

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    The safety and efficacy of using C-reactive protein (CRP) to decide on antibiotic prescription among febrile children at risk of pneumonia has not been tested. This was a randomized (1:1) controlled noninferiority trial in 9 primary care centers in Tanzania (substudy of the ePOCT trial evaluating a novel electronic decision algorithm). Children aged 2-59 months with fever and cough and without life-threatening conditions received an antibiotic based on a CRP-informed strategy (combination of CRP ≥80 mg/L plus age/temperature-corrected tachypnea and/or chest indrawing) or current World Health Organization standard (respiratory rate ≥50 breaths/minute). The primary outcome was clinical failure by day (D) 7; the secondary outcomes were antibiotic prescription at D0, secondary hospitalization, or death by D30. A total of 1726 children were included (intervention: 868, control: 858; 0.7% lost to follow-up). The proportion of clinical failure by D7 was 2.9% (25/865) in the intervention arm vs 4.8% (41/854) in the control arm (risk difference, -1.9% [95% confidence interval {CI}, -3.7% to -.1%]; risk ratio [RR], 0.60 [95% CI, .37-.98]). Twenty of 865 (2.3%) children in the intervention arm vs 345 of 854 (40.4%) in the control arm received antibiotics at D0 (RR, 0.06 [95% CI, .04-.09]). There were fewer secondary hospitalizations and deaths in the CRP arm: 0.5% (4/865) vs 1.5% (13/854) (RR, 0.30 [95% CI, .10-.93]). CRP testing using a cutoff of ≥80 mg/L, integrated into an electronic decision algorithm, was able to improve clinical outcome in children with respiratory infections while substantially reducing antibiotic prescription. NCT02225769

    Burden of human brucellosis and risk factors in animal-human interface: A case study in Mikumi-Selous ecosystem, Morogoro Tanzania

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    Fever causing zoonoses such as brucellosis are common in sub-Saharan countries and rarely routinely diagnosed in patients with febrile conditions. The aim of this cross sectional study was to establish the burden and risk factors of human brucellosis in animal-human interface areas in Mikumi-Selous ecosystem, Tanzania. The study was undertaken from January 2011 to February 2012. Brucellosis screening was carried out by Rose Bengal Plate test (RBPT) in serum from fever (n=1509) and none fever (n=298) patients attending at selected health facilities. The overall sero-prevalence of brucellosis in human was 20.5% (95% CI: 18.7-22.5, n=1807). A highly significant (P = 0.0001) infection rate was found in fever group 23.9% (n = 1509) than individuals in non-fever group (3.7%). Mvomero district had higher prevalence (P = 0.0001, OR = 1.42) (36.1%) than other districts. Questionnaires were administered to 369 brucellosis screened respondents in their households. It was found that contact with cattle manure, milking work, and contact with placenta during assisted parturition and home slaughter were the significant risk factors for transmission of brucellosis by direct contact. However, consumption of raw unpasteurized milk, undercooked or raw meat and raw blood constituted a major threat of brucellosis to the community in the study area. Brucellosis is prevalent in human distributed in all districts posing a health threat to pastoral and agro-pastoral communities. Participatory intervention through One-Health approach coupled with effective mass vaccination program in animals is vital for control and eradication of the disease.Keywords: Brucellosis, humans, animals, Mikumi-Selous Ecosystem, risk factor